Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance


Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Ethical Leadership, CSR, and Good Governance | Joel and Ina Gaston of Hacienda Crafts 

Ethical Leadership: The Role of Executives in Promoting CSR and Good Governance

My journey through the corporate world, coupled with my experiences in management consultancy and my ventures as an entrepreneur, has offered me a panoramic view of the critical role ethical leadership plays in shaping businesses and society. This multifaceted career path has not only honed my skills but also deepened my conviction in the transformative power of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and good governance, guided by unwavering ethical principles.

Jojo Vito during the shoot for Jessica Soho’s feature on his business.

Understanding Ethical Leadership Through Experience

Having navigated the complex terrains of the corporate world, engaged in consultancy for diverse companies, and grappled with the challenges of entrepreneurship, I’ve witnessed the undeniable impact of leadership decisions. Ethical leadership, to me, is not just a theoretical ideal but a practical foundation for enduring success. It’s about making decisions that are not only right for the business but also beneficial for the community and the environment.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Jojo Vito during the shoot for CNN’s feature on his business.

The Power of Influence: Lessons from the Field [ Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance ]

In my tenure as the former Vice President for Marketing for the Association of Negros Producers, the profound influence that dedicated leaders can exert within their organizations and the broader community became crystal clear. Leadership committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) not only galvanizes our members but sets into motion a ripple effect that profoundly impacts societal norms and business practices across the region. The association leaders’ relentless pursuit of ethical business practices and community engagement initiatives serves as a vivid demonstration of the transformative power that comes with responsibility and ethical values.

Jojo Vito during the opening of his art exhibit, “Festive Faces,” at Park Inn by Radisson Bacolod.

Our association’s leaders have pioneered initiatives focusing on sustainable development, community empowerment, and environmental stewardship. These efforts reflect the core belief that business success and social responsibility are intertwined, illustrating how localized efforts can significantly advance societal well-being and sustainability. The work underscores a commitment to not just profit, but to making a tangible difference in the lives of community members and the environment.

The responsibility of leadership is immense, carrying with it the power to inspire change and lead by example. The Association of Negros Producers’ initiatives in sustainable agriculture and community development underscore this, showing how principled leadership can foster a culture of ethical integrity and responsibility. As we move forward, the example set by our association’s leaders continues to inspire and guide us, reminding us of the impact we can achieve through dedicated, ethical leadership.

Sea Urchin Lamps by Jojo Vito

CSR as Corporate Culture: A Commitment to Local Empowerment [ Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance ]

For me, as a producer of souvenirs in Negros Occidental, the allure of ordering ready-made items from abroad, particularly China, presents a tempting shortcut. It promises freedom from the daily challenges of production and management. However, the principle of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) deeply embedded in our company’s ethos compels us to look beyond convenience. We choose to embrace the complexities of local production not because it’s easier, but because it aligns with our commitment to bolstering local employment and supporting our community’s economy.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

3D Wall Art by Jojo Vito

This decision underscores our broader mission to weave CSR into every aspect of our company’s culture. My experiences as an entrepreneur have taught me that a genuine dedication to social responsibility emanates from the core of our business practices. It’s about more than just making a profit; it’s about creating a positive impact on the community and the environment. By choosing to produce locally, we face the day-to-day hurdles of managing production lines and navigating workforce dynamics. Yet, these challenges are outweighed by the benefits of providing jobs to our local people, fostering a sense of community, and contributing to the economic vitality of Negros Occidental.

Our commitment to CSR is reflected in our approach to sustainable sourcing and community engagement. We prioritize partnerships with local suppliers and actively participate in initiatives that contribute to the well-being of our community. This commitment extends beyond the walls of our business and into the very lives of the people we aim to support. It’s a testament to our belief that businesses can and should play a pivotal role in promoting social good, demonstrating that with persistent effort and alignment of values, companies can make a significant difference in their communities.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Real sea urchin shells made into a giant ball hanging lamp, sourced from the Island of Cebu after Typhoon Yolanda.

Leading by Example: Direct Impact Initiatives Through Community Engagement [ Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance ]

In the wake of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), our response extended beyond immediate relief to embody our deep commitment to sustainable development and community resilience. The devastation prompted us to travel to various communities affected by the typhoon, not just as aid providers but as partners in recovery. We ventured to places like Bantayan Island in Cebu and Sagay in Negros, engaging with the communities by purchasing local materials for our souvenirs. This initiative was not only about sourcing authentically local products but also about providing the typhoon victims with an opportunity for extra income during their recovery period.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

This award-winning “Damang” wall decor by Jojo Vito is lighted and made of “Batad shells” from Bantayan Island.

These efforts reflect our broader commitment to leading by example through direct impact initiatives. By making the victims our suppliers, we contributed to long-term rehabilitation and underscored the role of businesses in fostering sustainable development and building community resilience. Our actions demonstrated a belief in the power of community and the importance of supporting one another, especially in times of crisis. This approach to business, rooted in social responsibility and ethical leadership, aims to create a positive ripple effect, encouraging others to consider how they too can make a difference in their communities and beyond.

The aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda reinforced the significance of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as more than a theoretical concept but as a practical and impactful avenue for contributing to societal well-being. It highlighted the importance of building strong, supportive relationships with local communities and showcased how, through concerted efforts and compassionate leadership, businesses can play a crucial role in recovery and rebuilding processes. Our journey to Bantayan Island and Sagay wasn’t just about finding suppliers; it was a testament to our dedication to helping communities stand back up, reinforcing our belief in the importance of sustainability, resilience, and mutual support.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Beautiful items by Hacienda Crafts made of buri.

Overcoming Challenges: A Testimony to Resilience and Community Empowerment [ Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance ]

Hacienda Crafts, under the visionary leadership of Joey and Ina Gaston, serves as a prime example of how businesses can drive community development through the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable practices. By developing communities to craft products using indigenous and sustainable materials, the Gastons have not only provided livelihood opportunities but have also preserved and promoted local craftsmanship. This journey, however, was not without its hurdles. Facing operational challenges and navigating the complexities of sustainable sourcing, Hacienda Crafts’ commitment to ethical practices and community empowerment tested their resilience but ultimately underscored their success as producers and exporters. Their efforts showcase the richness of local culture and the ingenuity of Filipino artisans to the global market, making a profound statement about the value of ethical leadership and community-oriented business models.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Joey and Ina Gaston

The path of promoting CSR and good governance is fraught with challenges, from changing entrenched business mentalities to weaving ethical considerations seamlessly into every facet of a company’s operations. My own experiences traversing various industries have echoed this narrative of resilience. Facing obstacles head-on and maintaining a steadfast commitment to ethical practices have highlighted the tangible benefits that come with responsible business conduct. Companies like Hacienda Crafts exemplify how adherence to CSR principles does not merely enhance a brand’s image but also fosters a deep sense of loyalty among customers, contributing to sustainable business growth and a positive societal impact.

Pieces by Hacienda Crafts. Photos from the Negros Trade Fair

This ethos of resilience and dedication to ethical leadership is crucial in today’s business landscape. It demonstrates that overcoming the challenges associated with implementing CSR and good governance is not just a testament to a company’s endurance but a reflection of its commitment to making a meaningful difference in the world. Hacienda Crafts’ journey from tackling production challenges to becoming a celebrated exporter of culturally rich and sustainable products illustrates the profound impact that businesses can have when they choose to prioritize the welfare of their community and the environment.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

Envisioning the Future: A Call to Action

Envisioning a future where ethical leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are the norm requires a concerted effort from all. My journey, intertwined with that of Hacienda Crafts, illustrates the transformative power of ethical business practices. As leaders, our actions today set the stage for future generations. By embracing ethical standards and committing to social and environmental sustainability, we pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future.

My experiences, alongside those of my colleagues at Hacienda Crafts, highlight the profound impact that businesses can have on shaping a better world. From corporate leadership to entrepreneurship, our paths have converged in a shared commitment to ethical leadership and community empowerment. As we navigate the complexities of integrating CSR into business models, we recognize the challenges ahead. However, these challenges only strengthen our resolve to lead by example and create lasting positive change.

Ethical Leadership, CSR and Good Governance

In conclusion, our collective experiences serve as a testament to the necessity of ethical leadership in today’s world. As we continue our journey, guided by the principles of CSR and good governance, we illuminate the path toward a more sustainable and just society. Together, we can create a future where businesses thrive, communities flourish, and the environment prospers.

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