Power Watch Negros Advocates for Transparent Bill Deposits


Power Watch Negros Advocates for Transparent Bill Deposits

Power Watch Negros 

Empowering Consumer Rights: Power Watch Negros Advocates for Transparent Bill Deposits

In the heart of Bacolod City, a powerful force is rising – an advocacy group committed to championing the rights and interests of electricity consumers. Power Watch Negros Advocates, Inc., armed with its SEC registration number CN201538660, has taken a bold stance to ensure that the people’s voices are heard and respected.

Led by Wennie Sancho, the Secretary-General, Power Watch Negros is making waves with its unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and consumer empowerment. With the backdrop of the Central Negros Electric Cooperative (CENECO), a critical matter has come to the forefront of this consumer advocacy group’s agenda – the status of consumers’ bill deposits.

Power Watch Negros Advocates for Transparent Bill Deposits

A Call for Assurance [Power Watch Negros]

In a letter addressed to Mr. Victor Rada, Finance Manager of CENECO, Power Watch Negros puts forward a compelling request for certification regarding the security of bill deposits. These deposits, amounting to approximately P277 million, hold immense value to consumers. The certification is sought as a testament to the safekeeping of these funds within a credible banking institution. The aim is clear – to provide a rock-solid guarantee to consumers that their hard-earned contributions remain untouched and available, ready to be returned in case of a refund.

Power Watch Negros Advocates for Transparent Bill Deposits


The Magna Carta’s Embrace

This advocacy resonates deeply with the provisions of the Magna Carta for Residential Consumers, specifically Article 7, paragraph (b). This legislation pillar affirms that consumers who have consistently paid their electric bills on time for three consecutive years are entitled to demand a full refund of their deposit. The Magna Carta underscores the fundamental principle that consumers deserve to access their promises when needed, without undue delay or complexity.

Empowerment Through Transparency [Power Watch Negros]

Power Watch Negros’ endeavor exemplifies the essence of empowerment through transparency. By seeking official confirmation of the amount and status of consumers’ bill deposits, they provide a practical pathway for qualified CENECO consumers to initiate the process of securing their refunds. This initiative is not merely a bureaucratic procedure; it is a means to empower the people to ensure they are informed, engaged, and confident in their dealings with their electric cooperative.

A Resounding Call to Action by Power Watch Negros

As the letter sent by Power Watch Negros resounds through the corridors of CENECO, it echoes a sentiment shared by every diligent consumer – the need for transparency, accountability, and consumer-centric policies. The ball is now in motion, and the response from CENECO is eagerly awaited. This is a testament to the power of collective action, where an advocacy group takes the lead, backed by the strength of consumer voices.

In the grand scheme of things, the mission of Power Watch Negros serves as a beacon of hope. It demonstrates that advocacy, fueled by passion and guided by the law, can effect positive change. The advocacy for transparent bill deposits is a chapter in the larger narrative of consumer rights, reminding us all that in pursuing a fair and just society, the people’s voice shall always reign supreme.

Power Watch Negros 

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