Cafe Alicia : A Review | Pamplona, Negros Oriental


Cafe Alicia : A Review | Pamplona, Negros Oriental

Cafe Alicia

Exploring Cafe Alicia: A Second Visit | Pamplona, Negros Oriental

The decision to revisit Cafe Alicia in Pamplona, Negros Oriental, was a welcome one, especially with the sun casting its warm glow on our journey. Accompanied by my friends CG Hisona, Mark Canieso, and Domer, we set out for a second experience at this charming mountain retreat. Our first visit, during the pandemic, was a stark contrast to the vibrant atmosphere we encountered this time around.

As we ascended the mountainous terrain, memories of our previous visit flooded back, but this time, the landscape seemed to welcome us with a newfound vibrancy. The lush greenery and stunning views served as a reminder of nature’s beauty, offering a serene backdrop for our adventure.

Cafe Alicia : A Review | Pamplona, Negros Oriental

The Journey to Cafe Alicia

The road to Cafe Alicia is uphill, so the bus of the City of Himamaylan with the staff of the City Agriculture went back. However, we were in a pickup truck, so the incline was not an issue. Pamplona is located on the coastal side of Negros Oriental, but this place is nestled on the mountainside, offering a different perspective of the area. While the road is generally good, the town proper has some narrow roads that might pose a challenge for large buses.


The Spectacular Views at Cafe Alicia

Upon arriving at Cafe Alicia, we were greeted by spectacular views of the mountains and the areas below. I could only imagine how breathtaking it would be during early morning with the sea of clouds and fog. The place is also said to offer stunning views during sunset, although I haven’t experienced it yet. The ambiance is truly picturesque, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers and photographers alike.

During our first visit, the decors on the ground were different, but on this visit, they had changed to pink. It was quite amusing because I happened to be wearing pink shorts at that time as if the place was prepared just for me. Cafe Alicia features a hanging bridge, chapel, restaurant, bakery, and snack bar at the entrance. It’s an ideal location for parties during early dinner or breakfast, and I’ve seen posts where they create a nice ambiance for evening events. The entrance fee is P100, non-consumable. While the place is popular among visitors, I have mixed feelings about it. I hope that the management will take this review constructively.

Mixed Feelings and Suggestions for Improvement for Cafe Alicia

The ambiance at Cafe Alicia was truly enchanting, with the ground decors adding a whimsical touch to the natural surroundings. During our previous visit, the ground was adorned with a different theme, but this time, it was a delightful shade of pink. It was almost comical how well my choice of attire—pink shorts—seemed to blend in with the new decor, as if the place had been subtly prepared for my arrival. The establishment boasts various amenities, including a hanging bridge, chapel, restaurant, bakery, and snack bar at the entrance, making it a versatile venue for different events and gatherings. However, amidst its popularity among visitors, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of concern about the overuse of artificial elements in the decor. I hope that the management considers removing some artificial flowers in their restaurants and incorporating more natural elements, such as real plants and flowers, to enhance the beauty of the surroundings and preserve the essence of nature that makes Cafe Alicia a charming mountain retreat.

This photo was sent to me by one of our clients for our designer fiberglass \ Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. She used it for her flowering plants. Just imagine if Cafe Alicia were to decorate their place with these potted flowers, which they could change for every season.

The addition of flowering plants like Sampaguita, Jade Vine, Rose Grape, colorful Hibiscus, and Gardenia would not only beautify the place but also provide a more natural and inviting atmosphere. Bougainvillea, with its vibrant blooms, can be shaped and positioned strategically to add bursts of color and charm throughout the area. These local plants can thrive in the climate of Pamplona and would require minimal maintenance, ensuring that the natural beauty of Cafe Alicia remains sustainable and visually appealing.

In addition to flowering plants, the use of potted flowering colorful plants can add a refreshing element to the surroundings. Guests can enjoy the sight and scent of the flowers while strolling around the area, further enhancing their overall experience. By incorporating more natural elements into its decor, Cafe Alicia can create a more harmonious blend of man-made and natural beauty, making it a truly enchanting destination for visitors seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Parks around the world are using potted plants and they change it regularly to change the look.

Dining at Cafe Alicia

For our dining experience at Cafe Alicia, we didn’t eat much as we had already had lunch. We ordered fruit shakes and pizza, which were served with a nice view of the surroundings. However, the food could use some improvement. The flavor of the pizza served to us was very ordinary and not really that delightful. It would be nice if they offered dishes that truly represent the local cuisine, in addition to their international offerings. Despite this, the restaurant’s ambiance and view made up for any shortcomings in the food, minus the artificial plants wrapping the poles at the veranda.

How to get to Cafe Alicia

To get to Cafe Alicia in Pamplona, Negros Oriental, you can follow these directions:

  1. From Dumaguete City, you can take a bus or a van heading south to Bayawan City. You can find these at the Ceres Bus Terminal or the Dumaguete City Public Market.
  2. Ask the driver to drop you off at the Pamplona junction. The trip from Dumaguete to the junction may take around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
  3. Once at the Pamplona junction, you can take a habal-habal (motorcycle taxi) to Cafe Alicia. It’s about a 15 to 20-minute ride from the junction to the cafe.
  4. Alternatively, if you’re driving, you can navigate using GPS or maps to reach Cafe Alicia. The cafe is located along the highway in Pamplona, and there are signs leading to the entrance.

Cafe Alicia


Our visit to Cafe Alicia was enjoyable, but there are areas for improvement. The stunning views and relaxing ambiance make it a worthwhile destination, but efforts to preserve its natural beauty and enhance the dining experience would be beneficial. Despite this, I look forward to returning and experiencing more of what Cafe Alicia has to offer.


Cafe Alicia

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  1. Your posts are always so relatable and relevant to my life It’s like you know exactly what I need to hear at the right time

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