Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not


Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

 Top Reasons Why You Should Not Be Dating a Married Man

The future is Uncertain.  

Accept it or not, the man is married, and you can do nothing about it. Hence, no matter how nice it is to hear that you are a part of his future, that will never be a guarantee. In the eyes of God, law, and people, you would be the second and the embarrassing part of his marriage.

Question his intentions; he might just be playing with you.

You have no assurance of his loyalty. Just try to imagine, he managed to cheat on a woman that he’s married with; what makes you so sure now that he won’t do it directly to you? Well, his tarnished reputation when it comes to taking another woman is not at high risk.

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

There is no good in hiding.

You will have to live in constant secrecy and fear. You would hide your relationship because you’re afraid people would judge you and label you as the home wrecker. Albeit it may be true, the pain of it is too much to handle.

It’s only advantageous for him.

Regardless of what angle you look at it, you’ll always be the loser, and he will be the happy one. Imagine he has a wife or even a family, yet he gets whatever he wants from you. In your situation, you’re living a miserable life filled with fears and insecurities.

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

He is hurting another woman, his wife.

You’re a woman, and that fact alone should be enough to stand for your fellow women who men are disrespecting. One of which is the man’s wife who is trying to ask you out on a date. Instead of letting him be your man, tell him to go back to his wife.

He might hurt you in the long run.

You will live in constant fear of him disrespecting you and even hurting you, for he had possibly done it in the past. His mere history of being disrespectful and unfaithful already tells a lot about him and what he is capable of.

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

You do not want to be a home-wrecker!

Imagine the pain that the wife will go through once she finds out about your existence. Think of their children who would be scarred for the rest of their lives knowing that someone, in your form, took their ideas of a father. No matter how much you love the man, the pain you will cause to others is not just worth the risk.

You’ll be a fool to believe that he’s yours.

He will never be yours. You might take his time for a while, or even his body, but he would belong to someone else. You will never be connected to him the way he was attached to his wife. You will never be the one to fill those longing spaces on his heart, for you are not his wife.

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

You’ll feel guilty in the long run.

There is a high chance of you feeling guilty about your decision to be with a married man. You will think of a lot of “what ifs,” you will feel that you’re the worst woman in the world, you will feel that you’ve done something terrible, and for that, you will always be at fault.

Use your time wisely with permanent people.

There is a lot of fish in the sea! In the same way that there are a lot of men in this world! So, find time to wait or look for that perfect man for you rather than settle for a married man. You deserve better than that situation, and you deserve all the happiness that a decent and rightful man has to offer.


Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

Dating A Married Man | Good Reasons Why You Should Not

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