Negros Power Joins Forum on Power Security, Reliability in Negros


Negros Power Joins Forum on Power Security, Reliability in Negros

Negros Power Joins Forum on Power Security, Reliability 

Empowering Negros Island: Enhancing Power Security and Reliability


Recently, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MBCCI) spearheaded the “Negros Electric Power Forum” at L’Fisher Hotel, highlighting the growing concern over the reliability and efficiency of the region’s power infrastructure. The forum provided a platform for industry experts and policymakers to engage in constructive dialogue and exchange ideas on how to enhance power security and reliability in Negros Island. With the increasing demand for electricity driven by economic growth and urbanization, ensuring a stable and sustainable power supply has become paramount. The forum also underscored the need for collaborative efforts among stakeholders to address the challenges and seize the opportunities in the power sector, setting the stage for a more resilient and vibrant energy landscape in Negros Island.

The Need for Reliable Electricity

Bacolod City Councilor Thaddy Sayson, representing Mayor Albee Benitez, emphasized the critical importance of reliable electricity distribution during the forum at L’Fisher Hotel. He recounted personal experiences of appliance damage due to power fluctuations, illustrating the impact of unreliable power on residents’ daily lives. Sayson’s remarks underscored the urgent need for a more efficient and dependable power supply in Bacolod City. He highlighted that a reliable power supply is not only essential for residents’ convenience but also directly linked to the city’s advancement and prosperity, emphasizing the role of reliable electricity in driving economic growth and development.

Negros Power Joins Forum on Power Security, Reliability in Negros

Insights from Industry Leaders

Frank Carbon, Co-Chair of PCCI Energy, Power, and Water Committee, and Vice President of MBCCI, shared valuable insights into the power industry at the “Negros Electric Power Forum.” He emphasized the importance of collaboration among industry players to address the challenges facing the power sector. Carbon proposed the establishment of a coordinating council for power security to facilitate regular meetings and develop a strategic roadmap for the future. This collaborative approach, he argued, is crucial for ensuring a more stable and secure power supply in Negros Island, ultimately benefiting both businesses and residents alike.

Challenges and Solutions

Bacolod City Councilor Kalaw Puentevella echoed concerns about power reliability and its impact on public safety and the city’s development at the forum at L’Fisher Hotel. He emphasized the urgency of resolving power interruptions to prevent further economic setbacks for local businesses. Puentevella stressed that addressing these challenges is crucial for Bacolod City’s continued growth and prosperity.

Roel Castro, President and CEO of Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC), delved into the technical challenges of power distribution in Negros Island. He highlighted past significant blackouts and outlined forthcoming plans for NEPC, including the CNP Cebu-Negros-Panay backdoor initiative. This initiative aims to enhance power supply and distribution efficiency in the region, addressing the issues raised by Councilor Puentevella and ensuring a more reliable power supply for residents and businesses in Negros Island.

Negros Power Joins Forum on Power Security, Reliability in Negros

Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

As Negros Island looks to the future, the focus remains on strengthening regulations, improving monitoring systems, and cracking down on illegal connections. The collaborative efforts showcased during the Negros Electric Power Forum signify a promising step towards a more sustainable energy future for the city and its residents. The forum exemplifies the commitment of industry stakeholders to work together toward ensuring a reliable and secure power supply for Negros Island.

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