What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End


What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

What is an Emotional Affair?  What are the Signs, and  How To End This? 

Some people have two husbands/wives: The regular spouse and the “work spouse” — a funny, attractive, and intelligent person who makes them smile every day and spends 9 hours daily. There was obvious chemistry, but nothing “sexual” ever happened.

They greet each other every morning, share a cup of coffee at work, and their conversations become more and more personal. They talk with that person about the things they don’t share with their partners. They sat too close to each other during meetings, they always ate together during snack times, and they even walked together to the parking lot.

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

Is it cheating? Probably. Are you one of them?

Although “nothing happened” between you and that person, most emotional affairs lead to a sexual experience. The problem with this is the attachment to that person affects the marriage. In the end, it will end in one way or another. Either your marriage ends, or you’ll give that person up.

The most common reason for betrayal is when you feel like something is lacking at home, making it feel good for them to be understood by someone.

For some partners, being introduced to an emotional affair can be worse rather than sexual infidelity. Because in a sexual act, it doesn’t necessarily have affection or intimacy. It can be sex. But in an emotional affair, it’s much more about being connected, such as loving or liking one another. And that is harder enough to accept for a spouse.

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

 Signs That You’re into an Emotional Affair

These red flags will help you realize if you have entered into an emotional affair:

1. You share stuff with that person — the things you don’t even share with your partner.

2. You dress nicely for that person.

3. You exert and find ways to spend time together — even if it’s related to work.

4. You hide from your partner the times you spend together; you don’t want your partner to see how you act differently and talk to that person.

5. You share your marriage problems with that person.

6. You hide to your partner that you’re talking to that person, such as texting, calling, and emailing.

7. It’s okay for you to fight with your partner since you know that there’s someone you can run and talk into.

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

Ending the Emotional Affair 

Quitting the affairs may be hard for other people. But if you want to give your marriage another chance, you have to end it. There’s no halfway; wholly stop it. If that person is someone you can’t avoid, for example, being a co-worker, then tell them directly that you need to do this. After deciding to quit, your next step is to make it up to your partner. Know the root of this complication. “Why did it happen?” “How come we ended up being like this?” And always be open with your partner, and speak up when there’s a problem. Talk about your misunderstandings directly.

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

In saving your marriage, please deal with the issues as early as possible. Cut off everything and everyone that leads in the direction of betrayal. Your marriage and your partner are worth fighting for.

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What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

What is an Emotional Affair | Signs | How To End

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