Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember


Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

We all love the idea of having someone to stay in our lives for a very long time. The idea that someone has come to stick and stay through thick and thin is perhaps one of the most rewarding feelings that that may experience. But how will you know if the person that you are with right now is a long-term companion type and not the come and go or temporary companion? Try to look at the list of tips below.

They lend their ears.

They know when to listen and when to talk. You won’t have to worry that you will be bombarded with the conversation, shouting, and crying because you know that it is only either listening or speaking; there is no in-between.

They won’t mind you being gross.

The concept of “turn-off because of” is not a big deal. They won’t hate you just because you snore, or you eat loud, or anything petty. In short, they accept you and love you still despite whatever imperfection you may have.

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

They know your taste in films or shows.

They know your favorite television shows or even movies. They will always try to consider your taste in whatever movie you are about to watch because you and your preference matter a lot to them.

They can join you both in laughter and profound moments

They know when to laugh and when to be serious. You can expect them to be goofy, and you can also expect them to be very serious when dealing with a serious matter. For them, business is business, nothing in between.

They can read your mood.

They know when you’re bored, happy, hungry, sad, or whatever feeling you may have at the moment. The thing is, they can read your facial expression and body language. They know you that much.

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

They won’t require you to explain.

If they know the real reason behind it and they understand it, they won’t bug you with a lot of questions nor bug you to provide a thorough explanation. They appreciate your words as much as they know your silence.

They are worth the sacrifice.

You feel that you can do everything to provide what they need and make them happy; you do not have a second thought about doing something for them because you know that they are worth it.

They like you at your best and your worst

May you be at your best attire or physical appearance or not; they don’t make it a big deal. They may tease you a little about it, but deep within, it is not an issue at all.

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

They won’t beg for the clingy type of relationship.

They won’t force you to have a holding hand by walking scene, nor force you to sit beside them on a date. Why? They are not insecure, and therefore, they won’t have to flaunt in front of everyone you are together.

They know what food can make your heart feel better.

Comfort food? Yes, they also know a lot about that. They know which food you eat when you’re mad, sad, happy, and all other food. In short, they know the real you.

They are willing to give honest opinions and suggestions

You always consult them about decisions or recommendations because they won’t lie to console you or make you feel better. They could be crucially honest, but their honesty is never tainted with personal preference.

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

They can make you share things you’ve never shared before

They bring out the best in you and even the worst. The secrets you have had before could be shared with them because you know that they will never use them against you.

They can be happy with your presence, even without doing something new or special.

You can sit together and watch television or lie on the grass and watch the stars—no need for fancy restaurants or extravagant vacations. Your mere presence is enough for them.

They become a consideration whenever you make decisions.

You always consider what they want and what they feel in coming up with a decision. In short, you see your future with them so much so that you are willing to adjust to keep them.

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

They know how to treat your hangover.

Yes, the last and probably the most simple is that they could help you cope with a hangover. May it be warm water or a complete breakfast set, they will always be ready for it to comfort you.

In a world full of temporary people, you need to figure out who is here to stay and to last. Good luck in finding your forever soulmate!

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

Find your Soulmate | 15 Signs to Remember

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  1. Claire M Miravelis BSIT-2F3

    Finding soulmate is like finding your other half. But , finding a soulmate is not easy. When I read the article the 15 signs that mentioned about finding out soulmates are all Filipino characteristics but for me the more Filipino was ” they lend their ears it is the most important in relationship because when someone is truly admire or interested to you they are willing to listen on you even what’s the topic all about. Second, they know what food can make your heart better , as a partner you should know the favorite food of your partner and it’s more appreciated if you cook for them. Because most of Filipinos used food as a stress reliever. And lastly, they are worth the sacrifice most Filipino always gave their all just to show their love to someone. They’re giving their bestto someone they believe that she/he was the one for them without expecting something in return.

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  3. Queenie Mae Gargallano BSIT 2F3

    For me ” they are worth sacrifices” is a very Filipino thing ,when we take risk to court into someone to make them empress and for them to say yes , we give them the best that we could offer , we sacrifice everything we have to give them their happiness and needs , we think of them often that we sometimes forget about ourselves , but we know that the person is worth it that’s why making them happy satisfy you and looking at their smiles also make you happy .

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  6. Khien D. Torreña

    Over all the characters that were stated in the article, what I find most or very likely Filipino are First, they can read your mood.
    It’s a connection of minds, a mutual respect, an unconditional love and a total understanding. It’s about being yourself and knowing, not only that person is following and understanding your thoughts, but is right there with you, side by side. Second, They like you at your best and your worst you spend so much time with your significant other, so being with them should make you feel at home and at peace. Of course, there will probably be butterflies and nerves at first, but after you get comfortable with each other, it should just feel natural. Lastly, They become a consideration whenever you make decisions. Speaking of the important things.when it comes to life goals, you guys have similar plans.

  7. Nathanael D. Pabiania BSIT 2F3

    Soulmate, for me I found right now. A man full of tattoos never judging me about of that because she knows that is my passion, she knows how I love to draw and she knows tattoos can give me an extra money. So being lovers of tattoos she never judge my physical appearance as she know how I’m good to her. They like you at your best and your worst.

  8. Leslie D. Carnaje BSIT 2-F3

    Finding your soulmate can be a blessing if you meet and stay together. You get the feeling that you’ve finally found your missing masterpiece. It’s as if your heart and soul have been sleeping for a long time and are now awakening. For me, I believe that the 15 characters mentioned in the article are more Filipino. The first reason is that they are worth the sacrifice. If you truly love your soulmate, you will give up everything for his or her happiness. Without a doubt, you will give it your best because, in the end, you will realize that it is all worth it. One last reason is that they like you at your best and worst. The best blessing from God is having a soulmate who will stick by your side to the end. As long as he’s willing to be with you and understand you without making a huge issue, even at your worst.

  9. Marvin Bayona

    Character that are very like filipino are:
    •They can read your mood, this is very filipino like because filipino couples tend to read the mood of their partners all of the time and when they find out they will take action about it like when you’re sad they will cheer you up or when you’re hungry they will cook for you or buy you food to ease your needs because they love you and want you to be happy.
    •They are worth the sacrifice each filipino couple are very like this to one another. Because of love, they sacrifice something for theirselves just the sake of their partner that’s the way they show their love even their happiness is at stake.
    • They like you at your best and your worst, filipino are type of people that understand and love you all the time, best or worst time of your life. Filipinos always understand and always be their for you no matter what and always wanted to be involve in you and will always cheer you up and support you especially in your worst days.
    • They can make you share things you’ve never shared before, yes because filipinos are very sensitive and will do efforts for your happiness. They love the way they surprise on trying things you’ve never done because they will appreciate it more if you experience it for the first time together with him/her. •They become a consideration whenever you make decisions yes this will always be very filipino like, because once you’ve become their everything even couples (girlfriend/boyfriend) their partners decision as well matters because they believe they play an important role and consideration for their life.

  10. Melvin M. Villanueva BSIT-2F3

    In this article about the sign to remember when finding your soulmate and I think are very Filipino out of 15 is they become a consideration whenever you make decision. We know that Filipino give consideration to others before they make a decision, we consider what other feel, think and how other judge our decision, so sometimes or often we don’t easily tell or say what we feel to other, because we our scared that they might get offended. The bottom line are some of Filipino they are good in telling lies about you than to tell you the truth that can offend you.

  11. Michelle O. Nalangan BSIT 2-F3

    I think the character that is more Filipino are all these 15 signs because we have our own perceptions about finding our soulmate where we can feel that we are accepted, valued, and loved. But for me, my sign of finding my soulmate is that they can join me both in laughter and profound moments. I believe that if the person is right for you, they will always be there for you in laughter and in pain. They will always stay by your side despite the hard times and complicated situations in your life. Another sign in finding my soulmate is that they’re worth the sacrifice, because I’m the type of person who sacrifices everything when I’m in love because I want to treat and love them the way they deserve. But also I’m hoping that the sacrifices I’ve made for them will be worth it.


    Finding a soulmate is the most exciting part of our lives because you will meet people who exactly reach your standards, but it’s not meant for you. You will be interacting with different people, and that can be a lesson or a blessing. But for me, the character that some Filipinos believe is that “they won’t mind you being gross.” They will not get turned off if they see you at your worst, because we Filipinos, if we get in love, we don’t care how good or bad you are, we accept and love our partner more than ourselves. We need someone who accepts our imperfection, who can cheer us up when we are feeling down, because no one is perfect. All of us have imperfection. So, if you have someone who accepts your flaws, cherish it because it’s rare to find someone who does.

  13. Crystal Gail B. Gavileno 2F3

    Thinking about finding our soulmate is one thing that gives us butterflies and makes our heart flutter but little did we know that it is not that easy to find and determine who is really the person that is destined for us. From what I have read, there are 15 characters that is stated in this article and based on my own opinion all of them are characters that most Filipino people commonly have. But, these are some of the statements that really made an impact on me upon reading it. First, they lend their ears. This is a must when it comes to relationships because when a person is truly interested on you they are always willing to listen on everything that you will be sharing; you will not seek their attention in order to just let them hear your voice. Second, They can read your mood. Having a soulmate that can read your mood is a blessing from above because their are times that you are having your gloomy days and you are not interested in telling someone what you are feeling but it is the time where they come into picture and treat you until your mood becomes better. Lastly, they are worth the sacrifice. For me, this is really important because if you love someone you shouldn’t become unsure of all your efforts but rather you will think that no matter what happens he/she is worth the risk and sacrifice.

  14. Efren John Reyes

    I believe that Filipino characteristics are more likely when it comes to finding their soul mate because they are worth the sacrifice. Admit it, most Filipinos always give their all to make someone happy. Filipinos are more likely to give up everything for the person they believe to be “The One.” And I believe this is a major issue and one of the most common misconceptions about finding your love. Giving all of thing I’ve learned is to keep something for your 100% on someone is a big risk. It’s a gamble, and we all know that by the end of the game, we’ll all be out and finding ourselves loosing. But that’s the point of gambling: you’re expecting a result and hoping that people will return what you’ve given them, hoping that they’ll like what we like and do what we did. That is not the case with True Love, and giving love does not imply expecting something in return; simply love them and allow them to realize and question why you are doing these things. That way, they’ll see you for who you are. Let us never forget that finding a soulmate is similar to digging for treasure; in order to find it, we must sacrifice a lot of things and continue to dig until we reach and find that treasure.

  15. Jonalyn S. Degabi BSIT 2F3

    Having a soulmate causes us to experience a range of emotions.
    The character that some Filipinos believe in is, in my opinion, they can be happy with your presence, even without doing something new or special.This sentence serves as a reminder for me to keep in mind when looking for my soulmate. I chose this trait since it is one of the characteristics that helps you to see your soulmate in my opinion. Why? Because when you have someone with you, they will always be there for you whenever you need them. Even if it’s just presence with nothing new to give, it’s still nice. Because even tiny attempts are immensely valued, patients should be patient. This trait, which you will notice when you listen, will share in your delight and sorrow, when he reads you in a bad mood, always sees your worth, always by your side, food buddy, offering you advise, and, finally, always treating you well.

    • Jonalyn S. Degabi BSIT 2F3

      Having a soulmate causes us to experience a range of emotions.
      The character that some Filipinos believe in is, in my opinion, they can be happy with your presence, even without doing something new or special.This sentence serves as a reminder for me to keep in mind when looking for my soulmate. I chose this trait since it is one of the characteristics that helps you to see your soulmate in my opinion. Why? Because when you have someone with you, they will always be there for you whenever you need them. Even if it’s just presence with nothing new to give, it’s still nice. Because even tiny attempts are immensely valued, patients should be patient. This trait, which you will notice when you listen, will share in your delight and sorrow, when he reads you in a bad mood, always sees your worth, always by your side, food buddy, offering you advise, and, finally, always treating you well.

      • Lyka C.Oscianas BSIT 2F3

        All of us dreams to have a soulmate ,who will love us unconditionally .Who will accept us with all are imperfections ,and who will stay with us until the end.As a Filipina woman ,out of the 15 signs that been stated in the articles when finding a soulmate is all Filipino values. Why? because its hold a special part in our lives, a step to find our soulmate is like a series episodes ,thier so much thrill and excitement.Having a soulmate is like you found a missing piece of you, a someone that you can lean on, in your weakness and darkest times.Maybe its a bit difficult to find your soulmate because we don’t know totally if that person will be your last ,but don’t be discourage if you loss one because in every lose their will be a profit,just be patient.Just accept the fact that people come and go ,just trust the process ,their will be a right one who will listen to all your rants in life,who will be stronger for you if you feel weak and who will understand you even you can’t understand yourself.Just remember all of us ,we will meet are soulmate in God’s will , don’t rush it.So therefore all the stated above in the article will be a best signs to find a good values and characteristics in finding your soulmate

        • InAngelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

          This is the character I do think that’s more a filipino “They can read your mood.” because if he/she can read your mood hes the one beacuse I believe an inlove individual towards a person know all the details of him/her. Why I do think that this is more a filipino? beacuse lots Filipinos are trippers or pranksters so in finding soulmate this character will be at my top of list due to you can easily see this sign if he/she could read your mood when he/she will gonna do prank or trip on you.

  16. Lorraine D. Resurreccion. BSIT2F3

    We all fantasize about having someone in our lives for an extended period of time, a person or a partner who can stay with us no matter what happens. And as a Filipina, out of 15 signs that are given in the article when finding a soulmate is all Filipino values. Why? because it’s held a significant place in our lives. It functions as a personality mirror. These ideals assist them in maintaining their decent character and manner as humans. Each one of us has a soulmate in this world. And yes finding it can be difficult it’s like your making a big change in your life to widen your circle of acquaintances. I know that you know that time is not on our side when it comes to discovering genuine love. So, We must analyze the qualities, features, and values of our soon-to-be partners, knowing that we will spend the rest of our lives with them through thick and thin. Find and go to someone who can understand your rants or struggles in life and can share the inner perception of emotion that you and he/she have so you two can understand each other. Because one day you’re gonna meet and be with someone, who appreciates you for who you are. I mean there are 7 billion people on the planet, and I know one of them is gonna climb up on a moon for you. So, basically, the values or characters mentioned in the article are the values or characters that are good enough signs when you’re looking for your soulmate.

  17. Khea Joy S. Juanico BSIT 2F3

    Over all the characters that were stated in the article, what I find most or very likely Filipino are; First, they lend their ears. Nothing could even be more comforting than knowing that there’s a person who is willing to listen in all your rants, struggles, what hurt you, what made you sad, what made your day, what makes you excited, or just hearing your side when misunderstanding arises. Our heart automatically falls to a person who makes us feel very wanted, like we deserve all the love and peace. That there’s someone we can count on when we feel most isolated to everyone and everything. Second, they can make you share things you’ve never shared before. So much that represent the Filipino character. You are starting to count on the person that gained your trust. That makes you feel at ease to share your secrets and things you couldn’t tell to anyone. It’s like you are most secured and assured telling someone your saddest past, things you had regret doing, and personal encounters in life. For the truth is, that someone became so dear and special in a way that you opened up your heart, ready to risk everything. Lastly, they can be happy about your presence, even without doing something special. This emphasizes contentment. Not all of us are born with silver spoon, and we can’t buy something expensive and go to luxury places with the one you love. So, to be with that person makes you feel undeniably happy and satisfied. It’s like you couldn’t wish for anything but for that momentous moment to stay and lasts for a lifetime. It makes your heart glad more than millions of glittering stars above. You find solace just by sitting beside him/her more than watching the sunset in its exquisite horizon, and, it’s already pleasing just by gazing his/her loveliest smile, little gestures, and dazzling eyes. At the end, these characters are very good signs when you’re finding your soulmate.

  18. Anchel B. Erecido BSIT 2f3

    When finding your soulmate, it takes time. Knowing your soulmate at first, it’s a journey for both individuals so this way both can analyze each other’s characteristics. But all of us have a different opinions and choices by taking characteristics as an ideal matter when finding someone who you can trust and call a soulmate. For me, They won’t mind you being gross is the character that is very Filipino because despite the imperfections you have they will still accept you for who you are. They won’t mind if you are a messy eater or you fart in front of him. The soulmate that accepts all your flaws because only a few people would accept you if you are gross. Find a soulmate that keeps reminding you that you are beautiful and worth it to be loved even if you are not perfect. A soulmate that sees you with him in the future.

  19. Finding soulmate is the most exciting and risky why, because finding soulmate is not easy it may cause two things on you feel inspire or maybe it will hurt you at the end but anyway having a soulmate is the most happiest part of your life it can help you to develop the new things on you through showing your love to your soulmate even it can cause you pain. Soulmate also can make you feel comfortable and important with their actions through caring, kindness, love and attention.

  20. King Ruben D. Sales BSIT 2 F3

    Finding a soulmate is the most thrilling part of our life because you won’t know if that person you are with right now could last forever or be with you for a lifetime or will it just end and not work like the other relationship have had. But once you found your soulmate that will always be with you in your most trying times, that will support, respect and love you for who you are despite the imperfections you had, would be the greatest feeling in the world. And according to what I just read, for me, the very filipino characteristics that tackled in the article were they lend their ear because of the filipino always communicate with each other, they are worth the sacrifice because, they become consideration whenever you make decisions, they can be happy with your presence even without doing something new or especial and the can makes you share things you’ve never shared before, because according to what I’ve notice some of the relationship do that kinda stuff to their partners.

  21. Andrea Isabelle C. Palma

    Who would not want the idea of having of someone to hold, someone you makes who feel special, and someone you are looking forward to spend your lifetime with? In life, we keep on searching for that one person who will give us the will and the drive to keep on moving and make us feel loved. Indeed, if we have already found that person, our soulmate, our forever, then the search is over.

    The 15 given indicators of finding our soulmate serve as a guiding principle to always look for someone who would always bring out the best in us, and is willing to go through the test of times with us. We have to consider the attributes, characteristics, and the values of our soon to be partne, knowing that we are expecting them to share the rest of our lives together. Go to someone that reciprocates your vibe and energy, and does not make you someone less of what you truly are. This factors are symbolism that all of us are worthy to be with our soulmate, no matter how long the wait is.

  22. Jheeve Dhalin M. Iligan 2F3

    Out of the 15 signs written, Almost all of them are really Filipino in behavior. Because I also used to come from a relationship. And I have experienced almost everything there. It’s embarrassing to say but it really happened to me. Such as , they will be with you both in laughter and deep moments. But I don’t believe in soulmates. Because if God wills, you will stay together.

  23. Kimberly F. Betic BSIT 2F3

    Having a soulmate gives us a mix of emotional feelings. For me the character that some Filipinos believe that they find their soulmate is, they like you at your best and your worst because in the relationship we need to know more about that person first, we can’t easily say that he or she is your soulmate in a little period it takes a process to know our soulmate I can say that that person is your soulmate when he or she is there for your ups and downs, best and your worst time. The person who sees our best and worst times, attitudes, moments can’t easily be replaced because at the moment you feel lonely there is a guy or girl who now you more. You can truly find your soulmate if they like you at your best and worst because nowadays some people attract the person who always appreciates their best and worst even you, not physically beautiful.

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