Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Cebu, Philippines has a lot of things to offer when it comes to scenery, adventure, and blissful activities. One of the places to visit in the province is Camotes Island. Though not as famous as the city center, I am sure that you will love your stay in this place as much as I do. Here are some of the areas that you should not miss visiting the Camotes Island.

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island and Its Tourist Spots

Buho Rock

A landscape from a top view, this is what the Buho Rock is all about. Heading to the top and getting a glimpse of the spectacular view is very worthy of time and effort. If you do not want to go down the same way, a 50ft cliff jumping is also an option. At the bottom right side of the rock formation, swimming activities may be done.

Busay Falls

Ten-Minute hiking will bring you to the Busay Falls. The three-level falls offer a fantastic structure at the bottom as its water hits the natural basin. May it be sightseeing or actual swimming you are after, the Busay Falls will not disappoint you.

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Bukilat Cave

This cave is much more prominent as compared to the other caves on the Island. So, it can accommodate more people at the same time. The only thing to consider in going to this place is its secluded location. Heading here may take some time, but if you want to get a glimpse of it, I know that you will take on the journey.

Holy Crystal Cave

Situated in Barangay Union in San Francisco, the Holy Crystal Cave is proud to have its magnanimous formations of stalagmites or the crystal-like rocks. The tour inside the cave will take about one and a half hours, but it is worth it. A visit here is free, but donations are welcome.

Lake Danao

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Lake Danao

Ride a kayak and peacefully paddle as you enjoy the beautiful view of the lake. Enjoy the serenity that the place has to offer and enjoy the quiet bonding moments you get to have with your friends or family. You may also join a kayak race on the way to the islets. It takes sweat and muscles to do it, but it is worth it.

Panganuron Falls

Situated in Polo Island, there is a need to walk for about 45-minutes in heading here. Asking direction is easy because the locals are very accommodating. So, bring your trekking shoes with you and lead to these beautiful falls. I am sure that the majestic view and experience it offers is worth the long walk.

Paraiso Cave

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Paraiso Cave

Though smaller in size as compared to the Timubo cave, the Paraiso cave is much developed and organized. From the outside, the park-like structure of the environment brings a serene vibe. Heading inside, the paradise-like characteristic of the cave makes it worthy of its Paraiso name.

Timubo Cave

I would suggest that you head here when it is not too crowded. Inside the cave, you will see a beautiful grotto. The Island is gifted with a lot of caves, and this one is a unique one due to its formation and ability to welcome visitors inside.

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Santiago Bay Beach

Two characteristics that make the Santiago Beach unique are its vast shoreline and its fine sand. The right side of the beach offers swimming opportunities for visitors, while the left part allows them to dine a d enjoy the seafood cuisine provided by the Pito’s Sotokil. The dishes served are sumptuous but are cheap in terms of price. Watching the sunset int his beach is spectacular. At night, doing some stargazing activity as you lay in the fine sand under the stars is purely romantic.

Tulang Diot Island

The delicate and white sand it offers to visitors is genuinely one of a kind. I would suggest that you consider a night camping adventure to maximize the experience fully. Mind you, Tulang Diot is the smallest Island in the Camotes island.

Camotes Island is just here, waiting to be explored. The next time you head to Cebu, do not forget to include this place in your itinerary. Good luck!

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

Camotes Island Tourist Spots

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