GREEN ENERGY: MORE Power’s Model, Hope for Negros


GREEN ENERGY: MORE Power's Model, Hope for Negros

Green Energy

Empowering a Green Energy: MORE Power Leads the Charge in Iloilo

In a monumental stride toward a sustainable future, MORE Power has embarked on a groundbreaking journey, joining hands with the Iloilo City Government and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to champion the cause of green energy. This tripartite agreement sets the stage for a transformation beyond words—it’s a resounding call to action, a clarion call for a future driven by renewable energy and shared aspirations.

A Symphony of Possibilities: Unveiling the Agreement

The pact casts a radiant spotlight on MORE Power’s unwavering commitment to catalyze a change that resonates on a grand scale. With the green energy vision firmly in sight, the agreement offers a platform for MORE Power to establish a pioneering hub—a one-stop destination brimming with innovative energy technologies. Net Metering and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) take center stage, offering consumers various options to curtail energy consumption and align with sustainable living.


Roel Z. Castro’s Vision: A Catalyst for Green Green Energy Transformation

Roel Z. Castro, the visionary President and CEO of MORE Power, is at the helm of this revolution. With genuine determination, he echoes the national government’s call to combat greenhouse gas emissions by ushering in an era of renewable energy. This agreement is a mere document and testament to the collective dedication that underscores MORE Power’s ethos. As Castro emphasizes, “Being the first in the Visayas to enter into this agreement showcases our strong support for the government.”

ERC’s Guiding Light: Navigating the Path to Green Energy

The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) emerges as a guiding force, its expertise and vision lending momentum to this transformative endeavor. ERC’s role transcends regulatory functions—shaping a new narrative that informs, educates, and empowers. This collaboration isn’t confined to paper—it’s a resounding call to action that seeks to raise awareness about renewable energy, lighting a fire of change that spreads through the streets of Iloilo.

GREEN ENERGY: MORE Power's Model, Hope for Negros

Iloilo’s Beacon of Inspiration: Lighting Up the Future with Green Energy

With its pioneering spirit, Iloilo emerges as a radiant example of what’s possible when a community rallies behind the green energy cause. As ERC Chairperson and CEO Monalisa C. Dimalanta affirm, “Iloilo is the second pilot Local Government Unit with the ERC for Net-Metering and greater renewable energy program.” The journey doesn’t stop at words; it’s about tangible impact. A testament to this commitment is seen in the 72 qualified end-users who have received Certificates of Compliance for the Net-Metering program, generating a total capacity of 985.37 kilowatt-peak.

Green Energy: A Harmonious Blend of Progress and Sustainability

Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Trenas steps into the limelight, highlighting the ripple effect of this transformative partnership. “With this partnership, we aim to promote green practices, aligning with the national government’s targets,” Trenas affirms. This alliance isn’t confined to theoretical realms—it’s about real change, as exemplified by solar panels adorning key locales like the national high school, city hall, dialysis centers, and eye care facilities. The path ahead isn’t just about energy efficiency—it’s about nurturing a vibrant local economy, empowering households, and catalyzing the growth of small businesses.

GREEN ENERGY: MORE Power's Model, Hope for Negros

Green Energy

Charting a Greener Path for Central Negros: A Dream Unveiled

As a blogger and the voice resonating through these words, my heart swells with an emotional dream—a dream that mirrors the triumphant journey of Iloilo. With MORE Power’s vision as an inspiration, I yearn to see the province of Negros Occidental, particularly Central Negros, shine as a beacon of green energy initiatives. It’s a dream transcending paper and ink, a dream of landscapes painted with solar panels, wind turbines, and the promise of a brighter, more sustainable future. Let the example set by MORE Power, Iloilo City LGU, and ERC serve as a clarion call for Central Negros to embark on a transformational odyssey, weaving a tapestry of innovation, unity, and progress for future generations.

GREEN ENERGY: MORE Power's Model, Hope for Negros

Green Energy

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