Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive


Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

19 Tips to Survive a Long Distance Relationships  

Maintaining a long-distance relationship may be one of the most challenging kinds of relationship to be in. Imagine the distance that both of you are apart and all the things in between that you always think of as a hindrance or threat. But getting through this kind of fear is possible if you have enough trust in each other. Are you one of those who are in this kind of relationship setup? Then this one is for you!

Here are some tips who those having Long Distance Relationships

Do not overdo communication. It is okay for you to talk daily, but make sure that you won’t be too needy about it so much so that you want to talk any time of the day.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Be creative

Find ideas on how you could communicate creatively. May it be through voice calls, chats, emails, or any other form of communication.

Spice up your conversations

Spice the conversation through naughty jokes. Though this might make you miss your partner even more, this is a good sign of letting your partner know that you want to be with them at the moment.

Look at the positive side.

View it as a chance for both of you to have a better future; your partner might be somewhere because they want the best for your relationship and may also be an investment for the plans.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive


Get rid of uncomfortable situations.

If you think that there would be threats to your relationship, then, by all means, get rid of that by taking space. Being away is already a threat at some point, do not fan the flame by approaching the fire.

Do things together.

May it be through an online game, online movie, or whatever that you could both do and talk about, grab that chance. This could serve as your venue to bond despite the distance.

Always reciprocate

Do the same thing. If you think your partner misses you, then make the person know that you also feel the same. The feeling of reciprocation of feeling would always make your relationship a better one.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Come up with concrete targets in mind.

Few years from now, where do you see your relationship? Are you happily settled? Whatever your plan may be, make sure that you work hard towards that.

Visit each other.

Once in a while, make sure that you get to meet physically and when that happens, make the most out of it.

 Enjoy your time.

May it be alone or with your partner’s family, this is an opportunity for you to get to know people close to him/her.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Be faithful

Never lie in this relationship, for trust here is so significant that there is no turning back once it’s broken. Little things matter. So, do not ever lie, even with just minor details.

Be informed of each other’s schedules.

This would allow both of you to manage time wisely in talking, calling, and all sorts of bonding.

 Give your partner something personal.

May it be a pillow, keychain, or anything that your beloved would always use. So, that when your partner does use it, your loved one would think of you.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Be Transparent with your social media affairs.

Be informed about each other’s social media activities. This would help you see your partner’s recent whereabouts and the kind of people your partner meets.

Find cool apps.

Try to avoid in settling for less when it comes to the app that you’ll use in communication. Finding something valuable and cute for letters and emojis could also add up the overall message you send.

 Send something to your partner personally.

I am pretty sure that this would surprise your partner in many ways!

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Be hopeful

Be optimistic and always think that you can surpass the challenges brought by this kind of relationship setup.

Be updated about each other’s cliques and families.

This will help you strengthen your ties with people that you both care about.

Be realistic

Limit your expectations so that if things do not happen the way you want them to, you won’t end up ending your partner or feeling extremely bad or disappointed about it.

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

Long Distance Relationships | 19 Tips to Survive

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  1. kelly L. Lavergas BSIT 3A-2

    Moving away or working far away or having a long distance relationship. it is a difficult decision for a couple because they are far from each other. the only important thing here is that they should be strong in their relationship because this makes their relationship stronger because they experience it but long distance relationship ship is difficult because it has many issues especially when you just lost some time not to connect with him. All they have to do is always be true to themselves.

  2. John Collin J Jaen BSIT3-A2

    What a inspiring tips & question this Long Distance relationship is very difficult and i know this a challenge only for couple or girlfriend/boyfriend. My girlfriend was working in Japan and we communicate every day, its been 2 years ago when i see her before she goes. This is the big trials that we taken. because her contract was 3 years and now only 1 year left. And we see each other again 😁 and i know we separated each others ways but our love in each other was never gone and Always very sweet & strong. we always think that she work abroad for her future and also for our future and for his family and i super understand that situation. Because im super Inlove of this girl, we fight sometimes but tomorrow we friends again and thats why our Long Distance relationship strong and always happy relationship.

  3. Rodny Malacad BSIT3-A2

    We all know that having a long distance relationship is not easy and very challenging for the both of you to survive your relationship. Distance maybe sometimes a hindrance to you and your partners relationship. If my partner is working abroad and she doesn’t have enough time to negotiate with me, and it happens that I am not comfortable with this set up, for me, the best thing to is to informed each other’s schedule for us to both find time to talk each other. Time and communication is very important in a long distance relationship. Additionally, always look at the positive side and be hopeful. Looking at the positive side of the situation makes your relationship stronger. By being hopeful, you are always looking at the brighter side of the future of your relationship. In a long distance relationship, trust, communication, understanding and loyalty is very essential for you and your partner to possess in order for the both of you to be successful and build a stronger relationship.

  4. Ashlley Jaztine Hisu-an, BSIT 3-A2

    In a Relationship a Couple should Trust and Build strong foundation to strengthen their love for each other. By Spicing up your conversations, Always Reciprocate and Doing things together will help and maintain a healthy relationship. These will make you and your partner to remember each other in time that you were away with your love one. Making Memories with your partner By reminiscing those memories that you were doing before. And that will make a strong bond to continue you Relationship.

  5. Johnie Dave Cordero #BSIT3A2

    Long distance relationships is hard, you put too much effort in it. Trust, Loyal, Faith and patience will be test on you both . Visit each other once in a while so that you can ignite the feelings again and enjoy every moment that you are together. Distance cant stop the love.

  6. Kevin M. Astrologo BSIT 3-A2

    Kevin M. Astrologo BSIT 3-A2
    Be hopeful because you always think that you can overcome these challenges in your life. For me it’s okay. If my partner is busy, she always updating me on time. Because this is for our future someday and also balance time and love. After work, you can be together and you can enjoy the rest of the day.

  7. Manuel Fungo 3A2

    A couple on a long distance relationship will work out if there is compromise, trust and sacrifice. They need to set time to talk on a daily basis. With how accessible internet now a days they can talk all through out the day even if there’s a time difference. They can set dates where they can eat together while on a video chat. Those are just a few ideas to help any long distance relationship.

  8. Long distance relationship

    When my partner leaves for another country to look for a job so that there is financial support that can be given to our family, the first thing I will do is before leaving kmie first talk carefully and plan his departure carefully. Talk about what to do and what not to do! first trust each other so that it is not easy to suspect and fight. it is very important to trust each other. be loyal to one another always think of the welfare of the children or of each other! take care of the things that are done every day when my partner is abroad, always update each other so that I know what is being done as long as it is at the right time if there is no work or the work is about to start always look after each other to know the situation one another! when it’s time for a break, give each other time even for a moment, like when calling on a telephone or cellphone. always keep promises to each other and trust that all the trials will be overcome by both of us.

  9. Klint Libona BSIT 3-A2

    It is true that being in a long distance relationship is not easy. A lot of things may happen and the risk of the relationship to be broken is very high. Sometimes it is not enough to just communicate often because doubts in each mind may rise in an instant. However, there are some things that both partners may do in order to save their relationship from any conflict to rise and be worsen. If I am in this kind of relationship, I will try to limit the things I will be expecting from my partner so that when something happen that can compromise her time for me, I won’t get too disappointed. I will also think of the ways to communicate with her in a joyful manner and make her feel important and missed.

  10. Emel B. Baldeveso

    Emel B. Baldeveso BSIT 3-A2

    For me it is better maybe we just support our partner because it is not bad and if you look closely it will be better then it will also help so let’s let them do the things they want to do and I think there is nothing wrong with it if we will support them

  11. Ronnel Nagalo BSIT3-A2

    If I have a long distance partner with someone working in abroad I’ll gonna explain to her/him what I honestly felt. But I still negotiating with her that this is just a part of our journey. Communication is important but if you both have understand the situation is,it become easier.A long term relationship is just simple if you both two have patience, trust and love. If you love that someone, distance doesn’t matter.

  12. for my opinion before you go on LDR or what we call long distance relationship. Make sure that you don’t have trust issues because going to long distance relationship is difficult, it’s not easy every day your partner miles away from you. But as long as both of you maintains honesty and faithfulness, most important how far apart both of you to one another commitment must be there. It is not easy lost of sacrifice, patience, loving and caring to one another but somehow absence make the relationship more stronger.

  13. For me if i have a long distance relationship i will always be positive i know that my partner have trust and faithful at me, and so do i. To work with it, even if the time is short or limited it is not an obstacle for you to feel your love for each other. always say that you miss her so much that you can be eager for each other and to strengthen your relationship,when you talk always just say that you love her very much and always be careful. That way you can keep the warmth of your love.

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  15. Arby Gumban 3A2

    Long distance relationship is verry deficult, you need to be patient and be faithful for her. you need to trust each other and always give a time to each other like texting or call askil each other what was your day, bacause if you love the person no matter what happens you need to be patient and wait for her.

  16. Emel B. Baldeveso

    Emel B. Baldeveso BSIT 3-A2

    For long distance relationships (LDR) you need to have trust in your partner you also need to be faithful and most of all you need long patience in waiting to be with you because if you don’t have all that it’s better don’t try to LDR. Because you can hurt each other oh maybe you can hurt each other so I believed in those who last in that LDR because they endure not hurting their loved ones and their relationship is more strengthened because of the trials that come to them as LDR’s .

  17. Tristan Kent Balayo BSIT 3A2

    For me is if you are a long distance relatuonship is you need you need to b a loyal and to give concistency to your partner and the most important is you need trust your partner and to be honest with her because if you love a person you need to trust her. And most important is your time because girls she needs your time And effort.

  18. Zaver B. Divinagracia BSIT3A-2

    To survive long distance relationship you both needed loyalty, trust, and be updated always. If the three of that missing or one of that missing your relationship will be destroy or causes broke to both of you. And also you both needed time management cause even you are busy you need to balance the time and love.

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