Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities


Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities

Exploring the Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities and the Pursuit of Excellence

In Iloilo City, Congressman Kiko Benitez recently embarked on a fascinating journey of discovery, delving into the technological marvels and the dedication behind MORE Power. This visit offered a unique opportunity for the Negros Occidental 3rd District Representative to witness firsthand the intricate web of systems and infrastructure that empower a region.

Let’s break down this exciting exploration into digestible subtopics, providing a closer look at the significance and promise that MORE Power holds:

 A Tour of Technological Marvels

Accompanied by a sense of curiosity and a genuine desire to comprehend, Congressman Benitez embarked on a tour of the essential installations and offices that form the backbone of MORE Power. The visit unveiled the modern substations, the nerve center known as the control center, and the ever-responsive customer care department. This tour wasn’t just about seeing the physical structures but also about understanding the sophisticated systems that underpin them.

Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities

 MORE Power’s Vital Role in Iloilo’s Success

It’s no secret that MORE Power plays a pivotal role in the everyday lives of thousands of consumers in Iloilo. Beyond that, it contributes significantly to Iloilo’s burgeoning identity as a thriving techno-hub in the region. For Congressman Benitez, witnessing the daily operations of MORE Power was an opportunity to appreciate the behind-the-scenes work that keeps the wheels turning.

 A Glimpse into Legislative Vision

As one of the authors behind House Bill 9310, Congressman Benitez brings a unique perspective to the table. This bill pushes for a franchise of Negros Electric and Power Corp, a sister company of MORE Power, and aims to establish a Joint Venture Agreement with Central Negros Electric Cooperative or CENECO. It’s a legislative endeavor with a profound goal: to ensure that the residents of Negros receive a reliable power supply through this partnership.

Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities

 Addressing Consumer Concerns

For the residents of Negros, power-related concerns have persisted for years. Decades-old infrastructure, frequent and extended power interruptions, and less-than-satisfactory customer service have been challenges they’ve faced. To add to their frustration, the monthly power rates have remained on the higher side. These grievances led to a resounding endorsement of the proposed Joint Venture Agreement during a referendum.

 Navigating Objections

It’s worth noting that the proposed JVA hasn’t been without opposition. Congressman Benitez acknowledges that some of the objections stem from uncertainties among CENECO employees about the future. Privatization often raises concerns, and these apprehensions have been a basis for objections to this initiative.

Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities

 The Power Behind Economic Growth

The significance of a reliable power supply goes beyond just convenience. It’s intertwined with economic growth and the future of industries. In an era where Iloilo aspires to expand into BPOs and digital services, consistent power becomes the backbone of this progress. Rolling brownouts and unpredictable power outages are formidable hurdles that need to be overcome.

 The Efficiency of MORE Power

Amid these challenges, Congressman Benitez commends MORE Power for its efficiency and reliability in power distribution and customer service. This commendation is a testament to MORE Power’s investment in infrastructure and human resources, making it a powerhouse in delivering quality service.

 The Road Ahead

As Congress takes a temporary recess, the hopes are set high for the approval of this legislative initiative in the first quarter of 2024. The road ahead may hold more discussions and deliberations, but the vision of a more electrified and empowered Negros remains clear.

In the words of MORE Power and NEPC President Mr. Roel Castro, this Joint Venture Agreement is designed with the consumers in Central Negros at its heart. It’s a solution born out of necessity, considering the financial challenges faced and the growing demands on the existing infrastructure.

In the end, this journey of Congressman Benitez through the halls and systems of MORE Power is more than just a visit. It’s a testament to the unyielding pursuit of excellence, the commitment to progress, and the realization that together, we can power a brighter future.

Vision of MORE Power: A Glimpse into State-of-the-Art Facilities

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