Organique Acai Premium Blend is a Great Help for Liver Health


Organique Acai Premium Blend is a Great Help for Liver Health

Organique Acai Premium Blend is a Great Help for Liver Health

In the Filipino culture, we often celebrate with good food and drinks. Food is often rich fatty, and salty and involves a lot of meat and seafood. Meanwhile, drinks are sugary, carbonated, and alcoholic. But all these things are not good for our liver health. We need to watch what we eat and drink. With the help of Organique Acai Premium Blend, we can maintain liver health and prevent illnesses.

Causes of Liver Problems

Drinking is a big part of our Filipino culture. It is not rare to see people drinking on the side of the streets at the end of the day or when they sing karaoke with friends. But as the old saying goes, everything in moderation. To put things into perspective, too much alcohol and fatty food can negatively affect our bodies, particularly our livers, and make us vulnerable to many different illnesses. Among those that can ail us are hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

These three (3) major diseases of the liver are actually connected.

This was explained further by Dr. Roel Tolentino, a surgical oncologist from St. Luke’s Medical Center. He said that hepatitis, or the inflammation of the liver, can be caused by too much alcohol consumption. This is then known as alcoholic hepatitis.

Meanwhile, hepatitis has different variants—Hepatitis A is caused by eating or drinking food that has been contaminated with the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) while Hepatitis B can come from infected blood and other bodily fluids. Additionally, Hepatitis B can also be passed from mother to child.

All these forms of hepatitis can cause liver cirrhosis, which is the scarring of the liver from liver inflammation and damage. Some signs that someone may have hepatitis are the yellowing of their eyes and skin, fever, loss of appetite, and bulging of the stomach. The rest of the body, and not just your liver, show the symptoms of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis because this organ is responsible for filtering the chemicals and toxins that out body is exposed to everyday. These toxins can come from processed food, alcohol, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.

Moreover, the liver also helps process nutrients and fights against diseases. Our liver helps clean our body every day but it also needs to heal itself. If we are exposed to too much of these chemicals every day, then the liver can also fail its functions.

Consensus of Liver Health Among Filipinos

People who have had hepatitis and have liver cirrhosis are at most risk for liver cancer.

According to the Department of Health, liver diseases are now considered a “silent epidemic” among Filipinos. Liver cancer is also one of the most common cancers in the Philippines. Many doctors attribute this to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Preventing liver disease is actually quite simple. Dr. Tolentino says that one of the best ways is to include more fresh and natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, in your diet. You can try to have healthier snacks, too, such as vegetable chips or fruit smoothies, instead of extremely fatty and salty foods.

Alcohol consumption should also be controlled, like plotting when and how much you drink.

To prevent hepatitis, Dr. Tolentino advises that we should be careful of used needles, especially those at the hospital. He also says to avoid having multiple sexual partners, since this is how the Hepatitis B virus can be passed around easily.

On top of everything, he says that it is a great idea to take food supplements such as Organique Acai Premium Blend. It contains fiber, Omega 3, and antioxidants that makes Organique Acai Premium Blend unique. Its anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening properties can help protect our bodies (and livers) from disease!

To know more about Organique Açaí Premium Blend, visit or call hotline, 0969-1754233. It is available in all Mercury drugstores, S&R outlets, and other major drugstores and supermarkets near you.

Organique Acai Premium Blend is a Great Help for Liver Health

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