Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

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 Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO Joint Venture Agreement (JVA)

Electricity theft, mainly through illegal tappers, poses a significant challenge to the distribution system of electric utilities. Central Negros Electric Cooperative (CENECO), like many other power distribution companies, faces a continuous battle against electricity pilferage. Illegal tapping of electricity not only leads to system losses and directly impacts consumers’ bills, resulting in economic consequences for both the utility and the end-users.

 Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Understanding Illegal Tapping

Illegal tapping, electricity pilferage, or power theft involves unauthorized connections to the power distribution system. Perpetrators may tamper with electric meters, bypass them, or create makeshift connections to steal electricity without paying for it. These illegal activities are unlawful and dangerous, posing significant safety risks to the perpetrators and the public. Illegal tappers use jumpers, which are unauthorized connections, to tap into the electrical distribution system and steal electricity without paying. This practice is illegal, poses safety risks, and contributes to system losses for the utility company. Electricity theft is a serious issue that authorities and power distribution companies work diligently to address and prevent.

Impact on System Loss

System loss refers to the difference between the electricity purchased by the distribution company and the actual amount billed to consumers. Illegal tapping significantly contributes to system loss for CENECO and other power distribution utilities; as stolen electricity goes unaccounted for, the overall system loss increases, affecting the company’s revenue and operational efficiency.

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Economic Consequences

The financial impact of illegal tappers is substantial. CENECO, like any utility facing electricity theft, incurs losses due to uncollected revenue from stolen electricity. These losses and the cost of addressing and investigating power theft cases can strain the cooperative’s financial resources and hinder infrastructure improvements and service upgrades.

Burden on Consumers

The ultimate burden of illegal tapping falls on law-abiding consumers. Power distribution companies may charge the cost of system losses to consumers’ bills to recover lost revenue from electricity theft and maintain financial viability. As a result, honest consumers end up subsidizing electricity theft by those engaged in illegal tapping, leading to higher electricity bills for everyone.

 Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Safety Risks

Aside from the financial implications, illegal tapping poses grave safety hazards. Unauthorized electrical connections are often poorly constructed and lack the necessary safety features, increasing the risk of electrical accidents, fires, and fatalities. This endangers the perpetrators, innocent bystanders, utility workers, and nearby properties.

Combating Illegal Tapping

Efforts to combat illegal tapping require a multi-faceted approach. Power distribution companies like CENECO must invest in advanced metering infrastructure and surveillance technologies to detect and deter power theft. Raising public awareness about the dangers and consequences of electricity pilferage can discourage potential perpetrators.

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

The Successful Program in Barangay Camalig, Jaro, Iloilo

In Jaro District, Iloilo City, a recent initiative of MORE Power showcased the commitment of local authorities to tackling power theft and promoting transparency in their operations—two teams of apprehension personnel equipped with modern body cameras conducted inspections in Barangay Camalig. The use of body cameras ensured accurate documentation of the inspections, providing crucial evidence for further actions.

During the inspections, the teams made a startling discovery – several households were illegally tapping power from street lights. Such electricity theft poses financial losses to the utility company and endangers public safety. To address this issue, the teams promptly issued inspection reports to the households engaged in illegal tapping. These reports would facilitate and expedite applying for proper electric supply through the utility company.

The Barangay Camalig authorities vowed to support the campaign against power theft and actively encourage the community to cooperate with the initiative. By fostering community involvement, they aim to promote a sense of responsibility and ownership among residents, leading to more conscientious energy consumption practices.

Replication of Apprehension Programs in Central Negros

This successful program in Barangay Camalig is a shining example of what can be achieved through collaborative efforts between law enforcement, local authorities, and the community. The results have been so promising that a similar initiative is now being considered in Central Negros Electric Cooperative (CENECO). If the joint venture between PrimeElectric and CENECO is pushed through, the same type of program will be implemented in Central Negros.

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Participation in the Impending Plebiscite on the Joint Venture

With the impending plebiscite on the joint venture, the people must participate and show their support. Saying yes to the JVA would signify a commitment to improved operations, more robust anti-power theft measures, and better services for the community. By supporting the joint venture, the people can contribute to the sustainable growth of their local utility company and ensure that reliable and fair electricity distribution remains accessible to all. Together, let’s say YES to the JVA and build a brighter and more efficient energy future for Central Negros!

 Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

Systems Loss, Consumers Bills | Plebiscite on Primelectric, CENECO JVA

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