Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It


Social Support |  Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

 Social Support  

According to social support studies, having one or more supportive friends close to you is likely the same as having a large group of friendly acquaintances. But having social support from all of your supportive friends is still the best! You know yourself the most, so you probably know which kind of friends you’re more comfortable with. Having at least a few different friends who can always be there for you have some benefits. Here are some reasons:

Two is better than one. 

When you only depend on ONE person, there might be a possibility that you’ll make that person tired or annoyed. And there will be times that you’ll feel alone if that person is not available right at the moment that you need support. It’s good to have a best friend, but it’s better if you have more than one friend you can depend on.

Social Support |  Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Jump out of your comfort zone. 

Exposing yourself to different types of people is an excellent package to meet your social needs. For example, a friend you’re comfortable having a party with, or a knowledgeable friend who can help you gain information, or a friend who is a good listener during the most challenging times of your life. Having different types of a friend can provide social support package, compared to having one friend who only focuses on one particular thing. Do you think your nerdy friend will feel good if you dragged them into a drinking party? Do you believe your gamer friend will come with you to the library?

Be the matchmaker.

It will be fun and beneficial if your different types of friends meet each other. Your sporty friend will have the chance to read a book with your nerdy friend; your dancer friend can teach some dance moves to your shy friend, which helps boost confidence, or your religious friend who can help your low-tempered friend.

Social Support |  Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Meet new people! 

According to the famous poem, “Make new friends but keep the old. Those are silver; these are gold.” It’s good for you to meet new people. It gives you the chance to seek a broader range of social support. However, even if you meet the nicest people in the world, don’t turn your back on the people who’ve been there for you before. It’s good to make a few more friends, don’t forget the friends who helped you become the person you are now.

Having the chance to meet new people is difficult for others. But some ways might be helpful when meeting new friends, such as using your hobbies as your way. If you like some activities, like going to the gym, attending extra-curricular activities, shopping, having a couple of drinks at a club, or simply walking around the park with your dog, these might be a great chance; to meet new people!

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Yes, you love going to the gym. But do you talk with other people aside from your trainer? Have you tried initiating a talk with other people when you’re in the club, or you wait for the bartender to have some small conversations with you?

Have you ever thought of getting involved with some charity works? This might be an excellent way to give you a sense of doing something good to help the needy, which effectively relieves your stress. Helping others will also help you meet some helpful friends!

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Having a sense of belonging is essential to each and everyone’s emotional health and well-being. People who have social support but don’t feel the presence and support of the people around them might suffer from depression, anxiety, etc.

So, stay happy always and don’t forget that you have friends around you who can help you under all circumstances!

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

Social Support | Some Benefits and How Can You Do It

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