Prostate Cancer Protection: A Healthy Lifestyle with Organique Acai Premium Blend 


Prostate Cancer Protection: A Healthy Lifestyle with Organique Acai Premium Blend 

Prostate Cancer Protection: A Healthy Lifestyle with Organique Acai Premium Blend 

Many people are concerned or even scared with cancer, or as we call it, The big C. It has many different types and symptoms. In the Philippines, prostate cancer is the fifth leading cancer type and the third leading cause of cancer deaths among Filipino males according to data released by the Department of Health. Despite the numbers, you don’t need to be terrified of the disease if you are a healthy male. You can do your part in protecting yourself from prostate cancer (and other cancers) by staying fit and healthy and supplementing with Organique Acai Premium Blend.

Prostate Cancer Protection: A Healthy Lifestyle with Organique Acai Premium Blend 

About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer happens when cells grow uncontrollably on the prostate, the male organ in between the urethra and the bladder. This often results in the prostate becoming enlarged.

Dr. Roel Tolentino, a surgical oncologist at St. Luke’s Medical Center, explains that men have to take care of their prostate since it is the body part that protects the sperm. Like any other organ, it is vulnerable to cancer, and it is important to watch out for any signs and symptoms so that we don’t get sick.

On the good side, enlargement of the prostate doesn’t necessarily mean prostate cancer. Sometimes, it can be a sign of prostatitis, or infection of the prostate. It is also known as benign prostate hypertrophy, which  usually happens as men get older.

However, you may want to check for blood in your urine or semen, or if you are experiencing difficulty peeing (even if you frequently feel the need to go to the bathroom).

If you have any of these symptoms, you should go to a doctor, especially since prostate cancer usually has no symptoms.

Dr. Tolentino also says that this type of cancer usually spreads to the bones. Other symptoms to look out for would be bone and back pain, loss of appetite, and pain in the testicles.

The Treatment

For prostate cancer, usual treatments involve radiotherapy and removal of the testicles to prevent the cancer from spreading.

Dr. Tolentino emphasizes that to decrease the risk of prostate cancer, you have to make sure to live a healthy lifestyle. This means making sure that your diet has less meat and other  fatty, processed foods. You should also include more fruits and vegetables.

While protein is important for our body, we need the antioxidants and nutrients in these “glow” foods. These will help protect the body against free radicals—which are naturally produced molecules in the body that come from its regular processes.

It’s also important to exercise. There is always a relationship between excessive weight and illness, so try to squeeze in some light exercise in your daily routine, like dancing or even just walking.

Lastly, take  food supplements such as Organique Acai Premium Blend. It can also help your body build up a strong defense against cancer and other conditions, such as hypertension and heart disease.

Organique Acai Premium Blend is an all-natural mix of vitamins and antioxidants that will help protect your immune system. It also  has anti-inflammatory properties. Just take one shot glass-full, 30 minutes before breakfast to start your day right.

Don’t forget though, since this is just a food  supplement. So you still have to pair it with a nutritious diet and enough physical activity for overall health.

To know more about Organique Açaí Premium Blend and how it can help you overall wellness, visit Or you can call hotline, 0969-1754233. Available in all Mercury drugstores,  S&R outlets, and other major drugstores and supermarkets near you.

Prostate Cancer Protection: A Healthy Lifestyle with Organique Acai Premium Blend 

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