Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

25 Creative and Crazy Things To Do When Feeling Lonely

The feeling of loneliness is perhaps one of the most painful feelings that an individual could feel. It is as if you are waiting for the time to pass through without anyone to be with or talk to.

So, you sit in the corner, doing nothing, and feeling sorry for yourself. The catch is, the feeling of loneliness could be used as an opportunity for you to do something creative! It is a chance for you to relinquish your senses by doing something that you probably have not done before or you have not been doing for quite some time. Would you like to know about some of these activities?

Continue to read the list below.


 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

1. Interact with People

The more you connect with people, the more you will understand that a lot of people are the same way as you feel. The only way to uplift such feeling is to be connected with people who might understand you, making your loneliness journey less painful and more interactive as much as possible.

 2. Date Yourself!

Nah! This might make you feel weird, but going out alone and eating at your favorite restaurant can remove that loneliness and make you appreciate the solitude of being alone! Just imagine, you won’t have anyone around you to consider in choosing the place and the food since you are deciding on your own, you can choose whatever you want to have.

 3. Create any D.I.Y Project

Whatever idea you have in mind, make it into a reality. May it be a garden idea or anything in that vein that could be a chance for you to harness your creativity while being productive at the same time.

 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

 4. Think Positive

Yes, you might feel lonely, but it does not mean that you have to be sad about it. Look at it as an opportunity for you to celebrate and enjoy your given “me” time.

 5. Drink Coffee

Go to your favorite coffee shop and order your ideal coffee blend, take a seat, and wait for someone with whom you could begin a small chat. Who knows? This could be a fantastic chance for you to meet new people.

 6. Practice the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)

Rather than being immersed in the online world, take a moment to enjoy whatever you have at the moment. Take time to appreciate people by talking to them, understand the food by savoring it, and the likes.


 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

7. Meet People

Find a core group or counsel group and be with people who might be going through the same journey as yours. This will allow you to make new friends and strengthen your connectedness with people around you without the fear of being misjudged and the likes.

8.  Grab a Movie

Choose whatever movie you like, get popcorn, and watch it! You have all the time by yourself to enjoy it without actually worrying that someone might not like it as you do. Be immersed with the story, fall in love with it, and ponder about it.

9.  Take Time to Volunteer

Do something good by volunteering in some groups. May it be about helping street children, planting trees, packing relief goods, do it. It will make you feel so accomplished at the end of the day.


 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

10. Get your Favorite Pet

May it be a cat, dog, or whatever pet you have in mind that you’ve wanted for so long, adopt it and give it an adorable name! Some cuddly moments with your pet could help you psychologically and physically.

 11. Think of the Root Cause

Figure out the main reason why you feel lonely, try your very best to accept, and even resolve it. Nothing beats acceptance of one’s condition since it could allow you to reflect upon it and make some wise decisions later on.

12. Dance Naked

Well, this is something that you, of course, need to do alone! Don’t forget to close all the windows, Lol! So, the feeling of loneliness fits this activity, dance, move, sing, and do other things naked! This could free all your emotions away while having fun.


 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

13. Red Fictional Materials

Allow your imagination to explore and wonder the world of fiction. Venture into a fictional world and be immersed with it, enough for you to feel entertained and happy. This would even allow you to think critically and wisely.

14. Come up with a Gratitude Journal

Every day, come up with an entry that details the things that you are thankful about for the day. This will help you see the beauty in everything, making you feel more positive and light in dealing with people and life in general.

15.  Browse the Old Photo Albums

Have some throwback moments and appreciate the good old times by browsing your old photos. This would perhaps bring sadness, but more so, it could get the feeling of belongingness and connectedness with people you were with.

 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

16. Go on a Holiday

Instead of staying at home, take a holiday as a chance for you to go to places you haven’t been. This will make you experience things first-hand and enjoy the environment at its best.

17. Run

Exercising is suitable for both your mind and body. So, use that given time to run for about 20 to 30 minutes. As you feel the sweat going out of your body, you will think that you are a lot better than before you had your running time.

18. Watch FRIENDS

This watching material could surely make your heart laugh out! Not only is it funny, but it could also help you want to reconnect with your good old friends once more.


 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

19. Go on a Public Transport

Ride a jeepney, bus, or train, go anywhere, and try to be happy by just looking at people around you. It can make you feel pleased since you have the chance to explore the solitude of being just there and observing while the rest of the world is bust cramming for things to do.

20. Go for a Bath

Go in the shower and take a bath for as long as you want! Who knows? The water could help ease that feeling. Let the water run in your body as you let all the negative emotions go out of your body too. After it, you will indeed feel relieved.

21. Do Personal Chores

The more you move, the more you will feel that a lot of things can be done through you. So, may it be tucking your bed, washing your plates, do it joyfully whenever you feel lonely.



 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

22. Capture the Moment

Get that camera, go to the park or the garden, and randomly capture the beauty of the candidness of everything. The beauty taken under your lenses could make you feel that there will always be beautiful things amidst possible life circumstances.

23. Attend Wellness Class

May it be a yoga class or pole dancing, or whatever sort of activity you might be interested in, attend to it. This will help you focus your attention on things that you’ve wanted to do for so long.

24. Binge Watch Ted Talks

Ted talks are a good source of inspiration and motivation, so open that Youtube account and binge-watch the episodes you are interested in.


25.  Be Happy, or Even Crazy at Times

Do something that your heart desires. It is your happiness that truly matters.

 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

 Feeling Lonely | 25 Creative Things to do 

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  1. Edmar Genovia

    Everyone feels lonely at some time, but some people experience it more frequently. Many people, particularly the elderly, the lonely, and the depressed, may suffer feelings of loneliness, such as melancholy, isolation, and withdrawal. However, in light of the article’s recommendations on what to do when you’re lonely, I don’t recommend the following. 1. take time to volunteer. because this one will take time to find a group to volunteer with and it might have so much paper works that can trigger stress. 2. Capture the moment. not all the time that we need to capture all the beautiful things that we saw, sitting and enjoying the is already more than enough to relieve your loneliness, set aside the technology, and appreciate your surroundings more. Loneliness does not have to be constant to merit action, but you’ll need to encourage yourself to get back in the habit of things and re-engage with others to feel better.

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  3. Marven adarel Rejas

    In my opinion what I can suggest for my lonely friend is to offer drink coffee in that way we can talk and he or she can share the things that may be the cause of his loneliness. Drinking coffee with your friends could release negative feelings that you felt because it makes you feel relax and at the same time you enjoy the company of your friends. I cannot recommend if my friend is lonely to dance naked because it may be a sort of relief but still you doing it alone so maybe still you will feel alone. No man is an island so I believe that if you are lonely you need someone who will cheer you up maybe your friends or family or workmates. Life is so short to be lonely, let’s have fun, enjoy, and cherished every moment of our life. There may be a time that we need to be alone but we need to balance and must not indulge in it as much as possible.

  4. Lezel G. Dagudog

    I would not recommend a lonely person to ‘Dance Naked’ because he would never know that somebody peeps at the window or in a hole in the wall. We don’t know what his house is made of. If it is a light material, there is a tendency that a neighbour would intentionally or unintentionally peep at him. He would be bullied or ridiculed and it would just worsen his loneliness or depression.

    Another tip that I would not recommend is ‘Date Yourself’. Loneliness lessens when one talks to wholesome people. When a lonely individual associates with good and sympathetic friends, he has the time to pour out his negative thoughts and feelings. He has the time to laugh even to small things. He would be helped to appreciate nature, value his own life and cherish the blessings he receives every day.

  5. Jermond O. Juesna

    Loneliness is a phase in one’s life that usually passes but sometimes there are severe causes why one is feeling doesn’t fade right away.

    In this article the best one I could recommend to a co-worker if ever he/she is feeling lonely would be to take a run. Not only that it would allow him/her to see the surroundings outside and appreciate it, but also several studies have shown that doing exercises like running could significantly improve the mood of a person, thus reducing the feeling of loneliness.

    A lesser option for me to suggest to a co-worker experiencing loneliness would be to browse old photos. It may differ to each person, but for me nostalgia might not always give a person a happy feeling especially if the pictures are of loved ones that had passed away.

    For some, overcoming loneliness is a struggle and it may not always be visible in public. It should be in our nature to do kind things to other people even if they don’t look lonely, because maybe that person that we treated for a coffee or encouraged to have run was feeling down and your simple kindness was the only sunlight in their gloomy day.

  6. We cannot keep away from loneliness especially the hard difficulties that may come in our lives. Every people has its own hardships depending on their situation and continues battling with them. But regarding practical personality and interpersonal relationships within the workplace, there are some points we need to consider, and here are my tips pertaining to an officemate or co-worker that endures agony with loneliness based on the article given.
    Let’s put into an example that my officemate has an issue of being an introvert and having difficulties in life, and I notice further the loneliness he/she possessed with. I would recommend him/her to interact with people especially with our officemates. Our burdens and struggles can light up if we decided to speak and open up things that it is necessary provided by the person we must share our thoughts can relate to us most especially we can trust or rely on. That is the best feeling of being connected to the person who can be the same feeling as yours.
    If there are some points I would not recommend, maybe in article #12 (Dance Naked). It may be quite weird, but it depends on the person if he/she is necessary to do with it since there are some good options that we can aid our solitude in life.
    Always remember, the key is within ourselves how can we can overcome our difficult behavior and loneliness in our lives.

  7. Joji Ivan O. Juesna

    Being lonely is a complex situation, the “things to do when feeling lonely” that i will and will not recommend to an office mate will depending on the level of relationship that I have with the said office mate. I will recommend; date yourself, drink coffee, Run/Exercise, Grab a Movie. This thing can be done easily, not too expensive, can be done by yourself or with a friend, has an immediate effect on your feeling of loneliness. I will not recommend; Dance Naked, Take a Bath, Be Crazy at times, this can be misunderstood, and a bit too personal. I will also not recommend; Attend Wellness Class and Go on a holiday, this is a bit “sosyalan” and requires time and money. This may also add to the loneliness of my office mate since travel is still limited and face to face gatherings is not yet allowed.

  8. Mary Rose S. Tubid

    There is a general rule in the workplace. That is to be professional all the time and not to bring personal issues at work. However, some of us cannot control our emotions and display negative behavior at work. It may tend to affect our performance at the same time our relationship with our fellow man. With this issue, the tips listed in the article “Feeling Lonely – 25 Creative Things To Do” (fabasianlifestyle.com) can be the solution.

    Out of the tips listed, I would recommend three things that, for me, will be effective for an officemate that displays loneliness at work. Those are the following: interacting with people, volunteering, and writing a gratitude journal. These three tips will help her feel connection, accomplishment, and satisfaction. Interacting with people will make her feel a connection with others. It will also make her realize that every individual has a problem yet still manage to be positive. She will understand that being happy or lonely is not by chance but a decision. Volunteerism or helping others without expecting anything in return also gives a positive feeling. It is not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others matters. As long as you did it wholeheartedly, you will be overwhelmed by the result. And the last is writing a gratitude journal which emphasizes the blessings you have received every day. Counting your blessings and naming them one by one will make you realize how fortunate you are. The stories here are not just memories but serve as a reminder of the colorful pages of your life.
    All of the tips in the article can be effective techniques to fight loneliness. However, dancing naked will be the tip that I would not recommend for my officemate. It is not because it seems not that effective, but my officemate may think I am crazy. Also, I am uncomfortable suggesting that. Maybe it is because of the Philippine culture of being conservative, or I am the only one thinking that way. On the other hand, suggesting with my officemates would not be effective if I feel lonely too. So, before we can fix others, we have to begin within ourselves first.

    Generally, having a negative or positive feeling can contagion. We have to care about the feelings we reflect on the outside cause it may affect our actions and words. Being carried away with negativity may alter the relationship we have with our fellow men. It is normal to be lonely, but we have to control it. And, it is okay not to be okay, but not always.

  9. Ronie T. Linas

    These are the things i will recommend based on the article in an officemate displaying loneliness in the workplace. There are 25 creative and crazy things to do when feeling lonely according to this article, in my opinion I would recommend tips that fit their own personality. For example if dancing in naked makes you feel happy then do it in your own private way as the articles say crazy things and I think this is the craziest among the 25 creative things to do.
    I will also recommend drinking coffee for those who are coffee drinkers, aside from being very accessible and it is also a cheap way to enjoy life.
    People come into your life for a reason. But I don’t recommend meeting people on purpose because you are feeling lonely. Good for you if you find someone having the same journey with you but could also be ending in a wrong people
    I don’t recommend that you watch a movie alone, sharing is loving, and it makes you feel happy if you have someone to share it with. Besides, movies are expensive nowadays. If you have extra money I recommend that you give to the charity. It will make you feel better knowing that the money you spend goes to someone in need. I also recommend taking time to volunteer. This makes you feel a sense of purpose for yourself and for others.
    In my opinion, take all 25 creative and crazy things to do when feeling lonely if you feel like doing it, as long as it makes you feel better and become a better version of yourself.

  10. Myrly V. Cabrera

    I agreed with the introduction of the articles describing loneliness as one of the most painful feelings we could ever feel. The only difference is the level and the root cause, and most importantly, how we cope with it. Employees who have personal issues or are lonely in the workplace are sometimes hard to deal with because their coping mechanisms with their feelings differ.

    For me, all the given tips are desirable to recommend to an officemate displaying loneliness even in the workplace. Those tips are practical and worth trying. However, I cannot guarantee that it will be effective for my officemate because it depends on his/her personality, characteristics, beliefs, and courage to try it. I could say this because I almost did all the said tips, except the #12, and it is a crazy one yet made me curious!

    Life is a constant change, a continuous battle to live, and full of problems to be solved. It is a gift from God that needs to be treasured, taken care of, and enjoyed. Live life to the fullest but know your limitations. We only live once so, let us make our life meaningful. Live with positivity, move on, never hate, and forgive. Make God be the center of our lives and offer with Him all our achievements and surrender all our worries and fears.

  11. Kyla Joyce Tenila BSIT 2F3

    On my own opinion men are egoistic because some men have ego issues as a result of their upbringing, which emphasized male dominance and the belief that they were superior to females. There is no ego in a simple, down-to-earth man. He doesn’t allow his ego ruin his relationships or the lives of others around him.

    When I’m lonely, I choose to think positively. Tell yourself that today will be a wonderful day or any other positive affirmation. Play a pleasant and upbeat song or playlist. Second, keep an eye on your friends. This entails conversing with one another and learning about each other’s lives. Hanging out can also refer to a gathering of friends that gather to just enjoy one other’s company and to remind each other that they are present.Lastly, I choose to be happy, or even crazy at times. Doing some crazy stuff makes me forget that I am lonely and it is also makes me feel like a kid. It is only you who can help yourself to cope up with loneliness.

  12. Chris Ruella G. Mejarito BSIT 2F3

    I think men are naturally egoistic. For me, there shouldn’t be any debate regarding how men let themselves be maneuvered by their fragile ego. Historically, men controlled the world, putting a margin between them and other genders, which created a system that burdens women, people from third genders, and also men. The so called Patriarchy is a good example of how egoistic men are. The narrative that Patriarchy wants to send us is that the society is way better with men on the ruling side. This created a toll as to how we treat each other, acknowledge differences, and diversity in character, interests, advocacy, and the like.

    When I am lonely, I most likely catch myself wanting to meet significant people, have a coffee with them, or even isolate myself with a movie. These things really keep me going in life, the only luxury I can afford, while spending my time making the best memories. We all have different have different styles to cope with loneliness, and I always remind myself to come up for the best possible ways.

  13. Angelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

    Three creative things that I do when I feel lonely are:
    1. Interacting with other people.
    2. Think Positive
    3. Creating D.I.Y projects
    I do these three to feel active and to kill time by these I dont feel lonely anymore. Interacting with other people difinitely wont make you feel lonely, in times of feeling lonely I think Positive things by this I encouraging myself that I am not lonely and lastly I create D.I.Y project to kill time and it makes myself busy so I don’t have time to think that I’m or feel that I’m lonely.

  14. Angelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

    Are men Altruistic or Egoistic?
    In my opinion or as a man I am more an Altruistic why? Beacuse I always give ways to others whom I love even to strangers but if we talk about the general men, I think there are men that Altruistic and Egoistic it depends on how they grow up or what their nature or their environment it can also depends on what their parent’s characteristics beacuse there are some that a parent characteristics pass on to their children it is called Heredity (chapter 4 lesson). So I cant tell if men are Altruistic or Egoistic but to answer the follow up question I’ll base on what I am.

    I am an Altruistic and why I feel lonely? I might feel lonely due to I always give ways even the most precious to mine some are opportunities so It kinda sad to remember them all then after giving ways or remembering what I gave ways I feel lonely and sad so I think an Altruistic men feel lonely beacuse of their selflessness that they don’t priorities their selves firts before others and at the end of the day we are always left without anything and it feels lonely.

  15. King Ruben D. Sales

    Humans have emotions but every person is either Altruistic or Egoistic. In my opinion, Men are most likely to be egoistic because they don’t tend to show their true feelings but some of them are self-centered, has high pride, sometimes they do not want someone to trample on their manhood that makes them egoistic and they sometimes are altruistic but only to their specific loved ones including their parents and siblings only. The three creative ways that I do when I am lonely are to run/jogging for 1 and 1/2 because it makes me feel okay, calm and ease again, Interact with people because I like talking a lot especially with my cousins and my mama because talking doesn’t make me feel drain and lastly, capture the moment because I like photography and editing photos so I always capture everything that I see especially the nature because I am fond of it and it makes me feel like I am living in a peaceful word.

  16. Marvin Bayona

    I think men are both Altruistic and Egoistic, why? Altruistic: People come to a point were we deal emotional stress like something or someone they are looking for, or they wanted to feel something or not achieve that is why they feel lonely. Just like me, when I’m in that state of stress, what I do to recover or not overthink things I go out and hang out with my friends, I go to the beach to see the sunset to relax my mind and lastly, I listen to music which is my number one go to relief myself. Egoistic: it’s normal for us to care for other people especially who means a lot to us. And by caring, there will always be pain because that person disappoints us or makes us sad. We feel hurt because we love that someone and loving comes with pain. The pain we feel will teach us in life on handling things, controlling our emotions, dealing with people. We are living and part of living is feeling different emotions that the end of the day will turn you much stronger and mature person.

  17. Melvin M. Villanueva BSIT-2F3

    Men are egoistic, because we cannot deny the fact that we feel happy if we get what we desire even that desire bring us to disaster. For me a man become selfish/egoistic because sometimes or often we have things we want in ourselves but for other people it is bad and not good. Men become selfish because maybe of their past, that they care to much to others and their effort was not given value, so they imprinted in their minds that they do not need too care to others so that they cannot be disappointed of their action. Egoistic individual feel pain caused that they cares for others, because egoistic individual are people that if they give you attention and care you must have repay their kindness so they won’t be hurt.

    3 of the Creative Things to do when I feel lonely.

    When I’m feeling lonely my first choose is to date myself, because you know when I was in senior high school every time I feel stress I used to walk alone going anywhere, I can able to decide alone wherever what I want to do without depending others decision, and I feel glad and happy because I am dependent to my decision making. The second creative things when I’m feeling lonely is to sit down anywhere and think positive things, if you think positive things it can change your bad mood into happy mood, because I believe the saying that we are prisoner of our own mind, so thinking positive can make you happy and thinking negative things will ruin your day. The last creative things I do when I’m feeling lonely was to browse old photos, this habit can make me crazy because every picture has a story and has different emotion that I feel, some of pictures make me happy because it’s remind of the happy moment during that time and also some pictures make me sad because some of the person captured in the pictures turn into stranger.

  18. On my own opinion i’ll go with altruistic c why because men is a strong as there chest so whether they hurt more than they deserve they stay as a man for their family and love one’s. They also carry the pain even you trampling on their ego and choose to be happy , give you what you deserve in order for you to be happy together with him. In addition a man can also hide thousand of feelings for their love one’s to show that they will not be affected by what we do to them. A man who is altruistic also can take the risk for their family and love one’s because there are some fact that they think other priorities more than itself.

  19. Khien D. Torreña BSIT 2-F3

    On my own opinion men are egoistic. Well, men are more sensitive than you all think. Men tend to hide all the emotions they feel because society expects them to be though and strong. We see men with exaggerated jugdment of their capabilities and importantance everywhere. Most people assume the male ego is an issue of superiority and inferiority. But, can also stem from a complex that alternates between superiority and inferiority, resulting in the desire to impress others. Men break very quickly when they fail the feel good factor of achievement is very important to them.

    When I’m lonely I choose to think positive focus on good things no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they seem. Spend time with positive people and surround yourself with people will lift you up and help you see the bright side. Second is do watch friends, friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Lastly, Be happy or Even Crazy at times. When I feel lonely I’ll go outdoors to do some stuffs or play with my little cousins since being with them can help me forget about my loneliness. When I watch kids having fun while playing with me, it fills my heart with joy once more.

  20. Jonalyn S. Degabi BSIT 2F3

    Men are both altruistic and egoistic in my opinion. There are men who create things to benefit others without expecting anything in return; they create help without being asked. Men, on the other hand, can be selfish; they will look at a man who is having a difficult time and reject or dismiss him. It is self-abusing to treat others so well, because there are some who will take advantage of your goodwill. So we sometimes have to be selfish in other ways by taking care of ourselves, loving ourselves, which allows us to be kind to others because we were first able to make ourselves proud and good.

    When I’m lonely, I have three innovative ideas.

    First, Interacting with others can help to alleviate stress and loneliness. Even short conversations can help to alleviate stress and loneliness. Second, Volunteering can also keep you from feeling lonely because you’ll be having so much fun with your pals that you’ll forget about your problems for a while owing to activities and so on. Third, Get your favorite pet is one of my favorites, because I adore dogs and constantly play and converse with them when I have a problem. Pets promote physical activity and playfulness, as well as enhancing cardiovascular health.

  21. Michelle O. Nalangan BSIT 2-F3

    Men are altruistic in my opinion since most of them make significant sacrifices for their families and loved ones, and they are good at concealing their sentiments and emotions; they are more concerned with others than with themselves. But, despite their strength and bravery, men also feel lonely, even if they are selfless, because as humans, they must experience pain in order to learn, grow, and evolve in life. It is a part of growing up, and we must see it in a positive way because each of us has this behavior that we thought was not ours, but as we progress in our development, we become curious about new things and must deal with them. We must push ourselves beyond our comfort zones in order to grow and matured in life.

    When I’m lonely, I do three creative things: first, I interact with people, especially my family, which gives me strength and allows me to be strong when coping with my loneliness. It helps me a lot that I have a family who is always there for me, especially when I’m having a bad day. Second, I used to date myself by going out to dine and shop, as well as going to church to date myself with God, which helped me to feel less lonely. Finally, I always think positive, telling myself that everything will be fine, that I just need to be strong, and that I have my family and friends by my side. For me to be able to step up for my future, I need to think positively.

  22. Queenie Mae Gargallano BSIT 2F3

    In my opinion men are egoistic in their young age , they will choose what is the best for them and what can benefit the the most but as they aged and enter into a serious relationship men become altruistic in a way that they will give everything that they can offer to the happiness of their partner and their family , they will become selfless and work hard to provide their family needs , maybe egoistic is just a part of a man’s growth but the important thing is they become altruistic at the end .

    If there are 3 things I want to do when I am lonely . First, is to interact with other people to divert my attention from overthinking to having good chats with them . second, Is to think positive in every situation where you control your emotion and do not over react and solve the situation in a silent way that others cannot even notice , third is to drink coffee , when I feel stressed it’s coffee that calm my mind and it makes me relaxed and also I can think we’ll while having coffee.

  23. Anchel B. Erecido BSIT 2F3

    For me, Men are altruistic why? Because I know a lot of men that are more concerned with the welfare of others. Altruistic Men always think about how to give all their best to other people or their loved ones. They are more concentrated by the needs of others just like in the family my father priorities us and thinks about how we can eat 3 times a day without questioning himself. It is the way to prove that they love to sacrifice everything for the sake of other people. Even though we know that men are strong, sometimes they also feel lonely because of the problems that we face every day, not all the time we feel happy and contented with what we have right now all of us encounter many difficulties in our life. The fact that all of us feel loneliness and pain even if we’re an altruistic or egoistic type of person. We can easily get hurt by others but the most important is that every man deserves to be happy.

    Here are the 3 of the Creative Things I do when I’m lonely. First is I always Think Positive regardless of what I feel I have to look for the positive side to defeat loneliness. Second, Interact with people interacting with people like your loved ones and friends is another way to ease the loneliness I feel. Communicating to my family and to my friends is the best feeling because you have someone that is willingly listening to you. Every time I talk to them I immediately forgot that I’m lonely. That’s why I’m thankful that I have a family and friends like them. Lastly, Being happy or even crazy at times I just go to what makes me happy because happiness is the most important thing in my life. Doing or being crazy sometimes is fun I don’t care what people think about me by doing crazy things their opinions are not my problem what’s important is that I am enjoying what I am doing.


    For me, men are altruistic. Altruistic people are those who are concerned about or develop for the welfare of others. I can say that men are altruistic because we can see that men care for the people that are important to them. They are easy to get along with. They feel loneliness because they have no confidence or delicacy to do what they do to others. It’s easier for them to comfort others than to comfort themselves. We all know that men are not vocal about what they feel. They can make others happy, but they can not do it for themselves. Mental illness is also the reason why altruistic people feel lonely. A lot of mental illnesses, like bipolar, anxiety, and depression, can make people feel very lonely. These kinds of people like to keep their problems to themselves because they do not want to be a burden to others. Altruistic people are people that we can see are happy and don’t have any problems, but deep inside they have so many problems that they are fighting for. And that is men, because men are so private about what they feel and that makes them lonely.

    When I’m lonely, the first thing I do is interact with people, because I find that interacting with other people makes me forget my problems for a while. It helps me ease my loneliness because I focus my attention on others and not on myself. The second one is to think positively. I think positive things to cheer me up and deal with the loneliness I feel. Because sometimes I feel lonely when other people are dragging me down or judging me for who I am. It’s not easy to cheer yourself up by yourself. But always remember that at the end of the day, you always have yourself. Thinking about positive things can build you up and can help you cheer yourself up for the loneliness you feel. The third one is drinking coffee. Drinking coffee is my redeemer for the loneliness I feel. It is my stress reliever. Every time I drink coffee, it feels so relaxing. Every time I feel lonely, I just take a seat, sip my cup of coffee, close my eyes and absorb every bit of loneliness I feel.

  25. Khea Joy S. Juanico 2F3

    Men are egoistic. Even despite the fact that we became selfish over something and became possessive on things or people we value, especially our self, there’s still an area in our heart that still care. Our ego is speaking not to mind it, but we are still human that gets curious and seeks for reason to be satisfied. We can’t hide the fact that we think and consider our self and happiness. Men highlights his/her importance in order to emphasize his value. That is why, people nowadays are busy trying to prove their worth. Everyone must have something in order to be accepted, supported or praised. When men feels offended, it is because men thinks that he/she doesn’t deserved it. Our ego emphasizes of being full of our self, but we were still created out of love. It was love that formed us, and this love is trying to escape, trying to manifest it to other people, even to those people we don’t like because they caused us so much pain. That is why despite of being egoistic, we still care for them. There’s still a disturbance in our hearts. We are supposed to ignore it because of a bigger part that’s inside us which is trying to resist, but we are still human. We became soft and affected even by the most little things and the most impossible reason we can imagine. We can easily be swayed, moved or touched even if we force not to be.

    3 of the Creative Things I do when I’m lonely:
    First, Interact with People. To be able to talk with my friends, even on my loved ones is a great remedy to lessen and cure my loneliness. While talking to them, gazing at their faces, little gestures, their smile or when they laugh, I began to immediately realize that I am blessed beyond I think I am. Spending time with them is always better than soaking myself all day in the four corners of my room, I only feel lonelier. The way the conversation goes, the more it emphasize that people can understand me, and I, too, understand them. In that way, we can encourage one another. That I won’t be afraid when there will be time that I’d feel loneliness again because I know, there are people at my back who are willing to help me and willing to listen on my painful and tiresome struggles.
    Second, I think of the Root Cause. Whenever I feel this way, I would often ask myself why. Why do I feel empty, why do I feel weak, why is my heart so heavy, what’s goes wrong, why do I feel lonely? I’d reflect on these questions so I can come up with an accurate answer. I’d pray to God, confess my struggles and what I am going through. I’d ask for wisdom, transparency, and strength to overcome this difficulty. Seeking where it starts, would make myself become humble in the situation I can’t grasp and cannot contain anymore. This will close a hole in my heart where I stuck the things I’m afraid to let go and fear to accept. Finally, I’ll have the courage to discern everything and know that there are seasons in my life where I have to walk in wilderness to my victorious and joyful season.
    Lastly, I come up with a Gratitude Journal. One of the ways I always consider to do is writing. I pour my soul and my heart while putting down eloquent words that extract what I am feeling. Letting the words tell how it has been and how I’ve been able to get better because of the grace of God. Through it, I can count my blessings with a grateful heart and I can say that I’m not alone in my darkest hour. That GOD sustained me and I am living my life growing and flourishing because of the lessons that my experience have taught me. We must not miss looking at the brighter side of the situation. There is indeed more to be gratefully count on, and our journal can also be our best friend.

  26. Claire M Miravelis BSIT-2F3

    On my own opinion man are egoistic he still care others even it can caused pain for him because he doesn’t want anyone to feel what he already felt and experienced for not having someone to care for him. And being care for others can also help for themselves to deal with tough situations in their life it can actually help to overcome challenges in life as well. Man always choose to show that they are strong and independent but deep inside they felt pain and get hurt because they still cared for someone without expecting anything back.

    When I’m lonely I choose to drink coffee because the good aroma of coffee sents different calmness in my body and it helps me to become more active. And every sip of coffee it sends me different kind of happiness. Second is do personal chores when I’m alone I’m comfortable to do my personal chores because I can do it on my own decision with out depending on my parents or siblings.Lastly, be happy, or even crazy at times because whatever the reasons why I’m all alone , I know that everything has a purpose/reasons why it was happening. Maybe I’m alone today and tomorrow I will be receiving the things that I prayed for. Life must keep moving.

  27. Andrea Isabelle C. Palma

    Men as we all know possess a strong personality and undisputed vitality. They are portrayed as the epitome of strength and foundation of every household. Because of this understanding of men in the society, some tends to forget that men can also be altruistic and egoistic. No one is considered the same, and every trait depicts a particular understanding. Men most of the times are egoistic. They have the tendency to care for others even to the extent that it will cause him much pain. This is the truth that egoistic men share in common. That they can risk their own happiness just to protect and safeguard their loved ones. Men will face any danger and struggle in able to provide safety and security to those who most need it.

    Loneliness is a valid feeling that everyone is experiencing most of the times. Whenever I feel lonely, I do such things that will make me boost my feelings such as interacting with people. I share what is running through my mind with my family members and even to my closest friends. Their sharing and thoughts to my life has really made a great impact on how I handle loneliness. Second is caffeine shot by drinking coffee. The aroma and taste of Coffee makes me feel alive and glad by triggering my happy hormones. Every sip of coffee brings so much joy to me. Third one is doing personal chores. Making myself productive is also one way for me to be happy at times when I feel sad. I busy myself by doing household chores because it diverts my attention to something important and worth doing. The completion of every chore is satisfaction guaranteed.

  28. Crystal Gail B. Gavileno 2F3

    Are men altruistic or egoistic? In my opinion, men can achieve both. But, before we proceed you should first know the difference between an Altruist and Egoist. Altruistic people are those people who are very selfless and they are always thinking about the welfare of others, they are more concerned to others rather than themselves. Egoist, they are often known as the selfish and self-centered types of people, they do not care and think about others as long as they are okay. So, in my own opinion men can be both altruistic and egoistic because both of these are essential. Having both of these personalities can become a positive thing for you because it is where you know and weigh the things out for other people. Altruist and Egoist may be very different from each other but it is where the beauty lies. For me, it is like Yin and Yang, there is good in bad and there is bad in good. Multiple personalities will not harm other people as long as you are aware and cautious of your actions. It is okay to have plenty of personalities because we are all just humans, there will be times that you will become confused but it is part of growing up. We are bound to experience this kind of emotions in order to know ourselves and who we really are.

    During the times that I am feeling lonely here are the things that I usually do. I take time to do my personal chores because it helps my mind become preoccupied, in that way I can forget my loneliness but also become productive at the same time. Interacting with people is also a way for me in order to ease my loneliness because having someone to talk and share your thoughts with really helps. It is where you can start to know and realize many things, you will know that it is not just only you that has a problem in this world but rather all of us but they just chose to ignore it and let life go on. Lastly, I am really trying my best to think positive even though I am a pessimistic kind of person because it is also a way for me to think from a new perspective and convince myself that everything happens for a reason; it is okay to be lonely for some time but not all the time.

  29. Leslie D. Carnaje BSIT 2-F3

    Personally speaking, I believe man is an egoistic being. Why? Because he is self-centered, full of himself, and fully self-absorbed to believe he is better than everyone else. Being egoistic can destroy his family because he creates a schism between himself and his family. It may give him pain since he is concerned about his family. We know that family comes first, before anything else. The finest thing you can do for yourself and your family is to let go of your ego. It can assist you in forming a strong bond with your family and maintaining a nice relationship with them. You must love yourself and your family, understanding that you are deserving of happiness.

    Three things I do when I’m lonely. First, interact with others because it feels wonderful to interact with others, particularly strangers. It’s enjoyable to converse with them since you can say whatever you want without fear of being criticized. Second, if I’m lonely, I can date myself because I can treat myself to whatever I want. I also have the ability to date myself, so I can do whatever I want. Getting out of my comfort zone since it’s the only way for me to grow. Lastly, running allows me to unwind and relax without being distracted by my surroundings. This is the most effective technique for me to deal with my loneliness.

  30. Leomar Recaplaza Alpetche BSIT 2F3

    I listen to a music which is inspirational that would help ease the loneliness that im feeling, a song that can motivate to me become better and a happy person.
    I go the gym to sweat out the negative vibes that have in my body, because having a healthy body is also good for myself and also I can make friends with the people who are there too and connect a happy thoughts wot them.
    I go in silence to relax my mind to make my brain release all the stress and negative thought being in a silent moment area can be help me bring my happy memories that is really helpful for me to avoid being sad and lonely.

  31. Lorraine D. Resurreccion. BSIT2F3

    There are two different kinds of men you’ll meet. The first is Altruistic a man who will give you the life you want. The second is Egoistic a man who doesn’t give you the worth you want. And based on my personal experience, in my situation right now men are more likely Altruistic. Why? Because in my life there are two men that I treasured most, my stepfather and grandfather. These two man are more likely to have an attitude or behavior that they will put others before themselves. I know it’s now normal for most families to have a mother or a single mom who works in order to provide for their family’s necessities. But just like my stepfather and grandfather who is head of the family, they are devoted to the welfare of their loved ones, for us. They work hard for us to have a good and better life ahead. And I know their responsibilities are too much for them that may cause stress and loneliness. That maybe they have trouble reaching out to us, they can’t easily open up what they feel that their loneliness is exacerbated by a lack of genuine ties with us because they think as a head of the family they should be strong. That with their over-focus on us they forget what they need for themselves. But that’s just for me, there are still really men who don’t care about others that the only thing that matters to them is themselves.

    As a introvert kind of person I can be perfectly contented by myself; Yes, we may crave and seek deep connections on others but we prefer to be alone than in a crowd place. To the point that I don’t know how to interact with others and to the point that I don’t know how to make a conversation, but it does not mean that I have to be sad about it. When I’m feeling lonely what I do is. First, I will definitely Date Myself, creating a self date traditions, like making time to myself, buying a things I want, eating what my cravings are and to make myself free just to avoid loneliness is really big help, it may help me to forget about my loneliness and appreciate the solitude of being alone. Just look at it as an opportunity for you to celebrate and enjoy your given “me” time. That regardless of how I feel lonely, building a good relationship with myself is a worthy investment. Then I will make sure myself to Be Happy, or Even Crazy at Times. Life isn’t a race, So, don’t be rush. I know the happiness that I was yearning for is not found externally. It’s in myself, true happiness can be found internally. Like when we truly love our own self. I do not want to depend my happiness on others. Yes, they can make me smile and laugh but they are not responsible for my happiness. Only my self. I know also that happiness cannot be forced, it will come eventually if you want to. I just wanna enjoy this moment of my life. Lastly I will just Think Positive things that may help me not to feel lonely by focusing on the good things. Just label your thoughts with positive thinking, which will enable me to do more than negative thinking will. You can’t keep yourself from being lonely while also keeping yourself from being happy. And just remember every day is a good day, even the worst days have an ending and the best days have a new beginning. I just always remember that things are happening right now, whether it’s good or bad is all happening in my favor, this things that happening is to help me to get what I want to be.

  32. Lorraine D. Resurreccion. BSIT2F3

    There are two different kinds of men you’ll meet. The first is Altruistic a man who will give you the life you want. The second is Egoistic a man who doesn’t give you the worth you want. And based on my personal experience, in my situation right now men are more likely Altruistic. Why? Because in my life there are two men that I treasured most, my stepfather and grandfather. These two man are more likely to have an attitude or behavior that they will put others before themselves. I know it’s now normal for most families to have a mother or a single mom who works in order to provide for their family’s necessities. But just like my stepfather and grandfather who is head of the family, they are devoted to the welfare of their loved ones, for us. They work hard for us to have a good and better life ahead. And I know their responsibilities are too much for them that may cause stress and loneliness. That maybe they have trouble reaching out to us, they can’t easily open up what they feel that their loneliness is exacerbated by a lack of genuine ties with us because they think as a head of the family they should be strong. That with their over-focus on us they forget what they need for themselves. But that’s just for me, there are still really men who don’t care about others that the only thing that matters to them is themselves.

    As a introvert kind of person I can be perfectly contented by myself; Yes, we may crave and seek deep connections on others but we prefer to be alone than in a crowd place. To the point that I don’t know how to interact with others and to the point that I don’t know how to make a conversation, but it does not mean that I have to be sad about it. When I’m feeling lonely what I do is. First, I will definitely Date Myself, creating a self date traditions, like making time to myself, buying a things I want, eating what my cravings are and to make myself free just to avoid loneliness is really big help, it may help me to forget about my loneliness and appreciate the solitude of being alone. Just look at it as an opportunity for you to celebrate and enjoy your given “me” time. That regardless of how I feel lonely, building a good relationship with myself is a worthy investment. Then I will make sure myself to Be Happy, or Even Crazy at Times. Life isn’t a race, So, don’t be rush. I know the happiness that I was yearning for is not found externally. It’s in myself, true happiness can be found internally. Like when we truly love our own self. I do not want to depend my happiness on others. Yes, they can make me smile and laugh but they are not responsible for my happiness. Only my self. I know also that happiness cannot be forced, it will come eventually if you want to. I just wanna enjoy this moment of my life. Lastly I will just Think Positive things that may help me not to feel lonely by focusing on the good things. Just labeling my thoughts with positive things which will enable me to do more than negative things. You can’t keep yourself from being lonely while also keeping yourself from being happy. And just remember every day is a good day, even the worst days have an ending and the best days have a new beginning. I just always remember that things are happening right now, whether it’s good or bad is all happening in my favor, this things that happening is to help me to get what I want to be.

  33. From my point of view, I can say that men are altruistic in a sense that it is emotionally rewarding for them. Nowadays, men who were altruistic were rated as more desirable than men who were just attractive. Men who are altruistic have a lot advantages than those who are not. In that manner, men are altruistic for it does not only adds to their appeal but it can also increased happiness, improved physical health and can help relieve their negative feelings. However, there are obstacles that sometimes prevent such actions, wherein too much kindness and empathy are contagious that can lead to loneliness in order to care for others. For instance, during this time of pandemic many of us such as men with all ages are experiencing of what so-called “quarantine” which they are experiencing loneliness in order to help others to stay safe and save lives. There’s also a time that altruism can lead to loneliness like you feel lonely if someone you’re directly connected to is lonely as well. On the other hand, the 3 creative things that I do when I am lonely are interacting with others, capture the moment, and be happy or even crazy at times. I am a type of person who gets bored when I am not interacting with others. Interaction gives me joy and happiness everyday. I also love to capture every moment for it increases enjoyment of experiences, keep me calm and focused. Lastly, in my walks of life, I always prefer to be happy or even crazy at times to fill my mind and body with positive energy and looks life with hope and optimism.

  34. Efren John Reyes

    Men are either altruistic or egoistic in my opinion, and we all have different perspectives and attitudes. I believe it is a development,do not put yourself in a box and do not settle for less. During your adolescence, you will recognize and establish that attitude based on your surroundings and experiences. However, I am a more altruistic person. I always give and provide for the needs of others, taking into account their wants and needs. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t have anything left in me. Especially when it comes to trusting someone. However, it contradicts the question or statement about why they are lonely. Because I tend to become more socially involved when I help others and it made me happy and more open.It is a choice, but I have learned a lot from having this attitude. I’ve lost sight of my sanity; I’ve always given 100 percent of my trust, love, and kindness to others while keeping nothing for myself. And I believe this question made me realize one thing: we are not required to maintain a single attitude. Learn to balance it and set boundaries; you can be altruistic or egoistic as long as you know your limits,because at the end of the day we are accountable not just for ourselves but also for others.

    When I’m lonely, I always choose to interact with people, especially strangers, because it’s more comfortable for me to open up and talk to them without worrying that they’ll judge me because they don’t know who I am. This helps me understand that life is fair and that I am not the only one suffering from loneliness. The next step would be to consider the root cause. By assessing myself and determining why I am lonely, I believe I will gain a better understanding of why I am lonely. Resolving the issues that have caused my loneliness can help me grow and heal. Finally, consider thinking positively. Yes, I’m lonely, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy. That I’ll just let myself be eaten by loneliness. I’d rather turn my loneliness into a source of strength; being lonely can be a weakness, but turning it into a source of strength has had a significant impact.

  35. Lyka C.Oscianas BSIT 2F3

    Men for me is more likely to have an Egoistic nature,because I have know someone that he give so much care to a girl even the girl had never been care for him.He feels so much care to the point that it cause pain to him.Men are so strong ,we didn’t see them cry often in front of us but as a human they also have feelings ,they care to others maybe because they love the person or maybe they are attracted.They get hurt because they care too much ,they give love too much that cause them pain for taking too much to others.

    When I’m lonely ,I take time to think the root cause why I feeling this way, then I try so hard to understand it so well so that even it’s so hard I need to accept it .Next, I always keep to my mind to think positive even the situation is so hard to understand because I always think even in the darkest night their will be star that shine .Lastly ,I choose to be happy or even crazy at times because I know all the pain and loneliness I have feel now their are always a good reason behind it just accept it and keep going.

    • Kimberly F. Betic BSIT 2F3

      Every time I observe the men around me and some few friends, I notice that they are Altruistic its because they want to be a mysterious their privacy for them is very important at all times. Altruistic men hate crowded places they go to the better places because being lonely for them makes give them pieces of mind. They hate to argue with other people and I notice that altruistic men are very observant. Altruistic men, they not lonely because most of the time do their habit makes them satisfied also they have a friend but these kinds of traits they have is what they grew up with. For me altruistic men they become like that because first, they see themes that he is happy and he is okay even if no one is there to accompany him. Second, because he was accustomed to it when he was young unto he grows up alone, unwilling to socialize with other people. But despite this, altruistic men are the ones who are brave, they are the ones who do not immediately give up on life challenges even if they are alone, their hearts and beliefs do not immediately change because I see them as the people who know a lot.

      The most do when I’m lonely are, Red Fictional Materials, Come up with Gratitude Journal, and Browse the Old Photo Album. These three creative thing makes me glad every time I’m lonely. Doing Red Fictional Materials gives me strength because I always imagine how I am successful someday, I see my beautiful future if I never give up on the trials that I face now. Come up with a Gratitude Journal, writing what I feel every day when I’m lonely it helps me to express my feelings and to overcome the loneliness of the time. Browse the Old Photo Album is my favorite everyday routine when I’m lonely, doing this makes me realize that I have friends and family that always be there for my ups and downs, memories of every album I have is my treasure.

  36. Nathanael D. Pabiania BSIT 2F3

    In my opinion, men are more likely to have an altruistic nature, which is defined by selflessness and concern for the well-being of others. They typically put others first and truly care about the people around them whether they have a personal connection to them or not. In other words, it means that they are willing to sacrifice themselves in order to satisfy the person or people they are attempting to help regardless of the consequences, as they think that helping for the sake of others is more important than having a better personal gain. At this point, if it happens extensively, it could lead to personal struggles like you only focus on something and someone you are eager to assist not to the point that you should help yourself, which will make you realize that making it a habit will make you feel so lonely at the end of the day.

  37. Jheeve Dhalin M. Iligan 2F3

    Because he put the welfare of others ahead on is own. He feel like I should put others before himself. as long as he don’t know why he felt that way. Other reason is the altruistic person is kind of unselfish person that makes other impressed on that attitude.

    • Kimberly F. Betic BSIT 2F3

      Every time I observe the men around me and some few friends, I notice that they are Altruistic its because they want to be a mysterious their privacy for them is very important at all times. Altruistic men hate crowded places they go to the better places because being lonely for them makes give them pieces of mind. They hate to argue with other people and I notice that altruistic men are very observant. Altruistic men, they not lonely because most of the time do their habit makes them satisfied also they have a friend but these kinds of traits they have is what they grew up with. For me altruistic men they become like that because first, they see themes that he is happy and he is okay even if no one is there to accompany him. Second, because he was accustomed to it when he was young unto he grows up alone, unwilling to socialize with other people. But despite this, altruistic men are the ones who are brave, they are the ones who do not immediately give up on life challenges even if they are alone, their hearts and beliefs do not immediately change because I see them as the people who know a lot.

      The most do when I’m lonely are, Red Fictional Materials, Come up with Gratitude Journal, and Browse the Old Photo Album. These three creative thing makes me glad every time I’m lonely. Doing Red Fictional Materials gives me strength because I always imagine how I am successful someday, I see my beautiful future if I never give up on the trials that I face now. Come up with a Gratitude Journal, writing what I feel every day when I’m lonely it helps me to express my feelings and to overcome the loneliness of the time. Browse the Old Photo Album is my favorite everyday routine when I’m lonely, doing this makes me realize that I have friends and family that always be there for my ups and downs, memories of every album I have is my treasure.

  38. Jheeve Dhalin M. Iligan 2F3

    As a man, I am an altruistic person. Because I put the welfare of others ahead of my own. I feel like I should put others before myself. as long as I don’t know why I feel that way. I also often get upset because I feel like my other friends are being forced to come with me. There are times when they even choose who they will join us. but I’m telling them to just go with him because I’m okay. The reason maybe is why they feel like they’re being nurtured. Maybe because as I said they put others before themselves. They also feel that they don’t have time to go with the people they want to be with.

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