Kare kare Recipe

Kare kare Recipe

The Recipe for the Philippines’ Kare-kare

Kare-kare is another popular Filipino stew with a thick and savory sauce with peanuts. The main meat ingredient of this dish is oxtail, but many also use calves’ feet, pork hocks, beef stew meat, pig feet, and tripe.

Some cooks made a seafood variation of this dish using seafood like squid, mussels, and prawns. Another popular variation is the meatless version, kare-kareng gulay, or in Pampanga Guleng, kare-kare.

The unique taste of this dish is the peanut butter or ground-roasted peanuts. Annatto seeds are used for the color, thickened by ground rice.

The dish is quite bland in taste, so sauteed bagoong (shrimp paste) is used to create a great flavor.

This Filipino dish is so popular and can be found in any Filipino restaurant around the country.

Kare kare Recipe

Having this dish can be filling; you can’t help to ask for more rice

How to Cook Kare-kare (recipe)


  • Banana Flower bud (1 piece small)
  • Chopped onion (1 piece)
  • Eggplants (4 pcs.)
  • Ground peanuts (1 cup)
  • Minced garlic (1 tbsp.)
  • Oxtail/tripe/beef slices (3 lbs)
  • Peanut butter (1/2 cup)
  • Petchay/Bok choy (1 bundle)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Shrimp paste (1/2 cup)
  • Soaked annatto seeds (1/2 cup)
  • String beans (1 bundle)
  • Toasted ground rice (1/2 cup)
  • Water (34 ounces)

Kare kare Recipe | The dish is quite complete because it has meat and vegetables. It is best eaten with rice


  1. Boil the water in a large pot.
  2. Simmer the oxtail and onions for 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours until it tenderizes.
  3. Add the ground peanuts and peanut butter if the meat is tender. Put the water of the soaked annatto seeds in the pot and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes.
  4. Put the ground rice and let it simmer again for 5 minutes.
  5. Prepare a separate pan, then saute the garlic.
  6. Add the banana flower, eggplant, and string beans to the pan. Please wait until it cooks for 5 minutes.
  7. Transfer the cooked vegetables from the pan into the pot.
  8. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Serve the dish with a shrimp paste.

Kare kare Recipe | Some cooks also use chicken or goats meat instead of using pork. You can try to experiment with something that suits your taste.

There are times when the food that we do not expect to catch people’s attention is the one that tastes better and eventually becomes notable. It can hold the name and pleasure of being the property of a country. Not all foreign individuals would like to eat this dish because of its unnatural ingredients.

Now, you already have a glimpse of information about a significant dish of the Filipinos, the “kare-kare,” try to cook it at some other time, or you can buy it in local carinderias or famous restaurants around different provinces. Dig in and enjoy eating Filipino pride foods!

Feel free to share with us your thoughts about this stew. If you made some variations, please do share your experience with us.

Kare kare Recipe

 This version (photo) was served during our visit in Pampanga. They used this crispy bagnet as the main meat for the dish. 

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  1. Arjay Solitario

    The demonstration will start explaining what Kare-Kare and it can be said like this: Kare-kare is a staple Philippine dish that has a thick flavorful peanut sauce. Any meat can be used, but traditionally it is often cooked from a base of stewed oxtail or beef tripe. Other types of meat that can be used are pork hocks, calves feet, pig’s feet or trotters, other types of pork, and beef stew meat. The vegetables used are eggplant, different kinds of beans, okra, chinese cabbage and other greens. It is flavored with ground peanuts or any peanut butter that is sauteed in garlic and onions. The beautiful color is derived from annato seeds. It is usually eaten with bagoong as a condiment on the side.

    After that, the demonstration can start with introducing the ingredients that will be used. In our case, we will use ox tripe. This should have been prepared prior but it will be explained that it requires thorough cleaning, cut into 2-inch lengths, and boiled until tender. There are ox tripe that have been cleaned thoroughly that can be bought from the supermarkets. Some of these have already been pre-cooked as well. A pressure cooker can be used so you will get a tender meat. Next, we can move to the preparation of the sauce and this process takes about 30 minutes. In a pot, sautee the anato seeds with oil and you can drain the oil after you get the desired color. This process is how you create anato oil and you can sautee onions, garlic, tomato, and bay leaves. Just add pepper to season, fish sauce until it is reduced. You should smell a great fragrance and aroma. You can then add the stock from boiling ox tripe. Mix them well until it boils. At this point, you can add all other ingredients and stir until the peanut butter is well dissolved. Bring it to boil and simmer, adjust taste with salt until you get the desired flavor. You can then place everything in a food processor or blender to make a puree.

    In another pot, you can combine the strained peanut sauce and the boiled ox tripe. Bring it to a boil for another 30 minutes. Adjust seasoning until you get the desired flavor.

    You are now done with Kare-Kare and the demonstration can end with letting the guests taste the dish. Since other processes can take as much as 30 minutes to complete, this can be prepared ahead of time so the demonstration will not exceed the time limit.

  2. Aileen Shane Decena


    There is no doubt that one of the best ways to introduce a culture to the world is through food. Our palates, making prints in our brain and our soul. In this training, I will be sharing with you and our foreign friends a famed Filipino cuisine- “Kare-Kare”. And to successfully hold this event, a training plan will be presented to city officials to make sure that the cooking demo for the international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries is fun and informative.

    The training team will be composed of the following:
    Event Head. Tasked to oversee the whole event, from planning, execution, and evaluation.
    Finance/ Budget Committee. Tasked to present training cost and liquidation of expenses.
    Logistics. This committee will be in charge of the set-up, moving, and equipment needed.
    Audio/Visual Committee. This committee will take care of recording and photoshoots.
    Communication. Tasked to inform and confirm attendance of the participants and secure evaluations after the training.

    Content and Timeline:

    The training will take place on December 11, 2021, and will start at 10:30 AM. Below is the detailed timeline:

    10:30 AM- 10:35 AM -Introduction of the chef, the training program including a PowerPoint presentation that contains a short description of the cuisine, its ingredients, and cooking instruction.
    Banana Flower bud (1 piece small)
    Chopped onion (1 piece)
    Eggplants (4 pcs.)
    Ground peanuts (1 cup)
    Minced garlic (1 tbsp.)
    Oxtail/tripe/beef slices (3 lbs)
    Peanut butter (1/2 cup)
    Petchay/Bok choy (1 bundle)
    Salt and pepper
    Shrimp paste (1/2 cup)
    Soaked annatto seeds (1/2 cup)
    String beans (1 bundle)
    Toasted ground rice (1/2 cup)
    Water (34 ounces)
    10:36 AM- 10:55AM – Cooking Demonstration
    Boil the water in a large pot.
    Simmer the oxtail and onions for 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours until it tenderizes. (Prepared in advance)
    Add the ground peanuts and peanut butter if the meat is tender. Put the water of the soaked annatto seeds and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes on the pot.
    Put the ground rice and let it simmer again for 5 minutes.
    Prepare a separate pan then saute the garlic.
    Add the banana flower, eggplant, and string beans on the pan. Please wait until it cooks for 5 minutes.
    Transfer the cooked vegetables from the pan into the pot.
    Don’t forget to add salt and pepper to taste.
    Serve the dish with a shrimp paste.
    10:56 AM- 11:00AM -Food tasting. At this juncture, selected participants will be invited to taste the food and give their feedbacks. A written post-training evaluation form will also be distributed to determine the efficacy of the program and to identify areas of improvement.

    11:01 AM- 11:05AM- Photoshoot

  3. A Training Plan Presented to the City Officials
    To introduce Kare-kare to international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries
    To demonstrate how to cook Kare-Kare to the participants.

    Prepare a short clip/video on how to cook Kare-Kare and play it during the presentation. Once the video presentation is done, it’s time for them to do food tasting. This is the perfect time for them to provide their feedback, suggestions and recommendations on how to better improve the taste, dish presentation (if needed) and to become a success since the participants are food experts and international foodie bloggers/vloggers. Take note of the feedback to apply it on the day of the event. Budget for the ingredients and materials needed, venue, tokens for the guest, photoshoot expense should also be included in the presentation. Suggestions and feedback forms will be given to the audience and after the food tasting to improve the event the next time it will be conducted.

    PROPOSED BUDGET (given that venue is already identified)

    Estimated Cost
    Equipment and Ingredients

    Liempo/Oxtail/Beef(shrimp, mussels can be an option)
    Bay leaves or lemon grass
    Salt and pepper
    Cooking oil (1 cup)
    Banana flower bud, String beans, eggplants, Pechay (this may vary depending on your need)
    Peanut butter or ground peanut
    Shrimp paste (½-1 cup)
    Annatto seeds (1/2 cup)
    Toasted ground rice or glutinous rice flour (1/2 cup)
    3-4 cups of Water

    Equipment needed:
    Gas stove
    Boiling pot
    Frying pan
    Serving plate, cooking utensils, etc

    This should be given to the invited guests who will do the food tasting.


    In a large pot, put the liempo/oxtail/beef (depending on your preference) together with bay leaves, garlic, peppercorns or lemon grass and salt.
    Boil for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until it tenderizes.
    Once it tenderizes, set aside the liempo or meat.
    In a separate pan, put 1 cup of cooking oil.
    Deep fry the liempo or meat for about 15-20 minutes.
    Once it’s showing golden brown, set aside.
    Saute onion and garlic, add peanut butter or ground peanuts.
    Add the annatto powder dissolved in water and the toasted ground rice or glutinous rice flour.
    Add salt and pepper to taste (add more water if needed).
    Prepare the vegetables (pechay, string beans, banana flower buds (blanch for 2-5 minutes and set aside).
    On a serving plate, put the sauce, vegetables and liempo or the meat and make it more presentable. Add ground peanuts and serve it with shrimp paste.

  4. Rachelle Beth Balansag

    The goal of the 30 minute training is to entertain, give a cooking demo and introduce Kare-kare to the audience composed of international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries.

    Methodology and Delivery Style used will be through cooking demonstration. (This appeals to visual and auditory learners)

    Language that will be used is English.

    Before the training, the ingredients, equipment and utensils should be prepared. The demonstration site should be ready together with the equipment and utensils for usage. Handouts or recipes should be printed for distribution to participants.

    Since the participants is a large group, precook of large batch of Kare-kare should be prepared for the food tasting. I should also pre-measure the ingredients to be used and place it in small cups for smooth flow in the cooking demonstration.

    3 hours before the demonstration, I should simmer the oxtail and onions for it to tenderize.

    Training Proper:
    Printed handouts should be given to participants once they’ll arrived in the venue.

    Depending on the budget, I should begin the demo with a pre-made soup or an appetizer.

    5 minutes will be used for introduction of trainer and background of Kare-kare.

    5 introduce the ingredients. materials, cooking equipment for the dish.

    15 minutes for continuous cooking. While cooking I could also talk about different variants of Kare-kare, its health benefits.

    5 minutes for food tasting and photoshoot.

    5 minutes for evaluation and question and answer.

  5. Training Plan for Kare Kare Cooking Demo
    • If I am a celebrity Chef and was tasked by the Mayor to present a training plan for a cooking demo to the city officials, I will cook the same Kare Kare and serve it to them so they can taste it during my presentation. I only have 3-5 minutes to present the training plan because they are busy people, by letting them taste the same dish, they will be able to give feedback on the taste of Kare Kare.
    • I will start the presentation by stating the objective, and that is to entertain and give a successful cooking demo for international foodie vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries. There should be ushers/usherettes to guide the guests to their seats and to help them when they need something. There should also be a host who will introduce me as a celebrity Chef and the audience from different countries as well.
    • When it comes to the dish, I prefer to cook the meatless Kare-Kareng gulay version or in Pampanga Guleng Kare Kare because that is a healthy dish and has a unique taste and at the same time it is not time consuming since the cooking demo will be around 30 minutes only including food tasting, photoshoot, etc. I will briefly explain to them the procedure in cooking the dish.
    • I will also present the estimated budget for the Guleng Kare Kare which should be liquidated after the cooking demo. Prior to the cooking demo, all of the ingredients for Guleng Kare Kare should be prepared, such as banana flower bud, chopped onion, eggplants, ground peanuts, minced garlic, peanut butter, petchay, salt and pepper, shrimp paste, soaked annatto seeds, string beans, toasted ground rice, and water.
    • During the demo, there should be people in-charge for documentation and photoshoot. Lastly, the food tasting which is very important. I should ask the audience for their feedback. This could be one of the dishes that we can confidently introduce to a lot of people from different countries.

  6. Because the city officials are extremely busy, I would choose to present the training plan through a video since the pitch presentation allocation is only 3 -5 minutes. The first slide will be about the introduction of myself as a Celebrity Chef in Bacolod City, and my plan to wear traditional Filipino attire with an apron during the cooking demo to highlight our culture. The second slide will be about the goal of the cooking demo which is to introduce Kare-Kare to the audience, which will mostly consist of international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries. In the second slide, the history of Kare-Kare will be discussed. The third slide is where the arrangement of the venue will be shown, the need of the screen, how the table will be set up, the cooking utensils, condiments needed, and so on.

    Because the target audiences are international foodie bloggers/vloggers and cooks from other countries, we’ll assume they’re unfamiliar with Kare-Kare, so I’ll focus on presenting the traditional ingredients, which include oxtail as the main meat ingredient, and will tell them that it can be replaced by feet of the calf, hog hocks, beef stew meat, pig feet, and tripe. However, for the food experts, I will emphasize another unique way of cooking Kare-Kare, the seafood or the meatless version. So, in the fourth slide, the Kare-Kare ingredients will be presented together with their measurements, as well as the process of making and cooking Kare-Kare. To save time, I will prepare cooked Kare-Kare and make it ready before the actual demo, one with oxtail as the main ingredient, one with feet of the calf as the main ingredient, a cooked Kare-Kare with seafood, and a vegetarian version as well. I will emphasize the importance of being kind and smiling in order to promote Filipino custom, as well as being mindful of cleanliness and sanitation.

    The actual demo plan, which will be a 30-minute program will be on the fifth slide. The program’s specific timetable and my plans for the day of the event are on this slide. See the details below.

    Demo Activity
    8:00-8:01—Welcoming of Visitors
    8:01-8:02—Trainer’s profile/Intro
    8:02-8:03—Brief History of Kare-Kare
    8:03-8:05— Presentation of Ingredients & Measurements, & Nutrients in Kare-Kare (The list of ingredients & measurements will be shown on the screen)
    8:05-8:10—Process of preparation (explain how you cut the oxtail, vegetables, etc.)
    8:10- 8:15—Process of Cooking. Explain how Kare-Kare is cooked. On the screen, display the step-by-step cooking instructions. I’ll show them each step and tell them how long each step takes, but I won’t wait until the oxtail or other meat is tenderized.
    8:15-8:20—Food tasting. After the last step, which is to serve the meal with shrimp paste, the team will start handing out large plates with rice and pre-cooked Kare-Kare, with four different versions on the plate, to the important audiences. Using the toothpick flags, each version should be labeled with the name of the main Kare-Kare ingredient (such as oxtail, calve feet, seafood, or vegetables) so that they can taste the different Kare-Kare variations.
    8:25-8:30—Ask comments/feedback of the significant audiences, one from foodie bloggers, one from vloggers, one from food experts, and one from cooks from other countries.

  7. Mary Ann T. Saycon

    Training Plan for Kare-Kare Cooking Demonstration

    The main purpose of this training plan of the Kare – Kare cooking demonstration is for the organizers to have a bit of knowledge about the flow of the said segment that was being assigned to the trainer as well as for the trainer to have an outline of the demonstration to be presented in his/her audience.

    • Cooking Demonstration

    • Cooking equipment
    • Ingredients (depends on the chosen recipe)
    • Utensils to use for the actual demonstration
    • Table (for the set up)
    • Microphone (for the trainer to be audible to the audience)

    Training content of the actual cooking demonstration:

    1. Introduce Kare-Kare to the audience. Includes, the history or the place of origin of the recipe since the trainer’s audience is international vloggers/bloggers.

    2. Share the different types of Kare- Kare. Since this menu has a lot of recipes that depend on the people’s choice and location.

    3. Trainer’s ingredients of the chosen recipe. By this time, the trainer will introduce the ingredients and recipe that will be demonstrated.

    4. Food tasting. After Kare-Kare is cooked, let your audience taste it.

    5. Evaluation. The trainer will ask for feedback from the audience about the taste of the food, this will be done through distributing an evaluation form.

  8. Training Outline During Presentation to City Officials
    • During the presentation of my training plan, I will be distributing the training calendar of activities (please see below) I have created for them to have visual on what I will be discussing during the presentation.
    • Also, I will be providing them the recipe manual (with instructions on how to cook coupled with pictures), the proposed outline of the cooking demo (with allocated time duration per activity). Proposed outline of the cooking demo is provided below.
    • To make sure that success of the cooking demo will be done, assigned committee that will be created will send their activities and tasks that will cover every important point of the event.

    Training Plan and Calendar of Activities for a Cooking Demo (Kare Kare)
    Dec 4 – Persons involved in the event will be called for a meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be secured.
    – List of overall officers will be elected to have an order of authority within the group. Commitment of the officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, etc.) will be asked to make sure that they will do their best for the event to be successful.
    – During the meeting, committees will be created to ensure preparations, set-up, coverage and attention is covered before, during and after the cooking demo. Committees are broken down into six (6) groups: Person, Food, Photography, Logistics, Accommodation and Budget.
    1. Person Committee – This team will be assigned to secure the manpower of the event especially in securing the readiness of the celebrity chef. Meaning, this team will make sure that person assigned during the cooking demo will be prepared in terms of skill, scripts, flow of the cooking demo and how it will be conducted.
    2. Food Committee – Assigned team will be responsible for the ingredients to be prepared during the actual cooking demo and food tasting. They will be tasked to secure the completeness of the food preparation so that nothing will be missed during the actual cooking demo and the entire event.
    3. Photography Committee – Team will be assigned to cover the photoshoot and video capture of the entire cooking demo. Also, they will be accountable in taking the entire cooking demo event.
    4. Logistics Committee – They will be assigned to prepare the celebrity chef’s costume, event set-up including venue preparations and audio system arrangement, lightings, furniture, chairs and tables, token that will be given to the audience after the event, the materials that will be used during the event like the recipe manual and anything that will relate about logistics.
    5. Accommodation Committee – This team will be tasked to secure the housing and stay of the guests (international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries) that are invited for the said event. This team will ensure the warm and friendly accommodation of Filipino people to international guest since this will also set first impression to the event. Having good first impression from the guest will lighten and glow up their mood before, during and after the event because they have good experience during their stay.
    6. Budget Committee – This group will propose, allocate and provide budget for each committee based on what each committee has forwarded during the second meeting. Right after the event, the team will do an audit and inventory of what had transpired before, during and after the event based on their surrendered receipts and other cash flow documents.
    – Once committees have been created, each committee will select their list of officers (chairman, vice chairman, secretary, etc.). These officers will take the lead in every committee in making sure that the event will be a success. Each committee will come up with their ideas and activities that will be presented on the next meeting. The content of their presentations should be specific, simple and precise that all committee will agree and comment. Also, proposed budget will be done to be presented during the meeting.
    Dec 11 – On the second meeting, final ideas and suggestions will be closed as agreed by the consensus.
    Dec 18 – A week after the second meeting, another meeting will be conducted to check the progress of their assigned tasks and activities. In this way, the chairman of the overall event can distinguish if each committee are doing what’s supposed to do. Also, they can assess if deadline can be met before the actual event.
    Jan 8 – Last meeting a week after that will be done to check the accomplished tasks and deliverables of each committee. Once confirmed that every committee is ready and prepared for the event, they will do a run through or dry run of the proper event. Meaning, all team will unite to test their resources, preparations and manpower if the event will be successful.
    Jan 12 – The testing will be done three days (3) before the actual event for the team to have another 2 days of allowance to fix whatever is lacking or missing during the dry run.
    – Once challenges are already addressed during the run through, the team will be ready for the actual event.
    – Each committee will make sure that during the actual event no gray area will be missed or left behind. Meaning, everyone should consider every small detail that may negatively impact the entire event.
    Jan 15 – Main event
    – Audience’s evaluation will be conducted. Feedback and suggestions will be coming from those invited guests.
    – After the event, a post-event meeting will be done to check, assess and evaluate the outcome of the cooking demo. Also, a discussion of audience’s evaluation will be tackled for the entire team to know if they have something to improve or work on during the event. Moreover, efforts of each team member will be acknowledged during this meeting since without everyone’s help the event will not be a big success.

    Proposed Training Outline of the Cooking Demo
    9:00 AM – Start of the cooking demo. Audiences are already settled and crew are all prepared.
    – Celebrity chef will start the show through introduction.
    9:05 AM – Celebrity chef will start the cooking demo. Step by step instructions will be provided following the recipe manual which was already distributed to every audience for them to have a guide on how to cook Kare Kare.
    9:20 AM – The cooking demo ends and audience (international foodie bloggers/vloggers, food experts, and cooks from other countries) will do the food tasting including photoshoot.
    9:30 AM – Evaluation through survey will be conducted to the audiences.


    “Kare-kare as it’s best”
    Introduction:This recipe is a Filipino Cuisine and it takes 2 hrs and 50 minutes to prepare.

    Objectives: To serve delicious kare-kare with great vibes to the 12 City Official’s.
    *6lbs oxtail beef slices
    *2 pc banana flower
    *2 bundle pechay
    *2 bundle string beans
    *8pcs sliced eggpalnt
    *2 cups peanuts
    *1 cup butter
    *1 cup shrimp paste
    *2 liters water
    *1 cup annatto seeds(for coloring)
    *2 tbsp minced garlic
    *2pc onion minced
    *seasoning and pepper

    1.Use a large pot and boil the water.
    2.Put the cut beef and then followed the onions for 35 minutes using a pressure cooker.
    3.Taste the beef, once it’s tender add the peanuts, butter and the coloring(annatto) up to 3-5 mins.
    4.use another separate pan and then add the banana flower,eggplant,string beans for 5 minutes.
    5.Transfer the cooked vegetables into the large pot where the rest of the ingredients are in.
    6.Add the seasoning and pepper
    7.Taste it.
    8.Serve it and put some shrimp paste. Happy Eating;)

    After all the procedure that i have prepared, I will let the city official set down and relax for them to taste what i have prepared for them. In order for me to be satisfied about my preparation, I will ask them for an evaluation, recommendation, suggestion about my beef kare-kare and it would be a big help for me. Happy eating city officials

  10. Sarah Mae Tisado

    *including Food Demonstration and Tasting



    This lesson provides a basic framework for conducting a recipe demonstration and tasting. It is intended to allow flexibility for staff to select recipes from fabasianlifestyle.com. Recipe is provided. So, Let’s Start!


    During the session, clients will:
    • Learn skills and be inspired to prepare Kare-Kare at home.
    • Discuss how to prepare the Kare-Kare with a proper procedure.


    -Cooking, like any other talent, is an acquired skill that requires practice.
    -Healthy habits are formed when meals are prepared and consumed as a family.
    -Recipes made with a fabasian lifestyle provide important nutrients for families.
    -More recipes for the whole family may be found at fabasianlifestyle.com.


    -Computer or TV with internet connection to show the recipe video.
    -Food demonstration equipment and supplies.
    -Food demonstration ingredients (will vary depending on recipe chosen).
    Banana Flower bud (1 piece small)
    Chopped onion (1 piece)
    Eggplants (4 pcs.)
    Ground peanuts (1 cup)
    Minced garlic (1 tbsp.)
    Oxtail/tripe/beef slices (3 lbs)
    Peanut butter (1/2 cup)
    Petchay/Bok choy (1 bundle)
    Salt and pepper
    Shrimp paste (1/2 cup)
    Soaked annatto seeds (1/2 cup)
    String beans (1 bundle)
    Toasted ground rice (1/2 cup)
    Water (34 ounces)
    -Food demonstration procedure.
    1. Boil the water in a large pot.
    2. Simmer the oxtail and onions for 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours until it tenderizes.
    3. Add the ground peanuts and peanut butter if the meat is tender. Put the water of the soaked annatto seeds and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes on the pot.
    4. Put the ground rice and let it simmer again for 5 minutes.
    5. Prepare a separate pan then saute the garlic.
    6. Add the banana flower, eggplant, and string beans on the pan. Please wait until it cooks for 5 minutes.
    7. Transfer the cooked vegetables from the pan into the pot.
    8. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper to taste.
    9. Serve the dish with a shrimp paste.
    10. Tasting supplies (plates, cups, bowls, utensils, napkins, etc.)


    -Create an environment that is family friendly and safe
    -Demonstrations and tastings may occur in a traditional classroom setting, clinic waiting room, or community settings. Adapt your set-up to fit your needs. Get creative with your space. Move tables and chairs to the side, if needed.
    -Choose whether you would like to complete a food demo with live preparation steps or a food tasting of a pre-made recipe, or both!
    -Review the recipe and complete the Recipe Highlights tool. Practice your steps and conversation points.
    -Consider the time involved for cleaning space before and after the event, and the number of staff needed to ensure the session goes smoothly.

  11. Marla Laurista

    . Need to check how many city official going to attend the cooking demo.
    . Gather all the their personal information for record purposes only
    . Need to look the suitable training venue with classroom and kitchenette that able to do the cooking demo.
    . 1 day before need to do the marketing for all the ingredients needed.
    . In the classroom i’m going to present to the city officials the complete ingredients and proper procedure on how to cook the caretaker.
    4lbs pata ( pork hock )
    3 quarter water for boiling
    1pc pork knor cube
    3/4 cup peanut butter
    3 bunches baby peachy
    10pcs string beans (balatong) cut into 3inch long
    2 medium size eggplant cut into slice
    1/4 cup atsute seeds
    1 cup warm water
    6 cloves garlic,crushed
    2 medium white onion, minced
    3 quarter water
    3tbsp cooking oil
    1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
    1/4 tsp ground black pepper
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 cup shirp paste

    1. In a clean cooking pot used 3quarter water to boiled the 4lbs data for about 20mins,until become tender and soft.
    2. if done remove from the water and keep a side.
    3.Mix astsuate seed with 1cup warm water and squeeze it until the color come out, drain the water and keep a side.
    4.In another cooking pot put cooking wait until heat up, and saute onion for 10mnis until add garlic and continue mixing until both ingreidient turn into golden brown.
    5. Add another 3quarter water and cover it until boiled, add the pre cooked pata, knor cube and boiled again for 15mins.
    6. After 15mins check and add peanut butter, mix until dissolved.
    7. Add atsuate water to give more color to the food,add dissolved cornstarch to make the soup thicker.
    8.Add the following veggies eggplant, string beans, petchay.cover up the cooking pot and let boiled again for another 10mins until veggies cooked.
    9.Lastly add salt and pepper to taste.

    . Then all the city officials will proceed to the kitchenette side then i will demo the step by step cooking procedure for the kare-kare.
    . When done cooking , transfer the pork kare-kare in the serving dish.
    for presntation
    for photo shoot
    . When done, transfer a small portion of kare-kare in a small bowl to let the city official to taste .
    . When done food tasting, give them a feed back or evaluation form to the city officials to fill-in or write their own comment.
    . Collect or gather all the form and do tabulation for the result.
    . Lastly need to update the city mayor on the result of the cooking demo of caretaker.
    . Then Wait for the next instruction .

  12. Apollo Jose Ocillada

    Training Plan for Kare-Kare Cooking Demonstration
    • A few days before the cooking demonstration, Purchase the Kapampangan version of the ingredient. Separately, read the warning about cooking Kare Kare and its ingredients. Look into the health benefits of Kare Kare. Print any handouts or recipes you want to share with the group. Rehearse your demonstration several times. Attempt to enlist the help of family or friends to keep an eye on you.
    • Check-in with your demonstration site a few hours before the cooking demonstration to ensure that all equipment is ready to go. You can precook a large batch of Kare Kare ahead of time if your audience is large and you want to provide tastings. Pack your ingredients and tools. Examine food safety information to ensure that you have the correct temperatures and materials for hand-washing, cleaning, and sanitizing. Pre-measure all ingredients and place them on your demo table in small cups or bags. Please put them in the order they will be used in the recipe, starting with the ones closest to you.
    • Throughout the cooking demonstration. Introduce yourself and your ingredients, and then speak briefly. Introduce your cooking equipment and the role of each piece in the recipe. Outline the steps you’ll take to prepare the kare kare. Prepare the kare kare according to the recipe’s instructions. During your demonstration (or before/after the presentation), you can discuss the various types of meat used and versions of cooking Kare Kare. Please explain how the different types are processed, when to use them, and where to get them. When the Kare Kare is finished, make sure to emphasize its consistency. It should be flavorful and thick. If you’re going to distribute samples, do so now and talk about the recipe technique with participants while they eat.
    • Include some tips and techniques for why Kapampangan Kare Kare is unique and one of the most popular versions. Don’t forget to thank all the participants who attend the cooking event.

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