13-Year-Old Transformer at Alijis Substation Fails Due to Age and Overloading


13-Year-Old Transformer at Alijis Substation Fails Due to Age and Overloading

13-Year-Old Transformer at Alijis Substation Fails

A Sudden Blackout and Its Impact

Our community experienced an unexpected power outage when the 13-year-old transformer at the Alijis Substation finally gave out. Many of us were left in the dark, wondering what went wrong. This transformer had been a crucial part of our power supply for years, but the constant overloading and its age finally caught up with it. Seven feeders connected to the substation went offline, causing widespread disruption in our daily lives.

Why Did This Happen?

From what we’ve been told, the transformer had been in service for over a decade—well beyond what it was probably designed to handle. Over the years, it’s been pushed beyond its limits, dealing with more load than it could safely manage. The result? Internal damage and an oil leak were severe enough to take it out of service altogether. For those of us relying on this infrastructure, this failure isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a sign that the system we depend on is overdue for a significant overhaul.

13-Year-Old Transformer at Alijis Substation Fails Due to Age and Overloading

What Was Done to Restore Power?

In response to the outage, Negros Power scrambled to get things back on track. Knowing that a new transformer would take weeks, they rerouted power from nearby substations to cover the areas affected by the breakdown. This move wasn’t perfect, but it helped restore electricity to some of us by this morning, starting with those on the AF1 feeder. However, the situation is more complicated for those connected to the AF3 line, requiring new lines to be laid down, which could take up to a full day.

Preventing Further Issues

Negros Power is now focused on making sure the temporary fixes hold up. They’re closely watching the feeders that have taken on the extra load to prevent overloading, which could lead to even more problems. They’ve put measures in place, like manual load dropping, to help keep things stable. For us, this means fewer interruptions while we wait for a more permanent solution.

Moving Forward: A Need for Patience

Negros Power has apologized for the disruption and assured us that they’re doing everything possible to get the situation under control. However, this incident highlights the urgent need for the planned upgrades to our power infrastructure. We’re told that significant improvements will be made once operations begin next month, including replacing outdated equipment, boosting capacity, and improving maintenance. These upgrades can’t come soon enough for those who’ve experienced the inconvenience firsthand.

Looking Ahead

As frustrating as these outages are, they’re a necessary part of getting to a point where we have a more reliable power supply. Negros Power is asking for our patience and understanding as they work through these challenges. In the long run, these efforts should lead to fewer power interruptions and a more dependable electricity network for all of us.

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