Netong’s Original La Paz Batchoy : A Review


Netong's Original Special La Paz Batchoy : A  Review

Netong’s Original La Paz Batchoy 

A Culinary Journey to Remember: Revisiting Netong’s Original La Paz Batchoy


In 2018, my friends Claire Algarme, Maricar Dabao, and I embarked on a culinary adventure to Iloilo that would leave a lasting impression on us. Our visit to the La Paz Public Market, where we first tasted the renowned La Paz Batchoy at Netong’s Original Special La Paz Batchoy, was an experience that we were eager to relive. Fast forward to 2024, accompanied by Lei Lani Dusaban and Geff Sagala, we returned to this iconic eatery, eager to taste the flavors that had captivated us years before.

Claire, Maricar, and I during our first visit in 2018.

The Search for Authenticity | Netong’s Original La Paz Batchoy

As we approached the La Paz Public Market, we were greeted by the sight of ongoing renovations—a stark contrast to the bustling market we remembered. Undeterred, we set out to find Netong’s stall, eager to revisit the charm of the original place where Batchoy gained its fame. Despite the lack of modern amenities, the allure of authentic, time-honored flavors beckoned us to stay and indulge in the culinary delights of Netong’s.

Netong's  Original La Paz Batchoy

The special batchoy we ordered last 2018

Rediscovering Netong’s  Original La Paz Batchoy

Discovering Netong’s in a temporary space was a delightful surprise, offering a welcome respite from the sweltering weather with its air-conditioned comfort. While the ambiance may not have been extraordinary, the cool interior provided a much-needed relief. The presence of Tagalog-speaking tourists further affirmed Netong’s enduring popularity among visitors eager for a genuine taste of local cuisine. Despite its unassuming setting, Netong’s had established itself as a must-visit destination, with diners willing to navigate through the market’s lively atmosphere to savor its delicious offerings.

Netong's  Original La Paz Batchoy

Leilani and I while waiting for Geff.

The Prices  at Netong’s  Original La Paz Batchoy

I was filled with anticipation as we examined the menu, eager to indulge in the flavors we remembered from our previous visit in 2018. However, we quickly noticed a slight increase in prices since our last visit. The “Special” Batchoy now commanded 90 pesos, the “Extra” was priced at 110 pesos, and the “Mega” stood at 130 pesos. An additional egg could be added for 20 pesos. Opting for the “Extra,” I made a conscious choice to avoid the “Mega” due to its inclusion of bone marrow.

Despite the price increase, we were somewhat disappointed to find that the portion size had shrunk and there were fewer ingredients compared to our previous experience. However, the serving size was still adequate, and the option to add extra broth ensured a satisfying meal for all of us.

The special batchoy now 

A Disappointing Revelation at Netong’s  Original La Paz Batchoy

The initial disappointment hit us with the first sip of broth. We had eagerly anticipated the familiar depth and flavor that had charmed us on previous visits. However, the broth seemed lacking in the rich, bone-infused essence we had come to crave. I missed the magical taste that can only come from expertly simmered bones.

In an attempt to revive the flavor, we reached for the soy sauce and pepper, a deviation from our usual dining habits. This adjustment highlighted the pressing need to uphold quality standards, especially in light of rising ingredient costs. It was a poignant reminder that even beloved culinary classics must evolve without losing their core essence.

Netong's  Original La Paz Batchoy

Conclusion: A Call for Improvement at Netong’s  Original La Paz Batchoy

While we understand the challenges Netong’s Original Special La Paz Batchoy may face, we believe that compromising on quality is not the answer. We urge Netong’s to reevaluate its food offerings to ensure they live up to their reputation as a beloved culinary landmark. We hope that in the future, Netong’s can once again serve the dish that has made them a culinary gem in La Paz.

Netong's  Original La Paz Batchoy

L-R: Myself, Geff Sagala and Lei Lani

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