Control Psoriasis by Boosting Immunity


Control Psoriasis by Boosting Immunity

Control Psoriasis by Boosting Immunity

Psoriasis is a fairly common skin condition here in the Philippines. According to Wellness Wednesdays guest speaker and dermatologist, Doctor Sarah Balba-Cabodil — “Psoriasis is a chronic skin infection that develops through a complex relationship between genetics and the environment”. While mostly incurable, psoriasis may be controlled with a strong immunity.

Living With and Controlling Psoriasis

From the doctor’s talk, psoriasis is also connected to our immune and inflammatory responses—causing parts of our system to be hyperactive. Anything that triggers the immune system can cause psoriasis to flare up, even stress.

When we are stressed, the body releases an outpour of pro-inflammatory proteins. Psoriasis is extremely reactive to stress, which results in the immune system’s hyperactivity, heightened inflammation, and an increase of visually obvious psoriasis symptoms.

Moreover, psoriasis sufferers are also more prone to anxiety and depression, so this cycle isn’t just something you are imagining. This cycle affects your everyday life and your relationship with the world. That’s why you need to attack both stress and psoriasis because each makes the other worse. Somehow, the patient needs a lot of help in order to break the cycle.

Control Psoriasis by Boosting Immunity

Boost the Immune System

Those who are suffering from this skin disorder must make health a top priority. It’s so important to take advantage of the many treatment options and approaches that are available for psoriasis nowadays. These are the most efficient ways to stop the itchy cycle of inflammation and stress.

If you want to try a more natural approach for treatment, one very good fruit that I can recommend is the superfood from Brazil — Organique Acai, Dr. Cabodil said. “Since the main cause of psoriasis is the immune system, Organique Acai can help solve problems by boosting the immune system. When this happens, the body will be able to improve the functioning of its immune system, and some of the psoriatic symptoms will slowly fade away,” she adds. This is possible because of the high level of antioxidants contained in a single shot of Organique Acai Berry Premium Blend or a capsule of its freeze-dried form.

Take Organique Acai Premium Blend

Make your immunity strong with Organique Acai Premium Blend! It is considered to be a super fruit because of all the benefits that it offers, such as for cardiac stability, weight loss, increase in stamina, and body detoxification.

If you have questions and you need help about this chronic skin infection you may contact – Psoriasis Philippines (PsorPhil at +932 8926928  It is the only Filipino group recognized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Association and the International Psoriasis Network.

Control Psoriasis by Boosting Immunity

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