Balut : Unwrapping Culinary Culture Through a Blogger’s Lens

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Balut : Unwrapping Culinary Culture Through a Blogger's Lens



Balut: My Culinary Journey as a Blogger and Devoted Eater

Eggs, the unassuming heroes of our breakfast tables, have always fascinated me with their versatility and nutritional goodness. From sunny-side-up to century eggs, my journey as a food blogger has been a continuous exploration of these culinary delights. Yet, there’s one egg-based dish that stands out in both intrigue and controversy – the infamous “balut.” Allow me to share my personal experiences and observations as a blogger and an avid balut enthusiast.

Balut : Unwrapping Culinary Culture Through a Blogger's Lens

 Introduction: The Unassuming Egg

In my role as a food blogger, I’ve frequently extolled the virtues of eggs – their cost-effectiveness, protein abundance, and straightforward preparation. While boiling an egg might appear to be a routine culinary task, my gastronomic explorations experienced an exhilarating twist with the introduction of balut.

Balut : Unwrapping Culinary Culture Through a Blogger's Lens

Unveiling the Mystery: What is Balut?

The enchantment with balut captivated me as I delved into its etymology, tracing back to an ancient Malay term signifying “wrap.” This designation encapsulates the essence of the preserved bird embryo nestled within the boiled egg. Rooted in China, this distinctive culinary creation has evolved into a ubiquitous street food, making its mark in diverse Asian nations. In locales such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, balut transcends mere delicacy; it stands as a revered cultural icon.

3. The Culinary Journey: My Balut Adventures

Being a dedicated eater of this food, I’ve delved into the intricacies of its preparation. The process involves incubating chicken or duck eggs until the embryo is fully developed. Boiled to perfection, the dish is often stored in warm sand for enhanced texture. Eating balut involves cracking the egg open, seasoning the embryo with salt or pepper, and savoring the unique flavors. I’ve explored variants like “penoy” and enjoyed innovative restaurant adaptations that cater to diverse tastes.

Balut : Unwrapping Culinary Culture Through a Blogger's Lens

 Controversies and Criticisms: Balut’s Standing in Society

While my love for balut is unwavering, I’ve observed the controversies surrounding it. In the West, it’s often associated with poverty, leading to diminishing popularity among the upper classes. Religious texts label it as unclean, and medical professionals express concerns about potential health risks. Animal welfare groups criticize the preparation as “cruel and unusual.” Yet, despite the criticisms, balut remains a beloved dish for many, sparking debates between enthusiasts and critics.

 Encouraging the Skeptics: My Plea to Experience Balut

As a passionate balut eater, I’ve faced skepticism from those hesitant to try this unique delicacy. To them, I extend an invitation to step out of their comfort zones. This isn’t just a dish; it’s an immersive experience, a journey into a different culinary realm. The rich flavors, the distinct textures, and the cultural significance make it a dish worth trying at least once.

So, skeptics, as you navigate the world of gastronomy, consider giving balut a chance. Let your taste buds embark on an adventure that transcends borders and challenges preconceived notions. Yay or nay, the choice is yours to make, and the culinary world awaits your exploration. Join me in celebrating the extraordinary journey that is balut eating!

 Controversies and Criticisms: Balut's Standing in Society

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  1. The innovative balut that I will made is the Sweet baluts and Kwek Balut. As we know that many Filipinos who loves to eat balut and balut has many nutruents that can help us in our health.
    For the Kwek Balut its is simillar to the fishball, kwek kwek and such but it is bigger and many Filipinos will surely love it. And for the Sweet balut, many filipinos love to eat sweets and there are different flavours such as caramelized and honey. The platform that I will use is social Media especially facebook where they can message the page for delivery and orders. As we know that social media is a powerful tool to use.

  2. Lyrissa Patrimonio

    Given the fragile nature of Balut, Not only is it externally/physically fragile but the shelf life of the balut is delicate as well. Given that this task is all about offering Balut Online. Please note that these products will be sold through pre order and by batches. These products will be sold limitedly by week to ensure the freshness and quality of the Balut. To maximize the reach of the products, they will be sold through facebook, specifically on Bacolod food groups/ Negros food groups (ex: Bacolod Q-sina eats). The reason why I chose Facebook as my main platform is because majority of Filipinos—young or old–are using this platform. Especially during the pandemic, the rise of food groups in Bacolod became prominent. So this platform is the best option to offer these to Food enthusiastic bacolodnons.

    1. Dissected Balut: Given the nature of balut being “yucky” looking to some because of the “piso”. My idea is to offer dissected balut where you can order “piso less” Balut. This will be done by opening half of the egg and just leaving the specific contents of balut that the customers want.

    2. Fried Balut: Once again, most people hesitate to eat balut because of the “Yucky” look of the balut. For my second product, my idea is to offer a fried version of balut that doesn’t look wet and gooey. This way balut can now be seen as something appetizing (and crispy ;)).

    – Lyrissa Patrimonio

  3. Angela Paula Peligro BAMK-3A

    Since a lot of filipino love to eat balut with spicy sauce. So I will introduce the 2 in 1 balut recipe Balut Chili Garlic Oil. Balut Chili Garlic Oil is a flavorful condiment made by fertilized duck egg with chili and garlic in oil. It offers a spicy kick and aromatic garlic notes, enhancing the taste of various dishes. This isn’t just a dish; it’s an immersive experience, a journey into a different culinary realm. The rich flavors, the distinct textures, and the cultural significance make it a dish worth trying at least once. The balut chili garlic oil will put in a glass container and I will sell it through Facebook page or marketplace.

  4. Balut is an exotic delicacy in Asia, that continues to be a local favorite to many, and a little out of the comfort zone for some, especially to the upper class. To elevate this dish, I plan to add a little luxury to it, taking inspiration from escargot, a dish of similar background to Balut. I want to add a palatable sauce made of butter, garlic, parsley, and white wine. Furthermore, I will be presenting this with a toasted buttered pandesal on the side. Adding these will enhance the flavor and make the dish more presentable and pleasing to the eye. To reach the masses and consumers of diverse backgrounds, Facebook would be a strategic platform to sell this on. Nowadays, people are more adventurous in trying out new food, and Facebook is one of the leading platforms that promotes this.


    Deriada, Enya Leen R.

    BALUT PARES – Classic pares is always a choice for Filipinos especially at night. I think adding a classic original duck egg, or what we mostly call “balut”, is perfect instead of only adding boiled eggs to the dish. The taste would be so much better, since the taste of the pares soup will compliment the taste of the balut. Also, it will add a crunch and savory taste to it – sweet and salty! Eating Balut Pares with fried rice and chili sauce is a good choice as well, for people who would like to eat heavy meals. This dish is good especially after a good night out when you’re feeling hungry or tired.

    ADOBONG BALUT – Everyone loves adobo – we all can agree. It is the “pambansang ulam” that anyone can eat, and the real meaning of “adobo” is “a cooking process”. Paired with different ingredients – adobong manok, adobong baboy, adobong itlog, etc., Adobong Balut is another dish that anyone can easily make, since you can “adobo” anything!

    The platform I will use for selling these Balut dishes, would be the Facebook Posts and Stories / Messenger Stories! One way I could get my customers is first, from my Facebook friends. I’d have them try my Balut dishes and get them share these dishes to their friends as well, by sharing my posts and stories. As a small business, the easiest target to reach my customers are from my Facebook account. Everyone is in Facebook, so I think it’s easier to sell it there. Also, there’s Facebook Marketplace, where I can post to the public or to Groups where food sellers are also posting their products.

  6. Anya Isabel A. Silario

    Balut is a well-known Filipino delicacy that’s been around since the 80’s. This delicacy is a unique and acquired taste that not all Filipinos enjoy, including myself. Here are two ideas that I came up with if I was given the chance to innovate this product:

    1. Skewered Kwek Kwek Balut
    Kwek Kwek is another famous street food in the Philippines made by deep frying orange batter covered hard-boiled chicken or duck eggs. I think incorporating Balut with the traditional kwek kwek is a fresh and delicious take that surely all Filipinos would come to appreciate.
    2. Kinilaw na Balut
    This idea is based from the traditional kinilaw. Kinilaw is a raw seafood dish that is native to the Philippines. Balut is used instead of seafood. I think that most people would enjoy this dish especially as a “pulutan” for most Filipinos

    These products will be posted and sold on Facebook. I will be creating and utilizing a page, wherein I will post images, reels, and information regarding the products. Action buttons such as message, call, and order will be used.

  7. Mariel O. Cordero

    The two potentials products that I can create or innovate based on “balut” are balut burger and balut siomai. Ground balut meat will serve as the filling of the burger and siomai. Since there are people that really cannot eat balut because of its bird embryo. So, I guess if we put it or make it a filling of burger and siomai, they won’t feel the bird embryo since the balut meat is ground already.

    Probably I’ll either sell it in Social Media platform specifically in Facebook or I can also sell it through food stall. But maybe I will try to sell it first in online to see if everyone will patronize it since its new product idea.

    -Mariel Cordero

  8. When I think of balut, I think of the infamous grilled balut that became a trend during the pandemic. Here in Bacolod City, I remember it being sold at the back of NGC. I was enticed by the visuals of grilled balut, but I never got the chance to try it.

    With that, I came up with two hearty meals that could fill up the satisfaction and cravings of balut enjoyers and those with curious minds— Sizzling Balut and Balut Pares.

    With this kind of product, the best platform is Facebook, because this is where most engagement happen, in a way that the reach of this platform are accessible to all people of ages since 89.19% of the population in the Philippines are Facebook users based on the data conducted this January 2024. Another platform is TikTok, because this is where trend usually happens, especially when influencers or vloggers make video reviews about these kind of products, the probability of this getting engagements is high.

  9. Since “Paste” is trending nowadays and there are so many kinds of paste people are selling like shrimp paste, crab paste. So the product that I could create and sell online is Balut Paste and Fried Balut. Since balut is very popular nowadays and many people were selling balut with different kinds of toppings. Balut is very tasty and flavorful filipino food it could possibly make it to a paste. They can just store some leftovers. I will introduced this product on tiktok and also fb/ig reels since tiktok and reels are a very effective platforms for a business especially for those small business owners and for those who just started there business.

    – Rhea Joyce Niedo

  10. Rizza June Jimena

    What a great read! It allowed me to reminisce about the times when my father bought balut for me and my sisters. Now that the article has mentioned enthusiasm for balut, I have thought of ways where eating balut can be a more fun experience.

    There are two products that I am interested in producing and marketing online. First, SINAMAK. Sinamak has been one of the top favorite condiments that are paired with balut. Its spicy, “maasim” taste compliments the richness and unique flavor of balut. Making sinamak can be a great product for those who are interested in making their own baluts at home or would like to eat one during vacation.
    The second product would be Spicy Sizzling Balut. It is undeniable that sizzling plates have captured the hearts of Filipinos for many years. Now, imagine a dish where both favorites–balut and sizzling plates are combined into one. Not only that such a dish will be a great eating experience, but it will also make a great side or main dish that will satisfy every Filipino’s cravings.

    Both products will be marketed and sold online. In today’s age where people are more updated through social media, I believe utilizing it for business will be a great opportunity. Facebook will be a great tool to market these two. Facebook has a lot of offers for entrepreneurs such as Marketplace or Online selling groups. Moreover, a business can easily be marketed through Facebook with the help of Meta’s advertising. Keywords can be searched and related posts can be seen almost immediately.

    Undeniably, I suppose both products will be favorites, considering the love of the Filipino people towards balut. With Facebook serving as a channel for selling, these two products will be conveniently accessible to the market with only just one message or comment to the post. Delivering the products is now also easier due to delivery apps such as Maxim. Hence, I firmly suppose that such products will introduce a more exciting journey with balut.

  11. Chicken and Duck Fertilized Egg (Balut) Adobo will probably the product that I would offer to sell. As adobo is a famous dish in the Philippines, I want to make a food business of a marinated dish and balut as a main ingredients. I will use the Facebook platform in selling the product as it is a famous Social media platform and can be easily access by everyone and it is the most used app of every generation. The Facebook platform can advertise my product properly and Facebook users can easily inquire directly to us by this platform. The platform used will actively share the unique offering of the business everyday. Fun facts will be shared about the main ingredient which is the balut. The product will be available in local area only because the balut is needed to be consumed as soon as it is prepared and can only be last for one day. Delivery is available in the business for customer’ convenience.

  12. Jhaztyn Wayne Lecerio

    Personally and to be honest, I don’t like balut looking at the duck embryo.

    1st product: Adobong Balut
    – Like the traditional adobong manok and baboy that is marinated and simmered in vinegar, salt and/or soy sauce, and garlic, Adobong balut will be an another addition to the classic Filipino dish adobo.
    – The process of making the Adobong Balut is similar to the traditional cooking of adobo but the only thing is having balut as the only meat.
    – The target market for this product are balut enthusiasts and adobo lovers

    2nd Product: Lumpiang Balut
    – Lumpiang Shanghai in filipino tradition should always be served in special occasions like birthdays and other parties. Lumpiang Shanghai is a deep fried appetizer wrapped in thin egg crepe.
    – The process of making the lumpiang balut is first mash the balut and have it as an alternative for the ground meat. Add the minced onion and garlic and still wrap it in an egg thin crepe.
    – The target market for this product are balut enthusiasts and lumpiang shanghai enthusiast.

  13. In the Philippines, “balut” is a popularly known Filipino delicacy which is made by incubating duck eggs for about 18 days. If I were given a chance to sell Balut in innovative way in which people will enjoy and will make it special is to be an ingredient that will complement the flavor of the pancit bihon as famous Filipino stir-fry consisting of rice noodles combined with sliced pork or chicken and various vegetables and batchoy that is a hearty soup made with pork, pork innards, blood and miswa in a ginger-flavored broth; perfect comfort food of Filipinos. This will be sold through the use of the social media platform specifically Facebook which will reach a wide audience. The taste and appearance of the food is appealing to the eyes in terms of taking pictures to market it well, hence I will assure that this is a delicious merienda for all.

  14. Shekailyn Jean P. Mitchao

    Balut is a fertilized duck egg that Filipinos enjoy as a snack. I think Balut can be innovated as a main dish, which is the Tokwa’t balut. This dish is good source of calcium muscle development and for building stronger bones. Also, the dish that balut can be used is paired with arroz caldo. The platform that will be using is Facebook. It is the great way to reach a large audience of potential customers since many people are using this platform. The potential customer will understand better by using it. Taking pictures is the best way to market this product by posting daily or weekly. Regular posting can encourage more engagement. people will easily see your post and encourage them to try and purchase the product.

  15. Ela Tatiana T. Alova

    The potential products I can think of for Balut is Sizzling Balut or Balut Sisig and Instant Balut Ramen.

    The Sizzling Balut or Balut Sisig will obviously follow the same cooking process as our Filipino Sisig and it will be sold through online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. It would only be sold by pre-order only as it will be delivered fresh as it is a perishable goods which is only consumed maybe within a day. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram is necessary as this type of product can only cater the locals due to one day consumption duration and its need to be freshly cooked. Social media platforms can provide pick-up and delivery options within the city and pre-order options only for interested buyers.

    For the Balut Instant Ramen, it will follow the typical instant ramen where it is precooked with dried block noodles with Balut flavoring powder, preserved balut chunks, and seasoning oil. This is sold online through online platforms like Facebook and Instagram but also it can be sold in famous online platform like Shopee as the production for this type of product can be ordered in bulk or overseas as instant ramen have longer expiration date. For instant ramens, its production can be as many as what the producer wanted, in order to justify the production, big platforms like Shopee is the best place to market the product. In which it can reach wider market overseas which could hopefully encourage skeptics to try out balut with an Asian fusion (ramen), many are already familiar with.

  16. Julianne Madrileno

    I personally haven’t tried eating balut my whole life but your insights changed my perspective about the delicacy and it made me more curious about trying it out.

    If I were to think about two products, it would be: waffle balut and balut chips. I thought about waffle balut as it exemplifies the balance of both sweetness and savory flavors. This would entice children who are not fond of eating this delicacy as it is more visually appealing to the eyes. On the other hand, balut chips is not literally made out of the balut itself, hence, it is basically chips with powdered balut flavoring. I think this would become a go-to snack every Filipino gathering especially when it is paired with the famous pinakurat vinegar. These products will be made available on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram because it is much easier to reach customers most especially through various food groups and Facebook Marketplace.

  17. Angelica T. Labrador

    The two potentia product or services base on the existing product “balut” are sizzling sisig balut perfect for the gatherings with chillnoman (chill na inoman) and kinilaw na balut. Negros is known on its rich resources of agriculture and it’s easy to find a supplier so it isn’t hard to put a business that suits for its demographic aspect and we can innovate at some point.

    Balut is also good for our health, especially to our bones it keeps our joints stronger. So, while enjoying your cravings of balut you can also find a benefits by eating, satisfy your cravings and body. This dish will surely change your perception of “balut” it isn’t end there by peeling off thier shells there’s more than a balut you can experience.

    – Angelica Labrador

  18. Grilled Balut and Adobong Balut could offer tasty twists on the usual balut, making them stand out – the visual appeal of these two unique preparations can be paired with engaging content on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, where it can introduced these new taste in the buds and has the potential to create a viral food trend. Especially with social media’s vast reach and influence that can rapidly popularize these creative balut dishes, attracting consumers and driving demand as users share and comment, leading to potential sell-outs in every vendor who would sell these two recipes (Grilled Balut and Adobong Balut).

  19. Greta Camille Soguilon

    Balut is a unique Filipino food that is loved by many. It is exceptional in taste as it has the developing embryo of a duck. The platforms that I would consider are Facebook and TikTok, as they reach a wider scope of the market. The following statements are two of the potential products I came up with in terms of innovating this product.
    Two potential products
    Adobong balut with rice (rice meal)
    Filipinos love to pair every food with rice. That’s why I came up with the Adobong Balut with rice.
    Fried Balut
    Fried balut is something new to start with since we are accustomed to the usual cooking of balut.

  20. Franczine Danielle Angelique Cordova

    Business Venture: “Balut-in Mo Ako”

    1st Product/Service Idea: Wrapped Balut
    – Just like the famous vlogger once said, but with my own twist, “What happens when you cook balut in rice paper?”
    – Balut will be offered in the market, but not just as it is. This time, it will be wrapped in rice paper and will then be fried for an extra crisp in every bite.
    – This offering will be available on the Facebook platform and can be ordered via local food riders and our own delivery service.
    – This will be packaged in a box for safety purposes during delivery and will be accompanied by various delectable sauces for customers to enjoy.
    – For balut enthusiasts.

    2nd Product/Service Idea: Balut Fiesta
    – One balut is not enough. This venture will allow customers to order 10 baluts in a box, not for themselves to enjoy alone (sure, if they want) but for their families as well.
    – This offering will be available on the Facebook platform and can be ordered via local food riders and our own delivery service.
    – This will be accompanied by different delicious sauces for customers to enjoy.
    – For balut enthusiasts.

  21. Glory Dawn Estares

    When you mention balut, a lot of people see this as a unique delicacy. Even many Filipinos have not tasted it, since it’s kind of “weird” to eat the chick. So innovating this product i came up with two potential product. The first one is a balut with chili garlic in jar. These days Its a trend to put something in jar like the bangus belly and aligue. The second one is sizzling balut, it’s a good combination with rice since Asians are known for always having rice whenever we eat. With this, it can be new to the Filipinos eyes and to try something with a twist.

    The best platform on selling these product for me is the TikTok. I’ve notice that a lot of consumers are now buying on TikTok shop since you can advertise your product then putting the yellow basket underneath the video, so it’s easier for the consumer to check out the product.

  22. Ryza Jean Blancaflor

    Balut is one of the representation of the creativity of Filipinos to make similar with other Asian cultures that mainly showcase uniqueness. Moreover, it is a nutritious and affordable ready-to eat snack that made more popular. With this, Balut should recognize more to other nationality not only to Filipino. By creating more advertisements and videos or reels to all social platforms like Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram and etc., this includes how people eat Balut and how would they describe so that it would boost more to social media. There will be a lot consumers that are intrigued or been wanting to try Balut. Hence, Balut can offer different kind of more flavors not only the soup itself but it can also be grilled or put some chili garlic sauce and more. Based on my liking, I love putting chili garlic sauce to my Balut since I love to eat spicy foods and it can also a perfect pair because it is salty and spicy which a lot of people will love. “Balut with chili garlic sauce” will be definitely on top!

  23. Threxie Ann Rolan

    1. Fried Balut
    – If i were to make something different to a classic balut, I will be making it like a fried chicken, and pair it with rice to make it vaint.
    – i will make a facebook page for this product to reach its target market, and it will be available for pre-orders.

    2. Balut Adobo
    – this business idea is inspired by a filipino classic dish which a lot of people admire even from different countries. combining two classic dishes the balut and adobo.
    – this will be post on a facebook page and available for pre-orders

  24. Elisa Zarah J. Ogerio

    One potential product that i believe would be great to level up Balut, is “Siomai Balut”. Instead of pork, make balut as the alternative pork. Wrapping balut with siomai wrap would make balut a different taste that I believe people would want to try. You just add some spices and people would want it.
    The second one I believe that would level up balut is to make Balut a “Sisig Balut”. It would be a great change in the food industry and I believe that a lot of people will try it solely for the reason that it’s different in what we are usually eating. It would make balut more tastey and every filipino would really like to try it in a different menu.
    If I were to sell these products, it would be sold in Facebook. As there are a lot of people using it and it would be a great platform to spread your products online. I also prefer and suggest to create a Facebook page for people to easily manage it and track your orders online. I believe that a great marketing campaign would really boost ones business and doing it in Facebook would be a one step to do that.

  25. Clint Lloyd Parzan

    “Unusual” A simple word that you can describe to an extraordinary cuisine, Balut, it is not only served it the Philippines but well know as well in the different countries in Asia. A product that I can develop or innovate with this delicacy is a grilled balut on stick and vinegar – braised balut. A grilled balut was once a trend last 2023 yet like just any trend it will always die down. A grilled balut on stick is my own take on this delicacy, it is serve with the same process but without a shell and pierce within a stick, season with different flavors such as sweet and spicy, classic, and barbeque. On the other hand, a vinegar – braised balut is my own take to filipino food “Adobo”, serve with rice and sprinkled with scallion. I believe that this product development will uplift the trend and the delicacy that we love while also maintaining some aspects of origin in the product. I will utilize social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram to sell the products and while also creating different promotional materials for it. I will also utilize Tiktok as one of my digital marketing to create awareness in the market. Moreover, these platforms are crucial in ecommerce as these are the main streams that consumers always use in a daily basis.

  26. Krystelle Sylvia Alvarado

    In making an innovative new kind of twist on balut, the first innovative product is that I will make a unli cheesy balut that has been grilled in order for the cheese to melt inside and crispy fried balut. It can be a new curiosity flavor for consumers, as of this day, they often see grilled and chili garlic sauce balut in the market.

    In order to establish the innovated products, I will first propose them to the public to see if they like them and give a comment or suggestion on the said products. And I will give a free taste testing first, and once the majority agrees to launch this, I will sell it on social media platforms along with the testimonies of those who already had a free taste last time. So that many people will engage due to their curiosity and eagerness to experience the new taste of balut. And I will sell it in an affordable price as balut in entitled for “pangmasa” and as a marketer, its our duty to let the consumer taste every kind of products with an affordable price yet promising taste experience.

  27. Julianne Mae C. Bonache

    “Balut” is an exquisite delicacy of the Filipino streetfood. It can be bought anywhere and is always paired with nuts. It is a bit different than the usual chicken egg since it has an duck embryo. In my personal opinion, I think balut can be elevated and can be used as an ingredient for pasta dishes; Specifically pairing it with a peanut sauce to combine both of the famous streetfood combination. I would also like to see if balut would be a good alternative to soup or stir fried dishes such as lomi or even chopsuey. This innovative products could be a great way to introduce balut to those who aren’t accustomed to its taste. In addition, social media platforms such as Facebook especially Facebook market is of great help because this is where businesses can find their potential customers. All in all, introducing this online would help people be familiarized to this special dishes and unwrap the delicious taste behind it.

  28. Balut is one of the delicacies sold here in the Philippines. A lot of Filipinos lately discovered that “balut” itself is not only on one variation, but it can be cooked in few different ways knowing how Filipinos innovate things.

    First Thing that I can think of is fried rice mixed with balut. I know that it’s quite concerning to hear but I guess the slight sweet and blandness of balut will be a perfect ingredient for a fried rice balut. You can also use balut as one of the ingredients on a sandwich wherein you’ll strain its soup first then mash the balut overall. You’ll have to be careful cause like there’s bone and stuff but once it’s mixed with mayo and pickles it’ll do the job. The platform that I’ll be using is TikTok knowing how fast TikTok video spreads. Mixed with curiosity a lot of people will actually look how this food taste like and they’ll make a video about it and more will be curios.

    This will also prove the wit of a Filipino Entreprenurial. From classic balut to BBQ balut to balut fried rice and ended it with balut sandwich it’ll totally make a difference. TikTok’s algorithm will play its part on making these products trend and who knows, it might reach international level.

    -Jeremy Arroz

  29. Nathaniel Gallego

    Every individual has different perspective about Balut in terms on the field of gastronomy, critics, enthusiast and people that never eaten Balut before. As a marketing student it depends on the target market on how you innovate the Balut. But for me to market Balut to the different consumers, it should adapt the trend and modern taste of people in this generation. It could be grilled Balut, since a lot of Filipino are love grilled foods or “inihaw”. Also Balut with soup that it makes the soup flavorful with the twist of culinary cuisine. The platform that I will use to sell Balut to the consumers it would be online (Social media, Grab, etc.) Because it will be more convenient and accessible to the consumers and the information about Balut will motivates consumers why Balut is worth the effort. Innovating Balut I believe is not bad, it doesn’t detach our culture but rather adapting our culture to our future.

  30. The 2 products that came up to my mind after reading the article are:
    a. Sizzling Spicy Balut- this is inspired by the famous pulutan here in the Philippines, the sizzling sisisg, since Fililipinos love to eat balut at the same time sisig as pulutan or meal. I came up with this idea to combine sizzling sisig and balut served with rice or a platter only.
    b. Crispy Balut Eggs- here in Bacolod City, we haven’t seen and eaten yet a deep fried balut eggs, so I’ve decided to come up with this unique idea for Bacolodnons to enjoy with.

    With these ideas of mine, I’m planning to sell it online especially to the most well-known social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. To be more specific, I will create a page entitled “The Balut Specials” and post my new dishes using balut eggs that I believe will caught the attention of Bacolodnons or across cities. Also, I will put details on how to order, mode of payment, and mode of delivery. I’m planning to accept pre-orders on a weekend delivery or pickup in order to make all orders at the same day to reduce cost of utilities and other equipments used.

  31. Joni Jade A. Palma

    Balut, also known as fertilized egg, has been included in the traditional culture of every Filipino. I would prefer to sell a “Special Batchoy” which has Balut in it instead of a regular egg. Second, a Sisig Balut served on a hot sizzling plate which gives balance on the umami flavor. These two innovative potential products will be promoted and sold on Facebook as it is a popular platform for sharing food content, and most of the content on Facebook has more views on Filipino food, especially “Balut”. These potential products also promote the other two Filipino foods, resulting in potential customers who would likely try these products and would definitely like to share them with other locals and foreigners as well.

  32. If I were to innovate the one of the Pinoy’s best street food “Balut”, I’ll be giving it a twist by making it crispy fried balut. The balut will be covered by starch and egg, and will be deep fried. It will be drizzled with sweet and sour sauce to make it more tastier. The other one is Adobong Balut, the taste will be high light the sweetness with a kick of spiciness.

    I’ll be utilizing Facebook reels in advertising the product and informing consumers how to order the product specialties online. Short videos will be released to show a glimpse of how it was made and hos savory it is.

  33. Alyssa Jane P. Flores

    Potential products would be the first one is a service in doing online “Balut” cooking show just to share the skills on how to cook different dishes when it comes to balut, since their are new dishes were people are using balut like adobong balut, sisig balut and etc. This platform is to show educational hosting event like this to make it easy to reach global audiences who are interested to try and cooked balut. Like video lessons, recipes and interactive discussions could enhance learning experience.
    The second potential product would be different flavors of balut. It comes in a variety where they can choose balut with cheese, adobo sauce, plain balut, chili sauce, and bbq sauce. Where it can be sold physically to people. It is a balut that you can put different falvors to choose. Just like tasting a normal balut but with flavors on it. This product can be sold through online like using digital marketing, social media using facebook reels and tiktok, where people are more active to watch and can be seen global so that they can be attractive and would let them come and try it out.

  34. 1. Balut fried rice
    The innovation includes the classic egg fried rice that is loved by many. A breakfast wouldn’t be complete without fried rice, a day old rice mixed with garlic and egg. This combo is now mixed with the balut’s yellow part and with the chick as a side dish. The soup can be mixed with vinegar which is a nice pair with dried fish or “uga”. Facebook will be used as an online platform which will be open for resellers, pre orders and even open for orders like pan sized quantity.

    2. Quail egg balut / penoy with java rice combo
    This business idea focuses mainly on producing an affordable meal with a new idea of using balut or penoy as the main viant and can also choose other options for side dishes. With java rice that will boost your appetite and a cup full meal. This will be open for resellers and pre- order reservations online via facebook page.

  35. Justine Mae Tolentino

    As balut is one of the Philippines food delicacy therefore my proposal is to enhance the balut by combining in arroz caldo as toppings and balut as a exporter to the other countries with the condiments of rock salt with chili flakes and pure coconut wine. I will us the platform of Facebook and website to sell it because I believe this online platform is the most consume screen time. We can have delivery and physical store that can make people try our innovated product for arroz caldo. While the exporting process, we can assure that the fertilized egg will damage and safe to eat.

  36. Aubrey Villanueva

    1.Siomai Balut because this is both a Filipino food and Filipinos that love. Also, this will help to boost the culture of the Philippines. Lastly, people love go-to food so this product will target people who loves balut and siomai . Instagram and Facebook will utilize to showcase the product and where people can order.
    2. Pesto Balut this food is consist of pesto flavor, pasta, cheese and toppings with cooked balut. This food will target people who is on diet and health-conscious people. This food is tasty with a touch of balut that will make the pasta unique. Topped with cheese and pesto sauce. Facebook,instragram and Tiktok will use to showcase, and people can order the product.

  37. Jose Eduardo Sicangco V

    If I will think on how I should innovate the Philippine most sought after delicacy (Balut), I think I would use it as a topping in Halo-Halo dessert because the taste of balut is kind of salty and umami so it is very good to pair the sweetness and milky taste of halo-halo with the balut. I personally think that making balut as a topping of halo-halo would create a flavor that is unique and subtle, it would be a perfect combination since both food upheld and promote the Filipino culture. While halo-halo has several toppings and add-on on it there is nothing like balut that is salty, eggy and umami. There is this restaurant that puts salted egg on their halo-halo but there’s no restaurant in the Philippines that tried to but balut with the halo-halo. Restaurants or dessert shops should try this combination because maybe this would go boom in the food market, and very relevant on the hot and dry weather this summer. If this would be accepted and tried by restaurateur, they can sell this by smashing the balut into small pieces the yolk and the white should be mixed and put salt on it, meanwhile the duckling will be used in other culinary specialties.

  38. Klyde Brehxler P. Montalbo

    The best way to man’s heart is through his stomach. That is why I have chosen to promote balut through social media platforms and emphasizing the ways to integrate balut into other dishes.

    As part of the Filipino culture, balut actually descended from Chinese influence. With that detail, I would like to promote The Philippines’ integral dish of adobo which is very common towards other countries as a staple dish here. The adobo would incorporate balut eggs instead of hard boiled egg and would probably gain more flavor out of it. With that said, another product would be deviled eggs which would utilize the embryo and mixing it together with mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper to create the delectable filling on top with a sprinkle of paprika.

    I would promote these dishes on Tiktok and on Youtube as the platforms in creating this dish by making a short cooking video or shorts featuring the ingredients, cooking process and final dish to display at the end.