Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery


Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Digital Marketing Evolution: Participation in one of the CITEM Shows in Manila held particular significance for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. These exhibits serve as a prime platform to attract foreign buyers, unveiling opportunities for international connections. However, it’s worth noting that such exhibitions demand substantial capitalization from the producers, marking a complex decision-making juncture. Due to the substantial costs involved, the gallery decided to refrain from joining, redirecting its efforts toward strategies that would maximize its local presence and engagement.

How Digital Marketing Has Transformed the Landscape | The Evolution of Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of business, one constant remains change. Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of marketing. The digital age has reshaped how we communicate and access information and has revolutionized how businesses reach and engage their target audiences. This transformation, aptly termed “digital marketing,” has altered the marketing landscape in ways previously thought unimaginable.

Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

In the past, physical displays were renowned for generating impressive sales figures. In this vein, a captivating window display beautifully showcased Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s diverse products at the Negros Showroom. This thoughtfully curated showcase elegantly presented the gallery’s creations and enticed passersby and visitors, catching their attention.   

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery: A Journey of Innovation and Resilience

Amid this dynamic shift, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery stands as a testament to the power of adaptation and innovation. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, the gallery has weathered the changing tides of marketing. It all began within the walls of the Negros Showroom, a beacon of regional craftsmanship and creativity located in Bacolod City. This esteemed establishment, owned and managed by the Association of Negros Producers (ANP), is a regional trade hub supported by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

The Facebook Page of the gallery, where customers typically send their queries

From Showroom to Online Space: Navigating the Changing Landscape [Digital Marketing Evolution ]

The Negros Showroom has long been a bastion of creativity, showcasing the best products from local artisans. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery found its initial footing here, gaining exposure and recognition. Yet, the rise of online platforms and the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms brought about a paradigm shift. The digital realm allowed producers to connect directly with consumers, while new businesses and other local government initiatives posed new competition with their Local Showrooms.

 [Digital Marketing Evolution]

In this landscape of change, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery persevered. The gallery, being part of both the OTOP (One Town, One Product) store and the Negros Showroom, found itself facing both opportunities and challenges. While the gallery’s distinct identity and independent gallery shop gave it an edge, survival demanded more. Embracing the power of social media became essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries.


Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s first feature from CNN: CNN Philippines, a highly esteemed media entity, has harnessed YouTube and other social media platforms to amplify its reach significantly. 

Digital Marketing Evolution: Unveiling the Creative Spirit Online

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery seamlessly integrated the power of social media into its marketing endeavors. Its innovation journey gained momentum with the support of media partners and digital marketers. This online presence wasn’t just about selling products; it was about telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience. The gallery’s engaging content showcased the products and the artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity.

Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

The second feature from CNN Philippines

Strategic Pivots | Digital Marketing Evolution

In the ever-evolving marketing landscape, adaptability is critical. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the need to pivot strategically. The gallery boldly decided to redirect its efforts as fairs and exhibits in Manila demanded substantial resources. Rather than chasing after the glittering lights of larger trade fairs, it refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom.

Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

The Korean Broadcasting Network, a significant media giant in Korea, showcased the gallery’s achievements while also crossposting content on various digital platforms.

Digital Marketing Evolution: A Glimpse into the Future 

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s story encapsulates businesses’ transformative journey in the digital age. From the bustling halls of traditional showrooms to the virtual avenues of social media, adaptation has been the cornerstone of success. The future promises to be equally dynamic, with emerging technologies like augmented reality and AI poised to redefine the landscape again.

In the grand tapestry of marketing evolution, one thing remains clear: businesses that embrace change, innovation, and the power of human connection will continue to thrive. As Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates, the transformation journey is about surviving and flourishing in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

A standout highlight for the gallery was the notable feature by Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach. She spotlighted the gallery through her show “Pia’s Postcards,” which was recorded at the gallery. The episode was shared across her diverse social media platforms and YouTube channel, garnering widespread exposure.| Digital Marketing Evolution 


Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery


The gallery received a significant spotlight when KMJS Jessica Soho of GMA featured it in the past. The show’s enduring popularity continues as it’s crossposted on social media and YouTube, garnering viewers consistently over time.

Digital Marketing Evolution : The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

The Gilded Expressions, an exhibit by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery held at Park Inn by Radisson, received an extensive promotion from the hotel across multiple media outlets in Manila. The event garnered remarkable attention, earning coverage in five distinct newsfeeds. | Digital Marketing Evolution 

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[Digital Marketing Evolution]

 Digital Marketing Evolution 


  1. Jay Escalante

    The role of digital marketing has grown exponentially. A very good example of these is jojo vidal design exploring how the business has harnessed digital strategies to enhance its brand presence and reach. Furthermore, the review examines the measures laid out by the government to bolster Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in line with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022.

    Digital Marketing Evolution at Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery:
    From the humble beginning into a product that showcase the different product with the surge in online platforms and social media, the gallery recognized the importance of adapting to modern consumer behaviors. It also helps the business being recognized by and are acknowledge by so many people, Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery has succeeded in several key aspects:

    Social Media Engagement:
    Jojo vidal designs uses the different platform like “Facebook, instagram and etc”. These help him being recognized and expand his business and can be recognized by so many people especially celebrites.

    Commerce Integration:
    Understanding the convenience of online shopping, Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery has integrated an e-commerce platform into its website. This move has enabled customers to seamlessly browse, select, and purchase artworks from the comfort of their homes and help the business further improve the things that people arw asking for.

    Government Measures to Support MSMEs:
    The Philippines’ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022 encompasses a comprehensive strategy to foster the growth of MSMEs. Some notable measures include:

    Access to Finance:
    The government has facilitated access to financial resources for MSMEs by partnering with financial institutions to provide favorable loan terms and credit facilities. This support enables businesses like Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery to invest in digital infrastructure and marketing.

    We all know business is hard in any shape or form that is why we have this kinds of tools so that you can be further improve and also you can learn from it, in each step by improving your own business. By these example here is a great example that can help young business people who are striving to become someone someday. The case study of Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery exemplifies the pivotal role of digital marketing in propelling the growth of MSMEs. By strategically harnessing social media, e-commerce, influencer collaborations, and content marketing, the gallery has achieved remarkable brand expansion. It can be a good influnces not only to the people who witness it but also to those people who are striving and dreaming to become a better business people and also can be guided eventually if they are doing their business on their own. By reading these post of jojo vidal design it can give you different kinds of tips and advices so that you can be guided in order to become a better in your indusrty.

  2. Catherine Stephanie P. Villachica

    Before, products were showcased physically and increased sales. Presenting products on window displays can help customers attract attention and their behavior. Exhibits like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcased at the Negros Showroom, proved customers are drawn and found curiosity about the products displayed. Moreover, the government supports many MSMEs to showcase products like the Negros Showroom stated above. Hence, many MSMEs have been given the chance to gain exposure and opportunities.

    The digital marketing has been evolving through the years. Exhibits like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery gained more connections using digital marketing to broadcast products and attract foreign buyers. As mentioned in the article, the gallery is a part of the OTOP (One Town, One Product) store, and the Negros Showroom has found many opportunities and challenges throughout the years. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embraced digital marketing to extend beyond the traditional ways, and it helped a lot by showcasing their products through social media. Since Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has been exposed through digital marketing, Jojo Vito has been featured in CNN, Korean Broadcasting System, Metro Style, and KMJS. Therefore, the journey faced by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery enfolds that businesses should adapt to change and the government has provided help, especially to the MSMEs to help our economy thrive in the future.

  3. Nadine Julia R Crisostomo

    The article states how Jojo Vito has transitioned from traditional marketinto digital marketing. Coming in to the age of technology, adapting to the new norms and trends is crucial for a business to survive. Jojo Vito was able to adapt to innovation and connected to consumers through the digital realm. Through this, Jojo was able to expand his market by having online showrooms where consumers and potential buyer are able to see artistic creations. Jojo Vito Online Gallery was part of the OTOP and Negros Showroom, allowing Jojo Vito to display his creations.

  4. Samantha Go

    Digital marketing has changed how businesses in the Philippines operate in terms of expansion. It has paved the way for enterprises to reach people beyond the local areas of said enterprise. One important factor that has been added is the PPC or pay-per-click option. Alongside this is social media advertising which levels the playing field and pushes entrepreneurs to target larger markets. Digital marketing has also facilitated global market access, enabling even the smallest Filipino businesses to tap into international markets, aligning with DTI’s global competitiveness initiatives. Just like how Jojo Vito is a prime example of how a business can reach a wider consumer audience through the use of a digital space, allowing for such an artist and entrepreneur to make a name for himself that is not limited to the borders of Bacolod and we could say, has no limit at all as digital marketing reaches anyone with access to wifi which is 65% of the population.

    With that said, through digital marketing, revolutionary changes are to come in the business sector of our country. Just take a look at Jojo Vito’s work and how he was able to garner attention from even celebrities as well as build his brand up to make it visible to all parts of the Philippines.

  5. Maria Erika Mira

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and commerce, the role of digital marketing has grown exponentially. This review delves into the digital marketing evolution within the context of Sir Jojo’s Designs Gallery, exploring how the business has harnessed digital strategies to enhance its brand presence and reach. Furthermore, the review examines the measures laid out by the government to bolster Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in line with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022.

    Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery, a burgeoning creative enterprise specializing in bespoke art pieces, has adeptly navigated the digital marketing landscape. With the surge in online platforms and social media, the gallery recognized the importance of adapting to modern consumer behaviors. By leveraging various digital marketing tools and techniques, Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery has succeeded in several key aspects:

    Social Media Engagement: The gallery has effectively utilized platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase its exquisite art pieces. Regular posts featuring high-quality images, behind-the-scenes insights, and customer testimonials have fostered a strong online community and engagement.

    E-Commerce Integration: Understanding the convenience of online shopping, Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery has integrated an e-commerce platform into its website. This move has enabled customers to seamlessly browse, select, and purchase artworks from the comfort of their homes.

    Influencer Collaborations: Collaborations with influencers and art enthusiasts have widened the gallery’s reach. By tapping into influencers’ followers and utilizing their authentic endorsements, the gallery has gained credibility and expanded its customer base.

    Content Marketing: The creation of insightful blog posts, videos, and tutorials related to art and design has positioned the gallery as an authority in its niche. This content not only engages the audience but also enhances the gallery’s search engine visibility.

    Technology and Innovation Support: The government promotes the adoption of digital technologies among MSMEs to boost competitiveness. This includes providing incentives for the acquisition of technology and offering guidance on digital transformation strategies.

    The case study of Sir Jojo’s Designs Gallery exemplifies the pivotal role of digital marketing in propelling the growth of MSMEs. By strategically harnessing social media, e-commerce, influencer collaborations, and content marketing, the gallery has achieved remarkable brand expansion. Simultaneously, the Philippines’ government measures, as outlined in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022, provide a supportive ecosystem for MSMEs to thrive in the digital age. The synergy between business innovation and governmental support holds the promise of a flourishing future for enterprises like Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery.

  6. Vincent Victor Roa

    Business enterprises are rapidly increasing, with the expansion of various businesses in our country, it is a must to be supported by the programs of the government. That is why Under the RA 6977 or the Magna Carta for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises a development plan shall be implemented to aid these business enterprises in venturing a larger market in hopes of acquiring greater recognition and of course, a better revenue.

    Under the same program, Jojo Vito was assisted by the DTI to showcase his artistic masterpiece through participation in different organizations of artists. Aside from that, he utilized the e-commerce platform which paved the way in reaching and enticing potential clients that are residing from far-off places. These actions lead to improvements that raised the engagement of a business enterprise to a wider market.

    The Government extended its efforts to address the lack of support for the Filipino entrepreneurs hence the birth of Magna Carta for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises. With the support given by the Government through the efforts of DTI MSMEs are given a great opportunity to improve not just on their product and marketing but most of all, their skills in managing and nurturing a business.

  7. The rise of the digital marketing, as said before has transformed and reshaped the traditional landscape of business and marketing, quoting the sentence from the article:
    ” It’s innovation journey gained momentum with the support of media partners and digital marketers. ”
    While this may seem like a simple sentence yet it is valuable; quoting yet another sentence from the article:
    “ This online presence wasn’t just about selling products; it was about telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience. The gallery’s engaging content showcased the products and the artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity. ”
    With supporters of media partners and digital marketers around, along with the Narrative stories. Not only does it make it easier for the product to gain popularity but it’ll also reach out and encourage people around the world who also suffers the same problem due to the Gallery’s engaging content showcased as written above.

    To discuss the role of social media with its extending reach and fostering authentic connections with global audiences, In my respective opinion, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery remained steadfast. Though the Gallery had an advantage due to the Gallery owning a brand (otherwise, its own brand and separate gallery shop.) Due to the Gallery accepting the power of the media it was able to reach far beyond the expected bounds. Furthermore, The media interview in which Jojo Vito was guesting in had made him gain more popularity. Guesting on popular networks, TV shoes and more; Those examples include Jessica Soho and the Korean broadcast network, by being broadcasted globally it inspires more people, as well as the possible clients and audiences all around the world in the near future.

    Although it’s fairly on the artisans perspective, In Jojo Vito Designs Gallery case. They prioritized on one place at a time, and of course they successfully pivoted on their strategies; This also doubles as a demonstration of the Designs Gallery adaptability and strategic thinking of the demands of the local engagement or market. As far as I’m aware the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made the local engagement their pivot rather than with the larger trade fairs. Additionally, My insight on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of the evolving marketing trends is to focus more on their local roots than chase something that has a slim chance of succeeding.

  8. Riggy Alinsoring

    The story of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates how the emergence of digital marketing has altered the conventional business environment. The use of social media, the emphasis on storytelling, and direct connections with customers through online platforms have changed how businesses interact with their target audiences and engage with customers, moving beyond conventional marketing techniques and toward more interactive and personalized approaches.

    As a result of travel restrictions and a drop in tourist brought on by the epidemic and the need for more to survive, Vito Designs Gallery faced possibilities as well as obstacles. Their creation of a plant company using beautiful and vibrant fiberglass jars and planters was one of the primary tactics they used. As soon as they had the chance, they entered the world of ornamental plants. Through the use of social media, they interact with customers and turn an antiquated method into a potent weapon for marketing that appeals to a wide audience. Vito Designs Gallery has overcome obstacles and flourished in the constantly changing world of digital marketing by embracing change and implementing cutting-edge marketing strategies.

    In response to the demands of the market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery displayed flexibility and strategic thinking. They shifted their attention to fostering its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than going after the flashing lights of bigger trade shows. It stands for a potent mechanism that can strengthen local communities and have a favorable local effect on the economic sector. Planning and detecting a market gap are crucial steps in effectively pivoting tactics in the face of changing marketing trends.

  9. Alliah Benedicto

    In todays world, having an online presence can give any individual especially businesses an edge against any competitor since almost everybody are patronizing the ease that the internet provides. Just like how the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery managed to switch from being a traditional showroom masterpiece to a digitalized walkthrough bonanza. By putting up a Facebook page and a website, it helped JVDG connect to a new set of target audiences, not only those who are near his showroom displays but also international clients that can access the sites and inquire for his products at the ease of their homes. It also gave him the spotlight as through by being active and relevant on the internet, both local and international journalists and some local artists featured his masterpieces and it helped widen his public engagement.

    If you’re going to ask me, it truly is a lot of work, having to manage different social media platforms and updating them from time to time. The hardest part would be replying to a ton of inquiries and giving the clients intricate and detailed information of the masterpieces since they cannot see it in person unless they opt to go and visit the showrooms. But despite all the challenges, JVDG remained true to what they believed and expanded even more, through not only showcasing their own crafts but also introduce other artisans in the making by featuring them on articles and mentioning their works in JVDG’s websites.

    Jojo Vito Design’s Gallery pivoted their strategies in response to evolving marketing trends through staying up to date on constantly changing customer preferences, marketing dynamics, industrial trends and the emergence of new technologies and social platforms. They are absolutely always open to changes and willing to adjust their strategies based on their client’s feedbacks. As a business that promotes creativity and versatility, they surely had a laser sharp focus on understanding what their target audiences are expecting and intricately tailor specific marketing efforts for them to meet those unique preferences perfectly. For over 25 years of Jojo Vito’s experience and background in his crafts he did not rely solely on one approach and yet explored different marketing channels and platforms to reach broader audiences. His willingness to experiment on new ideas and concepts and willingness to collaborate with industry peers and experts granted him the success he is now reaping. Talking about their decision of prioritizing local engagement over larger trade fair, for me, was actually one of their smartest moves that I commend since if you are aware that your target market is primarily the locals, participating in trade fairs won’t guarantee you a significant return of investment. It’s highly admirable since they exhibited how to effectively reallocate resources to tactics that are more likely to deliver positive outcomes, and that is by being conscious of their existing market circumstances while still making a mark in the industry.

  10. Lester Neil Bustillo

    The experience of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is proof that the traditional landscape of business and marketing has undergone a profound upheaval as a result of the growth of digital marketing. Specific examples from the article are provided below:

    An important transition brought about by the development of digital marketing is the move away from tangible displays like the Negros Showroom and towards an online presence. It emphasises how companies now have more ways to interact directly with their target markets.

    An effective illustration of how digital marketing has changed consumer engagement is the inclusion of social media in Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s marketing plan. The gallery was able to engage authentically and share tales with a global audience thanks to social media. Their frequent use of websites like Facebook, YouTube, and allowed the gallery to showcase its goods, craftspeople, and stories to a global audience. This strategy promoted sincere conversations and connections.

    In response to market demands, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showed flexibility and smart thinking:

    Strategic Turnabout
    The gallery decided to make a strategic adjustment, concentrating more on local involvement and their actual showroom, after seeing the significant resources needed for participation in larger trade fairs in Manila. This choice showed that they had a practical strategy for efficiently managing their resources.

    How to Adjust for Local Conditions:
    The gallery successfully adapted to the local environment by participating in local government projects like OTOP and making use of their distinctive character and independent gallery store.

    Important Business Lesson:
    The case involving Jojo Vito Designs Gallery highlights the significance of adaptation in the in the environment of marketing, which is always changing. Businesses should be willing to reassess their plans and reallocate resources if necessary. Success in the digital age may depend on putting a significant emphasis on an online presence, direct consumer connection through social media, and upholding brand integrity.

    In conclusion, the story of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shows how digital marketing can revolutionise businesses, how social media can help people interact, and how companies must proactively adapt to changing market conditions.

  11. Christian Glenn

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery profited from the rapid growth of online platforms and government-sponsored shows to make the shift from physical displays to an online presence. Due to the emergence of new enterprises and the escalating level of competition, this move became necessary to maintain competitiveness. The gallery was able to increase its reach and create a strong online presence by utilizing social media. The gallery successfully engaged with its audience through compelling narratives and stories, highlighting its products, creators, and overall essence.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery decided to concentrate on local engagements and the promotion of its showroom rather than participating in more significant trade shows in Manila because of their resource-intensive nature. The gallery’s ability to adapt and make wise decisions was demonstrated by this tactical choice, which added to the institution’s stability. The gallery was aware of the changing marketing environment and took proactive measures to adapt.

    In the world of business, it’s critical to identify obstacles and use marketing decisions to handle them strategically. An in-depth comprehension and analysis of the target market’s wants and needs are crucial to this process because they form the basis for wise marketing decisions.

  12. Chesed RIch Roldan

    As the rapid development of technology has begun to dominate many aspects of life, many adjustments have been made. These shifts have already started happening in many parts of the globe. People spend more time consuming material online than any other medium, according to a survey undertaken by the Communications Watchdog Ofcom. Young people spend an average of over 27 hours each week online, while adults spend over 20 hours. Digital marketing’s introduction to the business and marketing world, with its emphasis on harnessing the influence of social media, also changed the playing field, as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery discovered to its expense. Because digital marketing harnessed the potential of social media in all of its advertising endeavors, this was the result. The article cites a period when the innovation journey got recognition thanks to the help of media partners and digital marketers as an example. But what I like most about Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s social media presence is that it wasn’t simply about pushing items; rather, it was about sharing experiences and building narratives that connected with people all over the world. The engaging exhibition showcased both the objects and the artisans who had made them, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust.

    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has successfully transitioned from organizing physical shows to establishing a strong online presence. Upon recognizing the significance of acknowledging the potential of social media, the gallery successfully expanded its sphere of impact beyond what could be imposed by ordinary bounds. Despite the presence of a gallery store and a unique brand, both of which contributed positively to the gallery’s operations, the institution nevertheless needed more resources to achieve success. Upon recognizing the significance of acknowledging the potential of social media, the gallery successfully expanded the scope of impact beyond the constraints imposed by traditional limits.

    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shown flexibility and strategic thinking in its reaction to the market by allowing the gallery to swiftly refocus its efforts when fairs and shows in Manila desired broad resources. This allowed the gallery to respond more effectively to the market. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and marketing its actual showroom rather than running after the sparkling lights of bigger trade fairs. This was done in order to attract more customers. Because they are able to accomplish two goals with one action, I believe that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has made a great decision by doing this. Adaptability in business is essential for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the ever-shifting nature of customer preferences. We need to be able to respond quickly and decisively to the altering demands of our customers and the trends in the market. If we don’t change with the times, we run the danger of becoming obsolete, but if we embrace reinvention, we open up a whole new universe of opportunities to provide superior service to our customers.

  13. In the case of jojo vito the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing by embracing the power of social media in order to extend its reach far beyond its traditional boundaries. With the help of media partners and digital marketers the online presence was not about selling but also in telling stories. This in return fostered a sense of connection and authenticity. This shift from traditional window display to an online presence made them connect more to their target market and provided more opportunities for themselves.
    The shift has been met with hardships as well as opportunities. As a bastion of creativity, the negros show room was able to shift with great support from digital marketers, media partners, and from one town one product. Although with the shift being met positively there were more competitions rising up from new businesses and government sponsored showrooms.
    The shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing would not be possible without a strategic plan in action. One key strategy would be the adaptability from an ever-evolving marketing landscape. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery decided to redirect its efforts in Manila demanded substantial resources. This refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom.

  14. Jun Cary Besa

    Jun Cary Besa (COEN4A)

    The experience of Jojo Vito Plans Exhibition shows how the ascent of computerized publicizing has changed the business scene. Rather than relying just upon actual showcases, the display embraced virtual entertainment, discussing straightforwardly with clients and introducing interesting stories about its items and the craftsmans behind them, cultivating a feeling of association and legitimacy. By shifting its focus from costly trade shows to promoting its local showroom, the gallery maximized its resources and presence. Businesses can demonstrate how to thrive with this strategy and an eye on emerging technology.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery switches from the actual on location stores to framing major areas of strength for a presence had its difficulties as well as any open doors. It is to make sure that these virtual entertainment pages function admirably and are not difficult to utilize and justifiable are pivotal pieces of making areas of strength for a presence. Also, the substance of these pages ought to be refreshed and overseen well. The test of innovativeness, where there is a work to attempt to cause the web-based crowd still to feel associated and ready to see the value in the craftsmanship and manifestations through telephone screens. Making an internet based presence permits the business to contact a bigger crowd and make commitment and client connections. Jojo Vito Plans Exhibition incorporated the force of online entertainment into its advertising endeavors. Their internet based presence went past selling items; it was tied in with creating drawing in stories that reverberated around the world. In order to convey authenticity, the gallery not only displayed its products but also introduced the talented artisans.

    The display’s process highlights the pith of key variation in the advanced time. Sir Jojo’s prosperity relied on understanding business sector elements, embracing its one of a kind incentive, and dispensing assets reasonably. Rather than pursuing huge exchange fairs, the display focused on supporting nearby associations and sustaining its actual display area. This turn accentuated versatility and genius, enlightening the significance of redistributing assets for greatest effect. The case highlights the meaning of recognizing center qualities and adjusting them to developing business sector patterns, encouraging organizations to be light-footed and deliberate in their procedures. Their model offers experiences into successful technique turns: remaining sensitive to showcase shifts and a harmony between transient strategies and long haul vision. My bits of knowledge on how organizations can actually turn procedures when confronted with difficulties features on the embodiment of receptiveness to change, client driven approaches, computerized reconciliation, and persistent learning in exploring the always advancing promoting scene.

  15. Cyril John Alojamiento

    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s Experience is established in a traditional landscape business that made its way online. Basing on the article, the gallery has been displayed in the Negros Showroom showcasing its best products from gaining exposure and recognition to shifting through online platforms. The digital realm connects the local artist/producers directly to their customers.

    As the business grows, the gallery faces new opportunities and challenges that gave the shop an edge to stand out. New businesses and local government initiatives are the new competition of the gallery’s to handle. Having said that there is a new competition, Jojo Vito uses his power and knowledge to utilize social media as a tool to integrated its marketing endeavors. Having a social media presence, you can tell stories and weaving narratives to your audience who could support and engage on showcasing your products to your potential customers.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery decided its option to modify its efforts to not choose a larger trade fairs but rather to refocused on looking after its local roots and promoting its products in a physical showroom. The gallery is able to demonstrate adaptability in this digital age, it is to survive the competition and it also leads the business to a success with the help of emerging technologies.

  16. Jodi Angelli T. Novela

    As time passes, evolution is something we experience. We have both traditional and digital marketing in the realm of marketing. Traditional marketing is a type of marketing that advertises or promotes a product through billboards, radios, or posters. But after many years of progress, digital marketing has here. Through social media platforms, it is a type of marketing that can reach many potential customers all over the world. In the past, a widow display at the Negros Showroom was used to present the lovely goods from Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. However, thanks to the Evolution of Marketing and the advent of digital marketing, businesses may now communicate with and approach new customers. This demonstrates how the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery can keep up with the advancements in marketing through creativity and adaptation.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to ride the tide of evolution as well. It all began inside the walls of the Negros Showroom, but thanks to the development of digital marketing, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is now able to present its work online. Nevertheless, they continue to encounter obstacles as well as chances. Although the gallery had an advantage because to its own brand and separate gallery shop, survival required more. The gallery was able to reach far beyond conventional bounds by embracing the power of social media. The power of social media was easily incorporated by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery into its marketing initiatives. With the assistance of media partners and digital marketers, its innovative journey picked up speed. The goal of this online presence was to engage a worldwide audience by telling tales and weaving narratives rather than merely selling items. The engaging content of the gallery highlighted the goods and the craftspeople who made them, fostering a feeling of connection and authenticity.

    Adaptability is essential in the always changing marketing environment. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery understood that a tactical change was necessary. The museum bravely made the daring decision to refocus its efforts because fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant expenditures. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than running after the flashing lights of bigger trade shows. The tale of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery perfectly captures how businesses have changed in the digital era. Adaptation has been the key to success, whether it be in the busy showrooms of the past or the online spaces of social media. One thing is still evident in the broad tapestry of marketing evolution: companies that embrace change, innovation, and the power of human connection will prosper going forward. The transformation path is about surviving and thriving in the constantly changing world of digital marketing, as seen by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery.

  17. Joferson Bonifacio

    Exhibits and booths that showcased individual talent and ingenuity in the form of arts and crafts where highlighted whether they be in conventions, trade fairs or bazaars within the powerhouse malls in Bacolod City. Fast forward nearly two decades later, I barely see these exhibits within the malls where they once stand prominent. One of these prominent powerhouses in the industry is Jojo Vito and his designer gallery. With the advent of social media and the demand for transition into a digital market, businesses such as Jojo Vito need to transition into this new paradigm if they are to survive the strong challenges. Upon further reading the article, we can see that these talents did not vanish upon reaching their peak, rather, they had to adapt to the new trend of digital marketing. Whereas in physical booths and bazaar demanded a physical presence and a hefty price, the digital offers local individual talents the ability to connect with their target audiences more accurately while being from the expenses that they would normally pay if they were to set up a physical exhibit

    As previously mentioned, digital marketing has demanded these talents to shift from physical galleries to social media if they are to truly survive the modern. A dynamic approach has to be done with the social media trend which in itself proves to be a challenge. Aside from being part of a generation that had greatly seen the advancement of technology, I have read in the article that Jojo Vito would also encounter fierce competition with the same end goal and for them to survive, they needed to go further beyond. The opportunity to go beyond had arrived to them in the form of brilliant marketing.

    This opportunity presented to him became a strategical pivot to truly be the renowned talent that he is. Using his connections, he not only laid the digital footprint of his works in social media, but reached out to his connections in media partners and digital marketers. Instead of solely relying via trends, he integrated the story of the people behind their creations which had garnered a social media audience like wildfire. Furthermore, with the help of media partners, his presence not only managed to garner attention in the country but internationally as well. One example was the broadcasting company “The Korean Broadcasting Network” showcasing Jojo Vito’s works in Korea.

  18. Katrina Kriska Ruiz

    The rise of digital marketing has truly transformed how businesses reach and engage with their customers—which is vastly different from how they did before. In the past, businesses would give out flyers, and utilize radio and television, as well as word-of-mouth marketing. However, through time, businesses like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery have also adapted to change and innovated a different approach to reach their evolving market. From having brick-and-mortar stores to slowly building a strong online presence is the strategy that most businesses should follow in order to follow the pace and keep up with marketing trends. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has also used creative and moving narratives behind their works, published them to the general public through social media, and established a sense of connection and camaraderie within the community. Features from CNN Philippines and The Korean Broadcasting Network have widened the reach of the business, making it well-known not only locally but also internationally. Furthermore, Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach and her feature of Jojo Vito Design Studio in her Youtube show “Pia’s Postcards” have helped the business’ engagement and exposure since Pia has a huge audience in all her social media accounts. The KMJS feature has also helped the business reach a lot of audiences who are casual viewers of the show that are not yet familiar with Jojo Vito Design Gallery.

    Rather than focusing on product sales, they used social media to convey compelling stories about their products and craftspeople, creating an aura of authenticity and connection with a big audience. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showed versatility by altering its strategy away from pricey Manila Trade Fairs and toward a focus on local engagement. They used social media to create captivating tales about their products and craftspeople, building a global community. They also carefully collaborated with media outlets such as CNN and Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho to expand their reach. This demonstrates the significance of identifying capabilities, developing cost-effective methods, engaging in online storytelling, and forming strategic relationships in order to succeed in the ever-changing digital marketing field.

    With today’s market demands, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery sought to demonstrate adaptation and innovative thinking and thus focused on local trade fairs like Manila Trade Fairs rather than larger exhibitions. They established their company by maintaining and developing their local roots and advertising their actual showroom. Participating in major trade shows requires a lot more than exhibiting at local ones, which might be costly for the firm.

  19. Junel Britanico

    The move from physical displays, like the Negros Showroom, to an online presence indicates a fundamental transition caused by the advent of digital marketing; as Bill Gates put it, “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” Businesses can now connect with their target audiences globally, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used their website to showcase their business in a cost-efficient way. The incorporation of social media into Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s marketing strategy serves as a compelling example of how digital marketing has transformed customer engagement. Social media enabled the gallery to share stories and establish authentic connections with a global audience. The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery highlights how digital marketing has transformed the business landscape, making it more accessible to a wider audience. Transitioning to an online platform allowed the gallery to extend its reach significantly and establish direct connections with consumers.

    Transitioning from physical displays, like the Negros Showroom, to an online presence marks a significant shift driven by the advent of digital marketing. It highlights how businesses now have new avenues to directly connect with their target audiences. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated the transition from physical displays to an online presence by recognizing the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing marketing landscape. One of the challenges is the rise of online platforms, which introduced new rivals as other businesses and local government initiatives set up their own showrooms. Survival demanded more than just a distinct identity and an independent gallery shop. The opportunity is that embracing the power of social media has become essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries. Social media integration reshaped engagement with customers, like the active presence of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery on platforms such as Facebook, and YouTube, and partnerships with media figures like CNN Philippines and Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach underscore how companies can harness social media for exposure and meaningful engagement. Social media extended reach and fostered connections, and it helped showcase Jojo Vito Designs Gallery products and stories globally.

    The gallery opted for a strategic shift, focusing more on local engagement and their physical showroom to effectively manage their resources through involvement in local government initiatives like OTOP, the gallery adeptly adjusted to the local environment. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s decision to prioritize local engagement led to increased brand exposure and strengthened connections with the community. Participating in local events and initiatives allowed the gallery to build relationships with potential customers and collectors. Jojo Vito Designs focused on creating masterpieces that reflected local culture, arts, and creativity. This distinct approach helped the brand thrive and gain recognition. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery focused on local trade fairs instead of larger ones. This strategic decision allowed them to nurture their local roots and promote their physical showroom. There are insights for effective strategic pivots in Digital Marketing; Businesses should closely monitor industry shifts and customer preferences, and be ready to realign their strategies; Assessing strengths and unique selling propositions, embracing change, and investing in digital marketing and local engagement are key; and opportunities for collaboration and partnerships can contribute to sustained success in the evolving marketing landscape.

  20. Jun Neil Badoy

    The rise of digital marketing has fundamentally transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing in numerous ways. Traditional marketing often relied on mass media advertising, which reached a broad audience. Digital marketing allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This means businesses can reach the right people at the right time with the right message, making their marketing efforts more efficient and cost-effective. For instance, Jojo Vito’s online exhibits serves as a prime platform to attract foreign buyers, unveiling opportunities for international connections.

    The Negros Showroom has long been a bastion of creativity, showcasing the best products from local artisans. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery found its initial footing here, gaining exposure and recognition. He navigated the transition from physical displays to an on presence due to the rise of online platforms and the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms brought about a paradigm shift. In short, social media allowed this kind of business to connect directly with consumers, which also led to fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    With over 25 years of experience in the industry, the gallery has weathered the changing tides of marketing. Amid this dynamic shift, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery stands as a testament to the power of adaptation and innovation. Jojo Vito effectively use the capacity of social media through the interest of people, being with more popular influencers like Pia Wurtzbach indeed boost his social media presence. In addition, getting featured in documentaries such as CNN was also a strategy to get attention in the digital world. These strategies help Jojo Vito to immerge in the evolving marketing trends.

  21. Jattiya Marie Vidal

    As stated to the article, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery initially began with traditional marketing methods and subsequently transitioned to employing a digital marketing approach. The government-sponsored showrooms provided a chance for the gallery to present their merchandise prominently. These products were formerly exclusively visible within the physical showroom, but through the utilization of social media platforms, they managed to engage with their followers online. They emphasized on creating interactive content to communicate with their possible customers. Incorporating the story-telling and visual presentation of the products, the gallery managed to connect with their audience. This expansion broadened the gallery’s audience, enabling them to connect with more individuals and building up accomplishments of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery.

    The gallery embraced innovation and underwent a gradual shift in their approach, transitioning from lively crowds in physical showrooms to interactions involving reactions and likes on social media. This transition wasn’t without its challenges, as the team encountered hurdles along the way. Embarking on a digital platform isn’t a simple task; amassing a large viewership doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, it became a test of patience, persistence, and unwavering commitment for the gallery to achieve digital success. Amidst this transformation, they faced competition as well. Embracing a new platform meant that rivals would closely monitor their every move. However, this move granted them an edge over their competitors, enabling them to engage with a substantial audience through a single post. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability, perseverance, and dedication in the face of change, resulting in heightened recognition and a buzz surrounding their brand, solidifying their status as a prominent local showroom.
    The evolution of digital marketing transformed the way products and businesses are perceived by their audience and viewers. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded to this shift by embracing change, integrating the latest trends, and collaborating with social media influencers. The gallery gained visibility on various pertinent networks, allowing them to connect with audiences on a national scale. This exposure facilitated the creation of a social media following around their brand, expanding the reach of their products to a wider audience. Additionally, they frequently partnered with artists and influential figures from social media, leveraging their impact to endorse their products. As shown on the article, former Ms. Universe Pia Wurtzbach visited the showroom and showing the products in her vlogs. This was able to garner sevral positive reactions from viewers, thus, being able to reach a globally-wide audience. Through adeptly embracing evolving trends in the digital market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery thrived and solidified their presence.

  22. Gwen Joselle D. Deniega

    The rise of digital marketing paved the way for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to reach beyond the island in capturing its target market. Hence, its decision to adapt social media to its marketing endeavors, including its engaging contents that showcase its products and the stories behind them, caught the attention of national and international platforms. These include coverage in five distinct newsfeeds during its exhibit at the Park Inn by Radisson, CNN Philippines, Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho, and the Korean Broadcasting Network. Even the famous personality, Miss Universe 2015, Pia Wurtzbach, has featured Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. With the aforementioned examples, digital marketing enables businesses to efficiently connect with their target audiences and engage with customers because of its wide reach.
    As for the transition from physical displays to an online presence, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated it by incorporating social media in its promotion and cementing its presence on both online and local platforms. However, in its effort to adapt, it has encountered challenges in expanding to larger trade fairs due to resource constraints; hence, the gallery redirected its focus to nurturing its local roots and physical showroom. Despite that, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery encountered opportunities such as increased social media presence and features on popular platforms. Unlike the limitations of traditional media, social media is not hindered by country borders and can tap its target audience globally as well as foster connections that are not possible through physical means.
    Adaptability and strategic thinking were displayed by the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in their decision to expand their traditional showrooms onto the social media platform. Reaching larger trade fairs requires substantial resources for the gallery to execute. Hence, nurturing its physical presence in its local roots is chosen as the appropriate choice for the business. With that, prospective and current businesses can take the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery as a point of reference in redirecting their strategies in the face of constantly changing marketing trends. After all, the gallery, which showcases the artistry of local culture, has managed to reach beyond the island and continues to tap international interest through the effective implementation of its digital marketing strategies. It is important to keep in mind that people plan not because they look behind but because they look ahead. Hence, businesses should always strategically plan ahead and be adaptable to forward change. With that, a business can survive the tides of digital marketing’s ever-changing trends.

  23. Bea Alyssa A. Arcosa

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    -Digital marketing has enabled businesses to reach a significantly larger audience than traditional marketing techniques. This was the case when Jojo Vito Designs Gallery utilized social media platforms to promote their products and services. Through these channels, they were able to reach not only local but also international consumers, thereby significantly expanding their customer base.

    Customers can be engaged in a more interactive and personalized manner through digital marketing. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery actively engaged consumers through social media and their website by responding to inquiries, providing updates, and even incorporating customer feedback into product design. This level of engagement strengthens consumer relationships and makes them feel valued.

    Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    -Obtaining the essential technical expertise to establish and maintain an online presence was one of the challenges that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery faced. This included developing a website, managing social media accounts, and utilizing online marketing tools. As a business that primarily operated offline, transitioning to an online presence required Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to establish trust and a positive reputation online. In a new digital environment, they had to show their expertise and credibility.

    -By adopting digital platforms, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to expand its market presence beyond the local level. Social media platforms were vital to reaching a global audience and showcasing their products and services to potential global consumers. The transition to an online presence allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to exhibit their creativity in new ways. Through visually appealing social media posts and engaging content, they were able to capture the focus of their target audience and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

    Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    -In response to market demands, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking by making important choices. Their decision to prioritize local engagement over participation in larger trade displays was notable. This decision demonstrated their capacity to recognize and capitalize on growth opportunities in their immediate vicinity. They were able to develop a strong customer base within their community and establish themselves as a trusted brand by focusing on local engagement. This strategic shift enabled Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to communicate with customers on a more intimate level and to offer customized experiences. They participated in local events, worked with local influencers, and actively supported community initiatives. By establishing these relationships, they not only strengthened brand loyalty but also generated positive word-of-mouth, which had a substantial impact on their reputation.

  24. Sharefha Drilon

    1. Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    * Digital marketing made it possible for businesses to more effectively reach their target market at considerably lesser cost. Examples from the article:

    “While the gallery’s distinct identity and independent gallery shop gave it an edge, survival demanded more. Embracing the power of social media became essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries.”

    “Jojo Vito Designs Gallery seamlessly integrated the power of social media into its marketing endeavors. Its innovation journey gained momentum with the support of media partners and digital marketers.”

    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    * The success of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is evidence of the value of innovation and adaptation. The gallery has endured the shifting ebbs and flows of marketing throughout the course of its more than 25 years in the business. The role of social media allowed the gallery reach and communicate directly to its global audience and possible customers.

    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    * Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability by not focusing on what they have but they innovated and adapted the flow of marketing. By doing so they learned how to navigate to change from showroom to online space because the digital realm is very useful for all businesses for them to reach their audience and customers globally. In my opinion businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving market trends by not focusing on what they have but for them to be able to adapt and learn new strategies for their business to grow.

  25. Joel Paltriguera

    Joel Christian M. Paltriguera COEN-4A

    Jojo Vito Designs gallery has weathered the many years of constant change is most in part due to its resilience and its adaptability in maintaining relevant avenues for its marketing endeavors especially in today’s digital age. Nowadays, the world as it is constantly evolving is more advanced than ever before, and as such it is only natural that a business like Jojo Vito Design Gallery launch itself on the many different social media platforms and digital streams in order for it to attract more people, and it has done just that and more.

    The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED) Plan 2017-2022 was developed as a comprehensive strategy to promote the growth and development of MSMEs in the Philippines. The plan aimed to address various challenges faced by these enterprises, including limited access to finance, lack of technology and innovation, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to markets.

    The first strategy that they implemented was to be able to give access to finance. The government established financing programs such as the Pondo sa Pagbabago at Pag-asenso (P3) program, which provided affordable and accessible credit to MSMEs through government financial institutions. The Small Business Corporation (SBCorp) also administered credit programs to provide financial assistance to MSMEs, including those affected by calamities or emergencies. The second is Capacity Building and Training. Various training programs and workshops were conducted to enhance the skills and capacities of MSME owners and entrepreneurs. This included business management, product development, and technology adoption. One of its prime programs is the Kapatid Mentor ME Program, this initiative paired experienced mentors with MSME Owners to provide guidance and knowledge on various aspects of business management, fostering skill development and entrepreneurship. The third is Technology and Innovation. Initiatives were launched to encourage MSMEs to adopt technology and innovative practices to improve their products and services. This involved partnerships with research institutions and organizations to provide technological solutions.

    Market Access and Promotion, the government facilitated MSMEs’ participation in trade fairs, exhibitions, and market linkages to help them showcase their products and access wider markets, both domestically and internationally. Online platforms and marketplaces were developed to promote the visibility of MSME products and connect them with potential customers. Improvement in Infrastructure and Logistics is also another avenue wherein the government extends its help.The government aimed to improve the infrastructure and logistics networks that support MSMEs, such as transportation, communication, and supply chain facilities, to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.

  26. Rogel Martin Dellomos

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.
    The conventional business and marketing environment has undergone substantial changes as a result of the development of digital marketing. These examples are target advertising which it enables companies to very precisely focus their advertising efforts. Digital platforms give companies the ability to target certain demographics, interests, habits, and even physical places, in contrast to traditional advertising techniques that sometimes cast a wide net. Cost efficiency where traditional marketing cost you more money to advertise your product in TV, print ads, billboards. Where digitial marketing is free because of social media marketing and email campaigns.

    Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    Challenges: As other companies and regional government projects started displaying their products in the digital sphere, the emergence of internet platforms brought up new competitors. The increased competition made it tough for people to stand out in the internet environment.

    Opportunities: Overcoming intermediaries, the move to the internet world gave Jojo Vito Designs Gallery the opportunity to communicate directly with customers. Additionally, it gave the gallery access to a large consumer base on a global scale, thus extending its reach.

    Social media: Their ability to reach a wider audience was greatly helped by social media. The gallery was able to showcase its goods, craftspeople, and storylines to a global audience thanks to websites like Facebook and YouTube. This strategy promoted sincere conversations and bonds.

    Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    Adaptation is important, but so is strategic planning, as indicated in the article. Jojo Vito Design Gallery made the decision to refocus its efforts because fairs and shows in Manila required significant expenditures. The company decided to emphasize on cultivating its local roots here in Negros and put effort into marketing its actual showroom located in the city of Bacolod rather than spreading the business to various regions of the Philippines, which may be troublesome and can result in division of production.

  27. Ana Carmela Antimo

    Question 1:

    The rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing by providing an accessible platform wherein artisans could showcase their works globally.

    From physical display on the Negros Showroom, the gallery extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries. Using media and the help of digital marketers, the gallery showcased the products and artisans behind the content which connects and shows authenticity to its viewers worldwide.

    Question 2:

    The rise of online platforms creates a drastic change on the Gallery. Rivals initiates and publish their work online. It increased competition and hard for the people to make their work stand out in digital platforms.
    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the need to pivot strategically. It refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom.

    The gallery received a significant spotlight when KMJS Jessica Soho of GMA featured it in the past. The show’s enduring popularity continues as it’s cross posted on social media and YouTube, garnering viewers consistently over time.

    Social media played a big role for the Gallery on reaching a wider audience. The gallery was able to showcase its crafts and artists to a global audience through websites like Facebook and YouTube. This strategy promotes sincere connections to the audience.

    Question 3:

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market by embracing the power of social media. This helped the gallery to showcase it’s artistic contents not just only in physical showrooms but through online platforms.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery decision to prioritize local engagement is bold and wiser. Adaptation played an important role as the business able to embrace change and have an innovative stance according to the current trends. Also, focusing on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom preserves history and promotes cultural diversity.

    Analyzing the demands and trends of the market is a great help on creating and performing the business’s strategies. With the help of internet, it is now easy and accessible for business owners to identify and innovate their products to adapt in evolving market trends.

  28. Copper S. Debulgado

    Copper S. Debulgado BAMK4-C

    1.) Digital Marketing Transformation:
    The rise of digital marketing has significantly transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing. Digital marketing provides businesses with new and innovative ways to connect with their target audiences and engage with customers. Some examples of how digital marketing reshapes these processes include:

    Targeted Advertising: Businesses can use data-driven insights to create highly targeted advertisements that reach specific demographics or customer segments, improving the efficiency of their marketing efforts.
    Social Media Engagement: Social media platforms allow businesses to engage with customers in real time, fostering conversations and building stronger relationships.
    Content Marketing: Through blogs, videos, and other forms of content, businesses can showcase their expertise and provide value to customers, which can lead to increased brand loyalty.
    E-commerce and Online Sales: The shift to online shopping has enabled businesses to reach customers beyond their geographical location and operate 24/7, boosting sales potential.

    2.) Transition to Online Presence:
    Transitioning from physical displays to an online presence can bring both challenges and opportunities. Some challenges Jojo Vito Designs Gallery might have faced include adapting their visual displays for the digital space, addressing potential customer concerns about online purchases, and competing with a larger pool of online businesses. However, opportunities arise from the ability to reach a global audience, reduced overhead costs compared to maintaining a physical store, and the convenience of online shopping. Social media plays a crucial role in extending reach and fostering connections by allowing businesses to showcase their work, engage with customers directly, and humanize their brand through behind-the-scenes content and stories.

    3.) Strategic Pivots:
    Strategic pivots involve adapting a business’s core strategies in response to changing market dynamics. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s decision to prioritize local engagement over larger trade fairs demonstrates adaptability. This pivot acknowledges the importance of nurturing a local customer base and building a strong foundation before expanding globally. In the face of evolving marketing trends, businesses can effectively pivot by:

    Staying Informed: Continuously monitoring industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies to identify opportunities and threats.
    Flexibility: Being open to changing strategies based on data and feedback rather than sticking rigidly to initial plans.
    Testing and Iterating: Trying new approaches on a small scale and refining them based on results before making larger investments.
    Customer-Centric Approach: Prioritizing customer needs and feedback, and tailoring strategies to provide value and meet their expectations.

  29. Paolo Gabriel H. Guanzon

    The rise of digital marketing has profoundly transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing in various ways. The shift from traditional methods to digital channels has empowered businesses to be more precise, data-driven, and interactive in their marketing strategies, ultimately enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth. JoJo Vito Designs Gallery was originally only a local brand that had its backbone in physical stores and installations as well as window displays. With the introduction and subsequent rise of digital marketing, there has been an evident need for the Jojo Vito brand to go online. From beautiful designs that left an impression in person, pictures that we composed to give the same impact were needed to cater to the digital world. The stories that were told in person were then tabulated and made into text that could be read by the netizens of the world.

    The transition from a physical space to an online meta was not an easy shift. As the Jojo Vito brand had to temporarily relocate itself during the pandemic, many of the traditional ways that were used to gain followers and customers were in dire need of an update. This was through the use of platforms such as Facebook acting as an online showroom, and with YouTube using the Pia Wurtzbach video as an example to show a more intimate side of Jojo Vito. As more and more people are enticed by their handheld screens, the conversation about how to maximize a gallery effect for one person is at an all-time high.

    I believe that the Jojo Vito brand is at the forefront of this discussion. Even though the brand had decided to focus more on local showrooms and displays due to the difficulty of obtaining resources to conduct bigger expos, this does not put a limit on the digital space for it to grow. The constant traffic and exposure of the multiple platforms that have the Jojo Vito brand on deck, more of its grandeur will be exposed internationally. With the brave stance of focusing on its roots, the brand is able to give back to the community by not only uplifting itself but also giving recognition to the local people. As more and more of the world moves to the digital realm, marketers must adapt and take inspiration from brands that are successful with their move to further improve on how strategies and the necessary actions can be employed.

  30. Thrisia Mae Pampag

    Question 1: The rise of digital marketing has fundamentally transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience is a testament to this transformation. Here are specific examples from the article:

    Comparing Physical Displays to Online Presence: In the past, showing products mostly involved using physical displays, such as those found in the Negros Showroom. However, the development of online platforms made it possible for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to interact with customers directly. This change serves as an example of how digital marketing has provided organizations with new ways to connect with the people they want to reach.

    The Power of Social Media: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s integration of social media into its marketing strategy is a prime example of how digital marketing has reshaped engagement with customers. Social media allowed the gallery to tell stories and connect with a global audience authentically. The engagement on platforms like Facebook and YouTube and partnerships with media entities like CNN Philippines, Korea Broadcasting, Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, and GMA Kapuso mo KMJS Jessica Suho demonstrate how businesses can leverage social media for exposure and engagement.

    Question 2: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated the transition from physical displays to an online presence by recognizing the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing marketing landscape:

    When internet platforms first started to appear, there was more conflict since other companies and regional government programs started putting their products online. It became more difficult to stand out in the digital environment due to the growing competition.

    By moving to the internet, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to communicate with customers directly and eliminate intermediaries. Additionally, it gave the gallery a global audience, enabling it to reach more customers.

    Question 3: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking in response to market demands:

    Business Lesson: The case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates how adaptation is essential in the always-changing marketing environment. Businesses should be prepared to review their plans and reassign resources as needed. Success in the world of technology may depend on a company’s ability to prioritize a strong online presence, communicate with customers directly through social media, and maintain brand integrity.

    In conclusion, the story of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shows the transforming power of digital marketing, the value of social media in developing connections, and how essential it is for businesses to effectively adapt and pivot in response to changing market conditions.

  31. Benedick L. Gulmatico

    For Jojo Vito Designs Gallery the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing through reshaping how consumers can access information easily. Additionally, digital marketing has revolutionized the strategies of businesses on how they interact and reach their target audiences. An example repeatedly cited in the article is that the Gallery started with a physical showcase in the Negros Showroom in Bacolod City. However, for the past 25 years, technological advancements have paved the way for the Gallery to adapt to the online space.

    With the rise of the digital platform, the Gallery was able to successfully integrate the use of the online space. As mentioned in the article, the rise of online platforms and the emergence of local-government sponsored showrooms affected the gallery. However, despite that, Jojo Vito Design did not settle for less and persevered and embraced social media. That allowed the Gallery to discover a new and powerful way to market its products. The constant and rapid growth of social media allowed the gallery to flourish in the online space as it has already been a familiar name locally and has gathered good reactions nationally and internationally.

    Jojo Vito Designs thought that in the ever-evolving marketing landscape, adaptability is very crucial. Just like any business, the integration of the online space as a mode of marketing is very useful to boost one’s business. The Gallery, however, made sure not to eliminate its physical showrooms. With that, the Gallery decided that rather than spending time and resources on larger trade fairs – they would instead focus more locally. A bold move (considering the Gallery is recognized internationally) yet a very strategic move that allows the Gallery to connect its local roots internationally.

  32. 1. In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    •Global Reach: Businesses may reach a worldwide audience with digital marketing without being limited by location. For instance, by interacting with clients from other nations and cultures on social media, firms can increase their market presence.

    •Influencer Partnerships: Businesses can access the influencer’s following and credibility by collaborating with them. A company can earn attention and trust by using this strategy.

    2. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    Learning how to use website administration, e-commerce platforms, and digital marketing tools. addressing issues with the safety of client data and the security of online payments. contending with established internet competitors in the same sector. retaining continuity while transferring the physical brand identity to the digital sphere. gaining the trust of potential internet customers who aren’t familiar with the brand’s online presence.

    Reaching a larger and more diverse audience beyond the physical location’s limitations. Gaining access to customer behavior and preferences through online analytics. Utilizing cost-effective digital marketing strategies compared to traditional advertising. Offering customers the ability to browse and shop at any time, increasing accessibility. Tailoring online experiences based on customer data, fostering stronger connections.

    •Role of Social Media:
    Expanding and diversifying your audience beyond the confines of your current locale. using online analytics to gain access to consumer behavior and preferences. using more affordable digital marketing techniques than traditional advertising. allowing clients to browse and shop whenever they want, boosting accessibility. enhancing connections by customizing online interactions based on client data.

    3. The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    Demonstrating Adaptability and Strategic Thinking:
    •Being open to modifying business models, products, or services in response to shifting consumer needs. Consistently evaluating market trends, customer preferences, and competition behavior to uncover emerging possibilities and difficulties. creating new products, services, or methods of value delivery that meet the needs of emerging markets. Prioritizing client feedback and adapting efforts to meet their expectations and preferences. making quick, informed decisions and resource reallocations in response to sudden market adjustments.

    Prioritizing Local Engagement Over Larger Trade Fairs:
    •Knowing the significance of developing a loyal local clientele that values distinctive offers. investing money in local engagement initiatives that are specifically targeted, which might offer a better return on investment than big trade shows. fostering a devoted consumer base through unique encounters and experiences. fostering closer connections with local clients, which can result in recommendations from others and lifetime commitment.

    Pivoting Strategies in the Face of Evolving Trends:
    •To spot emerging trends, keep a close eye on market news, consumer trends, and technical developments. Analyze current tactics to ascertain their viability and compatibility with emerging trends. Prior to allocating all available resources to new tactics, test them out on a smaller scale. Accept new technology like social media and e-commerce platforms that are in line with shifting consumer behavior. Invest in staff upskilling to make sure they have the skills necessary to successfully implement new plans. Create adaptable company plans that for prompt modifications when trends change.

  33. Abelardo Bantug IV

    Digital Marketing transformed how customers and businesses communicate and access information. With digital tools, businesses can also precisely target their marketing efforts based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, to reach their desired target market. Jojo Vito’s Designs Gallery was able to was able to integrate digital marketing by simply starting out in social media, and then were to elevate themselves with media partners and other digital marketers. The article shares how he was able to digitally market himself by promoting his business and passion through online videos and interviews posted on Youtube, Facebook, and even news outlets. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to amass a greater reach of audiences which was harder to reach previously.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery started out in Negros Showroom. With the rising audience and interest in the online space, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to shift into the online space of social media. A more cost-effective and less resource-demanding way to promote themselves, spanning even internationally. A challenge was brought upon when Jojo Vito Designs Gallery needed more than just an identity, there had to be more, to reach more. An opportunity for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was when Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach was able to feature the gallery in one of her videos. Exposure opportunities like this were able to propel the gallery to greater new heights. Social media platforms provide businesses with access to a massive global audience. Through these platforms, companies can connect with people from different geographical locations, time zones, and cultural backgrounds, which was much more challenging with traditional marketing methods.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to adapt and strategize by recognizing the global rising trend of social media and online presence and shifting their efforts there. This was brought about also through the hassle and cost of setting up trade fairs in different cities. For businesses looking to pivot their strategies online, they may develop a social media strategy that includes regular posting, engagement with your audience, and the use of relevant hashtags. And to try experimenting with various content formats, such as videos, live streams, and stories, to diversify your approach.

  34. Miguel ginete

    * Question 1: The rise of digital marketing has fundamentally transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience is a testament to this transformation. Here are specific examples from the article:

    Transitioning from physical displays, like the Negros Showroom, to an online presence marks a significant shift driven by the advent of digital marketing. It highlights how businesses now have new avenues to directly connect with their target audiences.

    The incorporation of social media into Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s marketing strategy serves as a compelling example of how digital marketing has transformed customer engagement. Social media enabled the gallery to share stories and establish authentic connections with a global audience. Their active presence on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and partnerships with media figures like CNN Philippines and Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach underscores how companies can harness social media for exposure and meaningful engagement.

    Digital marketing places a strong emphasis on content creation and storytelling to engage with customers. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery effectively utilized captivating content to showcase its products and the talented artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity. This approach highlights the shift in digital marketing towards creating compelling narratives that resonate with the audience, as opposed to traditional advertising methods.

    * Question 2: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated the transition from physical displays to an online presence by recognizing the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing marketing landscape:

    The rise of online platforms introduced new rivals as other businesses and local government initiatives began exhibiting products in the digital realm. This heightened competition created difficulties in distinguishing themselves in the online landscape.

    The shift to the online sphere offered Jojo Vito Designs Gallery the chance to establish direct connections with consumers, bypassing intermediaries. Furthermore, it provided access to a worldwide customer base, expanding the gallery’s reach significantly.

    The Role of Social Media:
    Social media played a pivotal role in broadening their outreach. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube enabled the gallery to present its products, artisans, and narratives to a global audience. This approach cultivated genuine connections and interactions.

    * Question 3:Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking in response to market demands:

    Strategic Pivot:
    Recognizing the substantial resources required for participation in larger trade fairs in Manila, the gallery opted for a strategic shift, focusing more on local engagement and their physical showroom. This decision demonstrated a practical approach to managing their resources effectively.

    Adapting to Local Conditions:
    Through involvement in local government initiatives such as OTOP and leveraging their unique identity and standalone gallery store, the gallery adeptly adjusted to the local environment.

    Key Lesson for Businesses:
    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery case emphasizes the importance of adaptability in the constantly evolving marketing landscape. Companies should be open to reviewing their strategies and reallocating resources as needed. Emphasizing a strong online presence, direct consumer engagement through social media, and maintaining brand integrity can be vital for success in the digital era.

    In summary, the journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery highlights the transformative impact of digital marketing, the role of social media in building connections, and the necessity for businesses to adapt and pivot strategically in response to shifting market dynamics.

  35. Princess Dianne Yogore

    Due to the quick development of technology over the last several decades, the world has seen an extraordinary shift in many facets of life. The switch from traditional to electronic media has been among the most significant adjustments. This transition has profoundly impacted how we communicate, learn, shop, work, and socialize. One aspect that benefited from this shift was the business industry. An example would be Jojo Vito’s Designs Gallery, wherein he progressed from being solely in a showroom to navigating the online platform.

    Transition, change, growth, and adaptation are some keywords that some industries face when a new era is coming, yet these actions are only easy to do if there is support from the government. So, according to Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Lopez, the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Plan 2017-2022 was created to provide more significant opportunities to help entrepreneurs startup, sustain, expand, and internationalize their businesses, and thereby become smarter entrepreneurs. Upon reading the manuscript, I was in awe of how they look into people’s needs and address their struggles. One is financial literacy and assistance, wherein they would provide seminars that would uplift awareness and provide loans to help with startup costs and the growth of every business. In addition, DTI has facilitated market linkages and encouraged MSMEs to embrace e-commerce platforms that address the issue of limited market reach and can potentially lead to increased revenue streams. Connecting MSMEs with larger companies and global markets can contribute to their long-term sustainability. For example, Jojo Vito’s creation reached CNN, GMA, and Daily Tribune, and different celebrities invited him to feature his creations. Also, he has carried the city of Bacolod with his beautiful creation of masks that are used to celebrate their fiesta called MassKara Festival.

    The power of digital marketing has altered how small businesses function and interact with their target markets. Through social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising, digital marketing helps small firms to transcend regional boundaries and obtain worldwide attention. The importance of digital marketing in determining the success of small businesses will only increase as technology advances in the years to come.

  36. Bea Cassandra Regida

    In the current and still active rise of digital marketing, it has transformed the landscape of businesses and marketing to be more accessible to a wider and more diverse sets of audiences. It has opened new opportunities to different types of businesses around the world. An example from the article of these transformation is, having a start in the physical store, like the Negros Showroom, where you can showcase your products to the people coming in and out of the store; as time pass and the market shifts, it is important for business to go along and find opportunities with that shift. This could mean to integrate or join the digital platform. As stated in the article, ‘The digital realm allowed producers to connect directly with consumers’.

    Transitioning from physical display to an online platform can be a challenging process, with different obstacles, yet new opportunities to encounter. Jojo Vito Design Gallery was able to navigate with these changes by embracing the power of social media. This has become essential by enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries.

    As stated in the article, adaptability in critical, but so is strategical planning. As fairs and exhibits in Manila demanded substantial resources, Jojo Vito Design Gallery decided to redirect its efforts. Rather than expanding the business to different parts of the Philippines, which can be a hassle and can cause division of production, it refocused on nurturing its local roots here in Negros and give effort into promoting its physical showroom located in the city of Bacolod. With it prioritizing its local engagement and it being a part of OTOP stores, it has become a go-to place for tourist and alike.

  37. The rise of digital marketing has profoundly transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, as evident from the provided information. Previously, physical displays like the one at the Negros Showroom generated sales, but the emergence of online platforms and local government-sponsored showrooms led the gallery to adapt, leveraging social media to extend its reach significantly. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s storytelling approach on these platforms created authentic connections, while strategic pivots, like refocusing on its physical showroom and collaborating with influencers like Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, were facilitated by digital marketing efforts. Additionally, multi-platform promotion for events, such as the Gilded Expressions exhibit, garnered remarkable attention, reshaping the way the gallery connects with its target audiences and engages with customers.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery adeptly navigated the transition from physical displays to an online presence by acknowledging the challenges and opportunities inherent in the evolving marketing landscape as discussed in the previous paragraph. While their past success relied on captivating physical displays generating sales, the emergence of online platforms and local government-sponsored showrooms posed formidable challenges, including the need to adapt to the digital realm, heightened competition, and the imperative of increased online visibility. However, these challenges simultaneously unveiled opportunities, allowing the gallery to establish direct connections with consumers through online platforms and extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries. Central to this transformation was the pivotal role of social media, which not only amplified the gallery’s presence but also facilitated authentic connections with a global audience. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s strategic use of social media transcended mere product sales; it became a medium for storytelling and crafting narratives that resonated deeply with their audience. By spotlighting not only their products but also the artisans behind them, the gallery fostered a profound sense of connection and authenticity. Collaborations with influential figures like Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, who featured the gallery on her show “Pia’s Postcards” and shared it across her diverse social media platforms, further magnified this authentic connection, resulting in widespread exposure and success in the ever-evolving digital age.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcased remarkable adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the evolving demands of the market. The gallery’s decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs serves as a prime example of their astute strategic pivot. In the face of substantial resource demands associated with larger trade fairs, they made a bold choice to redirect their efforts. Instead of chasing the glittering lights of big trade events, they refocused on nurturing their local roots and promoting their physical showroom. This decision exhibited a deep understanding of their target audience and the changing marketing landscape. By prioritizing local engagement, the gallery was able to strengthen its connections with the community and reinforce its brand image as a supporter of regional craftsmanship. This strategic pivot not only reduced costs but also enhanced their local presence, further solidifying their position as a regional creative hub.

    For businesses looking to effectively pivot their strategies in response to evolving marketing trends, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery case provides valuable insights. Firstly, it’s essential to closely monitor industry shifts and customer preferences, recognizing when the current strategy may no longer align with these changes. Secondly, businesses should assess their strengths and unique selling propositions, which Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did by leveraging its distinct identity and independent gallery shop. Thirdly, a willingness to embrace change and a readiness to invest in new avenues, like digital marketing and local engagement, is vital. Finally, businesses should actively seek out opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, such as collaborating with media giants in the Philippines, doing vlogs about creating a new design, and partnership with the government, especially the City of Bacolod during Masskara Season. In essence, strategic pivots should be grounded in a thorough understanding of the market, a clear assessment of one’s capabilities, and a commitment to innovation and adaptability in the pursuit of sustained success in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

  38. Germelyn Dalida

    Technology is continuously advancing, and everything in this world is racing to keep up. As digital marketing entered the picture, the traditional business and marketing environment has been challenged to adapt and innovate. From physical product displays that capture the attention of passersby and tourists to reaching a larger audience through digital marketing. With the rise of social media, the potential reach of customers has risen to practically unimaginable heights. Businesses can now communicate with their target audiences utilizing platforms such as Facebook, one of the largest sites with millions of users. Just like the setup of a Facebook page by the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to easily address its clients’ questions demonstrates how the transition goes.

    The walls of Negros Showroom witnessed how Jojo Vito Designs Gallery blossomed, and surfed the waves of marketing’s ever-changing tides. The gallery progressed its way from physical displays to the diverse online world by embracing the power of social media that enables the gallery to broaden its scope much beyond its traditional limits. The gallery faced challenges as new businesses and other local government initiatives posed new competition with their Local Showrooms. Despite the hurdles, opportunities has skyrocketed with the gallery’s distinct identity and independent gallery shop. Social media fueled the gallery to reach and cultivate authentic connections globally with its ability to spread brand awareness, generating leads, and increasing sales.

    Despite the glaring lights of a much more enticing larger trade fairs, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery strikes a strategic stance of focusing more on sustaining its local roots. It just goes to show how the gallery embraces its identity and authenticity while adapting to market demands. Businesses are dared to adapt and embrace change as marketing trends evolve. There are numerous ways for them to effectively pivot their strategies, including rebranding, product innovation, redefining brand purpose, and targeting various audiences. The business world is a survival of the fittest, and those who refuse to innovate dies.

  39. After I read the article, I noticed that there have been a lot of changes that happened with the business. It started as a traditional business and in the upcoming years, it adapted to digital marketing. In the past, businesses had to rely on traditional marketing methods, such as print advertising and TV commercials, to reach their target audience. Digital marketing, on the other hand, is much more affordable and can be targeted to a specific audience. Businesses can use social media, email marketing, and other digital channels to reach out to their customers directly and build relationships with them.

    The gallery faced the need to digitize its collection. In order to make its art accessible to a global audience, the gallery needed to scan and upload its collection to its website. This was a time-consuming and expensive process, but it was necessary in order for the gallery to compete in the digital age.

    The gallery’s decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs is a strategic one. By focusing on local events and initiatives, the gallery can build relationships with potential customers and collectors in their own community. This could lead to increased sales and exposure for the gallery.

  40. Digital marketing has significantly transformed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s traditional business and marketing practices. Previously reliant on physical displays, the gallery transitioned to online platforms to directly engage with its target audience. They used social media, particularly Facebook, to interact with customers in real-time and share stories about their artisans, establishing authentic connections. While television and broadcast do not share the same ability as social media to directly engage with audiences, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to reach wider audiences in this manner, from channels like CNN Philippines to the Korean Broadcast Network, as well as GMA and Metro.Style’s YouTube channels.

    Transitioning from physical displays to an online presence posed challenges and opportunities. The competition from local showrooms and changing consumer behavior required adapting to new technologies. Social media played a crucial role in expanding their reach and building a global community around their brand.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated strategic adaptability by prioritizing local engagement over larger trade fairs. This decision aligned with their core values and allowed them to strengthen their local presence. As shown by the gallery, successful pivoting involves monitoring trends, embracing emerging technologies, remaining flexible, focusing on customer needs, and utilizing data-driven insights.

  41. Arvie Mariz Monteclaro

    * Question 1: The rise of digital marketing has fundamentally transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience is a testament to this transformation. Here are specific examples from the article:

    Shift from Physical Displays to Online Presence: In the past, physical displays, like the Negros Showroom, were the primary means of showcasing products. However, the emergence of online platforms allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to connect directly with consumers. This shift illustrates how digital marketing has opened up new avenues for businesses to reach their target audiences.

    The Power of Social Media: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s integration of social media into its marketing strategy is a prime example of how digital marketing has reshaped engagement with customers. Social media allowed the gallery to tell stories and connect with a global audience authentically. The engagement on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and partnerships with media entities like CNN Philippines and Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach demonstrates how businesses can leverage social media for exposure and engagement.

    Content Creation and Storytelling: Digital marketing emphasizes content creation and storytelling as a means of engaging with customers. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used engaging content to showcase its products and the artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity. This approach showcases how digital marketing has shifted the focus from traditional advertising to creating meaningful narratives that resonate with the audience.

    * Question 2: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated the transition from physical displays to an online presence by recognizing the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing marketing landscape:

    Challenges: The emergence of online platforms brought new competition, as other businesses and local government initiatives started showcasing products online. This increased competition posed challenges in standing out in the digital space.

    Opportunities: The online transition allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to connect directly with consumers, eliminating intermediaries. It also provided a global reach, enabling the gallery to tap into a broader customer base.

    Role of Social Media: Social media played a pivotal role in extending their reach. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube helped the gallery showcase products, artisans, and stories to a global audience. This approach fostered authentic connections and engagement.

    * Question 3: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking in response to market demands:

    Strategic Pivot: Recognizing the substantial resources required for participating in larger trade fairs in Manila, the gallery made a strategic decision to prioritize local engagement and its physical showroom. This pivot reflected a pragmatic approach to resource allocation.

    Adaptation to Local Context: By participating in local government initiatives like OTOP and leveraging its distinct identity and independent gallery shop, the gallery adapted to the local context effectively.

    Lesson for Businesses: The case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery illustrates that adaptability is crucial in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. Businesses should be willing to reassess their strategies and reallocate resources when necessary. Prioritizing a strong online presence, connecting with consumers directly through social media, and staying true to their brand identity can be key to success in the digital age.

    In summary, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey showcases the transformative power of digital marketing, the importance of social media in fostering connections, and the need for businesses to adapt and pivot strategically in response to changing market dynamics.

  42. MKEL 5
    Jules T. Alvarez BAMK4-C
    As what is being indicated in the article above, there is a statement that says that Digital Marketing Evolution is a glimpse into the future. The rise of digital marketing has able to transform the traditional landscape of business and marketing by having a stronger presence in social media or anything digital. This idea can be based in the article above where Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to transition themselves from traditional showrooms and exhibitions into the adaptation of the virtual avenues of social media.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence by being able to make strategic pivots in order for the business to adapt with the current market situation. The business was able to evaluate that adaptability through change was critical in order for the business to foster. One challenge mentioned in the article is the survival of the traditional showrooms due to the shift to virtual avenues such as social media. In facing this challenge, the business also faced a good opportunity by embracing the utilization of social media as means in digitally marketing in order to adapt to the changing marketing landscape. Social media plays a huge role in in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience by making more content accessible and relatable to audiences.

    The article was able to mention that strategic pivots is considered a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market by redirecting and diverting its efforts on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom with the help of digital marketing. The decision to prioritize its local roots was made because of the need to ensure the survival of the physical showroom. I think that businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends by being able to adapt to change. There is a saying in the article that says that “Businesses that embrace change, innovation, and the power of human connection will continue to thrive”.

  43. Chelsea Kate Andrade

    Technological advancements overtime led to changes on how business and marketing have been made effective. Specifically, digital marketing has been on the rise and because of that, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had to adapt to the modification. The shift from traditional to digital marketing made a huge impact on the gallery’s continuous growth. Back then, the biggest contributor to the sales was the physical displays of the products in The Negros Showroom which relied mainly on charming the people who see them in an actual setting. An example of a successful digital marketing was an engagement with the 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach through an episode with Metro Style garnered a lot of attention for the gallery’s feature in it.

    An opportunity for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to be featured on CNN Philippines which gave a positive effect on reaching potential customers. Being a business that relied mostly on local showrooms for promotion, the competition against the rising influence of social media and other platforms was becoming tougher. Later on, the gallery had to adapt to the change in order to survive in the market. The biggest challenge was transitioning into an online presence. However, the gallery achieved that seamlessly by building a deeper connection with their audience through story telling. It was not solely about promoting the products but also giving importance to raising a relationship with the customers. Social media played a big role on this, getting a hold of more people that couldn’t be reached physically.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had to navigate their way through a new marketing era wherein they entered and adapted into digital marketing in response to the constantly changing trends. By doing that, they were able to expose themselves in a modern environment with diverse audiences that is different from their former experiences. Furthermore, the gallery focused in prioritizing more local engagements than in exploring larger trade fairs which made so much sense because the business’ concept leans more in highlighting local products and patronizing native designs. Just like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, businesses can also thrive in the market by utilizing and keeping up with the current trends that entice customers into buying from them. Given the ever-changing marketing strategies, it is important to take note of not just the significance of a digital presence, but also essence of your business.

  44. Andrew John B. Bunda 8-29-23
    MODULE 1

    1. Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.
    -In response to the digital revolution, traditional marketing has undergone modifications and alterations. The designs of the masakarras are illustrated in one instance from the article A Journey of innovation and resilience. Sir JoJo Vito is aware of his target audience. He creates stunning maskarras to symbolize our city because the Maskarra Festival is well-known in Bacolod. The gallery itself became well-known and drew visitors, including Pia Wurtzbach. Using celebrities to draw in and connect with customers is a terrific marketing tactic. If there are celebrities, even the customers will participate in the business.
    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.
    – Sir Jojo Vito started to engage in Social Media by blogging. It became a quite challege for him to reach his customers or target market. However, what matters most for me I think that Sir Jojo vito loves what he do and just do or write what in his heart. He is inspired and he successfully gained the exposure and recognition. He had the great opportunity to be intervied by CNN. He was also interviewed by Kapuso mo Jessica Soho (KMJS). Through sharing his incredible artistic creations on social media, he is able to connect with people more readily and be exposed to a global audience.
    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.
    – Jojo Vito Designs Gallery serves as a remarkable example of adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market within the realm of digital marketing evolution.
    Expansion of Online Presence: Recognizing the increasing significance of online platforms, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took the bold step of expanding its online presence. The business transitioned from primarily operating as a physical art gallery to establishing a strong digital presence.
    Engaging Content Creation: In the digital age, content creation is paramount. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embraced this principle by consistently generating engaging content that resonates with its audience. The gallery utilized various forms of media, such as videos, blog posts, and social media updates, to share insights about artists, the creative process, and the stories behind the artworks.
    In conclusion, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a testimonial to the effectiveness of flexibility and strategic thinking in the face of changes in digital marketing. The gallery effectively negotiated the shifting terrain of digital marketing by enhancing its online presence, including e-commerce, producing interesting content, utilizing social media, embracing virtual experiences, and establishing partnerships.

  45. Ramon Lorenzo M. Reyes

    1. The article highlights how in the past, effective physical displays like captivating window arrangements led to sales growth. However, the advent of digital marketing has changed this paradigm. Instead of solely depending on physical displays, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embraced online platforms to exhibit its products. This adjustment allowed the gallery to broaden its reach beyond geographical constraints. The conventional method of attracting customers through physical displays has evolved into a digital presentation through social media and other online avenues. To summarize, the rise of digital marketing has revolutionized the conventional business and marketing landscape, permitting businesses like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to shift from physical displays to virtual showcases, directly engage with a global audience, highlight narratives and authenticity, and strategically adapt to shifting trends. The gallery’s journey serves as a prime example of how digital marketing has redefined the way businesses establish connections with their intended audiences and interact with customers.

    2. Due to the emergence of online platforms and government-supported showrooms, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery successfully shifted from relying on physical displays to establishing a digital footprint. The need to adjust arose from the growing influence of online platforms and the introduction of fresh enterprises that heightened market competition. Utilizing social media emerged as a valuable strategy for the company to expand its reach and establish itself online. Social media presented a means for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to connect with a broader demographic, while also enabling the business to interact with its audience through compelling narratives and anecdotes that highlighted the gallery, its offerings, and the artisans behind them.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery chose to prioritize nurturing local relationships and promoting their showroom instead of pursuing resource-intensive trade fairs in Manila. This decision, driven by the recognition of resource constraints, exemplified their adaptability and strategic thinking, leading to a more stable business stance. The gallery effectively acknowledged the evolving marketing environment and proactively made substantial choices. For effective strategic marketing decisions, businesses must acknowledge and comprehend their challenges. Analyzing the demands and preferences of the target audience is pivotal in guiding marketing choices.

  46. Anna Victoria Q. de Leon

    1. Change is constant. Business entities should know how to adapt and flow with the innovation that is coming over time to remain in the industry. The digital age has emerged and changed how we communicate, access information, and reach the target audience as mentioned in the first section of the article. As people get more digitalized, Jojo Vito Designs adapted digital marketing from traditional showrooms and trade fairs like the Negros Showroom because there is a sudden shift in consumer behavior during the pandemic. He tried to use social media platforms through blogging as it allowed him to communicate directly and remotely. He, then, got recognized in TV shows like Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, Korean Broadcasting Network, and CNN Philippines because the reach of digital platforms is wide compared to the traditional ones. It gave him an extensive reach as he gained prospective buyers online. It simply shows that digital marketing allows businesses to create a larger market share compared to the traditional landscape of business and marketing where it can be sometimes expensive to promote.
    2. Jojo Vito Designs started navigating to an online presence using social media as a platform because these are mostly used nowadays and for them to keep up is to adapt. The challenging part was how to get started in engaging the customers and prospected buyers of the shop, he coped by telling stories about his creations on his blog while maintaining good relationships with its partner sector and business to reach more engagements because the competition is strong in the digital world. Yet, on a brighter note, the recognition will not be just on a local stage but also international once it becomes successful. Online presence is also an avenue for opportunities and investments once they recognize your talent. Thus, that is what Jojo Vito Designs has come so far now. The role of social media is to help us communicate remotely anytime, anywhere, and with whoever we want to engage. The algorithm brings us to what we want to see on our feed and from the business perspective it gathers people who want their product giving them authentic connections in local and global setups.
    3. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking by understanding the business environment. There is a demand for a larger trade fair in Manila yet there is a need for manpower and a lot of resources for him to deliver his products to the showroom of the trade fair. It takes a lot of effort, time, and money to be able to achieve that, instead, he opts to remain in his local showroom, promoting the city with the products he made while using the online platform to reach a wide engagement. As a result, he saved his time, effort, and money and managed to deliver his products nationwide while at the same time becoming a must-visit shop in Bacolod because this is where you can get to see his masterpiece. I believe that businesses can effectively pivot their strategies when they do research about the market, market trends, and environment at the same time understanding their business environment. Not all market trends are applicable to your business, so the most effective strategy is to follow your business goals, understand its capabilities, and explore the trends that are effective, applicable, and adaptable for your business. This shows how having enough knowledge about your business helps you succeed in this innovative world.

  47. Final answer:

    After reading the vlog written above, the first thing that you can see is the progress and development that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has made by transitioning itself from traditional exhibits and showrooms to digital marketing and advertising that can be found in social media. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery along with many other businesses are part of the MSME(Micro,Small and Medium Enterprise) Sector and had been a beneficiary of the measures taken by the government. These businesses are also being assisted and supported by a government agency called “DTI”. One provision that will support MSME businesses especially those who are growing is Republic Act 9501. This is an act that promotes Entrepreneurship through financial support. In section 15 of the Republic Act, it indicates that there should be credit resources that will be allocated to the MSME sector accordingly. Another provision or program that can benefit exisitng MSME businesses such as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is the P3 Program( Pondo sa Pagbabago at Pag-asenso). This funding program of DTI aims to provide an alternative source of funds available to Micro Entrepreneurs through providing loans that are affordable and with low interest. One of the most known act for the support of MSME businesses is the Go Negosyo Act or RA 10644. R.A. 10644 or the Go Negosyo Act aims to generate jobs and help MSME businesses have ease in doing business and will be facilitated in order to access the services of the government. Negosyo centers are mandated to be built around the country in order to cater the concerns and needs of the business owners, and also to be more accessible to every MSME business owner.

  48. Mark Jason J. Santorce

    Technological advancements and improved digital accessibility have transformed the business and marketing landscape from its traditional physical displays and showrooms to the digital realm. This shift has been particularly evident as consumers increasingly shifted towards online platforms, particularly social media, enabling local producers to easily connect and interact with their target audiences and customers. Drawing from a 25 years of industry experience, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery swiftly embraced these changes and adeptly navigated this evolving landscape, despite initially finding its footing in The Negros Showroom where it gained exposure and recognition, not only from locals, but also from tourists. Nevertheless, the accessibility of online platforms also led to an influx of new businesses entering the market, all vying for the attention of the online user base. Concurrently, the rise of local government initiatives, including showrooms sponsored by local government units (LGUs), introduced fresh competitive dynamics to the realm of local showrooms.

    As the currents of business and marketing underwent transformation, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery adeptly incorporated the potential of social media into its marketing approach, utilizing it to replicate its artistic excellence in the digital realm. This shift was initiated by the backing of its media partners and digital marketers, and coupled with its well-established and distinct identity, it provided the business with a crucial advantage over competitors unfamiliar with the digital domain. The gallery embraced these changes, leveraging them to broaden its reach beyond the confines of traditional methods. Yet, the gallery’s online presence surpassed mere adaptation to online sales; it also wove captivating and motivational tales about the featured products and the artisan behind them. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery crafted narratives that enticed and deeply resonated with audiences, fostering a genuine sense of connection that solidified its position in the online world.

    Adaptability is one of the key aspects to possess when in the field of marketing, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery adapted, not only with ease, but with the understanding of the necessity to shift its strategy according to the landscape. Instead of participating in trade fairs and exhibitions outside the province, which costs a lot of resources and time, the gallery opted to concentrate on fostering its connections within the local community and highlighting its physical showroom. This allowed the business further cement its identity in Negros and be known for its contribution to the culture and arts of the province. Adapting to evolving marketing trends is essential for businesses to remain competitive and relevant in today’s dynamic landscape. To foster a culture of adaptability, one must embrace the idea that change is inevitable. It is understandable to be reluctant to adapt to new things, but leveraging emerging technologies to enhance customer experiences and streamline processes can be beneficial to your business and provide you with an advantage towards competition. Effective pivoting lies in a combination of market awareness, customer understanding, and the ability to embrace change, just like what Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did.

  49. The exposure of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to various forms of digital marketing is a method of increasing the business and reaching a broader target audience. Engaging with various notable personalities, shown on various national and international broadcasting networks, gives the gallery additional credibility and the opportunity to be known globally. For example, the gallery’s feature in KMJS Jessica Soho has reached a nationwide audience. Similarly, the highlight featuring Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach garners tremendous attention.

    To adapt, a company’s antennae must be tuned to signals of change from the external environment, decode them, and quickly act to refine or reinvent its business model, and even reshape the information landscape of its industry. Customers’ first impressions of a brand or location are often formed by their social media presence. People quickly develop a concept of what they can earn and the services offered to them by simply reading postings and comments. Social media platforms allow for quick communication and the publication of authentic feedback or reviews. Customers can be guaranteed that their issues will be addressed immediately because they can deal with each customer’s situation in real time.

    A solid pivot plan is required for a business to succeed in today’s competitive market. Pivoting enables a company to respond to crises swiftly and effectively. To make significant changes to the company’s operations, pivoting requires reassessing the current target market, product line, and business model. The purpose is to change and align company processes to reflect current trends. The pivot strategy enables the gallery to overcome obstacles by focusing on a new approach that better suits the changing situation. Customer wants and expectations shift over time. Businesses must assess consumer input, market research, and trends regularly. This allows them to better understand their target market and supply goods or services that meet their changing wants. If you do not adapt to changing client preferences, your market share and competency may suffer. And it should be handled with care and consideration. Businesses must do an in-depth analysis, assess the potential implications of change, and devise viable measures to mitigate the risks posed by new paths. While some negative feedback is to be expected, if you receive consistent criticism, utilize it to your advantage and adjust.

  50. Joeana Lou Cubelo

    Cubelo, Joeana Lou J.
    The emergence of digital marketing has influenced business and marketing landscapes by offering greater reach, precision targeting, and real time customers . Social media, online advertisements, and influencer collaborations have broadened traditional methods, enabling firms to communicate with a worldwide audience and more readily assess the impact of campaigns. Similar to Jojo Vito’s experience, he was able to adjust to the shift of his business from conventional showrooms to numerous internet platforms thanks to the power of social media. This transformation places a strong emphasis on data-driven tactics, personalization of the consumer experience, and online presence.

    Opportunities for adapting to the shifting marketing environment were particularly evident in Jojo Vito’s Designs Gallery because it was the only independent gallery shop selling imaginative, vibrant masks. Due to its rarity, it not only gave the business a unique identity but also increased demand. The issue that arose in his business was caused by a new market that is keeping up with changing technology, comprehending new consumer behaviors, and managing more competition. However, it also provided chances to reach a larger audience through digital platforms, to target specific individuals, and to use real-time data. Social media was crucial in broadening reach and encouraging real connections. It made it possible for his business to engage with and get input directly from a large audience around the world. It has become crucial for connecting with customers personally, exhibiting products, and communicating company values to establish a brand presence on websites like Facebook, YouTube, and news channels.

    The strategic pivot as a crucial aspect mentioned in the case study was being able to adopt that maintains a competitive edge. Adaptability is crucial in digital marketing evolution because the landscape is constantly changing. New technologies, platforms, and consumer behaviors emerge rapidly. Adapting allows marketers to stay relevant, target the right audience, and utilize effective strategies to meet evolving goals. Without adaptability, businesses risk falling behind, missing opportunities, and becoming ineffective in reaching their target audience in the ever-evolving digital realm. According to the study, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made the decision to refocus its efforts in order to alter its strategy and come up with a solution that would be appropriate for the business in order to thrive. As fairs and shows in Manila needed significant resources, the gallery boldly opted to divert its efforts. One example of how the business adapted to the demands of the market was when it refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than chasing the dazzling lights of bigger trade exhibitions. In my opinion, businesses can effectively pivot their strategies by staying attentive to changing market trends, conducting regular market research, and remaining flexible in their approach. It’s crucial to analyze consumer behavior and preferences, adapt marketing tactics accordingly, and leverage digital platforms for wider reach. Finally, having the ability to experiment and have open communication inside the organization can also help businesses successfully navigate changing trends.

  51. Lyn Anthonette Encina

    Lyn Anthonette C. Encina BAMK-4B

    Digital marketing has altered the entire landscape of marketing in this modern world. In the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing into seamlessly integrating the power of social media into its marketing endeavors. They embraced social media’s influence and promoted the gallery to extend its reach beyond traditional boundaries. They leveraged Facebook to create targeted ads that reached potential customers based on their interests and showcase their latest designs and collections through visually striking posts and stories. Amid this dynamic shift, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery stands as a testament to the power of adaptation and innovation, and the gallery has survived the changing tides of marketing.

    Vito Designs Gallery encountered challenges and opportunities when the pandemic brought travel restrictions and a decline in tourism, and survival demanded more. One of the key strategies they employed was creating a plant business with colorful and elegant fiberglass jars and planters. They embraced the opportunity and ventured into the world of ornamental plants. They connect with customers through social media platforms and transform an outdated technique into an effective marketing tool that resonates with many individuals. By embracing change and adopting innovative marketing techniques, Vito Designs Gallery has successfully navigated the challenges and thrived in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the market’s demands. Rather than chasing after the glittering lights of larger trade fairs, they refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom. It represents a powerful mechanism that can empower local communities and drive a positive local impact on the business community. To effectively pivot strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends, planning and identifying to fill a market gap is important.

  52. Jhonamae Nucido

    The traditional landscape of marketing, especially at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, has been completely transformed by the emergence of digital marketing. The article presents multiple instances of how digital marketing has influenced Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. For instance, it has improved customer interaction and engagement. With the rise of social media and digital communication channels, the gallery can now directly connect with its audience, obtaining feedback, addressing queries, and providing responses. Another impact is the expansion of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s reach beyond its physical location. Utilizing digital avenues such as social media, websites, and online advertising, the business can now easily target its desired audience.

    Before transitioning to online platforms, many businesses in Bacolod had a physical presence, including Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The gallery initially showcased its creative masks and souvenirs through a physical store. Once it garnered recognition, the decision was made to transition to an online presence to better reach its intended audience. This shift allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to have direct access to its audience, enabling convenient purchases and wider dissemination of its products. Social media played a crucial role in expanding its reach and establishing genuine global connections. This facilitated increased brand visibility, authentic discussions, utilization of user-generated content, and real-time market feedback.

    In response to market demands, Jojo Vito Designs expanded its product range, adopted digital platforms, engaged with influencers, personalized design services, and conducted continuous market research. These actions highlight the business’s strategic adaptability to meet client needs and stay competitive. The bold decision to refocus efforts away from expensive Manila fairs and exhibits demonstrates the company’s commitment to its local roots and the promotion of its physical showroom, rather than pursuing the allure of larger trade shows.

  53. Andrea Elizabeth Sotto

    The Micro, Small, and Medium, Enterprise (MSME) Development Plan 2017-2022, with its vision of “more globally competitive MSMEs that are regionally integrated, resilient, sustainable, and innovative thereby performing as key drivers of inclusive Philippine economic growth,” was crafted to provide opportunities for Filipino entrepreneurs in sustaining their businesses in the market. Its implementation had a positive impact on new and existing businesses through the government’s assistance. This was made possible through the measures implemented to support these MSMEs.
    The three focus areas stated in the MSME Development Plan are (1) Business Environment; (2) Business Capacity; and (3) Business Opportunities. Each of these areas had its strategic goals to help attain the businesses in the market. By improved business climate and access to finance, will help MSMEs survive in the economy. As for their business capacity, MSMEs can strengthen their human resource capacity through the government’s enhanced management and labor capacities. Through its improved access to technology and innovation, businesses from different sectors will be taught various methods in keeping their enterprise accessible to technology and innovation. Improving market access provides MSMEs with a wide range of business opportunities to further promote their products. To achieve all of this, the government prepared cross-cutting strategies such as: (1) Expanding MSME Assistance Centers; (2) Strengthen the role of Local Government Units; (3) promoting green Growth; (4) promoting women and Youth Entrepreneurship; and (5) Maximize Opportunities in the Digital and Internet Economy that will ensure the effectivity of the development plan.

    Submitted by: Andrea Elizabeth Sotto | ENTRP111

  54. Shane Delegiro

    Improved Access to Technology and Innovation is one of the measures implemented by the business which results in an adaptive and transformative journey during this digital age. It has helped the business access and grow their market because of the rise of digital marketing. This made it easier for the target market to explore the beauty and the artistry behind every masterpiece online and with better quality. With better technology and creative innovations, this can help MSME’s improve their businesses and utilize digital marketing to acquire and reach new target markets.
    Improved Access to Market. With the help of digital marketing, the business has reached international media to promote its products and even well-known personalities in the local scene have helped the enterprise gain and attract new markets. National and international television has been a great move for the business since it has captured the attention of potential markets and also to showcase their local artistry and talent to the world.

  55. Roxanne Bansagan

    Roxanne M. Bansagan
    August 29, 2023

    The growth of digital marketing, according to the article provided, has changed the traditional business and marketing environment, particularly in terms of communication with customers and the manner in which goods and/or services are offered. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery incorporated virtual avenues in addition to its physical showrooms in which he was able to showcase craftsmanship to a larger audience. With the gallery having to embrace change and innovation, it had faced opportunities—extending its reach well beyond traditional boundaries including the ability to tell stories and weaving narratives thereby fostering a sense of connection and authenticity.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, a traditional showroom, saw the emergence of internet platforms that enable producers to communicate directly with customers in the digital sphere as both a challenge and an opportunity. Thus, the gallery used digital marketing to meet the demand and to survive. Redirecting efforts toward focusing on, maintaining its local roots, and marketing its physical showroom rather than chasing the shining lights of larger trade fairs would be the highlight in the area of challenge and opportunity. In light of this, the strategy worked wonders in favor of the gallery for until the present, it continues to receive recognition and pieces are sought for and shown across the nation. Social media was incorporated into the gallery’s operations as a way to reach a worldwide audience and show off the merchandise—a medium of exchange between the gallery and the audience. But it went beyond simply posting things online. Digital advertising includes narratives that integrate the stories of artisans, promoting the kind of connection that is one of the gallery’s objectives.

    By shifting focus, keeping its local roots, and marketing its physical showroom rather than chasing the bright lights of larger trade shows, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showed flexibility and strategic thinking in response to market demand. The gallery’s decision to remain focused on its local roots has been advantageous since, as can be seen around the local island, the items from the gallery have been displayed and are accessible to everyone, which has increased publicity and popularity. They were able to concentrate on selecting artwork that could tell a story and be displayed in picturesque spots throughout the island. Moreover, in the face of evolving strategies, they can also change their strategy in response to shifting tactics by carefully considering all the relevant factors and scenarios. To develop strategies that have a chance of success, businesses need to be familiar with the market’s demands, dynamics, and conditions. The major objective is to adjust corporate procedures and align them with current trends to effectively pivot strategies.

  56. Erica Villanueva

    The story of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shows how the rise of digital marketing has changed the traditional business landscape. The incorporation of social media, the emphasis on storytelling, and direct connections with consumers via online platforms have reshaped how businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers, moving beyond traditional marketing methods and toward more interactive and personalized approaches.

    Physical displays, such as eye-catching storefront displays, were formerly successful. The gallery, as part of both pioneer and prominent Negros industries, had both possibilities and barriers. While the gallery’s individual identity and independent gallery shop provided an advantage, sustainability required more. Embracing the potential of social media became critical, allowing the gallery to reach far beyond its usual confines. The advent of internet platforms and government-sponsored showrooms, on the other hand, resulted in a paradigm change. This change represents how businesses, such as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, have to transition from depending only on physical displays to creating a strong online presence. With the advent of the digital sphere, direct linkages between producers and clients became possible. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took advantage of this by communicating with its audience directly, without the need of intermediaries. This shift enabled the gallery to develop personal ties with consumers. The gallery was able to go beyond simply selling things thanks to digital marketing.

    The decision of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to prioritize local interaction over participation in larger trade shows demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking in response to market demands. This decision was most likely influenced by a thorough grasp of their target demographic, local market dynamics, and evolving customer preferences. Participating in major trade shows may be time-consuming and costly, necessitating considerable financial commitments, labor, and logistical organization. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery should better spend their resources by refocusing their efforts on local involvement and their actual showroom, resulting in higher returns on investment. Furthermore, in a market packed with several rivals, standing out becomes critical. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery built a strong brand through emphasizing local interaction and a real store. They positioned themselves as a brand that prioritizes community ties and offers clients a more personal, hands-on experience, which may be difficult to achieve in the noise and bustle of larger trade shows. Finally, while larger trade shows and exhibitions may draw attention and possible purchases in the near term, focusing on local interaction develops long-term client connections. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery laid the groundwork for long-term success and client loyalty by investing in their community.

    Written by: Erica Villanueva – BAMK4B

  57. Karla Marie Dicoares

    MKEL 5: Digital Marketing
    Karla Marie A. Diocares BAMK 4B

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.
    Digital marketing has transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing by offering more targeted and data-driven strategies. It allowed brands to reach their target audience at a much lower cost with a better conversion rate. It has also provided new channels for customer engagement and real-time interactions, challenging the one-way communication of traditional media.
    The transition was evident from the moment that the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery adapted the dynamic shift of marketing to digital media. The rise of online platforms allowed the producers of various local creations to connect directly to their consumers. The gallery was able to expand its reach well beyond traditional practices through to the power of social media, which became indispensable. Significantly, with the digital marketing, the gallery have gained attention and support from media partners and digital marketers. With not having in mind to solely sell products, but also share and spread the stories behind every works that resonated with a global audience. Thus, the fostered connection and authenticity of the gallery’s compelling content, highlighted the products and the craftspeople who made them.

    Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.
    Digital marketing continues to innovate with emerging trends coming. Along with various benefits, such as keeping track the relevant content, is still a huge challenge for brands. In the case study, the gallery was able to see both opportunities and challenges. Given that the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is part of OTOP (One Town, One Product) store and the Negros Showroom, it has already a well-established exposure and recognition from the public. As it shifted from showroom to an online space, the gallery was able to reach more consumers, and connect with them despite the distance and other traditional boundaries. With the emerging of new businesses and other local government initiatives, the gallery’s distinct identity and independence had the edge to preserve and continue its success.

    Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    As marketing trends continue to evolve, b
    Businesses need to be able to adapt and pivot their strategies accordingly in order to stay relevant and succeed, as the marketing trends continue to evolve digitally. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the need to pivot strategically through redirection. The local Negrosanon gallery looked at a bigger and took the risk to redirect its efforts as fairs and exhibits in Manila. As the gallery refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom, it was able to reach different market and gain positive publicity.

    More so, the products of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery spread across nation, and even acknowledge international. As long as, a businesses, like the gallery, are willing to be flexible and responsive to changing marketing trends will be better positioned to thrive in today’s dynamic marketplace. By staying informed, conducting research, and continuously evaluating and adjusting their strategies, businesses can effectively pivot and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

  58. Andrea Elizabeth Sotto

    The exponential growth of digital marketing has radically changed the traditional business and marketing landscape. Over the years, Jojo Vito Design Gallery has adapted to contemporary marketing strategies. From the walls of the Negros Showroom to reaching the digital platform, it paved the way for the enterprise to communicate and reach its target and potential customers and further promote its products. Some of the notable achievements of Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery were their features in Pia Wurtzbach’s “Pia Postcards,” Jessica Soho’s “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho,” and Park Inn by Radisson’s “The Gilded Expressions.” The said features were aired digitally, thus adding public recognition and improved brand awareness for the business.
    Having a digital platform enables a business to communicate extensively to its audience. In the case of Jojo Vito Design Gallery, it was when they partnered with the One Town, One Product, and Negros Showroom that they began to realize the potential of social media in marketing their products. Apart from showcasing their products, it was also through sharing their content stories behind the artisans and the products that spoke to people—generating a sense of belongingness.
    Adaptability and strategic thinking are crucial elements in keeping the business in the market. What sustained the enterprise in the case study is through continuous innovation and planning that focuses on supporting its locality and physical showroom. Moreover, businesses should remain up to date with the latest trends and corporate effective strategies that emerge with the marketing trends.

    Submitted by: Andrea Elizabeth Sotto | MKEL5: BAMK4-B

  59. Luigi Angelo C. Granada

    The article talks about how Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did really well in the online world. They used social media to tell more people about their goods, which shows how powerful digital marketing is for making a business bigger. This is all about how being smart with the internet is super important in today’s business world.

    At the same time, there’s a plan from 2017 to 2022 the Micro, Small and
    Medium Enterprise Development Plan to help small businesses, like what Jojo Vito has. This plan is from the government and it’s there to help when things are tough, like during Covid-19. The plan aims to provide a beneficial environment for MSMEs to thrive by focusing on several key areas. It emphasizes the importance of promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, encouraging the adoption of modern technologies, and enhancing access to finance for MSMEs. The plan also emphasizes capacity building, offering training and skill development programs tailored to the specific needs of small businesses.

    The article shows how a small business can use digital marketing, and the government has a plan to help small businesses do well in the online world. Both of these things are about how being good with digital stuff and getting support are super important these days.

  60. Julyzza Hope F. Pisueña

    From being inside a wall of a physical room to a limitless boundaries of connections, adapting to the rise of digital marketing has been remarkable ever since it evolved over time. One specific example from the article is that, when Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has been featured in one of Pia Wurtzbach’s shows in YouTube. Not only that YouTube is one of the popular and the most used social media platforms where the show was aired, but Pia Wurtzbach as the Philippines’ Miss Universe is the one hosting it, it will surely garner numerous viewers where the business and its products were featured which can generate widespread exposure.

    In the past years, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has been showcasing their designs in the public to a physical display in showrooms but with the transition to digital marketing, it surely faced several challenges but still embraced the transition and made an opportunity out of it. The challenges includes the rise of new competitors because of the emergence of the new businesses and other local government initiatives. On the other hand, they also embraced the digital marketing and integrated its use to their business. Not only that they were able to showcase their designs online but they were able to incorporate telling the audiences the stories and narratives about their business that will certainly retain to every audiences reached through online platforms. The role of social media in reaching and fostering connections in a global scale is it encourages in creating communities online you can easily engage with, communicate with other people seamlessly, and provide information without the need of meeting them personally as you can upload insightful post online in just one click.

    With the current demands of the market, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery needed to demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking and with that they focused more on local trade fairs than chasing after the larger ones. They anchored their business in nurturing and honing where everything started, their local roots, and promoting their physical showroom. As participating in larger trade fairs required a lot more than the local ones which can be a risk for the business. Even though it has only done local trade fairs, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has reached numerous audiences through the adaptation of digital marketing as its social media engagements has increased and gained more followers. As we all know, the only constant thing in this world is change. So whether we like it or not, things will change and so is the marketing trends and strategies. In my opinion, in order for business to effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends, is that they adapt to it. They should observe, learn, practice, and implement. There is no harm in trying, because we, marketers, we evolve.

  61. Charles Bryan Mañgao

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers. The use of augmented reality and AI’s helped business.

    – The rise of digital marketing transformed the landscape of business and marketing as it helps the business in marketing by posting it online making more people interact with the business without going directly to the physical store

    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    -Jojo vito designs and gallery shifted from traditional to digital by using augmented reality and AI’s and it used social media marketing instead of traditional marketing. Social media extended the reach of the business because it allows the business to be shown globally not just by locals.

    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    – The business demonstrates the adaptability in the changes of the business by not sticking to traditional marketing and instead embracing the change and adapting to the future thus making the business flourish even more. Business can can effectively pivot their strategies by not sticking to traditional instead embracing the change and doing better for the future.

  62. Nedra Jo Unity Nagagor

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has been in the business for over 25 years. Traditionally, the brand was renowned for physical displays and showrooms of its creations and products. In the prime of digital marketing, businesses like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery began to market, adapt, and build their online presence through digital spaces such as Facebook or creating blogs through several websites featuring TV interviews, including international media exposure from a famous Korean broadcasting channel. It also collaborated with media partners and digital marketers to further establish its online reputation. These digital marketing strategies allowed the business to digitally expand by connecting with more customers.

    The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery began with curated showrooms and displays, a center for the business to establish. Society slowly shifted to the digital age, which brought significant changes such as interactivity with customers, building networks, and enhancing prospects. These challenged Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to shift its business digitally. By doing so, they were able to create an online brand identity, engage with more customers, and build reach within the world of digital marketing. The business utilized social media most significantly through Facebook, which ultimately became a frontrunner in their promotional platforms.

    To better cater to its online market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery employed promotional strategies such as customer engagement through its social media platforms. Promoting a curation of displays and showrooms online became a part of its digital strategy, reinforcing its reputation and branding. As a local business, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery hones its force from local fairs and exhibits, which do not require a lot of resources. Being authentic through local promotions allowed it to connect better with the community. Therefore, redirecting goals to better suit time is a strategic pivot in the ever-evolving marketing trends.

  63. Nike Andrew Phil C. Denuevo

    The value of streamlining procedures and utilizing cutting-edge platforms is illustrated by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s strategic shift into social media. By utilizing social media, the gallery may engage with more people, reach a wider audience, and overcome geographical constraints. Similar to the plan’s objective of minimizing rules and regulations at all levels, the gallery quickly adapted to the digital sphere.

    The gallery’s choice to use cutting-edge technology is the right choice on expanding access to innovation and technology. The gallery’s success is based on the narratives it conveys and not the artifacts itself. Increasing management and labor capability is the aim of the strategy, and this is in accordance with that objective. The exhibit demonstrates the plan’s objective of enhancing human capital and promoting equitable opportunities by showcasing the artisans who made the products and forging a sense of connection.

    By effectively utilizing social media and online channels, the gallery significantly increased its audience beyond the confines of its physical location. This growth is consistent with the plan’s objective of seizing the possibilities. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery serves as a prime example of the effectiveness of broadening market reach.


    These initiatives not only help MSMEs in the Negros Showroom get awareness, but they also help local businesses thrive overall.

    Another government initiative is the promotion of entrepreneurship and business growth. This.The gallery of Jojo Vito adopting the potential of social media and maintaining an online presence, digitalization can improve processes by providing new methods and opportunities for the business.

    The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022 the
    government has enacted a variety of measures, including financial assistance, entrepreneurship training, and regulatory reforms. These policies aim to assist MSMEs with the tools, skills, and a supportive business climate they need to prosper in the digital age. The government plays a critical role in building an environment in which MSMEs can grow and contribute to economic development by providing them with the appropriate support.

  65. Maria Erika G Mira

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of business and commerce, the role of digital marketing has grown exponentially. This review delves into the digital marketing evolution within the context of Sir Jojo’s Designs Gallery, exploring how the business has harnessed digital strategies to enhance its brand presence and reach. Furthermore, the review examines the measures laid out by the government to bolster Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in line with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022.

    The case study of Sir Jojo’s Designs Gallery exemplifies the pivotal role of digital marketing in propelling the growth of MSMEs. By strategically harnessing social media, e-commerce, influencer collaborations, and content marketing, the gallery has achieved remarkable brand expansion. Simultaneously, the Philippines’ government measures, as outlined in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022, provide a supportive ecosystem for MSMEs to thrive in the digital age. The synergy between business innovation and governmental support holds the promise of a flourishing future for enterprises like Jojo Vidal Designs Gallery.

  66. John Patrick Sinogbuhan

    Business is always changing, especially when it comes to marketing. The way we communicate and access information has been revolutionized by the digital age, and as a result, businesses must adapt to reach and engage their target audiences. This new approach, known as digital marketing, has completely transformed the marketing landscape and opened up new possibilities for success. The journey of Jojo Vito Gallery gained momentum with the support of media partners and digital marketers. An example that their online presence wasn’t just about selling products; it was about telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey shows how businesses can adapt and succeed in the digital age. By telling stories and connecting with a global audience online, they have thrived. As technology continues to evolve, embracing change and innovation is key. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery proves that transformation is about survival and flourishing in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

    Adaptability is key in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized this need and strategically pivoted by focusing on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom. This decision proved to be a wise one, as the gallery thrived by telling stories and connecting with a global audience online. The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shows us that embracing change and innovation is vital for survival and flourishing in the digital age.

  67. Inah Alegre

    All currently operating businesses in the market now face a variety of opportunities and difficulties with regard to the rise of digital marketing. One of Bacolod’s most well-known galleries, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, was among one of the many that welcomed the adjustments that digital marketing demanded. One ideal instance was when it changed its platforms to social media, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery and Garden in Facebook, where clients often make their inquiries, rather than just being reluctant and adhering to the conventional showroom setup. The gallery encountered both potential and troubles because it was a participant and a part of the OTOP (One Town, One Product) store and the Negros Showroom. Through this, the gallery was able to reach far beyond conventional bounds by embracing the power of social media.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to easily use the power of social media into its marketing endeavors. Its innovative path accelerated with the help of media partners and digital marketers. This website’s goal was to engage a global audience by presenting stories rather than just selling things. The engaging content of the gallery highlighted the goods and the craftspeople who made them, fostering a feeling of connection and authenticity. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery can now reach countless audiences through social media, including those from blogs, YouTube channels, and even global broadcasting networks like the Korean Broadcasting Network. Since they have been in the business for 25 years, changing their marketing landscape has presented both obstacles and opportunities for them. Because traditional methods had to be altered, they were forced to adapt to the digital age.

    Adaptability is essential in the always changing marketing environment. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery understood that a tactical change was necessary. The museum bravely made the daring decision to refocus its efforts because fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant expenditures. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than running after the flashing lights of bigger trade shows. The tale of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery perfectly captures how businesses have changed in the digital era. In my own perspective, adaptation has really been the key to success, whether it be in the busy showrooms of the past or the online spaces of social media. Because consumer needs are constantly changing, businesses can adjust their marketing strategy by embracing change and responding to new trends. Businesses must be innovative and aggressive in their own industries if they want to survive in the competitive market.

  68. Jen Pedrosa BSEN4A

    The government has its doors open for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) showing support to entrepreneurs and business owners. It has implemented various measures and laws in order for it to have an easy and successful start for them also to grow and expand their business all throughout the world. Given this article, the government implemented Cross-cutting strategies like Promoting the Digital and Internet Economy. With the emergence of e-commerce, it is easy for businesses to market their products online and also give them a chance to be featured on various platforms.

    Also the Market Development Programs such as OTOP Program. It was mentioned in the article that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery being part of it gave them opportunities to showcase their products to people. RA 10644 is also implemented, called the Go Negosyo Act that promotes job generation through the development of MSMEs establishing Negosyo Centers in all places to facilitate the ease of doing business.

    -Jen Pedrosa BSEN4A

  69. Hannah Gallo

    In today’s generation, digital marketing has been an essential tool in marketing our businesses and how it revolutionized the business industry. The article indicates the journey, challenges and the transformation of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery through the help of digital marketing. Despite the challenges and changes that Jojo Vito faced, he was able to seek opportunities with the help from the government that supports MSME’s. With the help from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Association of Negros Producers (ANP), he was able to showcase the different local products and crafts. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s first feature from CNN Philippines was able to capture the hearts of the people through the power of social media that promotes and markets its crafts. With this, the government really supports MSME’s businesses that provides connections and opportunities to your business to increase its market and awareness to the public. In addition, digital marketing is also one of the powerful tools that we can use to promote our business.

  70. Maria Ceasara Jen Guardafe

    Digital marketing has helped in transforming traditional structures of businesses and marketing as a whole. Since the modernization of businesses and marketing occurred, newly found ways to promote and put ụp businesses has also entered the industry. The use of the advancement of technology gave many entrepreneurs and marketers a chance to experience and expand on their ideas. In the article written above, artist Jojo Vito was able to utilize online platforms in making his product known through various social media and streaming platforms. He also reshaped his business through great innovation of his art. Through the digitalization of businesses he was also able to communicate with his audience easily through social media.

    The transition of having his art gallery from being solely focused on having physical displays into creating an online presence through various streaming platforms, social media, and news outlets. Although it was a challenging move for Jojo Vito, he was able to persevere and successfully penetrated the online market to showcase his art and reach people nationwide. He was able to directly discuss and communicate with his target audience and customers through social media and establishing a well known presence online for his gallery. This newly digitalized era has created an easy way for artists and businesses like Jojo Vito and his gallery to prosper more than just locally, rather it was able to allow people from different cities and countries outside of his location to also be potential customers of his art and business.

    Digital Marketing was able to give Jojo Vito Designs Gallery its momentum online and garnered attention from people all over the world. With the help of innovation and hard work in making sure to keep his artwork shown to the people. In light of this sudden interest from foreign media and seeing large attractive trade fairs in Manila, the artist wanted to focus more on promoting its own physical art gallery rather than going to other places to promote their product. Since the main focus of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has revolved around making beautiful and intricate masks that represents the local roots of Bacolod City and its culture. This does not only put the art gallery into a spot where they can aid in the tourism of the city itself, but it could also give people the chance to have their own designs of these well designed masks in their homes. Businesses being able to adapt in the ever changing marketing trends is already remarkable itself. If businesses and entrepreneurs focus on implementing and improving their strategies with having the current trends in their mind, it is highly likely that their businesses would survive the industry.

  71. Gregorio Romeo Montinola

    Basing on the article written above, the government was able to help MSMEs through a lot of their programs and organizations that supports businesses here in our country. These organizations has helped MSMEs to innovate and stand for themselves and as an entity.

    The development plan of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise for of 2017 until 2022, consisted of many different goals and actions to help MSMEs grow in the country. Most of these agendas are made to increase the number of MSMEs in the country to increase economic effects and encourage people to do business with the aid of the government. In terms of Jojo Vito Design Gallery, the governmentwas able to help his gallery through organizations that allow artists to support each other and government agencies such as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Association of Negros Prducers (ANP). The MSME Development Plan 2017-2022 aims to help newly established and small businesses to operate with ease and encourage entrepreneurs in the rural and local areas to increase agricultural and rural tourism of the area. By providing benefits and seminars that inform MSME owners of such plans and nurturing them is how the government able to help MSMEs in our country.

    In conclusion, the government provides benefits and certain government agencies to help out MSME owners and upcoming owners to operate with ease and enough knowledge.

  72. (no.3) Increase the country’s competitiveness and ease of doing business. – By adopting digital marketing techniques, Jojo Vito’s Gallery may broaden its market and connect with more people outside of its local area. By tapping into other markets, this improved exposure and awareness that can help the gallery become less dependent on local customers in the area while also boosting its ability to compete.

    (no. 05) Focus on the countryside to “promote rural and value-chain development towards increasing agricultural and rural enterprise productivity and rural tourism.” – It’s encouraging to find out that Jojo Vito’s Gallery supports rural development. This can help boost agricultural and rural enterprise production, which can result in greater financial opportunities for nearby communities, by boosting rural and value-chain development. Businesses like Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery that help rural and community development should be encouraged and supported.

    (no. 08) Promote science, technology, and creative arts “to enhance innovation and creative capacity towards self-sustaining inclusive development.” – The Gallery can promote and support local artisans and craftmanship who specialize in tradition arts, crafts, and indigenous knowledge. Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery can help to promote creativity, preserve cultural history, and aid the economic empowerment of these people and communities by giving them opportunity to display and sell their works.

  73. John Lord Alunan

    Alunan, John Lord M. BAMK 4B

    The rise of digital marketing has profoundly transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing in global reach with the help of social media, e-commerce online Sales etc. Digital marketing can expand its roots from a local audience to an international level. This has expanded the potential customer base and enabled even small businesses to compete on an international scale. Sir Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigates the transition from physical displays to an online presence through the support of media partners and digital marketers. The challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape are adaptability, and the need to pivot strategically. From the bustling halls of traditional showrooms to the virtual avenues of social media, adaptation has been the cornerstone of success. Adaptation is crucial in digital marketing due to the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the digital landscape. New technologies and platforms continually emerge in digital marketing. Adapting to these technologies can give businesses a competitive edge and enable them to explore innovative ways to reach their audience. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking by taking the business through online trends and viral content that can quickly capture public attention and lead to increased brand visibility and engagement. Businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends by adapting strategies over time based on performance data and market insights for achieving sustained success over a long period of time.

  74. John Paulo P. Ruego MK4-D

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took on the daring mission of integrating this newly discovered enthusiasm into meticulously made things that satisfy the special demands and expectations of plantitos and plantitas. The gallery’s innovation was centered on creating fiberglass jars and pots, a reaction that graphically illustrates the creative thought process in action.

    Jojo Vito Designs acknowledges, through empathy, that consumers who love plants seek distinctive planters or pots to complement their valuable collection of plants and value their main purchases. In response to the rising trend, they produce fiberglass jars and pots that will strike a deep chord with the community of plant aficionados.

    During the promoting phase, the gallery attempted to engage with and comprehend the plantito and plantita populations’ artistic demands. The information acquired during the empathy phase was translated into a specific difficulty when creating the design challenge. The group brainstormed unique solutions using the challenge statement as a starting point, exploring shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes to produce durable plant pots for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. Prototyping was then used to turn the selected concepts into physical items. The emergence of fiberglass pots with structurally and functionally emphasized design elements The gallery generated prototypes in a short period of time that satisfied the design aims while also allowing stakeholders to evaluate their utility and aesthetic appeal. In testing, the gallery encourages co-creation by publishing prototypes on social media and encouraging plantitos and plantitas to submit color, size, and design cue preferences. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery changed prototypes based on community comments, adjusting design, drainage settings, and finishes to cater to the plant-loving community’s aesthetic tastes. Finally, the gallery enthusiastically displayed its product selection. Using the power of social media, inspiring photos were combined into stories that resonated with plantitos and plantitas. The iterative method was crucial to the gallery’s success because it expanded the opportunities for continual improvement. The gallery is eager to hear about how people used and interacted with the fiberglass pots. They demonstrated the pinnacle of imaginative empathy with their fiberglass pots and jars, perfectly comprehending the emotional and visual demands of the plantitos and plantitas community throughout the pandemic.

  75. Darwin Chris Kho

    The government’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022 outlines different strategies aimed in supporting Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). These involve offering financial aid and facilitating access to credit or loans which makes it easier for existing businesses to expand their operations. Another significant effort by the government is the promotion of entrepreneurship and business development among MSMEs. This involves training programs that initiates in improving the skills of both existing and aspiring MSMEs in running a business. These programs focuses on business management, primarily in marketing and financial operations. By providing opportunities for learning and development, the government aims to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of MSMEs in the digital world.

  76. Carlos Malapitan

    On my opinion, When it comes to our socio-economic agenda, which aims to maintain the momentum of our current economic growth, micro, small, and medium-sized companies (MSME) are essential. This gives Filipinos employment and opportunities.

    The government encourages entrepreneurship and business growth as a policy initiative. To provide aspiring and current MSME owners with the skills and information needed to run successful enterprises, the government has launched entrepreneurship training programs and capacity-building initiatives. These courses address a range of business management topics, such as marketing, finances, and operations. The government wants to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of MSMEs in the digital era by offering training and development opportunities (source: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022). The evolution of marketing has been a journey from traditional methods to the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. As technology continues to evolve, the trajectory of marketing is likely to further intertwine with the digital realm, emphasizing the need for adaptable strategies that resonate with today’s dynamic consumer landscape.

    Therefore, The development of digital marketing in the Philippines has been significantly influenced by Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs). They have embraced digital channels to advertise their goods and services, which has helped internet marketing develop. MSMEs have used digital advertising, e-commerce platforms, and social media to reach a bigger audience, improve brand recognition, and boost sales. This change has expanded the use of online methods and even encouraged larger organizations to investigate digital marketing options.

  77. Mark Lander Beatingo

    The rise of digital marketing has revolutionized the traditional business and marketing landscape, reshaping how companies connect with audiences. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s transition from physical displays to an online presence exemplifies this transformation. By leveraging social media and storytelling, they fostered authentic connections, extending beyond geographical boundaries and enabling a deeper emotional engagement with customers.

    Navigating from physical to online presence, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery encountered challenges such as mastering new digital tools and competing in a crowded online space. However, they harnessed the opportunity to reach a global audience. Social media played a central role, allowing them to tell compelling stories, showcase artisans, and directly engage with customers, thus building a loyal online community.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability by prioritizing local engagement over costly trade fairs. This strategic pivot showcased their ability to assess changing market dynamics and allocate resources effectively. Businesses can effectively pivot by closely monitoring trends, understanding their strengths, and creatively adapting strategies to seize emerging opportunities, ultimately thriving in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

  78. Esther Joyce Limbaña

    With the evolution of the digital marketing age, transformation within businesses develops enhanced communication, accessible data, and utilization of concentration toward target audiences. The transmission of information to the next regulates a cascading delivery of reach and turn the marketing landscape into a wide range of connection and platforms. The rise of technology and digital expansion shifts the cycle of businesses into a vast chance of interaction and a door for new opportunities. Innovation captivates the idea of invoking—change is constant; hence, it generates a factor for businesses to embrace adaptation and flow of progression in the 21st century. Besides that, digital marketing utilizes cyberspace that connects globally, thus conveying that this is a tool that links target audiences with an extensive reach. Concerning the article, digital marketing employs media materials (e.g., images, videos, social media) in captivating attraction to the pursuit of gaining the interest of the viewers.

    From integrating their craftmanship and imagination in various showrooms to adapting their online presence makes a shift or a transition of their initial groundwork. In the process of navigating their approach to innovation, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery encounters adversities and a range of recourses in terms of discovering their prospects and routes to know this new landscape. The digital realm emphasizes competition, survival, and various loopholes because it gives more edge to other businesses as well; yet, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embraces the capability of social media, giving the gallery the competence to endure in a changing field, through this undertaking, it enables the gallery to further advance in their traditional methods and benefits to interconnect with more target markets. Social media harnesses diverse individuals in the World Wide Web and determines engagement that showcases the products, stories behind their artistry, and the element of art, upholding the essence of substantial involvement.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery establishes adaptability and strategic thinking in counter to the market demands by embracing different factors and setting objectives on what measures and priorities should come ahead. The gallery integrates its online presence by justifying and displaying its products and significantly involving the narrative of each piece and the artisans who take part in the making. They foster their business by embracing the digital age and dive in to try the up-to-the-minute techniques on locking into the new era. In the marketing landscape, it is evident that everything is complex without appropriate knowledge—the entirety is critical and intricate; hence, the need to shift strategically is to adapt. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery boldly stands on its decision by turning its compass on sustaining its local roots and engagement and its physical showroom over larger trade fairs that conform as a prime platform and unveil prospects for international affinities. On that note, the gallery considers crucial aspects that settle their conclusion—exhibits demand substantial capitalization. The gallery decided to shift its course by refraining from joining exhibitions since they require massive hired hands and other facets that could contribute to numerous resources; thus, it chose to amplify its local presence. With the evolving marketing trends, enterprises can effectively face and pivot their strategies by strengthening their adaptation regardless of time and era. If businesses emerge into dynamic credibility, they can go through emerging seasons and updates from technologies and various components existing around the globe. In the unwavering domain of digital marketing and marketing advancement, the ones who gladly welcome change, innovation, and the meaning and sense of human link will persevere, pursue, prosper, and survive in any length of history.

  79. Marianna Monfort

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.
    The traditional business and marketing landscape has undergone an important shift as a result of the development of digital marketing. Businesses have been forced to modify their strategy in order to connect with their target audiences and engage customers in a time of rapid technological breakthroughs and changing consumer behaviors. The experience of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, which strategically changed its strategy to align with the shifting dynamics of the industry, serves as an example of this transition. In the past, companies frequently used traditional techniques to reach their consumers, including live events, print advertisements, and regional promotions. However, the emergence of digital marketing has completely transformed this strategy, providing a multitude of cutting-edge tools and tactics that have changed how companies conduct business and interact with clients. The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is proof of this change. The gallery made the daring choice to change its focus from pursuing the appeal of far-off markets to cultivating its local roots and marketing its physical showroom when faced with the resource-intensive requirements of participation in significant trade fairs. The core of how digital marketing has transformed corporate processes is captured by this tactical shift.

    Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    – The traditional business and marketing landscape has undergone a significant change as a result of the growth of internet platforms and the appearance of government-sponsored showrooms in local communities. By permitting direct contact, the digital sphere has upended traditional producer-consumer relations. Businesses now use online platforms to promote their goods, get real-time feedback, and create individualized connections. Through this direct engagement, firms can now quickly modify their offers to suit changing preferences, ushering in a consumer-centric approach. In addition, the emergence of neighborhood showrooms, supported by government programs, has expanded the field of competition. These carefully designed locations bring together a wide range of regional companies, making it difficult for individual businesses to stand out in a crowded market. Businesses can use their online presence to exhibit distinctive value propositions, tell brand narratives, and establish a distinctive identity that appeals to customers in the face of competition from nearby showrooms. In the end, the fusion of local government programs and internet platforms has transformed how businesses and consumers interact, forcing companies to adopt cutting-edge digital strategies to succeed in this new environment.

    Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    – Making a conscious change in response to market needs demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking on the part of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The gallery decided to refocus its strategy on local involvement and promoting its physical showroom rather than continuing to devote significant money to attending major trade shows. This choice demonstrated their acute awareness of the shifting marketing environment and their capacity to match their strategy with changing consumer tastes and habits. Their capacity to understand the significance of interacting with their own community was evidenced by prioritizing local participation above larger trade shows. Businesses that place a heavy emphasis on localized involvement might forge closer bonds with neighboring clients in a time when digital platforms are the norm. The choice of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to concentrate on their physical showroom was probably made to give their local clients a more intimate and immersive experience, allowing them to engage with the items and designers in person. This localized strategy is in line with the notion that companies can prosper by cultivating a devoted clientele in their immediate area. By modifying their plan in response to the environment’s changes and the dynamics of the competition, they demonstrated their strategic thinking. It might be difficult to participate in huge trade shows because it requires a lot of resources, both financially and logistically. By deciding to concentrate on local participation, the gallery could make the best use of its resources, cut costs, and increase its impact on the neighborhood. This tactical change demonstrates their capacity to analyze market trends, rivalry, and consumer behavior and modify their strategy to stay current and efficient. Adaptability and strategic thinking are essential in a company environment that is changing quickly. Businesses that can adapt their strategy in response to changes in consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics are better positioned to succeed and stay relevant. The choice made by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to put local involvement ahead of bigger trade shows is an encouraging illustration of how companies may strategically change course to remain in step with the constantly changing marketing environment.

  80. Ma. Paula Denice Lozada

    The conventional business and marketing environment at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has undergone a full transformation since the advent of digital marketing. The gallery has been able to communicate directly with customers through digital marketing, greatly extending the scope of its influence. The gallery has eagerly embraced the potential of social media sites like Facebook to interact with customers and showcase its assortment of goods. Additionally, the gallery has successfully tapped into the notoriety of significant people like Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach and attracted significant media exposure from programs like KMJS Jessica Soho, leading to broad recognition. These examples clearly demonstrate how digital marketing has altered how companies communicate with customers and connect with their target audiences.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery faced challenges as well as opportunities when it made the switch from having physical shows to an online presence. The gallery significantly increased its sphere of impact by utilizing social media’s potentials, going beyond established boundaries and forging connections with a worldwide audience. The gallery expertly used fascinating content to showcase its goods and the skilled artisans who created them while integrating social media into its marketing initiatives with ease. However, the gallery had to deal with other difficulties as well, chief among them being the high costs associated with attending significant trade shows. The gallery strategically decided to focus on increasing its local impact and involvement as a result. Also, creativity and adaptation are emphasized and how important they are in the internet age of marketing.

    In place of participating in large trade fairs, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery changed its focus to fostering its local base and highlighting its actual showroom, demonstrating flexibility and astute planning and adaptability. With the help of this tactical change, they were able to successfully respond to market needs and establish an effective and salutary means of addressing demands in a personalized and innovative approach. They were astute enough to see the need for adapting to the always changing marketing environment and giving local involvement priority. Thus, this shows how companies can adapt to changing market conditions, innovate, and preserve their competitive edge. It also shows how a company like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery can continue to survive in the current business environment.

  81. Aubrey Bernardez

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has had to adapt to a new business and advertising environment as a result of the rise of digital marketing. The gallery was able to develop a global presence without resorting only to expensive shows and physical displays by utilizing social media and digital material. They built trust with clients by sharing the backstories of the craftspeople behind their products. This change enabled them to connect with new audiences beyond their previous reach and diminished the need for costly displays. The gallery was able to reach out to its demographic more effectively thanks to digital marketing.

    In term of using effective digital marketing, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to make the transition from physical displays to an online presence. The tough competition from internet platforms and the difficulty of allocating resources for exhibitions were both obstacles. Moreover, direct consumer connection in the digital sphere, worldwide audience expansion via social media, and the development of genuine product narratives all presented promising avenues for growth. Additionally, digital marketing was found to be economically viable. Furthermore, the exhibition relied on digital methods to solve problems, with an emphasis on the power of social media to reach people all over the world.

    On another note, by emphasizing community involvement in lieu of attending pricey trade shows, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated flexibility and foresight. They wisely turned their attention from national and international shows to cultivating their local roots and promoting their brick-and-mortar showroom. The marketing landscape is always changing thus, businesses need to constantly examine market dynamics and consumer behaviour in order to pivot effectively in the face of altering marketing trends. In addition, they need to be adaptable in order to meet the needs of their customers as they evolve, which means reallocating resources, adopting new technology, and modifying their messaging as needed.

  82. Anya Isabel A. Silario

    Anya Isabel A. Silario
    Digital Task 1

    The rise of digital marketing has had a significant impact on the journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. It has ushered in a revolutionary era in traditional marketing and business. This shift is particularly noticeable in the marketing industry, where the start of the digital age dramatically altered how information is shared and accessed. Furthermore, this change has significantly changed how companies build connections with their target markets. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a striking example of adaptability and creativity. With more than 25 years of experience, the gallery has successfully adapted to changing marketing trends. The gallery’s journey demonstrates the capability of digital marketing. By utilizing digital media, the gallery has moved beyond being simply locally recognized to reaching a wider, global audience. Through social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, the gallery was able to showcase its artworks to a broader audience outside of a physical location. The integration of technology and creativity has reshaped their traditional approach, emphasizing how digital marketing has become a central part of their success.

    A revolutionary experience occurred for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery when it switched from holding physical exhibitions to building an online presence. While the Negros Showroom served as its starting point, a new era was ushered in by the growth of digital platforms and government-supported local showrooms. New businesses and community projects posed fierce competition for the gallery. They faced obstacles and opportunities amidst these changes. Despite having an edge due to their unique brand and independent shop, they needed to take further steps to survive. The gallery expertly adopted social media in response, broadening its audience. The gallery navigated difficulties by being a part of both the OTOP store and the Negros Showroom. Moreover, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made use of social media’s potential by effortlessly integrating it into its marketing tactics to manage this ever-changing environment. They were inspired to innovate by working with media partners and digital marketers. Their internet presence went beyond just conducting business; instead, it created universally resonant storylines. Through engaging content, the gallery not only showcased products but also spotlighted artisans, forging authentic connections. The gallery was able to expand its reach thanks to social media and create real connections throughout the world.

    The importance of adaptability becomes clear in the dynamic world of marketing. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the need for strategic modification. The gallery decided to give priority to its local exposure and physical showroom rather than investing significant resources in far-off fairs and exhibitions. This change allowed them to develop ties locally which helped establish themselves while also supporting the local art scene. Furthermore, their departure from larger trade shows reflected their understanding of the shifting dynamics. Transitioning from traditional showrooms to the digital worlds of social media, the ability to adapt is essential to achieve success. Moreover, businesses will succeed if they embrace innovation and creativity. The gallery’s experience also entails how important it is to keep up with market changes, use digital tools wisely, and remain adaptable. Lastly, the path of transformation necessitates not just surviving but also thriving in the constantly changing field of digital marketing, as displayed by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery.

  83. Carina Mari Taguas

    1. Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    – The ascent of digital marketing has revolutionized the conventional business and marketing landscape in multiple ways. This transformation is underscored by measurable results, enabling data-driven decisions through real-time analytics. Cost-effectiveness, personalization, and interactive content have become hallmark features, caring for customer engagement and loyalty. The immediacy of real-time communication, content marketing prominence, and the influence of social media have further shaped strategies. Enhanced online visibility via the search engine optimization, the proliferation of e-commerce, and data-centric approaches highlight the industry’s evolution. In the context of Jojo Vito Design’s Gallery, it wasn’t just something to adapt with the fast-evolving world that we have now, it also made the company open to more opportunities by expanding their target audience and bringing in more exposure not just locally but internationally as well. Cost-effectiveness, personalization, and interactive content have become hallmark features, fostering customer engagement and loyalty. The immediacy of real-time communication, content marketing prominence, and the influence of social media have further shaped strategies. Enhanced online visibility via SEO, the proliferation of e-commerce, and data-centric approaches highlight the industry’s evolution. Establishing a website and social media profiles provided an avenue for individuals to explore, inquire about, and buy products from the comfort of their residences. The website is also a great way to showcase other services and offerings that the company has that other customers aren’t aware of. Furthermore, this move granted the company a competitive advantage within their local market by immersing themselves in the realm of technology.

    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    – As I have previously noted, the establishment of the company’s online presence ushered in a myriad of opportunities. While navigating the challenge of nurturing existing customer loyalty and simultaneously expanding their reach to a broader audience, the article showcases the company’s resilience in adapting to the rapidly evolving technological landscape. The significance of being featured internationally, such as in Korea, holds substantial weight within the local landscaping industry. Leveraging celebrity endorsements to showcase products emerges as a potent marketing maneuver, exemplified by the impactful endorsement from former Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, who personally selected a mask for the Masskara Festival in Bacolod City. This strategic move not only heightened the company’s search engine optimization (SEO) but also piqued the curiosity of individuals unfamiliar with both the company’s offerings and the local festival, thereby extending the company’s online reach. Evidently, Jojo Vito Gallery Designs Gallery has established a genuine global rapport. Employing this strategy to attract a more extensive target audience holds the potential to not only reinforce existing customer loyalty but also to cultivate new, dedicated clientele.

    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    – Certainly, business owners universally concur that finding the balance between supply and demand is no easy feat, especially for companies entrenched in the landscape industry like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. Crafting unique, one-of-a-kind products is their forte, making production a bit more complex but all the more special for their customers. Despite this, the company has managed things admirably by focusing on local involvement instead of diving headfirst into major trade shows. Just as in life, taking things step by step is key. While the online realm is rife with opportunities, it’s just as crucial to keep an eye on the supply and demand dynamics. You wouldn’t want to flood the market with goods nobody’s looking for, nor would you want to be caught off-guard with high demand and not enough to offer. Adaptability, after all, is the name of the game. I firmly believe that businesses can smartly adapt to changing marketing trends by knowing what works best for them. Not everything that shines elsewhere is necessarily a fit for your own path to success. Instead of blindly following the crowd, it’s all about finding your own rhythm. The business world is full of risks, sure, but calculated ones make all the difference—especially when you’re stepping into the world of social media and tech. It’s a landscape where foresight should lead the way, ensuring every move is a well-thought-out masterpiece.

  84. Maria Cecilia Lopez

    Lopez, Maria Cecilia S.
    TTH 9:30-10:30 AM

    Digital Task 1

    Digital marketing enabled Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to immediately interact or communicate with its customers. The power of social media helped the business to reach more customers by posting stories and narratives about each product. Social media has been essential to the business as it allowed them to be more active with its loyal and new customers beyond the traditional platform by not being limited to the locals of Bacolod City or the tourists that visit them. Furthermore, it fosters connection and authenticity between the artist and the audience about how unique each product and the intention of the artist is to its consumers.

    The challenges encountered by the business is first, the Negros Showroom has been a partner of the business for a long time by show casing its prodcuts and gaining exposure and recognition from various organizations to the local government of Bacolod City. On the other hand, the opportunities gained by the business in digital marketing is building a connection with new audiences beyond the traditional marketing which gives an edge to the gallery’s distinct and independent gallery. It also allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to gain more exposure on the digital platform and share their stories about their products and as a business. For example, the business has been featured in CNN Philippines and reached other social media platforms such as YouTube. With that, it increases the brand awareness and competitiveness of the business.

    Rather than participating in larger trade fairs, the business’s strategy is to make its consumer come to its physical store by showcasing them the showroom and products itself. Other than inviting them to visit the showroom, it also invites tourists to come to Bacolod City which makes them feel the true essence of visiting Bacolod City and the meaning of the famous masks made by Jojo Vito especially during the Masskara Festival season every October. Just like what was mentioned in the article “it refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom”. By visiting Bacolod City, it will allow tourists to appreciate the story more behind the famous masks and by forming a connection between the business and the consumer.

  85. Hussien Hossain

    Digital marketing has completely shaken up the way businesses operate and connect with people. A great example of this shift is evident in Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey. Back in the day, businesses relied on physical displays to catch the eye of potential customers, and these displays were known to bring in some impressive sales. But then came the era of digital marketing, and it changed everything about how the gallery reaches out to people and gets them interested. It’s like they’ve gone from having static billboards to having interactive conversations online, totally changing how they interact with their customers.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made a huge leap from just displaying their products in traditional ways to having a strong online presence. This leap wasn’t without its challenges. They had to learn a whole new set of strategies for the digital world, which is a far cry from the old-school methods they were used to. But, there were also some cool opportunities that came with going digital. They could now reach people from all over the world, not just those who walked by their physical store. The digital world can be pretty competitive, but the article makes a good point about how social media played a big role for them. Instead of just showing their products, platforms like Facebook became direct lines of communication with their customers. They used it cleverly to really connect with a diverse audience, even when they were miles apart.

    And as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery moved forward, they proved that they could adapt and think smartly. When they faced the challenge of participating in expensive big trade fairs, they chose a different path. Instead of going after the glitz and glamour of those huge events, they focused on building their local presence and getting more attention for their physical store. It showed how they could quickly change their approach according to what the market needed. This whole idea of smartly changing direction, like what they did, shows that old principle of putting the customer first. And that rule never gets old, no matter how things change in the marketing world. To handle shifts in the market, businesses just need to pay attention to what their customers are doing, connect with their local community, and try out new things to make their strategies fit the new market vibes.

  86. Buenviaje, John Paul G

    Buenviaje, John Paul G. BAMK 4-B

    1. Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    The success of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is evidence of the value of innovation and adaptation. The gallery has endured the shifting ebbs and flows of marketing throughout the course of its more than 25 years in the business. Everything started inside the Negros Showroom in Bacolod City, a showcase for local artistry and craftsmanship. The gallery exhibitions also serve as a top platform to draw overseas customers due to innovation, opening doors for global relationships. Using Pia Wurztbach, Miss Universe 2015, and KMJS as examples, the gallery was featured on CNN Philippines, shown on the Korean Broadcasting Network, and more. This simply serves to demonstrate that a neighborhood art gallery like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is capable of competing globally.

    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    Businesses need to get comfortable with digital platforms, e-commerce platforms, and online marketing tools as they transition from physical displays to an online presence. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery found this change to be extremely tough, particularly when the pandemic took hold and businesses without any prior expertise in the digital space found it difficult. However, Sir Jojo Vito was able to manage and improve his company by posting it on social media since, in the modern era, social media is vital for expanding a company’s reach and creating genuine connections with a global audience. A venue for sharing the journey, inspiration, and artistic process behind Jojo Vito’s work is social media. This method of narrating a narrative makes the audience feel a connection and emotional resonance.

    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    Every so often, Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery carries out in-depth market research to better understand the shifting tastes of its clients, market trends, and rivals’ strategies. They can find fresh chances and make wise decisions by analyzing this data. The company diversifies its revenue sources and spreads risk by investigating new markets, sectors, or niches. Utilizing e-commerce platforms, and embracing technology was able to improve the creation of an online presence. Businesses that wish to prosper in a quickly shifting environment can effectively reorient their strategy in response to new marketing trends. Businesses must be aware of developing trends and alerts in order to pivot their strategy successfully. To do this, they must regularly analyze consumer behavior data and industry news to spot new trends. In order for cross-functional teams to quickly identify trends and develop appropriate plans, it is essential to cultivate a culture of flexibility and agility. In order to succeed, a customer-centric strategy must be prioritized, which calls for a thorough grasp of audience preferences and feedback. This realization drives product and service adaptation, whether it be through the improvement of current offers or the development of fresh approaches that meet new demands. Adopting digital transformation is essential because companies need to use the right channels and technology to properly engage their audience. Companies can expand their reach in the landscape of emerging trends by creating content that is tailored to preferred formats and platforms, participating actively in social media discussions, and partnering with influencers or like-minded firms. Teams are kept competent through ongoing education and training, and strategy refinement is made possible by iterative testing of new ideas. In spite of these adjustments, choices should be made with a clear long-term vision, avoiding the seduction of passing trends. Businesses may reduce risks and put themselves in a position for continuous success in the face of shifting marketing trends by establishing plans that are anchored in quantifiable KPIs and remaining ready to adapt depending on data.

  87. Joeana Lou J. Cubeo

    Joeana Lou J. Cubelo

    The emergence of digital marketing has influenced business and marketing landscapes by offering greater reach, precision targeting, and real time customers . Social media, online advertisements, and influencer collaborations have broadened traditional methods, enabling firms to communicate with a worldwide audience and more readily assess the impact of campaigns. Similar to Jojo Vito’s experience, he was able to adjust to the shift of his business from conventional showrooms to numerous internet platforms thanks to the power of social media. This transformation places a strong emphasis on data-driven tactics, personalization of the consumer experience, and online presence.

    Opportunities for adapting to the shifting marketing environment were particularly evident in Jojo Vito’s Designs Gallery because it was the only independent gallery shop selling imaginative, vibrant masks. Due to its rarity, it not only gave the business a unique identity but also increased demand. The issue that arose in his business was caused by a new market that is keeping up with changing technology, comprehending new consumer behaviors, and managing more competition. However, it also provided chances to reach a larger audience through digital platforms, to target specific individuals, and to use real-time data. Social media was crucial in broadening reach and encouraging real connections. It made it possible for his business to engage with and get input directly from a large audience around the world. It has become crucial for connecting with customers personally, exhibiting products, and communicating company values to establish a brand presence on websites like Facebook, YouTube, and news channels.

    The strategic pivot as a crucial aspect mentioned in the case study was being able to adopt that maintains a competitive edge. Adaptability is crucial in digital marketing evolution because the landscape is constantly changing. New technologies, platforms, and consumer behaviors emerge rapidly. Adapting allows marketers to stay relevant, target the right audience, and utilize effective strategies to meet evolving goals. Without adaptability, businesses risk falling behind, missing opportunities, and becoming ineffective in reaching their target audience in the ever-evolving digital realm. According to the study, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made the decision to refocus its efforts in order to alter its strategy and come up with a solution that would be appropriate for the business in order to thrive. As fairs and shows in Manila needed significant resources, the gallery boldly opted to divert its efforts. One example of how the business adapted to the demands of the market was when it refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than chasing the dazzling lights of bigger trade exhibitions. In my opinion, businesses can effectively pivot their strategies by staying attentive to changing market trends, conducting regular market research, and remaining flexible in their approach. It’s crucial to analyze consumer behavior and preferences, adapt marketing tactics accordingly, and leverage digital platforms for wider reach. Finally, having the ability to experiment and have open communication inside the organization can also help businesses successfully navigate changing trends.

  88. Arriane Faith A. Caraig

    Arriane Faith A. Caraig
    BAMK 4A
    By changing the paradigm of marketing from traditional to digital, the rise of digital marketing changed the traditional landscape of business and marketing. As Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has noticed, the industry has inexplicably transitioned from traditional to digital. The company used to participate in significant local and national exhibits to draw overseas buyers, but since this strategy is no longer effective, it has stopped and developed new approaches to reach their target market. He showcases his works of art in his own showroom, a nearby museum, and most recently, the Park Inn Hotel. He also engages with the audience through making TV appearances on national and international TV networks.
    Joining an exhibit was once a successful marketing strategy for a company, but as consumer behavior changed, companies had to come up with new ways to connect with their clients. Jojo Vito Design Gallery chooses not to participate in conventional marketing, focusing on exhibits, instead choosing other approaches to reach their target audience. Social media is a successful tactic since it can reach the target audience across the country. Changing marketing strategies can be difficult, especially if the company sells artwork. In order for customers to enjoy the artwork, they should actually see it. The business was able to promote its items by using social media and TV shows. National and international audiences are being addressed through this large viewership.
    Jojo Vito Design Gallery cultivates its local roots and physical showroom as evidence of their agility and strategic thinking. Additionally, by appearing in a variety of regional and international TV programs. One of the most efficient ways for companies to reach their target customers, especially nationally, is through television appearances. Some tourists will visit the gallery to purchase gifts because it displays artwork that is that represent Bacolod City. It’s challenging to adapt to changing market trends, especially for small businesses. Knowing what the market needs is, in my opinion, one of the best ways. One of the best ways to maintain client loyalty is to develop relationships with them.

  89. Victor David Camposano

    In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the government’s support for MSMEs is evident through initiatives like the Negros Showroom. This regional trade hub, supported by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), provided the gallery with a platform to showcase its products and gain exposure. The gallery’s participation in the One Town, One Product (OTOP) store also highlights the government’s efforts to promote local products and empower MSMEs. These initiatives not only help MSMEs like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery gain visibility but also contribute to the overall growth of the local economy.

    Furthermore, the government’s focus on digital marketing and online platforms aligns with the evolving marketing landscape. The rise of online platforms and the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms have presented new opportunities for MSMEs to connect directly with consumers. The government’s support in this area includes providing access to digital marketing resources, training, and partnerships with media entities. For Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, embracing the power of social media and online presence became essential in extending its reach and engaging with a global audience. The government’s initiatives in digital marketing and online platforms enable MSMEs to adapt to the changing landscape and thrive in the digital age.

    Overall, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022 reflects the government’s commitment to supporting MSMEs. Through measures such as access to finance, capacity-building programs, an enabling business environment, and support for digital marketing, the government aims to empower MSMEs and contribute to their growth and success. The case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcases how these measures have been implemented and how MSMEs can leverage government support to navigate the ever-evolving marketing landscape and achieve their business goals. By providing MSMEs with the necessary resources, support, and opportunities, the government plays a crucial role in fostering an environment where MSMEs can thrive and contribute to economic development. The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2022 serves as a roadmap for the government’s efforts to empower and support MSMEs, ensuring their continued growth and success in the years to come.

  90. Japheth Benedict P. Busbus

    Digital Marketing is very important for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise in order for them to advertise their products to a lot of people. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise must adapt the technology so that they will not get dissolve in their business industry. By doing a successful digital marketing programs, the micro, small and medium enterprise can increase their income and brand value rapidly. In digital marketing, you can reach more people. In digital marketing, you can advertise your products and services to the whole world. Digital marketing can give you a faster and higher ROI or return on investment compared to other conventional marketing. By doing digital marketing, you can improve your business awareness. By doing digital marketing, you can obtain the details of the conversions. By doing digital marketing you can save a lot of money. By doing digital marketing you can get measurable results. By doing digital marketing you can increased engagement. By doing digital marketing you can flexibility. By doing digital marketing you can get social currency. By doing digital marketing you can get effective targeting.

  91. Trisha Concha - BABE4A/BAMK4B

    In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, the digital age has indeed brought about a remarkable transformation in how communication, information access, and business engagement occur. The term “digital marketing” accurately encapsulates this revolution, as it has reshaped the marketing landscape beyond what was once thought possible. Some examples from the article that illustrates how digital marketing has reshaped the way business connect with their target audiences and engage with customers would be from showroom to online space, it’s mentioned in the article that in the past, physical displays were renowned for generating impressive sales figures. From captivating window display beautifully showcased Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s diverse products at the Negros Showroom. This showcase elegantly presented the gallery’s creations and enticed passersby and visitors, catching their attention. Yet, the rise of online platforms and the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms brought about a paradigm shift. The digital realm allowed producers to connect directly with consumers, while new businesses and other local government initiatives posed new competition with their Local Showrooms. Embracing the power of social media became essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries.

    It was mentioned in the article that the rise of online platforms and the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms brought about a paradigm shift. The digital realm has enabled direct connections between producers and consumers, disrupting traditional business models. Additionally, new businesses and local government initiatives have introduced competition to local showroom. This shift has changed how businesses interact and engage with their audience. Embracing the power of social media became essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries. The challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape involves gaining momentum support of media partners and digital marketers. Social media offer opportunities for artisans as gallery’s content showcased the products, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity. The virtual avenues of social media, adaptation has been the cornerstone of success.

    Staying agile and adaptable are important in the evolving marketing landscape Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the need to pivot strategically. The gallery decided to redirect its efforts as fairs and exhibits in Manila demanded substantial resources. Rather than chasing after the glittering lights of larger trade fairs, it refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom. We need to focus on building strong connections within local community, which can lead loyal customers and positive word-of-mouth. Local engagement allows for personalized interactions, addressing specific local needs and preferences. Emphasizing local engagement can contribute to sustainable and long-term business growth, especially if it aligns with local values. Additionally to answer the question on how business can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends it is important to keep a close eye on evolving marketing trends and consumer behavior to anticipate changes. Prioritize understanding customer needs and preferences, tailoring products and services accordingly. Invest in a strong online presence, including user-friendly website and active social media channels. Be open to trying new marketing channels and techniques to see what resonates with your audience. To always remember that the key is to assess each business’s unique situation and align strategies with both market trends and the specific needs of the target audience.

    – Trisha Concha BABE4A/BAMK4B

  92. Lyca Mae P. Gotera

    1. The way we interact, how we obtain information, and how organizations connect with and engage with their target markets have all changed as a result of the digital age. It emphasizes how historically physical displays were known for generating a significant increase in sales. Physical displays or window displays are not good enough to engage target customers since the business industry is continually modernizing and developing. Jojo Designs Gallery expanded its focus beyond physical displays by using online platforms to showcase its products. As they entered the world of online platforms, it helped them expand their business. They can easily attract and reach their customers and investors and find more opportunities for the growth of business.

    2. About the innovation and growth the globe experienced, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has established its online presence by getting exposure and recognition. However, a paradigm shift was brought about by introducing local government-sponsored showrooms and the growth of online platforms. Producers could contact and connect with consumers and customers due to digital marketing. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has engaged with and reached out to its target customers, investors, and potential future customers and investors through social media. Their exposure, helped them get opportunities.

    3. The power of social media was readily integrated by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery into its marketing initiatives. The objective of this website was to engage a worldwide audience through telling tales and weaving narratives, not merely by selling products. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized the necessity for a strategic pivot in the constantly changing marketing environment. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than running after the flashing lights of bigger trade shows.
    Each business should always be prepared by having a plan to grow as well as ready to face challenges by adapting to the changing market developments and trends. If businesses want to succeed in the always-changing field of marketing, they must be adaptable, aware of market signals, and ready to adjust strategies when necessary.

  93. Xavier John Ablanque

    The rise of digital marketing certainly shifts the way businesses do their operations. Digital marketing allows businesses like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to showcase their product in a digital space that could reach a wide range of customers. Unlike in the traditional landscape of marketing in which the business would only opt for a window display in Negros Showroom with a limited reach of customers. The need for adaptability was present at that time and it was a notable action on the business as they did not ignore the change in platforms.

    As Jojo Vito Designs Gallery slowly navigates their way to establish their presence online to reach a new range of customers. Challenges for the business were inevitable like the rise of new businesses and local government-sponsored showrooms. With that, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery created their own opportunity by integrating the power of social media. The gallery did not solely focus on selling products but created a community among its customers by amplifying stories that would resonate to their possible customers globally. The business also highlighted the artisans who created the products threading a sense of connection and value.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery re-positioned its practices while adapting to establish its online presence. As the gallery still wanted to solidify and highlight the value of their physical showroom while opting to nurture and foster their local roots. By doing this kind of strategy it will give Jojo Vito Designs Gallery a strong image gaining the ability to represent the City of Smiles not just locally but globally as well. Lastly, an insight that I believe would help Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to strengthen their online presence. I would suggest investing in good publication materials that would showcase the beauty of their products. This would require an excellent social media manager that would help amplify the image of the business. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery online presence definitely has the potential to stand out among competitors.


    The rise of digital marketing has changed thе way businеssеs opеratе. Bеforе, thе only way Jojo Vito Dеsigns Gallеry connеct with its customers and build a nеtwork was by participating in big fairs and еxhibits. But with thе risе of digital markеting, it is now possible for them to rеach thе right customеrs thеy want to targеt without spеnding a lot of monеy. With the help of social media, thе Jojo Vito Design Gallery rеachеd a global audiеncе by sharing their storiеs and showcasing their products.

    Jojo Vito Dеsigns Gallеry startеd showing thеir products onlinе instead of participating in big fairs and еxhibits to promotе thеir products. Thеy had to modify how thеir businеss opеratеs and dеal with nеw onlinе competitors, which made this a bit more challenging. But thеrе is also an advantagе to switching to thе digital markеting, as thеy can usе social mеdia platforms to promote thеir products to pеoplе around thе world. Social mеdia serves as a tool that hеlpеd thеm connеct with customers by showing thеm how thеir products arе madе and thе artisans bеhind thеm.

    Jojo Vito Dеsigns Gallеry’s smart movе shows thе importancе of bеing prеparеd for changе in thе markеting landscape. Instead of spending a lot of money to go to big fairs and еxhibits, they focused on appеaling to pеoplе in their community. And that demonstrated thеir agility and adaptability. It is important that a businеss is always informеd about new markеt trеnds and bе prеparеd to adjust if necessary just like what Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did. Social media platforms are great avenue for expanding the business and a business that knows how to embraced and adapt to the ever-changing world of marketing has the potential to thrive.

  95. Alyssa Jane P. Flores

    Alyssa Jane P. Flores BAMK4C
    The physical displays and exhibitions that show the products and attract clients are the emergence of digital marketing, which is disrupting the traditional landscape of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s company and marketing. He exhibits his work in Negros Showroom, which is regarded as a creative hotspot, showcasing the best items from local artisans who earn visibility and fame. Digital marketing has transformed how organizations reach and engage their target audiences by opening up new avenues for communication and information access. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery interacted with his audience and consumers via social media channels such as his Facebook page and website. Customers will also find it easier to contact him because they have a Facebook profile with their contact information. Furthermore, YouTube and other digital marketing methods were employed to expand its research far beyond traditional boundaries.
    The change from physical exhibits to an online presence at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has been difficult. One of the problems is transitioning from traditional displays to online platforms, which necessitates the gallery’s adaptability to new technologies, digital tools, and platforms. The most difficult obstacle would be the online competition because many competitors also undertake online companies because it has a significant impact on their sales to have their business online because of people who are interested in online shopping and social media. The other problem would be consumer trust because it is difficult for a customer to trust online because it is an art design they expect more from and will not disappoint them. The chance for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to establish a global internet presence is to reach a global audience that would not have been possible through physical displays alone. Many opportunities, such as the gallery’s standout highlight, included Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach and gained a spotlight when KMJS Jessica Soho of GMA featured. It was shared on social media and YouTube, gaining followers over time. And the Park Inn by Radisson Design Gallery received substantial exposure from the hotel across many media venues in Manila. The road of transformation is about surviving and succeeding in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.
    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery displayed adaptability and strategic thinking, as well as an understanding of the necessity to pivot strategically. The gallery opted to refocus its efforts because fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant money. Rather than chasing the bright lights of major trade shows, it refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting real showrooms. This action reflected a shift in strategy toward increasing the organization’s impact inside its immediate community. The gallery used social media to widen its reach and engage clients, indicating an openness to new experiences. Its success has been built on adaptation. The future seems exciting, with emerging technologies like augmented reality and AI ready to reshape the landscape. My insights on how businesses may effectively pivot their strategy in the face of new marketing trends include conducting market research, such as learning about your competition and how you might innovate to help your firm develop. It also aids in the monitoring of market developments, customer preferences, and developing technologies in order to identify opportunities for strategic pivots. Consider the financial, operational, and competitive implications before making a choice, and you must be willing to take a risk as part of the process. Prioritizing your consumers’ demands and preferences is also important in order to fulfill them and use your resources properly.

  96. Rea Vanessa Resguardo

    Rea Vanessa Resguardo (BAMK4B)

    Since the emergence of digital marketing, it has become apparent that it is drastically reshaping the business and marketing landscape as technology provides advantages that cannot be attained through traditional means. The transformation that digital marketing has created is apparent in the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience. With the business having been in the industry for 25 years already, it has experienced firsthand the shift of commerce’s reliance from traditional marketing to digital marketing. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used to only do showrooms to showcase its products and connect with customers; unlike now, it maximizes the utilization of online platforms to communicate and connect conveniently with its customers in real-time. Digital marketing gave both the business and customers several means to share their thoughts; like in Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, its customers can go to its Facebook page or website to comment or send a message.

    Although the rise of digital marketing posed a threat to businesses, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used it to its advantage, persevered, and thrived. The business had a strategic way of navigating its transition from physical displays alone to having an online presence by incorporating online platforms into its marketing activities. Despite the business being a part of several showrooms already (i.e., OTOP and Negros Showroom), it still created its own “online space” out of survival necessity, which became a massive success move for the business. However, it was not an easy feat, as the gallery encountered challenges along with opportunities. Of course, digital marketing posed a threat to its local showrooms that solely practiced traditional marketing, which demanded more for the business to survive. On the other hand, the business’ transition to digital marketing presented several opportunities. Aside from direct communications with its customers, digital marketing also helped the business advance on its innovation path. Another opportunity that the business also received from digital marketing, specifically social media, was its wider reach of exposure, having made appearances on several national and international social media platforms and TV networks. Through social media, it enabled the business to showcase its engaging content by telling narratives and highlighting the crafts and their creators, fostering a feeling of connection and authenticity. This power of social media proved that the business is not only after the money but also in creating genuine connections through art around the world.

    Further, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is the epitome of an adaptable and innovative business, as it was able to survive and grow as the business landscape shifted from traditional to digital. The business demonstrated being adaptable and strategic when it responded to the demands of the market accordingly, having a greater online presence to reach and connect with its customers and shifting its focus to cost-efficient marketing efforts. One of its strategic decisions was to prioritize local engagements over large trade fair engagements, as it saves more expenses and fosters and enriches local art. This decision by the business, for me, is a bold yet smart move; it is hitting two birds with one stone: nurturing its local roots and saving resources. For its possible exposure from the large trade fairs, the gallery is already established and known as a local staple business. Moreover, the business has a large following on social media already; hence, participation is costly, and large trade fairs are not that necessary for the gallery’s context. The opportunity cost is not worth it for its expenses; hence, I think that the business assessed the situation correctly. Finally, I think the best way for businesses to effectively pivot their strategies in light of these evolving marketing trends is to never slack off in being updated on and adapting to the emerging trends. Businesses should always consider the new marketing trends when strategizing and never underestimate the power of their marketing efforts, as it can be the very essence of their survival.

  97. Breia Ysabel E. Lizada

    1. Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    The rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing by having access to different audiences and target markets globally. In traditional marketing, marketers use tv, radio, magazine, billboards, etc. as their platform in advertising their businesses, but in this case, sir Jojo Vito Designs gallery used the website as a way of showcasing the business in a cost efficient way. One specific example I have seen that has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers is the use of publication materials. The content is diverse not just with words and information but also images, and links to the video.

    2. Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    Sir Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigates the transition from physical displays to an online presence by of course using a website which again can be globally accessed by customers and audiences. There is a mobile dominance which led customers to just visit the store online rather than being physically there. There are both advantages and disadvantages as they adapt into changing marketing landscape. The challenge is having the risk of data privacy and security being exposed, this may include spamming, or hacking of the websites that are active. Another challenge is the digital competition, online platforms are free and easy to use therefore there are more competitors seen in this field. The opportunities on the other hand is having to reach the audiences faster, for example asking for their review, handing out surveys is quicker and more efficient to both sides of the market. The most important opportunity for shifting into online platforms is e-commerce growth having to influence social media therefore expanding the business’ company, in other words it is the “word of mouth” in the online world. As a result, social media is an effective instrument for companies to broaden their reach and build sincere relationships with a global audience. Their role in businesses may generate meaningful conversations, develop trust, and eventually promote worldwide expansion by utilizing the unique features and abilities of numerous social media platforms.

    3. Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market by allowing himself to lean more on the audiences rather than the product but still maintaining the essence of both. In the website he mentioned that “This online presence wasn’t just about selling products; it was about telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience.” which is one way of adapting to the generation’s demand, capturing the emotional aspect that the target market wants, therefore it becomes an innovation for the business. He has also gained support of media partners and digital marketers to expand no just in his physical platform but in a way to expose the products. My insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends is that businesses may maintain a competitive edge and seize new possibilities by being proactive and sensitive to evolving trends. It is important to know the challenges and opportunities of your business to be able to stay afloat in the market.

  98. Shelby Mae Jeanjaquet

    This article sheds light on a small-scale business known as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery based in Bacolod City, Philippines. Renowned for its intricately designed crafts and souvenirs, the company effectively utilized digital marketing strategies to expand its reach and attract a wider clientele.

    An essential point addressed in this article revolves around the growing influence of social media platforms in promoting and selling products. Recognizing the potential of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery capitalized on these platforms to showcase their products, interact with potential customers, and cultivate a loyal following. Through strategic social media marketing efforts, they were able to engage a diverse audience ranging from local to international customers. The significance of maintaining visibility through regular updates on social media profiles is emphasized. Furthermore, creating visually appealing content and encouraging customer engagement through interactive posts, contests, and giveaways are identified as key components in successful social media campaigns. It also emphasizes the importance of having an intuitive website that offers visitors both useful information about the company’s products while providing a seamless shopping experience.

    The real-life success story presented in this article aligns with MSME development plans. It reinforces the importance of embracing digital marketing practices in today’s competitive digital era. Businesses, especially those on a smaller scale, can thrive by adopting strategies utilized by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery.

    In conclusion, “Digital Marketing Evolution: The Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery” showcases the transformative power of digital marketing for MSMEs. With an emphasis on utilizing social media platforms effectively, and creating user-friendly websites, this article emphasizes the critical role that digital marketing plays for MSMEs in line with development plans and growth opportunities.

  99. Aubrey Villanueva

    Jojo Vito Design Gallery defines it for its creative thinking and adaptation as they embrace change over time. Since the rise of digital marketing, traditional marketing has been demoted to a secondary role for new-age businesses, especially in light of the rise of social media platforms. It made it possible for the company to reach its target market at a significantly lower price with a higher conversion rate. An example of this is how they promoted their business on social media by narrating stories and weaving narratives that captivated many customers and viewers internationally. Their method of promotion has valuable content that supports the company’s growth and makes it easy for people to learn more about them.

    The company and the Negros Showroom found itself facing both opportunities and obstacles. The Negros Showroom has long been a bastion of innovation, presenting their best products from local talented artisans.Jojo Vito Designs Gallery got its starting point here, getting greater exposure and reputation. Even while the gallery’s unique identity and separate gallery shop gave it a competitive advantage, sustainability required more. Their main issue, which has an impact on their business, is the emergence of online platforms. While the digital space allows producers to engage directly with consumers, other local government programs and new enterprises presented fresh competition with their Local Showrooms. The role of social media played an important role for the business to step up.The assistance of media partners and digital marketers helped it to advance in its innovation journey. The goal of this online presence was to engage a worldwide audience by telling stories and weaving narratives rather than merely selling products. A sense of connection and authenticity was fostered by the gallery’s captivating content, which highlighted the products and the craftspeople who made them. As the business reaches more consumers it becomes popular that some celebrity promotes the gallery for its outstanding creativity to their social media. The business has also been featured in local and international news.

    In response to market demands, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking. The gallery wisely decided to refocus its efforts when fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant resources. It did this by refocusing on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom. Overall, my thoughts are that it is very important to adapt, change, and innovate. Innovation and change It gives your business an edge in penetrating markets faster and providing a better connection to developing markets in this highly connected world.

  100. Jojo Vito Design Gallery defines it for its creative thinking and adaptation as they embrace change over time. Since the rise of digital marketing, traditional marketing has been demoted to a secondary role for new-age businesses, especially in light of the rise of social media platforms. It made it possible for the company to reach its target market at a significantly lower price with a higher conversion rate. An example of this is how they promoted their business on social media by narrating stories and weaving narratives that captivated many customers and viewers internationally. Their method of promotion has valuable content that supports the company’s growth and makes it easy for people to learn more about them.

    The company and the Negros Showroom found itself facing both opportunities and obstacles. The Negros Showroom has long been a bastion of innovation, presenting their best products from local talented artisans.Jojo Vito Designs Gallery got its starting point here, getting greater exposure and reputation. Even while the gallery’s unique identity and separate gallery shop gave it a competitive advantage, sustainability required more. Their main issue, which has an impact on their business, is the emergence of online platforms. While the digital space allows producers to engage directly with consumers, other local government programs and new enterprises presented fresh competition with their Local Showrooms. The role of social media played an important role for the business to step up.The assistance of media partners and digital marketers helped it to advance in its innovation journey. The goal of this online presence was to engage a worldwide audience by telling stories and weaving narratives rather than merely selling products. A sense of connection and authenticity was fostered by the gallery’s captivating content, which highlighted the products and the craftspeople who made them. As the business reaches more consumers it becomes popular that some celebrity promotes the gallery for its outstanding creativity to their social media. The business has also been featured in local and international news.

    In response to market demands, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking. The gallery wisely decided to refocus its efforts when fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant resources. It did this by refocusing on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom. Overall, my thoughts are that it is very important to adapt, change, and innovate. Innovation and change It gives your business an edge in penetrating markets faster and providing a better connection to developing markets in this highly connected world.

  101. Alyssa Rosales

    Alyssa Rosales MKEL5 BAMK4B
    The presence of Digital Marketing has shaped Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to become more adaptive to the ever-changing environment of the marketing industry. With the existence of various online platforms, the reach of the business expanded in terms of its exposure to people from far locations. Not only are the people in Negros are able to acquire Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s products but also people from other places who are interested in the business’ product offerings because of the help of Digital Marketing. Furthermore, aside from the physical beauty of the products, the figurative value of the products, specifically, the touch of Negrense culture can now be spread because of Digital Marketing. Hence, Digital Marketing is really one of the helpful ways to stay afloat during this age of technology.

    The business was able to shift from physical selling to online space through the aid of its partner organizations; OTOP (One Town, One Product) and Negros Showroom. Given the nature of the business, it is used to operating thru physical stores since they sell art pieces and these kind of products are much more appreciated when seen physically. Hence, it is a tough challenge to bring the products to the available online platforms but thankfully there are organizations that highlights the said products and help business owners to market them. Thus, the business was able to adapt to the online selling customs despite the challenges.

    One of the main decisions of the business in strategically pivoting is prioritizing its local roots instead of participating in huge trade fairs. One of the cons in joining larger trade fairs is that the business will become more commercialized and is focused more on sales rather than the substantial cause of selling the products. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, they remain rooted in their purpose which is not only to increase sales but to increase the awareness of the people towards the Negrense culture through their products. As a marketing student, one thing I can think of on how the business can remain relevant in all these evolving market trends is through constantly being grounded about the business’ mission and vision. Sometimes, when a business has been existing for way too long, there’s a high chance of being complacent and forgetting about evolving but thru being reminded of the mission and vision of the business, the business can transform into a customer-centered field which the consumers like very much because they feel that the business is caring about them more than the profit that the business can gain from them.


    submitted by: FLORES, KEITH MARIE P. section: BAMK4C

    Question 1: In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, how has the rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing? Provide specific examples from the article that illustrate how digital marketing has reshaped the way businesses connect with their target audiences and engage with customers.

    The rise of digital marketing transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing landscape for Jojo vito Designs Gallery. Physical displays and exhibitions were previously the primary methods of showing products and drawing buyers. Jojo vito was able to showcase his works in Negros showroom showcasing the best products from local artisans. Digital marketing, on the other hand, has opened up new channels for firms to connect with their target audiences and engage customers on a worldwide scale. To communicate its narrative and showcase its items, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used social media platforms such as YouTube and other digital marketing techniques. The gallery’s collaboration with CNN Philippines resulted in a piece that dramatically expanded its reach. This highlights how, when compared to traditional means, digital media reach a larger and more diversified audience. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery also made various social media sites like his facebook page and the website inorder to connect with his audience and customers. It will also be easy for the customers to contact him since they have a facebook page and their contact details are provided there.

    Question 2: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigate the transition from physical displays to an online presence? Highlight the challenges and opportunities they encountered while adapting to the changing marketing landscape. Discuss the role of social media in extending their reach and fostering authentic connections with a global audience.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has faced challenges in transitioning from physical displays to an online presence. Changing from traditional displays to online platforms is one of the challenges since it requires the gallery’s adaptation to new technology, digital tools, and platforms. This adaptation process might have involved a learning curve for the gallery’s team. Another challenge is the competition in the online world. The online world is congested, with many firms competing for attention. Maintaining exposure among the competition was a difficulty that requires the use of efficient digital marketing methods. Another challenge is Maintaining Authenticity. Since in online shops it should be what you see is what you get and Jojo vito designs Gallery might not provide the customer with the artwork that they want online maybe because it will be out of stock and the designs are not always the same since the design will be depending on the artist.

    Opportunities of transitioning from physical display to an online presence is the Global reach. The gallery’s online presence enabled it to reach a global audience that would not have been achievable through physical displays alone. They had interviews like Jessica Soho and CNN that helped reach a lot of audiences around the country. Another opportunity is Direct Engagement. Social media platforms allowed for direct interaction with clients. This one-on-one engagement provided critical insights, comments, and the opportunity to strengthen the business. Another opportunity is Cost effective marketing. Digital marketing requires lower costs compared to organizing physical exhibitions since in digital marketing you will just only post and people will see it. While in physical exhibitions, you would pay for the rent of the showroom, employees who would stay in the showroom, organizers and many more.

    Social media was essential in broadening the gallery’s reach and developing genuine interactions with a worldwide audience. Platforms such as YouTube enabled the gallery to display its wares, exchange stories, and communicate with users in a visually appealing and interactive manner. Social media facilitated the storytelling by showcasing the Gallery’s products and the stories of artisans behind them. This helped create an emotional connection with the audience. Social media platforms also allowed direct communication between the gallery and customers.

    Question 3: The article mentions strategic pivots as a crucial aspect of digital marketing evolution. How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrate adaptability and strategic thinking in response to the demands of the market? Explore their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. Additionally, share your insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking by making key decisions based on changing market demands like the focus in Local Engagement. The gallery was aware of the significant costs connected with participation in larger trade shows in Manila. Instead of pursuing these expensive chances, it decided to focus its efforts on strengthening its local roots and marketing its physical showroom. This decision indicated a strategy shift toward maximizing the organization’s effect within its immediate community. The gallery’s capacity to change its strategy demonstrates its adaptability in response to changing conditions. Recognizing the influence of local efforts and the rise of digital platforms, the gallery embraced social media to broaden its reach and engage clients, demonstrating a readiness to try new things.

    My Insights on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends is by doing market research. Market research helps in Monitoring market changes, client preferences, and emerging technology on a regular basis to find possibilities for strategic pivots. Risk assessment also assists in determining the potential hazards and advantages of each pivot. Before making a decision, consider the financial, operational, and competitive ramifications. Also prioritizing your customers’ needs and preferences. Use your resources wisely. Pivoting requires investments of time, money, and talent. Make sure that you have the resources necessary to effectively implement the new approach. Create an agile organization capable of quickly adapting to changes. This could entail training personnel, embracing new technologies, and cultivating an innovative culture. While pivots are necessary for staying relevant, be sure that your strategy changes are consistent with your long-term business goal and values.

  103. Ashbel Benedict Gonzales

    Ashbel Benedict Gonzales
    It was mentioned in the article that “The digital realm allowed producers to connect directly with consumers, while new businesses and other local government initiatives posed new competition with their Local Showrooms.” I agree with that statement, and it was proven that not just in the local tourism industry, but to also other industries specifically the MSMEs that digital marketing improved the connections and relationships between the merchants and the customers. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery utilization of social media gained support from media partners and digital marketers which helped the said business reach more customers, and it created momentum of the said business in the digital space.
    The integration of social-media presence paved way to gain exposure not just locally, but to international audiences. A large number of the population nowadays spend hours browsing and engaging in social-media, which is an opportunity for businesses to promote their own businesses and product offerings to more customers. Social-media also enables businesses to interact with customers, allowing businesses to identify and provide the wants and needs of the customers, and also allows customers to interact with businesses conveniently especially in providing feedbacks and concerns, in which businesses can further improve their strategies in customer satisfaction.
    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery utilized digital marketing in order for the said business to keep up with the current trends and demands of the market and its because majority of the market today are very active in social media. The prioritization of local engagement is a smart move by the said business, since engaging in large trade fairs are very costly which is impractical to the point of view of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. With the help of digital marketing, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery can reach more customers effectively when utilized correctly, and cost-effective too compared to participating in large trade fairs. Businesses can flourish in their respective industries if they can manage to adapt to the changing trends and lifestyles. In a decade where almost every aspect of our lives our shifting to digital, it is an opportunity for businesses to step up their game in order for them to establish their market shares in the very saturated market nowadays.

  104. Crystel Mae Cortes

    Sir Jojo Vito Designs’ marketing environment was revolutionized because of digital marketing. It makes a significant impact in exhibiting their amazing artwork to visitors and passersby while capturing their attention. In this article, digital marketing transformed their firm by embracing the power of social media, which is an excellent approach to reach new audiences with interesting content. Social involvement allows you to develop trust, authority, and personality for your brand. Sir Jojo Vito Designs has been a part of One Town, One Product, which encourages local products from a specific sector and location.

    The development of online marketplaces and government-sponsored showrooms allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to effectively make the transition from depending on physical displays to creating a digital presence. Due to the escalating impact of online platforms and the emergence of new businesses that heightened market rivalry, adjustments were required. The organization discovered that using social media was a useful tactic for growing its clientele and establishing itself online. With the help of social media, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to reach a wider audience and engage with customers by sharing engrossing stories and tales that showcased the gallery, its products, and the artisans who created them.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s Strategic Pivots decided to redirect its efforts as fairs and shows in Manila. Rather than rushing to major trade shows. This strategy focuses on cultivating local roots and marketing the physical showroom. Making a pivot is a strategic move you can make to keep your business competitive and lucrative. Whereas they focus local interaction to develop first the business’s growth to be acknowledged. Furthermore, digital marketing is critical in the development of a business, particularly through online platforms, marketing tactics, and marketing trends. These are some of the characteristics that enable a successful firm to target client desires by captivating their likes, wants, and requirements.

  105. Estelle Bless Rosareal

    The Digital Marketing holistically changed the traditional landscape of business and marketing by gradually closing the gaps between the business and the customers. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the business was able to delve into the digital realm through their Social Media Platforms like Facebook. Notably, a paradigm shift that remarkably transformed their operations was the artful equilibrium established between their brick-and-mortar presence and their online footprint within the market. This strategic approach enabled Jojo Vito Design Gallery to cultivate robust communication and marketing strategies, effectively intertwining producers and consumers in a manner that is both streamlined and convenient. To backed this up, the business was able to gain a digital footing through its media features from the local to the international scene. Some of these were features from CNN Philippines, Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho (KMJS), Metro Style, and the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS).

    Challenges and opportunities come and go, hence, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery as a business entity, is not exempted from this ebb and flow. Competition from their industry arises as new businesses and other local government initiatives join in as competitors in local showrooms. However, they were able to secure another spot on their advantage as they were able to be a part of the One Town, One Product Store (OTOP) and Negros Showroom. On the other side, it was also mentioned that aside from their Social Media Platforms and Media Partners, other digital marketers also played a huge role in keeping their momentum in their digital innovation journey. To point out, their online venture presented them with vast angles of opportunities not just by selling products, but also by sharing stories, narratives, and points of views of the locals and the artists. These angles captured a deep sense of connections to their customers and even global audiences as they were being featured in different media outlets here and abroad. Hence, culture appreciation from their audience became their niche in improving their business’ sales and development.

    Just because others choose to go with the flow doesn’t necessitate that you must also follow suit. Strategic thinking often involves diverging from the prevailing currents. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery proved it right as they didn’t follow the trends and waves of participating in larger trade fairs, and in contrast, they focused their initiatives on prioritizing their local showrooms and activities. Weighing this decision, I believe that they were able to grasp the appropriate strategy on their end since they were able to invest their resources in their local crafts and artist. On top of this, the gallery became the spotlight for different media features like KMJS, CNN, Metro Style and such. Hence, they were able to promote their business without them doing the work but the engagement and publicity naturally come through because of the power of digital marketing.

  106. Kristine Joy Gimenez

    While I was reading the article, I am astonished to see how the business have thrived over the years. The business have gained its popularity from the exposures coming from local government-sponsored showrooms, online platforms and television networks. It all started when the business tried to partner with local government-sponsored showrooms. Showrooms over the years are essential to all artists around the globe as this is their starting point in their journey as artists. This enables them to showcase their produce to the public, made with “different expressions with different emotions and feelings coming from the heart”, as what Sir Jojo Vito stated in one of his interviews. The local government’s implementation of sponsored showrooms, with the assistance of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and by providing facilities that support starting and local businesses and cater to the needs of all artists in Bacolod City and across the nation, is extremely beneficial, even for artists like Sir Jojo. It is one method for encouraging rural development with the aim of boosting rural tourism and business productivity.

  107. Jerrie Claire Bernadas

    The emergence of digital marketing has brought about a profound transformation in business and marketing strategies, a shift exemplified by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s evolution. The gallery’s transition from relying solely on physical displays to adeptly utilizing digital platforms like Facebook and YouTube showcases the power of reaching beyond traditional boundaries. Through captivating storytelling on these platforms, the gallery attracted global attention, with highlights including features on CNN Philippines and KMJS Jessica Soho’s show, as well as exposure on the Korean Broadcasting Network. These instances underscore how digital platforms transcend borders and connect with audiences in unprecedented ways, redefining engagement dynamics.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery navigated challenges and opportunities. Despite competition from online platforms and local government-sponsored showrooms, the gallery harnessed the potential of social media to create genuine narratives. By intertwining artisans’ stories with products, the gallery forged an authentic bond that resonated globally, exemplified by the Korean Broadcasting Network feature. Social media emerged as a crucial tool, amplifying their reach through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These platforms not only allowed them to showcase their products visually but also enabled direct engagement, where they could answer inquiries, receive feedback, and build personal relationships with customers. The gallery was able to capture a diverse global audience’s attention, resonating with those seeking more than just purchases. This harmonious blend of physical and digital through social media illustrates the transformative impact of digital marketing, leveling the playing field and emphasizing creativity and resonance over geographic constraints.

    The gallery’s journey underscores the essence of strategic adaptation in the digital era. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s success hinged on understanding market dynamics, embracing its unique value proposition, and allocating resources judiciously. Instead of chasing large trade fairs, the gallery concentrated on nurturing local connections and fortifying its physical showroom. This pivot emphasized resilience and resourcefulness, illuminating the importance of reallocating resources for maximum impact. The case underscores the significance of identifying core strengths and aligning them with evolving market trends, urging businesses to be agile and purposeful in their strategies. Their example offers insights into effective strategy pivots: staying attuned to market shifts and a balance between short-term tactics and long-term vision. My insights on how businesses can effectively pivot strategies when faced with challenges highlights on the essence of openness to change, customer-centric approaches, digital integration, and continuous learning in navigating the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

  108. Christine Grace C. Villanueva

    Module 1

    With the help of digital marketing that altered the marketing landscape of Sir Jojo Vito Designs. It creates a big impact in presenting their magnificent artwork to showcase to the visitors, passersby while catching their attention. In this article digital marketing reshaped their business to make it visible through embracing the power of social media wherein it is an effective way to reach new audiences with engaging content. Social engagement helps you build trust, authority and also to show your brand personality. Since Sir Jojo Vito Designs is being part of One town, One product which promotes local products from a sector and a locality.

    The transition from physical display of Sir Jojo Vito Designs gallery to online presence is quite a journey. As stated in the article they used the power of social media into its marketing endeavors with the support of media partners and digital marketers to tell people about their brand and it brings business to life on an online platform. In which it’s not only about selling, it is telling stories, the beauty of products and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience. Through the help of social media it connect different people to showcase the artistic designs of the Negros Showroom.

    The Strategic Pivots of Sir Jojo Vito Designs Gallery decided to redirect it’s efforts as fairs and exhibits in Manila. Rather than chasing to a larger trade fairs. This, approach focuses in nurturing the local roots and promoting it physical showroom. Making a pivot is a strategic move that you can take to ensure that your business remains viable and profitable. Wherein they prioritize local engagement to develop first the growth of the business to be recognized. In addition, digital marketing is very essential in building a business specifically through online platforms, marketing strategies, and marketing trends are one of the factors that helps a successful business to target customer desire through captivating their likes, wants and needs.

  109. Mykah Marie Tacsagon

    One of the highlights I have encountered in this article is that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to survive change and that is an achievement not everyone can attain. This successful venture of a local artist is evident enough as you can see in His digital exposure. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has already made it internationally and his name is popular with the locals. I have seen different key resources who served as the jumpstart of the exhibits for Sir Jojo, government agencies who pushed and exposed the gallery and put it where it is now. National Exposure, Negros Showroom, Association of Negros Producers, One Town, One Project (OTOP) and of course, Department of Trade and Industry. These agencies in different sectors boost the local pride through various engagements that can be seen on the “0+10- Point Agenda” by the Duterte Administration economic program. By showcasing the art gallery of Jojo Vito nationally, it shows that the government also supports the aim to increase the competitiveness and ease of doing local business. Also, it was mentioned there on the fifth line that supporting local MSMEs promotes rural and value-chain development unto increasing rural enterprise productivity and rural tourism. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery Landscape became a pride of Bacolod City and it is now part of the tourist attractions that are a must see here in the city. As you can see here in the city, because of Sir Jojo Viro, there are already numerous aspiring local artists who pursue their dreams by being flexible, determined, and innovative just like their inspiration.

  110. Sophia Locsin BAMK4A

    Digital Marketing is an effective strategy for the promotion of products and services that without a doubt influences the way businesses send their message and reach their customers in the present time. Utilizing the internet, technology, and modern devices makes digital marketing possible as an innovative method to share content anywhere around the world and to anyone who has access online. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, from locally displaying at the Negros Showroom to adapting new marketing methods through several online platforms, the use of digital marketing has allowed them to gain further exposure as a business. Traditional ways may no longer be as efficient since communicating through virtual means to customers is quicker and can even be more cost efficient. Particularly, not limiting their presence at the showroom and expanding their promotion online has allowed them to market their craft and creativity at a greater scale.

    There are definitely significant changes to adapt to in the shift from physical displays to building an online presence, but the business saw this as a chance to connect with customers more directly and serve as an edge with other competitors. More specifically, the business has faced many challenges over the years especially in terms of their survival and with the continuous evolving trends, it was necessary for them to recognize social media as a tool that would allow them to improve their traditional marketing. Even with their strong physical presence, their shift to digital marketing provided opportunities for them to receive exposure from well-known sites such as CNN Philippines and even at the Korean Broadcasting Network. Furthermore, Jojo Vito Designs were also featured at Metro.Style with Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach and at Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho in association with the Masskara Festival in Bacolod. Hence, another evidence that digital marketing has paved the way for their increase in popularity and a wider audience.

    With the increasing demand in the local market, the business opted to strengthen their focus to promoting to their target audience in the city rather than being involved in bigger trade fairs. This may be for the reason of prioritizing their roots and building brand reputation. A vivid example is their recent exhibit at Park Inn by Radisson Bacolod which was held locally, but reached several media outlets and provided recognition for the business. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has indeed shown adaptability through integrating their goals with their social media presence. I believe that this is also made possible with their collaborations with several media partners and other establishments that allowed them to narrate their story worldwide and create a sense of authentic engagement in a larger scope. In my perspective, it’s essential for businesses in the contemporary world to constantly be flexible with evolving marketing trends and incorporate strategies that is highly relevant to consumers in order to thrive and remain competitive.

  111. Denrick Dilag

    In an environment where the majority of businesses fall into the MSME category, adaptability and innovation are critical. The transformation path of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a live embodiment of the concepts outlined in the MSME Development Plan. The gallery’s transformation from a physical space to a digital powerhouse reflects the plan’s emphasis on three important areas: business environment, business capability, and commercial opportunities.
    The strategic pivot of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery toward social media demonstrates the value of reducing processes and adopting emerging platforms. The gallery’s use of social media enables it to reach a larger audience, crossing geographical barriers and connecting directly with customers. The gallery’s quick adaption to the digital realm parallels the plan’s goal of reducing rules and regulations at all levels..
    The success of the gallery is based not just on its objects, but also on the tales it weaves around them. This is consistent with the plan’s aim of improving management and labor capacities. The showcase embodies the plan’s goal of enhancing human capital and encouraging equitable opportunities by presenting the craftspeople behind the products and generating a sense of connection. Furthermore, the gallery’s decision to embrace emerging technologies aligns with the plan’s emphasis on enhancing access to technology and innovation. Both organizations acknowledge the importance of a solid foundation of skills and technology for long-term viability.
    The MSME Development Plan places a high priority on improving market access. The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery into the digital sphere highlights the power of expanding market reach. The gallery expanded its reach well beyond the limitations of its physical location by making good use of social media and online platforms. This expansion is consistent with the plan’s goal of capitalizing on the opportunities provided by regional integration and the digital economy.

  112. Aliah Jean Quismundo

    The emergence of digital marketing has brought about a significant transformation in the conventional business and marketing landscape. In this context, businesses such as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery have adeptly navigated these shifts by reallocating their resources, embracing the potential of social media, adapting their methods of showcasing, and fostering genuine connections with their audience. Indeed, the capability to adjust to these changes and harness the opportunities inherent in the digital era has emerged as a pivotal determinant of success within contemporary marketing.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery effectively managed the transition from physical displays to establishing a robust online presence, capitalizing on the advantages of the digital realm. While challenges like preserving the tactile aspect of products and standing out amidst online competition were relevant, the gallery capitalized on social media platforms to extend its outreach and cultivate authentic relationships with a global audience. By employing calculated content strategies, storytelling techniques, and direct interactions, the gallery exemplified how enterprises can prosper in the ever-dynamic domain of digital marketing.

    The strategic prowess and adaptability of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery are evident in their choice to prioritize local engagement over participation in extensive trade fairs. This strategic pivot was informed by a comprehensive comprehension of their target demographics, judicious utilization of resources, and responsive adjustment to shifting market dynamics. The blueprint for effective strategic transformations involves vigilant scrutiny of market trends, data-centric decision-making processes, embracing fluidity, optimizing resource allocation, capitalizing on inherent strengths, a customer-centric approach, foresightedness, and a propensity for experimentation. Enterprises that are attuned to market shifts, grounded in data-driven choices, and agile in their approach are better poised to navigate the fluid marketing landscape, ultimately leading to heightened customer engagement, loyalty, and sustainable growth.

    Aliah Jean A. Quismundo BAMK4-A

  113. Krystel D. Baylon

    There is a huge disparity in the realm of digital and traditional marketing in the business world. With the emergence of digital marketing, it created an avenue for a more connected business and customer relationship. Technological advancements and the rise of social media platforms enabled products to be accessible to a much larger customer base making it easier for businesses to market their products digitally. In the article, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s appearance in the digital marketing realm became evident with collaborations from broadcasting and television partners. Some specific examples in the article are the featured content from the media entity, CNN Philippines. In these partnerships, the business connected to the audience by associating the heritages of their works. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery broadcasted their works in the digital marketing sphere by retelling a story about the origins of the product. With this, it created a resilient connection and engagement with the customers and audiences. Moreover, the strategic changes of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery created an impactful and successful transition from traditional to digital marketing business.

    It was a gradual transition from a traditional to an online presence for Jojo Vito Design Gallery because of the challenges that the business has encountered. One of the challenges that the business has faced is the threat of online platforms and the rise of other competing showrooms that are government-funded. Whilst these challenges have imposed a threat to the business, they persevered and adapted to online presence which created opportunities for the business to grow. The role of social media has generated business opportunities to maintain and reach new customers. Jojo Vito Design Gallery’s navigation to the digital platforms enabled them to sustain a global audience by highlighting the story and the artisans behind the product. With this kind of strategy, the business was able to promote not just the product itself but also the people and the culture behind the product. Jojo Vito Design Gallery captures a sense of nationalism within its goods cultivating a positive impact in connecting with the global audiences.

    Jojo Vito Design Gallery expressed its adaptability in the ever-changing business world by making strategic pivots. The strategic pivot that the business has adopted is redirecting its marketing and operational efforts to promote its local roots. Since substantial resources became a demand in the market, the business started adopting to this demand. Jojo Vito Design Gallery created sustainable developments centered on its locale. They made a pivotal strategy by shifting their emphasis on cultivating their local origins rather than prioritizing larger trade fairs. This strategy allowed the business to remain competitive despite the existence of new competitors in the market. In addition, I believe that one strategy that businesses can aly in creating strategies in the ever-changing business world is to focus on their competitive advantage. Their competitive advantage is what sets the business apart from other competitors. Having a competitive edge against the competitors will enable your consumers to prioritize your business among others. Moreover, another strategy that businesses can utilize is to always stay on what is on trend. Being on trend and never missing out on what is trending will enable the business to remain relevant and prominent to its consumers.

    • Krystel D. Baylon (MRKT_4A)

  114. Ijie Feb Tenerife

    Jojo Vito Designs was indeed first established its presence at the halls of traditional setting without much of an online presence through the help of various exhibits and trade fairs starred particularly at the windows of Negros Showroom. However, the business requires a much more diverse approach in order to survive as the digital space continues to broaden its horizon. With this, embracing change was the only way to keep the operations going. This paves the way to make the digital marketing works on Jojo Vito’s favor- establishing a social media network where designs and exquisite products can be directly marketed from the producers’ kitchen up to the consumers’ table- an opportunity that bears significance to thrive the business even further. Indeed, the digital space has been one of the main drivers of Jojo Vito Designs to gain more exposure, connect directly with potential customers and above all, keep the business afloat as ever. Of course, this opportunity also bears a challenge to Jojo Vito- to be adaptable but be more creative as possible while telling a unique story for each piece of work, hoping to be resonated and be heard into the public. Indeed, the digital marketing brought the business to greater heights, having the opportunity to be featured with credible and well-known programs (CNN, KMJS and even starred at a Korean Broadcasting company) and celebrities such as Pia Wurtzbach and Jessica Soho to name a few. This brought a realization that authenticity can really bring a masterpiece not go unnoticed. And with these exposures of authenticity, Jojo Vito Designs flourished- all because of embracing the digital space- a new face of marketing efforts.

    It can be admitted that navigating the transition from physical displays to an online presence is not a walk in the park for Jojo Vito Designs. As mentioned above, it requires a brand-new approach and an expertise to navigate the online platform to successfully showcase the products just as more as it was showcase in physical displays. This bears a challenge for a more creative mind, a time to learn for a new marketing strategy and above all, a clear sense of adaptability. The company strives to be more relevant by exploring and innovating products that taps with culture, relevance and story among other things. Because of weighted challenge for capitalization from the producers to support international connective opportunities, Jojo Vito Designs made a tough decision to focus the gallery’s efforts toward strategies that would maximize its local presence and engagement more than joining exhibits that would alleviate substantial costs. With the power of the digital space, the business does not only showcase its products in the window displays of Negros Showroom, nor in the competitive trade fairs and exhibits by the local government, but it brings it products right into the customer’s sight at just a scroll and click of the thumb across different platforms. This boosted further engagement for brand awareness and heighted potential conversion rates. As it implies, “Embracing the power of social media became essential, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries.”

    Jojo Vito Designs demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking by fully embracing the technology and social media as well as its power to promote engagement and further connection to the potential customers. The business made sure that maintaining its products relevant nowadays must be put into utmost importance. This required authenticity and a distinct identity for it to be noticed by certain personalities and well-known tv programs. It made use of connections and partnerships to further boost its exposure not only to a single platform but multiple ones that catered to a much more larger audience. Sticking to its local core by creating masterpieces that speaks about culture, arts and creativity is what made its brand more distinct to others- a reason why it thrived even in a world-class level. Furthermore, prioritizing local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs also helped in giving life to its brand- a distinct storyteller of what the local unveils through the expression of creating local masterpieces. Taken into example its creation on masskara festival masks, where it gained a larger interest in mass media, and helped the identity of the business to further flourish. True enough that Jojo Vito Designs are the living testimony that a business can stay relevant despite of challenges when it learned how to turned threats and challenges into opportunities and not being afraid to take risks and explore other ways and strategies to market its products even its far beyond what it used to be in a traditional setting. Above all, in this ever-changing landscape of social media and digital world, we can find our relevance by staying true to our core, and to know how our story can be told to establish a human connection. By being creative at tickling human emotions, business can surpassed the definition of “typical” and thrive as distinct amongst all other.

  115. Allen Derek Deala

    Allen Derek B. Deala BSEN 4A

    The Government has implemented multiple policies that would help support its SME’s in different fields that concerns the overall local businesses. These fields are Business Environment, Access to Finance, Access to Market, and Productivity and Efficiency. Each field would have policies that would tackle a certain issue that is present in those field. Examples of such are the; RA 10644 (Go Negosyo Act) for Business Environment, RA 9501 Section 15 (Mandatory Allocation of Credit Resources to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) which was amended to both RA 6977 and RA 8289 for Access to Finance, Go Lokal! program for Access to Market, and lastly the Shared Service Facilities (SSF) for Productivity and Efficiency.

  116. Allen Derek Deala

    Allen Derek B. Deala BAMK4A

    The digital age has completely reshaped how the Jojo Vito Gallery communicate and access information, as well as revolutionized how their business would reach and engage with their target audience. Based on the article Digital Marketing has allowed the business to showcase its products not just locally but also internationally, being featured in some foreign outlets which would also evidently promote its products indirectly. It will also improve the reach of the business beyond from its main location and will also help diversify its consumers to not only to local and national but also to foreign/international consumers as well.

    With the rise of online platforms as well as the emergence of local government-sponsored showrooms, it has effectively brought a paradigm shift of how the Jojo Vito Gallery. The digital realm has allowed producers to connect with its consumers directly. The business has empracd the power of social media as it became apparent that it is essential to the business, it has enable to extend the reach of the business far beyond its traditional boundaries. Onw o the main challenges that the business will face would be Data Privacy and Security of its cybersecuity as going digital would be prone to cyber attacks. One opportunity of changing the marketing landscape is obviously Global Reach, as going global enables the business to have more reach and would break down geographical barriers and expand its market potential.

    Noticing how the business would require a substantial amount of resources to push through its efforts of fairs and exhibits in Manila, it would far more logical to allocate those resources and improve its local roots and improve its foundations even more. It would make sense to further imrpove one’s business from its roots rather than taking on a risk that would require a relatively large resource for only just chance ad in the best case scenario a fraction of a return from the plan of pushing in Manila, it is to the point where the risk is not worth it at all. Lastly, in my opinion a business should monitor trends as well as the data to identify patterns of opporutnities doing so would significantly assist the business identify its current position as well create strategic plans to fully maximize its position for profit and success.


    After reading the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, it has started in an impressive physical displays beautifully showcased at the Negros showroom that is mindfully chosen showcase elegantly presented the gallery’s creations and drew the attention of passersby and guests.
    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has faced both challenges and opportunities, but with the help of social media Jojo Vito Designs has shifted from a traditional showroom to online. In a way that they have their own Facebook page of the gallery, where customers send their questions.

    Although the gallery had an advantage because to its own brand and separate gallery shop, survival required further. Jojo Vito embraced the power of social media, enabling the gallery to extend its reach far beyond traditional boundaries. It’s first feature from CNN Philippines has highly influenced and helped Jojo Vito’s Gallery Designs branding. Online storytelling and the creation of compelling storylines were more important to Jojo Vito than simply promoting his items to a global audience. A sense of connection and authenticity was fostered by the gallery’s compelling content, which highlighted the goods and the craftspeople who made them.

    The art gallery bravely made the daring decision to refocus its efforts because fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant expenditures. It shifted its attention back to fostering its local roots and promoting its actual showroom.Jojo Vito Designs Gallery with over 25 years of experience in the industry, has been adapting, innovative, and is standing strong to the changes in the ever-evolving world of business. My perspective on the constant change in the corporate world is to embrace the changes and be strategically inventive at every turn. Never view difficulties as failures; rather, see them as opportunities for growth that will help you become a better person, elevate make your company stand out in the marketplace.

  118. Russel James Galang

    Russel James Galang BAMK4_A

    According to an article published by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the internet age has transformed how Jojo Vito’s people communicate and obtain information and how businesses reach and engage their target audiences. This change, adequately dubbed “digital marketing,” has altered the marketing landscape in previously unthinkable ways. With the support of digital progress, the range of its audience is broad, and many potential buyers can see Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s works and crafts online. In this digital marketing age, where everything is online, it is easy and convenient for the people at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to communicate with their consumers using Gmail and any other site where they may communicate. Furthermore, through the use of the internet, audiences may acquire information about the things that they want to know about Jojo Vito Designs Gallery since the information that they require is now provided online and if they are not satisfied with the information provided, they can quickly ask a question by sending their messages online.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is navigating the move from physical displays to an online presence because, during these dynamic changes, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a tribute to the power of adaptation and innovation. With over 25 years of industry experience, the gallery has withstood the changing waves of marketing. It all started behind the walls of the Negros Showroom in Bacolod City, a symbol of regional craftsmanship and ingenuity. The Association of Negros Producers (ANP) owns and manages this prestigious establishment, which serves as a regional commercial hub backed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

    The opportunity that first opened to Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is the Negros Showroom. The Negros Showroom has long been a creative hotspot, presenting the best items from local craftsmen. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery established itself here, garnering exposure and acclaim. However, the rise of internet platforms and the establishment of local government-sponsored showrooms resulted in a paradigm shift. With their local showrooms, new enterprises and other local government initiatives offered fresh competition in the internet domain, allowing producers to engage directly with consumers. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery endured in the face of change. The gallery, which is part of both the OTOP (One Town, One Product) store and the Negros Showroom, had both opportunities and challenges. While the gallery’s distinct identity and separate gallery shop gave it an advantage, survival demanded more.

    Embracing the potential of social media became critical, allowing the gallery to reach far beyond traditional limits. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery seamlessly integrated the power of social media into its marketing endeavors. Its innovation journey gained momentum with the support of media partners and digital marketers. This online presence wasn’t just about selling products; it was about telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with a global audience. The gallery’s engaging content showcased the products and the artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity.

    Adaptability is essential in today’s ever-changing marketing landscape. By reading Jojo Vito Designs Gallery it understands the importance of strategically pivoting. As fairs and shows in Manila needed significant resources, the gallery boldly diverted its efforts. Rather than chasing the bright lights of larger trade shows, it refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its real showroom. My thoughts on how businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of developing marketing trends are that firms should always be prepared to shift their strategy because the market does not stop evolving and client preferences change over time. In business, pivoting refers to the process of shifting course when the present plan isn’t producing the expected results. It entails strategically altering a company’s business model, product, or target market. Pivoting entails not just changing the product but also changing how a firm provides value to its consumers. Implementing a pivot strategy often requires additional time and money. The plan to shift importance should account for these often unplanned or unexpected costs to do so successfully and efficiently. It is always preferable to be overprepared rather than underprepared.

  119. Fench Maurice Maguillano

    ​​Digital marketing has revolutionized the business world, especially since it is needed to adapt to changes. The article has profoundly stated their step-by-step process of Jojo Vito Gallery design in utilizing digital marketing. Throughout the years, challenges have given Jojo Vito the opportunities and programs to give his business the needed exposure. An example would be the support given by the government to help MSMEs, through its key program and connections, the gallery has weathered all the changing tides of marketing. Mentioned in the article that Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcased their art in the Bacolod City-based Negros Showroom where a shining example of local workmanship and ingenuity. The Association of Negros Producers (ANP) owns and operates the business and is supported by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). This proves that the government is true to its word in supporting MSMEs, they provide businesses with possibilities to increase market access. Their Plan strategy is to foster connections between MSMEs and large enterprises in order to increase access to technology and innovation. Such as promoting e-commerce; organizing local and international marketing events; and, designing export programs.

  120. Name: Adrian Mikhail P. Magbanua
    Section: BAMK 3B/BABE 3B

    The rise of digital marketing, in the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery experience, transformed the landscape of business and marketing as they worked to integrate their business into online marketing channels. They actively sought opportunities to showcase their advocacy to promote Negrosanon goods (both cultural and locally-produced goods) to the wider audience by tapping news channels and gaining prominent features from television celebrities such as Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach through “Pia’s Postcards” and KMJS Jessica Soho of GMA among other famous broadcasters. Digital marketing did so much for the business as it was able to transform the relationship of the target audience and customers with the art exhibit and regional trade hub as it reached more people through the media. It was able to engage them efficiently as the showroom was showcased in multiple sites and news channels such as YouTube, CNN News, and other platforms, giving the business an opportunity to be able to experience marketing progression and development through digital marketing.

    When the pandemic started, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had to make a difficult decision. It had to choose between either ceasing operations or making sure that the business survives through other forms of engagement and profit generation. Fortunately, the administration did not just take on one option; they decided to make the business work through both online and physical means as both are essential for moving forward by utilizing online platforms and making sure that their reach exceeds the performance of local government-sponsored showrooms. It was not easy as the business pioneered its way around the marketing realm, but they were able to establish their goal in creating connections with a global audience by telling stories and weaving narratives that resonated with their perspectives. The sentimental approach was only prosperous as it enabled the showroom to be broadcasted to interested viewers from all around the world through social media and news outlets, exceeding its internal goal to spread publicity as it was later on casted in global channels such as a Korean Broadcasting Network and other forms of advertisement.

    As the world modernized, so did the media and other forms of advertisement. Digital marketing evolved with new strategies as trends and fads came and left. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability as it quickly integrated its business towards the digital world by creating websites and social media accounts and working hard to engage in promotion opportunities through other forms of press release, both traditional and online–all while ensuring that they are competent in performing in real life and digital networking. Their strategic response was to create an ease of access for their target market by making their business accessible through online means while ensuring that their physical set-up is well-maintained. The administration made a decision to prioritize local engagement over larger trade fairs to make sure that there is an inclusion of Negrosanon products in the market–a venue for local businesses to compete against bigger establishments, gain profit and contribute to the continuity of local culture. Ultimately, sustaining the physical showroom over larger trade fairs demanded less substantial resources, allowing the continuous investment in the set-up to be more futuristically feasible. Just like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, businesses could effectively pivot their strategies and maintain their standing in the market by making sure that they continually innovate their marketing strategies to captivate their target market and renew business operations to make it more efficient and feasible with their promotional game plan.

  121. April H. Gelarso

    The rise of digital marketing has triggered a significant transformation in the traditional realm of business and marketing, as demonstrated by the journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. In the continuously evolving landscape, the digital era has redefined communication, access to information, and fundamentally revolutionized how businesses forge connections and captivate their target audiences. The shift towards “digital marketing” has introduced unprecedented changes, erasing geographical limitations and empowering businesses to engage with their desired demographics on a global level. A case in point from the article is the conversion of tangible displays into captivating digital visuals, evident in the exhibition presented by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery at the Negros Showroom. Moreover, the gallery’s experience illustrates how digital marketing transcends physical boundaries, amplifying outreach and interaction through online platforms and social media. This progression has inaugurated a fresh era where businesses foster connections, interact, and flourish through vibrant digital engagements with their clientele.

    The shift of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery from physical exhibitions to a dynamic online presence serves as a demonstration of their adept maneuvering through a transforming marketing environment. In the midst of the rise of online platforms and government-supported local showrooms, the gallery skillfully harnessed the potency of social media to uphold their relevance and competitive edge. While operating within both the OTOP store and the Negros Showroom provided a dual advantage, the need for adaptation remained imperative. Through embracing social media, they transcended conventional boundaries, magnifying their outreach. This transformation encompassed more than mere product sales; it encompassed the crafting of compelling narratives that resonated universally. Leveraging partnerships with media entities and digital marketers, the gallery’s journey in the online sphere not only highlighted their merchandise but also conveyed the stories of artisans, fostering a genuine connection that surpassed geographical limitations. The spotlight from CNN Philippines’ features underscored the significant influence of this progression, further cementing their position within the realm of digital marketing.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated exceptional flexibility and strategic insight in response to the changing demands of the market. Recognizing the resource-intensive nature of larger trade fairs in Manila, the gallery courageously opted to shift its focus towards nurturing local roots and emphasizing its physical showroom. This decision showcased a perceptive grasp of its strengths and a readiness to adopt a more localized engagement approach, skillfully leveraging its established presence to connect with its immediate community. This strategic realignment serves as a prime example of the ability to align business priorities with the evolving dynamics of the market. To effectively adapt in the face of evolving marketing trends, it’s essential to possess a comprehensive understanding of one’s distinct value proposition and target audience. Businesses should remain receptive to reassessing their strategies, embracing innovative technologies, and enhancing customer engagement. Just as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery achieved success through prioritizing local connections, enterprises that remain agile and customer-centric can adeptly navigate transformations in the marketing landscape, ensuring a continuous trajectory of growth and relevance.

  122. Cyra Joy V. Yap

    The way business and marketing utilized to promote their products and services has been completely revolutionized by digital marketing. Business and marketing can reach more people by using online marketing. Entrepreneurs may communicate with people by using the platforms that are accessible, which can help them create solid relationships with their clients. By producing innovative content, you can enhance conversions, create leads, and increase customer awareness. Content has become a crucial component of every marketing plan due to the development of digital marketing. As an illustration, the web presence of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery concentrated on presenting tales about their products and the artisans who created them rather than on selling products to draw in a global audience.

    By utilizing the power of social media, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery manages the transition from having physical displays to an online presence. This has become crucial to them in order for the business to better engage with its target markets. The business had several obstacles and possibilities as it adjusted to the shifting marketing, such as the Negros showroom, which is renowned for featuring the best products manufactured by local artisans. Jojo Vito Designs established itself here, garnering visibility and notoriety. However, the local government-sponsored showrooms have been impacted by the development of internet platforms due to the new age of doing business. However, in response to the shifting marketing environment, the firm quickly adopted the new age, and it was a success for them because they were acknowledged by well-known artists like Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, which will increase exposure for the business.

    The adoption of the new era by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery didn’t end here. Due to market needs, they strategically changed course and opted against participating in fairs and exhibitions in Manila since it would be too expensive. Instead, they focused on strengthening their local roots and marketing their physical showroom rather than seeking the bigger trade events’ of brighter lights. I advise the business to run some promotions for the gallery if they want to effectively change their strategy in response to changing marketing trends. For instance, offering coupons to customers can encourage them to visit the establishment and draw in new clients. Coupons can be used to promote new product categories and entice consumers to try a more lucrative product or service in order to increase customer loyalty.
    – Cyra Joy V. Yap, BAMK4-B

  123. Caleb Kalvin M. Reynoso

    The rise of digital marketing have challenged the businesses to adapt to the trend. It have elevated the benchmark on a new platform, where many viewers and audiences could be reached, as it “reshaped how we communicate and access information, and how it has revolutionized how businesses reach and engage their target audiences.” The website of Dr. Vito contains content of arts and design, travel, food, and culture where the landscape of the presentation is open to anybody who wants to read and explore each article he journalized.

    Dr. Vito have embraced the digital marketing by establishing an online space where he could extend his art and fabolous exhibits across a wider range of audience. Despite the cyber issues such as hacking the accounts of blog sites that can manipulate and distort the online, the demand for online securities is on the rise also, in order to maintain the safety and public image of the digital space. Social media have opened many more opportunities for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and journalist like Sir Jojo to intensify their activities and advocacies by unfolding the curtain of their showrooms and facilities to the public.

    Marketers first identify the need, and then they provide the direction to reach the solution. Nowadays, information is one of the largest factor that could guide us on our strategic makings. This paved the way for the bloggers, entrepreneurs and journalists like Dr. Vito to establish an online space in order to reach a wider audience, foster local and international connections, and manage business trade and transactions. Their decisions are analysed by the problem they have defined and by the target condition that they have set. I believe the leaders are readers of trends, that they can see ahead the challenges and opportunities that may hit their business or organizations.


    In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, the rise of digital marketing has transformed the traditional landscape of business and marketing in many ways and one of them is that digital marketing has enabled businesses to reach a broader and more global audience through online platforms such as social media, websites, blogs, and email. This allows the business owners to communicate with their target market effectively and efficiently. It also empowered their customers to be more involved in the marketing process, as they can co-create value with businesses through user-generated content, feedback, reviews, and referrals.
    Digital marketing has created new challenges and opportunities for businesses regarding their competition, innovation, and regulation. Businesses like Designs Gallery have to compete with more rivals in the online space, as well as to keep up with the changing trends and technologies in this way, it helped the business blow and reach more customers through different online platforms. It is beneficial as well to the business to differentiate themselves from others by offering unique value propositions and customer experiences.
    Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with their customers, as well as the way customers consume and influence products and services. Digital marketing has both advantages and disadvantages over traditional marketing, depending on the context and objectives of each business. Jojo Vot Design Gallery demonstrates adaptability through his articulate vision and goals and the connection to other people who collaborate with him in his business. Therefore, businesses should consider both methods when developing their marketing plans and strategies.

  125. Irene Llavan

    The way businesses run and market themselves has drastically changed in an era where the internet has become a necessary component of our everyday life. In the traditional way, the main ways to exhibit products and draw clients were through local showrooms and physical displays. However, the rise of social media platforms allowed for a direct link with a global audience, as seen by CNN Philippines and the Korean Broadcasting Network displaying the gallery. By presenting products and artisans online, digital marketing allowed the gallery to tell engaging stories and establish genuine ties with customers. Additionally, collaborations with Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, and KMJS Jessica Soho, led to wider visibility via cross-posting on social media and YouTube. This transition from traditional displays to digital platforms serves as an example of how businesses may adapt and prosper by harnessing the creativity and power of human interaction in the always developing field of digital marketing.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to successfully make the switch from physical displays to an online presence by understanding the advantages and challenges presented by the changing marketing environment. They initially gained exposure through physical exhibits at the Negros Showroom, but they soon encountered growing competition from online platforms and showrooms supported by the local government. They adopted social media’s power to adapt, utilizing websites like YouTube and collaborating with media organizations like CNN Philippines and the Korean Broadcasting Network to expand their audience. Instead of concentrating simply on product sales, they used social media to share captivating stories about their products and artisans, establishing an atmosphere of authenticity and a sense of connection with a large audience.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability by shifting their strategy from participating in costly Manila trade fairs to prioritizing local engagement. They harnessed social media to tell compelling stories about their products and artisans, fostering a global connection. They also strategically partnered with media entities for wider reach. This showcases the importance of assessing strengths, cost-effective strategies, online storytelling, and strategic partnerships to thrive in the evolving digital marketing landscape.

  126. Chester Talorong

    Chester Talorong
    1. This piece underscores how successful physical displays in the past, such as eye-catching window displays, increased sales. The development of digital marketing, however, has altered this paradigm. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery uses online platforms in addition to physical exhibits to demonstrate its items. The gallery was able to expand its reach beyond geographical boundaries thanks to this innovation. Through social media and other internet channels, the old method of luring consumers with physical displays has morphed into a digital presentation.To create a scenario wherein your company acquired a higher level of product–market fit, in the name of thriving company growth. In conclusion, the emergence of digital marketing has completely transformed the traditional business and marketing landscape, permitting organizations like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to go from physical displays to virtual showcases, interact with a global audience directly, and prioritize stories and authenticity,and thoughtfully adjust to emerging patterns. The journey of the gallery is an ideal demonstration of how digital marketing has reshaped how companies connect with and engage with those who are their target audience.

    2.The establishment of e-commerce websites and government-sponsored showrooms allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to efficiently navigate the transition from depending on physical displays to creating a digital presence. The plan to shift focus should account for these sometimes unforeseen or unexpected costs.Due to the escalating consequences of online platforms and the emergence of new businesses that heightened market rivalry, modifications were expected. The organization recognized that using social media was an advantageous strategy for growing its clientele and establishing itself online. With the help of social media, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to reach a wider audience and engage with customers by sharing engrossing experiences and tales that exhibited the gallery, its products, and the artisans who manufactured them.

    3.Throughout its digital marketing journey, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery exhibited outstanding adaptability and strategic awareness by making intentionally done pivots in response to volatile market conditions. The gallery wisely decided to cultivate its local presence and advertise its actual showroom instead of choosing to pursue resource-intensive trade shows in Manila. This choice showed their capacity to identify shifting trends and alter course accordingly. Focusing on neighborhood involvement instead of expensive trade shows showed their resourceful allocation, effectively adjusting to the current market realities.

    The gallery did a good job of intentionally thinking about community participation at the local level by establishing strong community support and client loyalty. The approach maintained brand loyalty while also using the ability to convince of word-of-mouth advertising, which is especially important in the digital age. Additionally, by placing an enormous value on the physical showroom, they successfully plugged into the unique, personal experience that is frequently lacking in online coming across.

    The knowledge gained of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery serves as a reminder that smart decision-making and adaptation are needed to carry out strategic pivots. Setting priorities for local engagement was a well-considered move that spoke to their advantages and adjusted to market changes. Businesses must be flexible, aware of market signals, and prepared to regulate plans whenever needed if they are to remain competitive in the constantly shifting realm of marketing.

  127. Shaila Thea S. Asuero

    By: Shaila Thea S. Asuero (BAMK4A)

    The rise of the internet and the growth of digital technology have transformed the marketing landscape by giving businesses new tools and ways to connect with their customers and even further their reach for audiences. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the business has evidently embraced the rise of digital marketing. It lets the business reach and connect to a larger audience and transcend into a wide options of platforms where Jojo Vito Designs Gallery may easily communicate with potential clients, local and international, which eliminates the conventional constraints of physical presence. Specific examples were partnering with highly esteemed media entities such as CNN PH and KBS, personalities like Jessica Soho and Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, and having a facebook page to precisely target the desired market. In its entirety, digital marketing has given businesses a game-changing means of engaging, connecting, and establishing profound relationships with customers.

    From the traditional showrooms and trade fairs, Jojo Vito Design Gallery has navigated its way to the ever changing landscape of marketing through adapting to a virtual presence. The business navigated its way through the support of media partners and digital marketers, and the online presence has made the gallery continue to thrive through the shifting marketing tides. The feature and introduction of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery across diverse social media platforms garnered a wide exposure for the business and allowed opportunities to connect and engage with customers. Moreover, the challenge coming from the emergence of technologies and adaptability has become critical to cope with the changing marketing landscape. In terms of social media reach, it became a gateway for the business to introduce itself, especially for the global audience. It became a platform to showcase their brand personality and continue telling stories and narratives about the business. Social media also became a channel of collaborations with personalities that allowed the business to gain exposure and reach a wider audience.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates adaptability and strategic thinking by effectively responding to the dynamic and ever-changing demands of the market. Adapting to new technologies and innovation has become essential for the business to stay relevant, competitive, and effective in reaching their target audiences. This includes having “refocused on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom”. I do think that this decision lets the business to position itself to thrive in any market conditions. Businesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends by evaluating current marketing strategies and assess the effectiveness which lets business be aligned with the trend. Also, always innovate to stay relevant and competitive as the business landscape evolves constantly, so even after a successful pivot, continually keep an eye on trends and business should be prepared for more adjustments in the future.

  128. Liele Lane Berba

    Change is constant. Change is unstoppable, that’s why as people, as marketers shouldn’t think of this negatively but take it as a challenge and a gateway for more opportunities. After reading the article, it had made me vision the challenges Sir Jojo Vito had experience on his designs gallery. From having only exhibitions that attracts limited markets/target audiences especially during this advance world where people often look more on their phones instead of the world. Social media and the internet had become an essential part of a person’s identity and lifestyle. Most people nowadays use it on a daily bases that gives businesses the opportunities to widen their scope in marketing while minimizing the budget of marketing (depending on their marketing strategy).

    This had given Sir Jojo Vito the challenge and opportunities to go on digital marketing and it had been significantly effective in marketing the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery throughout the nation and some parts of the world. From exhibitions, showrooms, to being featured in CNN Philippines, Korean broadcasting network, Pia’s Postcards which was recorded at the gallery, KMJS of GMA, which had gathered not just hundreds but thousands to millions of viewers worldwide. These had broaden the reach of the market and gives better opportunities to Jojo Vito’s business. As his student I am actually very amazed of my teacher and his accomplishments. This article made me realized that I am learning from the best.

    Although with the rapid change of trends and external factors, Its was actually a good idea and strategy for Jojo Vito’s Designs gallery to focus on nurturing its local roots and promoting its physical showroom of specific products. This will actually create an image to the business on what their specialty is. So when people talk about this specific kind of product they will instantly think about the specific business. This brought more opportunities for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to be one of the highlight here in Bacolod city in showcasing our region throughout the nation and the world. So when other people throughout the world thinks of negros occidental and on what business can showcase this, they will instantly think of Jojo Vito’s Design gallery.

  129. Anne Margarette Carmona

    This article has captured how well digital marketing can help one’s business to foster and become recognized by a broader audience around the country and even around the world. When you think about Masskara, the first thing that Bacolodnons will think about is how colorful and festive Masskara designs are. One of the most iconic artists who creates beautiful Masskaras is Sir Jojo Vito. He does not only embody the essence of being a true artist when it comes to making his creations come alive but he also embodies how a great entrepreneur should also be.

    Strengthening the roles of the LGUs, promoting women and youth entrepreneurships, and maximizing opportunities in the digital and internet economy are one of the few strategies that up to this day are being pursued by the Philippine government in order to promote entrepreneurship in the country. Promoting Filipinos to engage in starting up their own businesses is one of the main goals that the MSME development plan aims to promote. One of its many provisions are: Providing conductive consultative workshops made possible by DTI, promote growth and advancement of SMEs in the Philippines, and create more job opportunities.

    With all these provisions provided by the MSME development plan, this will enable to lift the Philippine economy and give a chance in eliminating poverty. There are three significant strategies that this development plan aims to provide. One is simplifying MSME related rules in national and local levels in order to tap these SMEs for infrastructure deals, trade deals, and etc. Secondly, being able to help SMEs with reasonable plans in financing is also key and lastly, enhance management and labor capacities, it is no wonder that in order for businesses to thrive, manpower is needed just as much as capital. Group training and online training are one of the ways in increasing the skills of employees in order for them to help other businesses grow.

    Quoting from Mark Zuckerberg, one of the notable people that shaped the digital landscape, “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” From Showroom to Online Space, this subheading from the article caught my attention as it highlights the significant shift from traditional marketing to the digital world. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the business reflects the ability to adapt to technology demands. At first, the business displayed eye-catching window displays to attract customers, but eventually realized it needed to transition to digital marketing. This move allowed the business to connect directly with potential customers and influencers through social media, e-commerce platforms, and other digital tools. The company was able to keep its creative reputation despite the technological advancements that were made and communicate with a wider audience that went beyond local media reach. By making this shift, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery not only stayed relevant but also demonstrated their adaptability in a changing landscape.

    Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter have proven to be essential tools for businesses, enabling wider reach across the globe to operate businesses faster and more convenient. In the article, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery faced a difficulty in the high costs associated with participating in international exhibits like the CITEM Shows. The business must determine whether to invest heavily in attending the shows or instead prioritize locally-focused initiatives to expand their visibility within their present budget constraints. This choice requires weighing global opportunities against limited resources. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery realized that more people connect and engage online, thus, the business owner recognized this challenge into an opportunity rather than a threat.

    “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls while other windmills.” This is one of my favorite quotes from a Chinese proverb it emphasizes how busimesses can effectively pivot their strategies in the face of ever-evolving marketing trends. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability by recognizing the changing demands of the market. Instead of pursuing participation in larger trade fairs that demanded expensive resources, the business chose to pivot their strategy through opting to local engagement and enhance their physical showroom’s promotion within the local community. This shift allowed them to maximize the resources they have while still making a meaningful impact. This evolution from traditional displays to a strong online presence illustrates how businesses can leverage technology to adapt and thrive in the modern marketplace. Bill Gates once mentioned, “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.”

  131. Name: Karen Selah A. Matula | BAMK-4A
    Course Code: MKEL_5A

    A Case Study of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

    As mentioned in the article, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s products gained recognition and exposure through elegant traditional window/physical displays in Bacolod City. The business garnered many customers—locals and tourists alike. However, when digital marketing happened to be more effective since then, it had to surpass the challenge of reaching to a broad target customer base and still bring creative innovation in establishing brand awareness and product selling by integrating digital marketing tools like social media and SEOs to the marketing strategies. With the help of digital marketing, the business can directly connect with customers through its social media page on Facebook, which has effectively gained more online exposure when celebrities post about it on their personal social media accounts while tagging the business page online. Cross-posting content online has been one of the effective digital tactics that the business uses. Also, one notable business digital tactic is when widely-known broadcasting and media entities like CNN Philippines and GMA’s “Kapuso mo Jessica” have featured the Jojo Vito designs on television and online. With these, customer brand engagement and content engagement have significantly increased and reached to the global market captivated by the designs.

    Jojo Vito Designs faced challenges when transitioning, building, and eventually establishing its brand identity online. However, despite the challenges the business has been able to adapt to the ever-evolving marketing landscape when it seized online opportunities (like website development, venturing to e-commerce, and accepting online payments) that have established its online presence. They also have reached and connected to a global target audience through social media like Facebook and Instagram. Social media bridged the business and fostered authentic connections with customers by capturing their attention through visual art content, engaging them with stories behind the creation of the art, and responding to questions in private messages or in the comments section.

    Adaptability is key for a business to thrive, and that’s what Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized. Instead of expanding to the global market hastily, it decided to prioritize the demands of the local market first by redirecting its efforts to Manila fairs and exhibits. The business focused on building and nurturing the local community to create brand loyalty by establishing a strong foundation and connection to its local customers. This is a bold move but equally significant since the branding of the business is rooted in the arts and rich culture of Negros which the local market should recognize first. Masks, as one of Jojo Vito Design Gallery’s products symbolize the Masskara Festival as the epitome of Negros and Bacolod City. In order to keep up with the trends in the market, marketing strategies in businesses should involve innovation and creativity because each market has different wants, demands, and preferences. It takes courage and heaps of trial and error before successfully creating the best strategy for your target market. But thankfully, technological advancements made it possible for more business opportunities to build brand identity and awareness more effectively and efficiently compared to before. What matters most is that the business is willing to adapt to changes in the industry to survive and thrive for more years to come.

  132. Katrina Marie Lacson

    In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, the rise of digital marketing has brought about a significant transformation in the traditional landscape of business and marketing. The continuous evolution of the business world is evident, with change being a constant factor. This is particularly pronounced in the field of marketing. The advent of the digital age has not only altered how we communicate and access information but has also led to a revolutionary shift in how businesses interact with and engage their intended audiences.

    Starting at Negros Showroom, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery faced change as the internet became vital. The Showroom showcased local art, where the gallery gained attention. But the internet brought new things. Government-backed places online let creators talk directly to buyers. New local shops and projects made it tough for the gallery. Despite being part of OTOP store and Negros Showroom, the gallery adapted. It had a unique identity and its own store, but it needed to do something new. That’s when social media became key. It helped the gallery reach many more people, even from other places. The gallery used social media smartly and got help from media experts. Online wasn’t only about selling. It shared stories and connected globally. It went beyond showing things; it told stories about artists, making people feel part of something real. In a fast-changing world, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used social media to stay relevant. It shared stories, showcased its work, and connected. That’s how it thrived despite changes.

    In the world of marketing that’s always changing, being able to adapt is really important. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery knew this well. It understood that it had to change its strategies. Instead of spending a lot on big fairs and shows in Manila, the gallery took a bold step. It decided to focus on its local connections and its physical showroom. This decision was smart. Instead of running after big events, the gallery worked on growing its roots locally. It made its showroom a big deal, and this move paid off. This change in direction shows how businesses need to be flexible to succeed in the digital age. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey tells us a story. It shows how businesses can change and do well in the digital world. They moved from traditional showrooms to online platforms like social media. This change is important for success. And as technology keeps growing, things will keep changing. In the big picture of marketing, one thing is clear: businesses that can change, come up with new ideas, and connect with people will keep growing. Just like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the journey is about not just surviving but thriving in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

    Katrina Marie Lacson

  133. Ralph Andre Palada (Mr. Duran)

    Digital marketing is the by product of an ever-changing environment, which includes how marketing communication and strategies are currently applied, how information is accessed and disseminated, and how technology becomes an efficient tool in reaching, expanding, and targeting specific market audiences. From the article, the rapid rise of digital age prompted an innovation in the market where digital tools such as online platforms and software applications are operated by businesses to perform quicker and more optimized functions in connecting and engaging with customers that traditional marketing approach could hardly perform. That is how the digital age revolutionized the landscape. With the idea and concept of digital marketing, businesses like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery are more likely to adapt to survive the competition and other rising conditions brought and influenced by a never changing marketing environment.

    Resilience and the ability to adjust and adapt played a vital role in the business’ transition from physical store into an online exhibit. Shifting paradigms meant challenges but also opportunities, and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took the risk. The challenges include drastic transition, which may be hard for most business, strong online presence and influence, and targeting right audiences. Innovation could also be a problem, only if a business do not adapt to the demands of the marketing environment. Meanwhile, the opportunities include direct link to producers and customers, an enormous reach of potential audiences, and chance to widen the range of creativity. This goes to show that the opportunities outweigh the challenges. The gallery thrived, showing resilience and the ability to adapt conditions. With its unique identity, strong connections with its producers and audiences, the business continued to flourish. This is how powerful digital marketing, particularly social media, in penetrating the market. This is what we can observe from the business gallery. The role of social media includes three parts: Quick and more efficient information dissemination, penetrating a specific target audience, and influencing lifestyle of consumers. As a result, this creates a vast network of business, increased market reach, strong audience connection, and easy access to information.

    In the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, there are underlying factors that led them to transition. In a general sense, the market has become bigger due to the increasing number of consumer demands and the rise of conditions. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery saw the challenges in digital era including the transition to digital marketing. They saw the need to integrate strategies and the correct use of marketing tools to effectively and efficiently respond with the market conditions. They took advantage of the opportunity and that is by making its presence known in the online realm; They adapted to the use of digital tools, specifically social media, to further expand their reach, and penetrate and saturate their target audiences. As for their decision to prioritize local engagement over bigger trade fairs, I support their choice. Focusing on a specific market would help the business more to understand their needs as well as meeting their demands. It would be more easier to track their preferences, as well as keeping them engaged, and I find this very logical. The competition may not be as saturated as compared to the bigger trade fairs, which I find more favorable for the business. In terms of survival, the business can flourish and thrive amidst the challenges and threats that are present and are yet to come.

  134. Angelie Flora

    The rise of digital marketing on Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has led to the brand’s widespread recognition, not just among locals but also among foreign and international clients. With all the aforementioned being extended by the business, it has gained marketing and promotion to certain well-known influential people. These include Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, GMA journalist Jessica Soho, and even multiple recognition on some news outlets in the Philippines and Korea. Through this digital marketing promotion, the business was able to connect to more audiences and has potentially attracted new customers.

    One specific instance of the business’ presence to the public is the brand’s involvement in one of the CITEM shows in Manila, where it generated considerable interest from clients and made relationships on a global scale. Furthermore, the business made partnership with the Negros Showroom (an establishment that caters to display products that are locally made by the people of Negros), as a stepping stone for recognition and public presence to reach a wide range of their target market. However, it does not just end there. For the business to engage with its clients, particularly those who are abroad, it also needs to have a digital presence. What is great about the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is that they expanded beyond the traditional setting and made breakthroughs into the field of online communication. The business’ distinct identity and independent gallery shop may be of an advantage, but it will not survive constantly if it will just only focus on it, especially with these abrupt changes of the way consumers behave. The business must be adaptive and be open to something that is on trend and something that provides convenience and satisfaction. To change into something unusual is both a challenge and a chance for growth. Nevertheless, the good thing is that the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did not linger too long and embraced the usage of social media. This allowed the business to expand and reach far beyond its traditional practice, achieving the support of digital media and digital marketers, and even well-known personalities. Furthermore, the business did not limit itself to selling their product online. It also designed a campaign that featured various and inspiring stories of artisans in physical and digital space, which I believe helped them build strong connections and relationships with their clients all over the world.

    By putting more of an emphasis on supporting its local roots and physical showroom than on running after the bright lights of bigger trade shows and exhibitions in Manila, the business exhibited its willingness to adapt and build stronger connection to people. Getting out of one’s comfort zone is one way for an individual to grow, just as it is for a business. The best strategic move made by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was their transition to the digital age, which encouraged change, innovation, and a genuine lasting relationship with clients around the world. It serves as a real example of the need for businesses to embrace change and adaptability. Understanding consumer behavior and market trends is essential for keeping a business moving in the long run, which in turn can have a long-term impact that can be utilized to encourage and push other businesses to flourish. Thus, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a living testament that businesses must not be scared to adapt in these changing times.

    – Angelie Flora, MKEL5B

  135. Jenny Rose B. Javier

    Jenny Rose B. Javier

    1. The rise of digital marketing, exemplified by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, has profoundly transformed traditional business and marketing. It shifted from physical displays to online presence, connected businesses directly with consumers through social media, emphasized storytelling for authenticity, expanded global reach, demanded strategic adaptation, prioritized engagement, hinted at emerging tech potential, and ultimately redefined marketing as interactive, global, and connection-focused. In the ever-evolving landscape, the ability to adapt is a cornerstone of success. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery astutely recognized the necessity of strategic pivots in response to the dynamic digital terrain. Rather than exclusively pursuing grand trade fairs, the gallery opted to redirect its focus towards nurturing its local presence and bolstering its physical showroom. This strategic maneuver underscored the agility and adaptability crucial in the realm of digital marketing.

    2. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery skillfully maneuvered the shift from physical displays to establishing a compelling online presence, capitalizing on the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving marketing landscape.
    (Challenges Addressed)
    1. Adapting Strategy: With the shift from physical displays, the gallery recognized the need for a robust online presence to meet evolving consumer behaviors and preferences.
    2. Intense Competition: The gallery faced heightened rivalry due to online platforms and local showrooms. Innovative approaches were essential to stand out in the digital arena.

    (Opportunities Seized)
    1. Direct Engagement: Leveraging social media, the gallery established direct connections with consumers, enabling personalized and meaningful interactions.
    2. Global Reach: Online platforms broke geographical barriers, enabling the gallery to access a diverse global audience that was harder to reach through physical displays alone.

    (Social Media’s Role)
    Extended Reach: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the gallery broadened its reach, connecting with diverse audiences worldwide.

    The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery underscores the pivotal role of social media in extending reach, nurturing authenticity, and forging connections in the dynamic digital landscape. Their experience emphasizes the importance of adaptability, prudent resource allocation, and the dedication to crafting narratives that genuinely resonate with a global audience.

    3. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcased remarkable adaptability and strategic acumen through calculated pivots in response to evolving market dynamics during its digital marketing journey. Instead of pursuing resource-intensive trade fairs in Manila, the gallery astutely chose to nurture its local presence and promote its physical showroom. This decision demonstrated their ability to discern shifting trends and pivot accordingly. Shifting focus from costly trade fairs to local engagement highlighted their resourceful allocation, effectively adapting to the prevailing market conditions.

    In terms of strategic thinking in local engagement, the gallery effectively fostered customer loyalty and a robust community following. This approach not only cultivated brand allegiance but also harnessed the influential force of word-of-mouth promotion, particularly significant in the digital age. Furthermore, their emphasis on the physical showroom delivered an exclusive, personalized experience that online interactions often lack, effectively utilizing the power of face-to-face connections.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey underscores that successful strategic pivots require a blend of adaptability and astute decision-making. The decision to prioritize local engagement was a well-calculated move that harmonized with their strengths and responded to market shifts. To flourish in the ever-evolving marketing realm, businesses must be open to change, attuned to market cues, and ready to reconfigure strategies as needed.

  136. Krisha Mae Lumabang

    Based on this article the rise of article in digital marketing has brought about significant transformations in the traditional landscape of business and marketing as this allows for precise targeting of specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and other factors. This precision ensures that marketing efforts are directed toward the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

    Everything that he saw and experience in physical he made a blog to detailed everything. It was hard to gain first a audience when starting from the top but it once you love what you’re doing it won’t help you think about the negativity. social media is a powerful tool that allows businesses to not only expand their reach to a global audience but also build genuine connections through direct interaction, personalized content, and a humanized brand presence. It has revolutionized the way businesses approach marketing by emphasizing authenticity, engagement, and relationship-building.

    It demonstrated remarkable adaptability and strategic thinking by responding astutely to the demands of the market. A notable example of this was their decision to prioritize local engagement over participating in larger trade fairs. This shift in strategy reflected a deep understanding of their audience’s preferences and a willingness to embrace a more targeted approach. Choosing local engagement over larger trade fairs showcased their ability to pivot and tailor their efforts to suit their specific context. This strategic decision demonstrated their flexibility to move away from conventional norms. By understanding that larger trade fairs might not align with their current objectives and audience dynamics, they showcased a willingness to break away from traditional strategies. This approach highlights their capacity to adapt, evolving their tactics based on a holistic

  137. Raicha Eliz P. Torreno

    Raicha Eliz Torreno BAMK4-A

    The way that businesses interact with their customers has definitely changed due to digital marketing. Previously, marketers utilized advertising methods similar to casting a wide net and hoping to capture or convince customers to purchase their product. In the case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the business began with an excellent widows display to attract consumers, followed by joining showrooms and transitioning to digital platforms such as Facebook and building a webpage. There is no doubt that traditional marketing helped the company reach customers, but once it entered the digital realm, it immediately connected with the customers and gained more publicity. It went far beyond the expected boundaries. The business gained international prominence through YouTube and was broadcast by The Korean Broadcasting Network.

    As Jojo Vito Designs Gallery expanded, there were obstacles to overcome before shifting to the digital world. As previously stated, the company got its start by displaying its product in The Negros Showroom and taking part in OTOP (One Town, One Product). This has created both opportunities and challenges for the business. The independent gallery shop and its distinctive brand provided it an advantage, but sustainability required more. It became important to adapt to the strength of the digital world. This presented the business with the opportunity to take a risk with new digital marketing to expand beyond traditional bounds, which Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had already done. Social media has had a significant impact on reaching customers and global audiences. Because Jojo Vito Design Gallery does not only use digital marketing to promote or sell its products, but it also tells stories and weaves narratives about its products and the artisans behind them to a global audience, the business was able to showcase its brand values and build a virtual bond to audiences, which fosters connection and authenticity.

    With the tremendous change from traditional to digital marketing, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did not lose sight of where it began to grow. The business opted to refocus its efforts because fairs and displays in Manila required significant expenditures. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than chasing or joining bigger trade shows. This just demonstrates how the business thinks about its pivot strategy, which is adapting to the digital world and meeting customer demands while continuing to promote local interaction. Indeed, this shows how Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has evolved over time, adapting to change, taking risks, and embracing innovation to not only connect with customers but also maintain stability and power in the business. One thing that struck me was that the business did not blind itself from the overwhelming force of the digital world; it retained traditional marketing while still engaging in online platforms. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used both traditional and digital marketing in order to let the business grow and thrive.

  138. Dnand Fran R. Tolentino

    Dnand Fran R. Tolentino MKEL5 BAMK4B

    The changes in technology affected marketing, which caused a shift from using traditional means to an increased utilization of digital marketing. Digital marketing is effective in connecting directly with consumers through the use of different online platforms. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery transitioned from physical displays to digital methods, using its Facebook page for customer inquiries. It also partnered with different news or television outlets to gain exposure.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to make the transition from physical displays to an online presence because of the rise of online platforms and government-sponsored showrooms. It needed to adapt to the rise of online platforms and the emergence of new businesses, which increased competition. Social media was a great way for the business to have a wider audience and establish an online presence. Social media allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to engage with its audience through narratives and stories that showcased the gallery, products, and creators.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery preferred to develop local engagements and promote its own showroom rather than go after larger trade fairs in Manila since it demanded a lot of resources. The gallery was able to adapt and think strategically in deciding what was best for the business, which resulted in stability. It recognized the changes in the marketing landscape and took the initiative to make significant decisions. Businesses must recognize and know their challenges for strategic marketing decisions. Understanding and analyzing the target market’s needs and wants is crucial for making marketing decisions.

  139. Hazel Duds Sabordo

    The world is vast and potential markets lie anywhere worldwide for businesses if they find a way to extend themselves. This is how digital marketing has enabled Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to flourish and other businesses as well. The wide reach of digital markets is one aspect that traditional markets are a step behind. The stories that artists are able to share with their crafts don’t have to travel only by word of mouth but with the use of technology it can spread halfway across the globe with just a push of a button. A magnificent power, in my opinion. Now, the audience is equipped with the tools to know that the products being made aren’t just an output of mass production but by artists who have poured a bit of their heart and whispered stories into their crafts.

    Transitioning from the physical to the meta is never easy, and kudos to the Gallery for finding its spot in the digital world. Having a grasp of digital marketing is one thing but knowing what steps and instruments to utilize to put yourself online is another thing. It is a blessed thing that the Gallery has established itself as a renowned hub for art that it is recognized by various media outlets both local and international. Exposure from these different media channels has allowed Jojo Vito to share his story and the passionate makings of his craft, and it is to be noted that ardent craftsmanship transcends the physical, and in this case, can now be witnessed globally; social media and digital marketing playing a vital role in this exhibition.

    Grave challenges often bring about confusion but the gallery has shown us a way of countering this by choosing to focus on a singular action; and in their case — prioritising the local scene. Reaching for a broader market is one wish that all artists have but only when we take small homely steps can we establish and strengthen ourselves; strengthening our roots can allow us to flourish and withstand the most trying of times. What Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did for themselves is an exemplar of how other businesses can also form their strategies to keep up with current trends. It is important to keep goals small and achievable, likewise, research is vital when it comes to using technology and digital marketing.

  140. Jendie Apruebo

    Name: Jendie C. Apruebo BAMK4A
    Course Code: MKEL5

    Case Study

    The sudden shift from traditional to digital marketing in business panorama grants enterprises to explore and expand customer engagement. In Jojo Vito Designs Gallery case, the concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) aids in elevating web visibility. Through online optimization, the business was able to foster brand awareness and attract more potential customers. Nevertheless, as Google and Facebook ads emerged, the firm learned to adapt by customizing advertisements intended for specified demographics and interests. Thus, selling costs decreased while customer conversion grew. The evolution of digital media enabled the firm to have real-time customer interaction remotely. By this, email marketing and social media platforms served as mediums to have a direct line of communication catering to customer inquiries, feedback, and recommendations. Leveraging the market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery stepped into the field of e-commerce apart from having its brick-and-mortar stores. The business ventured into an online page where they can have virtual promotions to penetrate the global market. This transition develops reasonable monetary progress and a volumized customer base. Overall, these approaches helped the business to revamp with the ever-changing digital landscape.

    Before Jojo Vito Designs Gallery established an online presence, it faced a rise and fall during the transition stage. One of which is when adapting to digital technicalities, particularly website development, e-commerce integration, and e-money. Despite that, technological advancement offered new opportunities for the business to tap into a stretched market landscape, transcending geographical limitations. Moreover, the firm built a sense of authenticity by utilizing social media to share testimonies and life stories and respond to customer feedback. This not only increased the brand’s integrity but also assisted them in building a global community of art partisans who actively patronized their works. To sum up, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery efficiently managed to cope when transitioning from physical displays to an online presence. The business indeed established a reputable digital footprint amidst the challenge of constant alterations in marketing.

    The article mentioned how the business gave up trade fairs to focus on their local community. This strategic pivot resulted in a stronger buyer-seller connection, generated word-of-mouth marketing, and developed customer retention. The business started to gain exposure by organizing local exhibits, workshops, and art events showcasing their sophisticated finished products. Through this tactic, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery confronted the unending customer demand and gained a stronger foundation in the local market. Adaptability in business is vital since it makes a company stand out from direct competitors. It is due to its ability to adapt to changes in market dynamics, such as modifications in consumer tastes and preferences. In line with that, the firm can further pivot strategies in the face of evolving marketing trends through market research, data analysis, flexibility, a customer-centric approach, and innovation. A comprehensive customer analysis will help businesses to better understand the gap in the market. Also, website analytics and social media stats will enable firms to make informed decisions and adjust their tactics accordingly. Trying out new marketing channels can instill messages that resonate best with the target audience. To keep the forefront, businesses must acknowledge technology and explore new digital platforms. Businesses may effectively pivot their strategies and remain competitive in the face of altering marketing trends by being sensitive to market needs.

  141. Abbie Gayle Marie M. Infante

    Digital marketing has indeed changed the game in the field of business, especially in the marketing industry. As for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience, they were able to shift from locally displaying their products at their physical shop and at Negros Showroom, where local artists are given the opportunity to showcase their marvelous works, to reaching the national and even international market. The business thrived and adapted to the ever-changing business industry in order to remain competitive. Not only do they promote their unique products online, but they also learned how to form a connection with their potential customers by telling and sharing stories that most will surely relate to. Because of this, Jojo Vito Designs garnered a great deal of attention from people. National celebrities were able to feature the artist and his works, and they were also recognized by a Korean broadcasting network.

    Transitioning businesses requires a lot of effort and perseverance. Just like when Jojo Vito Designs transitioned from physical displays to an online presence. What pushed them to make this big step is probably because they have seen the need to include social media in their marketing strategy in order to widen their reach. The local competition grew since new businesses and initiatives started to rise. Despite having a physical shop already, there are demands that just have to be met. It is then that they have decided to join national fairs and exhibits, strengthening their online presence at the same time. However, joining these national fairs and exhibits would require large resources, and they have observed as they dug deeper that most of their clients are still the locals of Negros. Thus, they have decided to create initiatives that would focus more on the local level while still making their presence in the market bold and competitive.

    The reason why Jojo Vito Designs continues to exist in this competitive market is because they know what is best for their business and are not afraid to embrace changes. Based on my observation, they are very attentive when it comes to the demands of the market, including its customers, and they don’t easily make a big step without looking beyond it. Most businesses, especially in today’s time, would always go for something that everybody does or jump in on the trends without even analyzing whether it is applicable and aligns with the goals of their businesses. Such big changes that Jojo Vito Designs experienced were shifting from physical displays to an online presence and participating in national fairs and exhibits, then going back to focusing on local instead. I personally think that joining the national fairs and exhibits gave them an edge in various ways since their market grew wider and their brand presence increased. However, one must also weigh its results and always choose whichever gives the business the most advantage.

  142. Merkurr Escalada

    In this age of businesses opting for digitalization, businesses are now looking into the perspective of transforming their business from traditional direct marketing to e-commerce – online platforms that showcase their origin crafts, stories, and the history of Bacolod City. In addition to this, globalization played a huge role in the momentous shift in traditional business and marketing as it paved the way for nations, businesses, and people to interact. Moreover, in the context of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, one particular example would be transitioning from joining showrooms and showcasing physical displays to displaying pieces of art on different social media platforms with the assistance of its media partners and digital marketers. Therefore, this example highlights how digital marketing has reshaped how businesses connect with their target audiences and customers.

    The social media platform pioneered a grand list of opportunities for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The challenging part in transitioning from physical displays to an online presence is the process itself from traditional marketing to digital marketing – the sense of unfamiliarity that opted for the adaptation of the business. Along with, the gradual decline in sales of their products from OTOP(One Town, One Shop) and the costly The Negros Showroom – the audience demanded more from the business. However, with the help of its media partners, digital marketers, and social influencers, it elevated the business’ social media reputation. It improved its presence both online and locally, giving the business its competitive edge over its competitors. Hence, the business flourished with partnerships with numerous celebrities and brands, both local and international.

    In my understanding, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took a chance to transition from a traditional business to a more interactive digital business. Throughout the article, I assumed that the business looked into its internal SWOT(Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) analysis to identify what the business needs. I believe it was the best decision for the business to pivot its attention from participating in larger trade fairs to prioritizing customer attention and engagement. It focused more on customer involvement, building its brand image, and opening a multitude of opportunities with partnerships and collaborations. Furthermore, it is an effective and efficient way of marketing your business as it can also lessen the business’ expenses when it comes to participating in numerous trade fairs. Hence, the preparation, labor, stress, and expenses from it would ultimately lead to creative burnout and a loss of sense of direction.

  143. Digital marketing affects how businesses directly connect with their customers, for example, Jojo Vito Designs usually engaged in physical displays in the Negros Showroom mainly attracting limited passerby in the area, but as digital marketing arrived Jojo Vito Designs engaged in social media such as creating a Facebook page and also engaging in social media videos and interviews that promotes a story that can captivate online netizen’s heart.

    From Negros Showroom, Jojo Vito Designs has found its initial footing and comfort showcasing its creativity, uniqueness and talent. As the rise of Digital Marketing platforms, the said gallery encountered problems and opportunities, as the Gallery persevered digital marketing has given them an edge in engaging towards their possible customers by utilizing social media, social media has dramatically transformed the way people connect, communicate, and share information, enabling individuals, businesses, and organizations to extend their reach and foster authentic connections with a global audience. This digital revolution has redefined traditional notions of social interaction and opened up new avenues for engagement, collaboration, and influence hence the problem in survivability since many competitors has risen.

    As the marketing landscape evolved, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has pivoted strategically and decided to redirect its effort on exhibits in Manila and starts focusing on nurturing local roots and promoting its physical showroom. For me businesses can effectively pivot their strategies Firstly, understanding current market trends, understanding current market trends help businesses proactively plan their strategy by understanding what consumers want today. Getting customer insights also helps in understanding target audience’s behaviors, preferences and pain points in order for the business to provide an effective day-to-day conduct in business. Lastly, analyzing current strategy and conducting SWOT Analysis helps you identify what are your leverage and weaknesses inside and helps you adjust on what the market offers in the future.

  144. Genie Taray

    The impact of digital marketing on Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable. It’s like watching a canvas come to life with vibrant colors. With the advent of digital marketing, the way businesses connect with their audience has shifted dramatically. Take the example from the article where Jojo Vito Designs Gallery harnessed the power of platforms like Facebook. It transformed these spaces into virtual art galleries, showcasing their exquisite creations for the world to see. This wasn’t just about displaying products; it was a symphony of visual storytelling that engaged customers on a personal level. Emails, once mundane, became the brushstrokes of connection, keeping customers informed about new arrivals and special events. Digital marketing breathed life into their interactions, creating an intimate bridge between the gallery and its audience.

    Picture this: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery standing at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. The transition from physical displays to an online presence was akin to navigating uncharted waters. Challenges, like translating the tactile experience of art into pixels, were met head-on. The website emerged as a masterpiece, a canvas where product images and descriptions blended seamlessly. But it was social media that truly painted a global tapestry for the gallery. Platforms like Facebook became the vibrant strokes that extended their reach far beyond the local horizon. Authenticity became their signature, and social media was the medium through which they shared their story. Every post and every comment was a brushstroke, forming connections with people worldwide. It was more than a transaction; it was a relationship nurtured through shared passion and creative expression.

    The tale of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a testament to adaptability and strategic insight. Imagine them as artists, attuned to the shifting winds of the market. In a bold stroke, they chose local engagement over grand trade fairs. This decision wasn’t just about business; it was a declaration of their roots, a celebration of their community. They showcased their adaptability by pivoting their strategy to what truly mattered: the people who cherished their art. This choice, like a masterstroke on canvas, deepened their bonds with local patrons. It’s a reminder that in a world of evolving trends, businesses can’t be static portraits; they must evolve like living art. Just as Jojo Vito Designs Gallery evolved, businesses must listen to the rhythm of change, harmonizing their strategies with the pulse of the market.

    In the tapestry of digital marketing evolution, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery stands as a vibrant thread, weaving together the old and the new. Their journey reminds us that behind every pixel, every post, there’s a human touch, a stroke of creativity that transcends technology.

  145. Clara G. Capadocia

    Jojo Vito Design Gallery embodied the saying “Innovate or Die”. Given the world of business, we have now, Jojo Vito Design Gallery chooses to innovate to keep up with the ever-changing world of business. The presence of the digital age changes how businesses communicate and engage with their target audiences. For example, the Jojo Vito Design Gallery has a Facebook page where they can easily send their queries about the gallery. With this transformation, the gallery can do anything with their marketing that they thought before was unimaginable.

    Digital space brought the business to shift. Although the Jojo Vito Design Gallery has the Negros Showroom to showcase its products, the effect of the rise of online space shifts the gallery to be in that place. The online platforms, allows the business to connect with its consumer directly. On the other hand, the local government initiatives remain in its local showrooms. But being an independent gallery business, it gives an edge because the business can easily shift from traditional to online platforms. The shift from a traditional landscape to a digital landscape enables the gallery to reach far from the boundaries of the traditional ways.

    The innovation of the gallery gained support from its partners. For Jojo Vito Design Gallery, the presence in the online platforms is not all about the selling of its product but the stories beyond that masterpiece that can relate to its audience globally. Instead of attending large trade fairs, the gallery decided to just focus on its local roots and just promote its own showroom. I agree with the business pivot strategies, but we cannot deny the fact that the business world is growing. If the gallery does not take the opportunity to join large trade fairs, I believe that it will be a great loss for the business. Because these trade fairs can showcase the product to wider audiences. Trade fairs bring an industry together, the consumer, suppliers, and manufacturers, and that would be a great exposure for a business.

  146. Ma. Sofia Valladolid

    With the power of the online platforms the gallery was able to connect directly to its consumers and was able to reach a wider market size. They were not only able to showcase their product to the market but also share stories of the artisans behind the sought after products that the audience was able connect and relate to.

    To keep up with the demand of the market the gallery made use of social media platforms and gained momentum with the assistance of their media partners. Adapting to the digital realm allowed the gallery to have a more efficient way to communicate to its market and an effective way to gather real time feedback. Being able to cover a larger market means there are also a bigger number of competitors. With the social media as the most convenient and cost-free platform it is vastly used by customers to know about the business and its product offerings.

    With the market demanding for convenience, the gallery was able to keep up by adapting to the digital realm. Focusing on its local roots has enable them to strengthen their base. To have a successful turn of marketing strategy it is important to identify what the market actually needs and wants. In the gallery’s case with the market in preferred with convenient online shopping they were able to answer to this by digitizing their business.

    Submitted by: Ma. Sofia Valladolid (MKEL 5 BAMK 4-A)


    By: Rachelle Ann Rivera (BAMK4A)

    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s evolution from a physical showroom to a thriving online presence highlights how digital marketing has broken geographical boundaries, allowing businesses to directly engage consumers and share stories through platforms like social media. This shift facilitated a global reach that was previously challenging through conventional means, fostering deeper connections and authenticity. Furthermore, the gallery’s strategic pivot away from resource-intensive trade fairs in favor of local promotion underscores how digital marketing equips businesses with adaptability and agility to respond to changing market dynamics. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience vividly demonstrates how embracing digital marketing can revolutionize audience engagement, storytelling, and business strategies, paving the way for success in the ever-evolving digital era.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery proficiently maneuvered the shift from traditional physical displays to a strong online presence by leveraging innovation and adaptability. While rooted in the Negros Showroom’s legacy, the rise of online platforms and local government-sponsored showrooms prompted a pivotal change. Navigating this transition brought both challenges and opportunities, including the need to cope with new competition and embrace the digital realm’s vast potential. Social media played a pivotal role in extending the gallery’s reach beyond geographical confines, enabling them to craft compelling narratives and connect with a global audience on a deeply authentic level. This strategic incorporation of social media not only showcased products but also highlighted the artisans’ stories, engendering a profound sense of connection and trust. Through these adaptive measures, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery thrived in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, marking a significant example of successful evolution in the business realm.

    In response to the shifting market needs, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery shown impressive flexibility and strategic thinking by making courageous decisions that guaranteed its ongoing success. The gallery made a crucial decision to refocus its efforts on fostering its local roots and marketing its physical showroom after realizing the shifting landscape and the resource-intensive nature of larger trade fairs. Their ability to recognize their strengths and match them with market trends was evident in this choice. The gallery made the most of its established regional position and concentrated on fortifying ties within the neighborhood rather than chasing the glamour of major trade fairs. In addition to conserving resources, this localized involvement strengthened the gallery’s relationship with its core audience. The case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery highlights the significance of strategic pivots in digital marketing evolution, emphasizing the importance of aligning strategies with changing circumstances and consumer behaviors. Businesses should carefully evaluate their distinct capabilities, customer preferences, and market dynamics if they want to pivot in an effective way in reaction to changing marketing trends. Businesses may stay adaptable in a constantly changing environment and carve out a niche that appeals to their audience by utilizing their unique advantages and carefully concentrating their efforts.

  148. Charlene B. Villanueva

    The traditional business and marketing scenario for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has undergone significant changes due to the evolution of digital marketing. Previously, attracting customers relied on captivating window displays at the Negros Showroom. However, with the rise of digital marketing, new avenues have emerged for connecting with target audiences and actively involving clients. Through the utilization of social media platforms and an online presence, the gallery has expanded its reach globally and engaged with clients more interactively and authentically. This shift underscores how digital marketing has revolutionized customer interactions for businesses, facilitating direct communication and the development of compelling stories that resonate with a broader spectrum of people.

    Transitioning from physical displays to an online presence brought both challenges and opportunities for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. Although the Negros Showroom initially gave them a start, the rise of online platforms and local government-sponsored showrooms brought new competitors. To thrive, the gallery turned to social media. Using platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and media partnerships became crucial for staying afloat and expanding their influence. By sharing compelling stories and showcasing artisans, they created an authentic bond with their global audience. However, this journey had challenges, such as standing out in the busy digital world and keeping a unique identity while adapting to changing trends.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s strategic pivots demonstrate their ability to adapt to what clients demand. Instead of spending a lot of resources on large trade shows in Manila, they opted to focus on their local clients and showroom. Making this choice illustrates that they know how to make good use of their resources and leverage their local relations. Moreover, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery offers a great lesson for businesses in adapting to marketing changes. By recognizing strengths, using social media, sharing authentic stories, and embracing new technology, they can pivot effectively. Moreover, Businesses should always understand customer preferences and foster an agile and innovative approach to keep on thriving in the ever-changing marketing landscape. The gallery’s success underscores the importance of innovation, engagement, and flexibility for achieving success.

    By: Charlene B. Villanueva MKEL5_BAMK4A

  149. Anne Grace Mosqueda

    The way businesses and marketing work has changed a lot because of digital marketing, as we can see from Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s experience. Before, showing products in physical places like the Negros Showroom used to bring in good sales. But now, digital marketing has completely changed how businesses connect with people. They use things like social media to directly talk to customers from all around the world. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery utilizes this by using platforms like Facebook to talk to customers in real-time. Digital marketing has shifted from displaying products to conversing with people. For instance, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used to get sales from physical displays, like their fancy window setup. But now they focus on digital stuff like social media. They can share their cool products and stories with a way bigger audience, even from other countries.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had to deal with some tough and good things when they moved from showing things in a physical place to being online. They got noticed first in the Negros Showroom, but then things changed when online places and local showrooms came up. To adjust to this, they used social media to tell stories about their products and the people who made them. This helped them connect with people in a real and meaningful way, not just to sell things. This shows how digital marketing can help businesses build strong relationships with people worldwide. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had to switch from physical displays to being online. This was tricky because they had new competitors from online showrooms and local businesses. Social media was a big help. It lets them talk directly to customers and share their products’ stories. This made people feel connected and interested in their stuff.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showed they could adapt well to changes in digital marketing. They faced a choice between spending a lot of money on big trade fairs or focusing on their local presence. They decided to stay local, understanding that being part of the community was important. This is an example of how businesses can make smart changes to stay successful. They showed that instead of just following what others are doing, it’s better to think about what works best for them. This lesson can help other businesses too, as they face new trends in marketing. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did something smart. Instead of spending lots of money on big trade fairs, they focused on their local presence. This helped them stand out. They used social media to show off their products, and they even got attention from famous people like Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach. Businesses need to be flexible and change their plans when needed. Adapting to what customers want and being unique can work. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s story tells us how digital marketing has changed how businesses work. It’s not just about showing things anymore; it’s about talking to people and being flexible with new ideas. Businesses that do this well, like Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, can keep growing even in this fast-changing digital world.

  150. Maria Angela Chiu

    The experience of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates how the rise of digital advertising has transformed the business landscape. Instead of depending only on physical displays, the gallery embraced social media, communicating directly with customers and presenting fascinating narratives about its products and the artisans behind them, fostering a sense of connection and authenticity. The gallery optimized its resources and presence by deliberately changing its attention from costly trade shows to promoting its local showroom. Celebrity sponsorships, such as Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach’s feature, and collaborations with media outlets boosted the gallery’s digital exposure. This strategy, combined with an eye on developing technology, demonstrates how firms may thrive by navigating the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery successfully transitioned from physical displays to an online presence by embracing various approaches that leveraged the power of social media. This change provided both challenges and opportunities for the gallery. As for the challenges, Moving from a traditional showroom model to an online platform demanded a reimagining of their marketing strategies. The loss of the tangible appeal and in-person interaction posed a challenge, as the gallery had to find innovative ways to replicate the immersive experience of physical displays in a digital space. Additionally, the online landscape introduced heightened competition from both local government-sponsored showrooms and new businesses. Navigating these new competitive dynamics required strategic thinking. While the challenges were significant, the opportunities were equally promising. The digital realm allowed Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to directly connect with a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers and broadening their customer base. This extended reach presented an avenue to tap into more markets, fostering growth beyond their traditional boundaries. Social media platforms provided a cost-effective means of showcasing their products and sharing stories, enabling them to craft a compelling narrative that resonated with customers on a personal level. Social media played a pivotal role in extending the gallery’s reach and fostering authentic connections. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube allowed them to showcase their products through visually appealing content and engaging videos. By sharing the stories of the artisans behind the creations, they humanized their brand and created an emotional connection with their audience. This transparency and authenticity resonated with consumers, leading to increased engagement and loyalty. The strategic use of social media also facilitated collaborations with media partners and influencers, such as the features by CNN Philippines, Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, and KMJS Jessica Soho. These collaborations amplified their exposure, enabling the gallery to tap into larger audiences through cross posting and shared content.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrated adaptability and strategic thinking by prioritizing community engagement over participation in larger trade shows. Their decision was based on a pragmatic assessment of resources and objectives, allowing them to capitalize on their existing position within the Negros Showroom and the OTOP store. This transition was consistent with their distinct brand as regional craftsmanship champions, allowing them to preserve authenticity while capitalizing on existing relationships. This instance emphasizes the significance of knowing one’s unique selling proposition, staying tuned in to market conditions, and embracing innovation while remaining authentic. Businesses that adeptly pivot can prosper in an ever-changing marketing landscape by remaining faithful to their brand while efficiently adapting to new trends and consumer preferences.

  151. Ciarina Anne Padilla

    The age of digitalization has reinvented the way businesses do marketing, how businesses operate, and how people engage and communicate with each other. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has a Facebook Page where people can easily ask their queries by simply typing their messages whereas in the traditional landscape, this was usually done through face-to-face interaction. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery being located physically at the Negros Showroom has also shifted its presence online which allows the business to be connected to more customers and has widened its reach to anyone online. Customer engagement and communication became real-time made possible because of its online presence.

    Adapting to the changing marketing landscape, the shift of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery from the physical on-site stores to forming a strong online presence had its challenges as well as opportunities. The transition of creating an online presence involved the creation of social media pages and content. Ensuring that these social media pages work well and are easy to use and understandable are crucial parts of creating a strong online presence. Moreover, the content of these pages should be updated and managed well. The challenge of creativity, where there is an effort to try to make the online audience still feel connected and able to appreciate the art and creations through phone screens. Creating an online presence allows the business to reach a larger audience and create engagement and customer relationships. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery integrated the power of social media into its marketing efforts. Their online presence went beyond just selling products; it was about crafting engaging stories that resonated globally. The gallery not only showcased its products but also introduced the talented artisans, creating a sense of authenticity. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was made known to many with the help of features on various social media platforms and features on CNN, Jessica Soho, and the like. Indeed, Social Media is a great tool that enables businesses to share their stories, reaching a global audience and exponentially expanding their reach.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has shown its ability to innovate and adapt to market demands. Their willingness to embrace new ideas and explore possibilities led them to make a significant shift from being solely a physical store to establishing a strong online presence. This adaptability has played a crucial role in their ongoing success. They have effectively navigated the changing landscape by seizing opportunities presented by digital marketing. As they open-mindedly recognized shifts in consumer behavior and the impact of the digital age, they chose not to stick to their traditional physical setup. Instead, they ventured into digitalization, using online platforms to connect with a wider audience. Jojo Vito Gallery’s strategic choice was to prioritize strengthening local connections and enhancing its physical showroom. By stepping away from conventional methods like participating in large trade fairs and exhibitions, the gallery managed to make a distinct identity for itself, allowing it to stand out and effectively differentiate its approach in the market. The decision to prioritize local engagements was a bold and brilliant move, as they were able to look into a different angle of how to stand out in the market. In today’s digitalized and fast-paced world, businesses should think creatively and out of the box to survive and thrive in the market. Open-mindedness and embracing opportunities are crucial mindsets that businesses should have as they craft their strategies in this evolving market.

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