Overwhelming 55.53% of Votes Favorable to CENECO, Primelectric/Negros Power Joint Venture


YES to Joint Venture Agreement” – Overwhelming 55.53% of Votes Favorable

In a momentous decision that echoes the collective voice of CENECO consumers, the Joint Venture Agreement with Primelectric/Negros Power has emerged triumphant. On the sixth day of the plebiscite, which took place on August 27, the resounding echo of “YES to JVA” reverberated through the ballots, amassing a substantial total of 98,591 votes, signifying an impressive 55.53% of the voting population.

The road to this monumental victory was paved with anticipation and engagement. Out of the 177,737 eligible voters comprising the member-consumers of CENECO, a mere 88,870 “YES” votes were the threshold required to solidify the majority, which constitutes 50% plus one vote, thereby firmly laying the groundwork for this meaningful collaboration.

The timeline leading to this crucial decision is as follows:

The story of the Joint Venture Agreement’s transformative journey began in June with an inspiring display of community engagement. On the 24th of the month, a chorus of 13,587 voices united in favor of the agreement, echoing a resounding “YES.” Alongside this affirmation, 3,748 individuals marked their presence with a “NO,” signifying a diversity of perspectives within the community.

June 24:

  • YES: 13,587
  • NO: 3,748

Continuing on this journey, the following day, June 25th, saw a further chapter unfold. A commendable count of 8,087 individuals pledged their support with a confident “YES” for the Joint Venture Agreement. Conversely, 2,319 individuals expressed their reservations with a determined “NO,” underscoring the spectrum of viewpoints at play.

June 25:

  • YES: 8,087
  • NO: 2,319

As summer ushered in August, the narrative progressed with heightened anticipation. The 19th of the month was a turning point as 24,641 individuals, recognizing the potential of collaboration, cast their votes with an enthusiastic “YES.” In contrast, a mere 284 individuals chose the “NO” option, underlining the clear momentum building in favor of the agreement.

August 19:

  • YES: 24,641
  • NO: 284

With each passing milestone, the community’s involvement remained steadfast. On August 20th, the journey saw 21,247 individuals rallying behind the Joint Venture Agreement, their “YES” votes underscoring their belief in its positive impact. Simultaneously, 250 individuals stood by their reservations, marking the path of the “NO” camp.

August 20:

  • YES: 21,247
  • NO: 250

Approaching the crescendo of this narrative, August 26th shone brightly as a day of affirmation. The count of 25,245 “YES” votes was a powerful testament to the growing consensus among the community. Among the remaining 116 “NO” votes, the resilience of differing viewpoints continued to enrich the narrative.

August 26:

  • YES: 25,245
  • NO: 116

Finally, on August 27th, the narrative concluded, a chapter marked by unity and collective resolve. 5,784 individuals lent their voices to the cause with a final “YES,” representing their steadfast support for the Joint Venture Agreement. The remaining 137 “NO” votes, while a part of the story, stood as a testament to the intricate tapestry of opinions that enrich every community.

August 27:

  • YES: 5,784
  • NO: 137

As of August 27, the cumulative votes reached a significant milestone, with 105,490 votes cast, out of which 98,591 favored the Joint Venture Agreement, while 6,899 did not.

The vision and purpose behind the Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) are far-reaching. At its core, the JVA aspires to relieve CENECO’s financial commitments while elevating its services to consumers. The blueprint for this venture outlines plans to upgrade and modernize existing facilities, thereby enhancing the reliability of power services. It is designed to minimize unexpected power interruptions, guaranteeing swift responses to consumer concerns related to power lines. Additionally, the agreement aims to simplify and expedite the electricity connection process, further reducing system loss and ultimately working towards lowering the cost of electricity for consumers.

The success of the comprehensive Information, Education, and Communication campaign over the past three months can be attributed to the resonating understanding among the stakeholders about the myriad benefits that this collaboration between CENECO and Primelectric/Negros Power holds. The campaign fostered a well-informed electorate, aligning them with the potential of this partnership.

Inking their commitment on June 3, 2023, CENECO and Primelectric have charted a course towards progress. The JVA’s journey through approval was steered by a series of weekly plebiscites from June 23 to September 3. This step towards the future is a testament to the shared goal of propelling the community towards a brighter energy landscape.

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