Embracing the Glorious Transition: A Reflection on the Passing of a Loved One



Embracing the Glorious Transition: A Reflection on the Passing of a Loved One

Embracing the Glorious Transition

Embracing the Glorious Transition: A Reflection on the Passing of a Loved One

For Jessan, my nephew, who has been a valuable support in maintaining my blogs.

In the intricate tapestry of life, there comes a moment when we are faced with the departure of a loved one. While death may seem untimely and, at times, unbearable, our faith offers us a perspective that transcends the sorrow of parting. As the book of Ezekiel reminds us, “I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32). It is a stark reminder that life, even in its fragility, is a divine gift, and our journeys are orchestrated by a higher power.

For those in their 20s, the promise of life has just begun to unfold. Dreams are taking shape, and the fruits of hard work, especially in academic pursuits, are starting to blossom. The passing of a loved one in this season is particularly challenging for the immediate family. Loneliness can be an unwelcome companion, and the void left may seem irreplaceable. Healing might take longer than expected, for the departure of a soul so young feels incongruent with the dreams just starting to unfurl.

Embracing the Glorious Transition: A Reflection on the Passing of a Loved One

In moments like these, we are left grappling with the question of destiny. As believers, how can we question the master plan of our Creator? While we may cry and mourn for a while, the ultimate power lies beyond our grasp. As I pen down these words, I too wonder – how long do I have to express my thoughts and experiences? How long can I chase the dreams of visiting places, trying new foods, and exploring uncharted territories?

We wish and we pray, for life is a beautiful tapestry, and, like a tapestry, we can only see the back side of it. The true beauty is revealed to our Creator, who crafts our lives with intention. For Him, there is no such thing as an ugly life for His believers. It is in moments of loss that our faith becomes a comforting beacon.

Embracing the Glorious Transition: A Reflection on the Passing of a Loved One

Revelation 21:4 (King James Version) brings solace to our grieving hearts: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” In this promise, we find the assurance that our departed loved one has found a place where tears are wiped away, and pain is no more.

Romans 14:8 reminds us that whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. It is a poignant acknowledgment that our existence, in its entirety, is a testament to our Creator. We live and breathe for His purpose, and even in death, we remain in His loving embrace.

As we navigate the complex emotions that accompany the passing of a loved one, let us find solace in our faith. While we may not comprehend the intricacies of God’s plan, we can trust that it is a plan filled with purpose and love. In the face of loss, may we draw strength from our shared hope for a future where tears are replaced with eternal joy, and death is but a passing moment in the grand tapestry of existence.

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