Design Thinking Process | Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery


Design Thinking Process | Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Design Thinking Process 

Crafting Innovation: Navigating the Design Thinking Process  for Empathetic Solutions: The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery Experience

In the face of unparalleled challenges brought forth by the global pandemic, businesses found themselves compelled to adapt and innovate to retain relevance and meet the ever-evolving demands of society. For visionary entrepreneurs, the critical ability to design products finely tuned to the prevailing circumstances took center stage. A remarkable case study that epitomizes this principle is the journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. This enterprise keenly observed and responded to an emergent trend amidst these times – the remarkable surge of “plantitos” and “plantitas.” Confined to their homes, these individuals unearthed solace and creative expression through nurturing ornamental plants, metamorphosing their living spaces into verdant, tranquil sanctuaries. Recognizing the potency of this trend, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery faced the exciting challenge of conceiving and crafting products tailored to this burgeoning community’s unique biases and requirements, all while embracing the core ethos of design thinking to fuel innovation and customer delight.

Design Thinking Process 

The Plantito and Plantita Phenomenon During the Pandemic

A captivating cultural shift unfolded amid global uncertainty and protracted periods of lockdown. Many individuals turned to cultivating ornamental plants as a wellspring of solace, creativity, and a means to imbue their indoor environments with resplendent allure. Within this newfound cohort, affectionately termed “plantitos” and “plantitas,” a burgeoning community took shape, sanctifying the art of plant care as an avenue for self-care. The act of nurturing plants not only conferred a renewed sense of purpose and communion with nature but also emerged as a therapeutic outlet amid the trials of the era.

As this trend gained momentum, virtual realms, especially social media platforms, metamorphosed into sanctuaries for plantitos and plantitas to share updates about their plant collections, dispense gardening counsel, and unfurl ingenious ideas for home embellishment. Hashtags like #PlantitaLife and #PlantitoJourney surged through digital landscapes, forging bonds of camaraderie among enthusiasts. This movement was more than a mere appreciation for plant care; it materialized as an endeavor to craft living, breathing works of art within one’s personal space, all while discerning a gleaming thread of positivity amid adversities.


Design Thinking Process | Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Design Thinking Process

The Challenge

In this intricate backdrop, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on the audacious mission of channeling this newfound ardor into products meticulously tailored to the distinct yearnings and demands of plantitos and plantitas. These creations needed to effortlessly harmonize with the community’s cherished values: innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic resonance. The journey entailed navigating a design process imbued with empathy, unfettered creativity, and an unwavering openness to refine and iterate based on the community’s voice. It was a pursuit of producing commodities and sculpting experiences that would elevate the act of nurturing plants into an art form intimately aligned with the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita community amidst the unprecedented pandemic landscape.

Design Thinking Process: The Real-Life Case Experience by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Amid the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic, a real-life exemplar of creative adaptation unfolded within Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. This gallery embarked on a transformative journey by harnessing the growing trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” while responding to the clamor for aesthetic yet functional products that resonate with the plant enthusiast community. In particular, the gallery focused its innovation on crafting fiberglass jars and pots, a response that vividly demonstrates the design thinking process in action.

Design Thinking Process:  Empathize

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community. It’s worth noting that during this period, plant lovers were investing significantly in their botanical passions. Purchasing plants at elevated prices became the norm, with some specimens commanding hundreds of thousands and occasionally exceeding a million pesos. Amid this dynamic landscape, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized that plant enthusiasts desired unique planters or pots that complement their prized plant collections and do justice to their substantial investments.

Design Thinking Process:  Define

The insights harvested during the empathize phase crystallized into a precise challenge: How could Jojo Vito Designs Gallery create fiberglass plant pots that seamlessly merge modern aesthetics with features conducive to robust plant growth? This definition provided a clear compass for the subsequent phases.

Design Thinking Process | Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Design Thinking Process: Ideate

Guided by the well-honed challenge statement, the gallery’s creative minds brainstormed. They conceived various possibilities, exploring multiple shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. The fruits of creativity included concepts like durable plant pots in various forms, colors, and sizes, catering to experienced plant enthusiasts and those novices seeking convenient care solutions.

Design Thinking Process: Prototype

The chosen concepts were then translated into tangible forms through prototyping. Fiberglass pots emerged, bearing design elements that accentuated both function and structure. Through rapid iterations, the gallery crafted prototypes that met the design aspirations and allowed stakeholders to experience their aesthetic and practical aspects.

Design Thinking Process | Case of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Design Thinking Process: Test

The gallery shared these prototypes across social media platforms and relevant online communities in bold stride toward co-creation. They invited the voices of the individuals their products were designed for – the plantitos and plantitas. This interactive exchange unveiled preferences for specific colors, sizes, and design nuances, initiating a dialog that fueled refinement.

Design Thinking Process: Iterate

Empowered by the invaluable insights offered by their community, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a phase of iterative refinement. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. Shape, drainage systems, and finishes were meticulously calibrated, ensuring each iteration resonated profoundly with the aesthetic sensibilities of the plant-loving community.

Design Thinking Process: Implementation| Market and Launch

The gallery fervently unveiled its product line as the final designs matured. Leveraging the potency of social media, captivating visuals were woven into narratives that resonated with plantitos and plantitas. The story of the design journey took center stage, showcasing an ardent dedication to user-centric design and collaborative creation.

Design Thinking Process: Evaluation | Engage and Gather Insights

Beyond the launch, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery sustained a dynamic rapport with its community. They actively encouraged users to share their interactions and experiences with the fiberglass pots. This engagement fostered a deeper connection and functioned as a vital conduit for insights into product utility, user challenges, and ideas for continued enhancements.

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery transcended the realm of crafting products by steadfastly adhering to the design thinking process. They orchestrated a symphony of meaningful experiences that elevated the art of plant care. Through their fiberglass jars and pots, they resonated profoundly with the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita community during the pandemic, embodying the epitome of empathetic innovation.

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  1. Cherry Ann Cornel

    Cherry Ann Cornel BAMK2C
    Jojo Vito Design Gallery responds to the trend by offering the plantitos and plantitas creative ornamental plants and different kinds of jars and plants that are more innovative, sustainable, and have aesthetic resonance. The gallery recognized the opportunity by providing various products and offers not so ordinary outputs that are all new with terms of designs and
    Empathy plays a big role in the context of the article. It allows us to deeply understand what others want and need, it puts ourselves in the shoes of others to know what product has to be created. The gallery empathizes by coming up with the idea of innovative jars and plants by thinking of what plantitos and plantitas wants, needs or desire. They come up with a quality and sustainable product that captures the eyes and heart of the plantitos and plantitas.
    The gallery’s creative staff brainstormed ideas during the “Ideate” phase, coming up with ideas including sturdy plant pots in a variety of designs, hues, and sizes. Next is the prototypes that satisfied the design goals were rapidly created by the gallery, giving interested parties an opportunity to consider both the aesthetically pleasant and functional characteristics. Following a stimulating discussion, they greeted the plantitos and plantitas. Then the testing where we gather the feedback regarding the product and if we have certain changes and improvements before the last thing which is the implementation or the launch of the final product in the market that has the full function and innovation.

  2. Atasha Marie Jardio

    1. Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    Answer: Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded by setting out on a transforming journey by embracing the rising trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” and it responded to the demand for aesthetically pleasing yet useful products that appeal to the community of plant enthusiasts. The gallery concentrated its inventive efforts, as a reaction that effectively illustrates the design thinking process in conduct, on creating fiberglass jars and pots.

    2. Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    Answer: Empathy played to connect with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” in design thinking process through understanding and associating with the community due to the changes in global pandemic. The gallery tried to create fiberglass jars and pots that would strike a deep chord with the community of plant enthusiasts in response to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas.” It’s important to note that during this time, people who were interested in plants invested a lot of money on their hobbies. In this ever-changing environment, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery realized that plant lovers wanted distinctive planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and honor their significant investments.

    3. Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    Answer: The stages mentioned from the design thinking process are Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Iterate, Implementation and Evaluation. In empathizing phase, the gallery tried to understand and connect by creating fiberglass jars and pots that would be highly regarded by the community of plant enthusiasts. In defining the design challenge, it simply gave the following stages an unambiguous compass. In ideating creative solutions, the creative minds at the gallery brainstormed, they developed multiple options, discovering different shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive features that resulted appealing to both seasoned plant aficionados and those seeking simple care options. In prototyping, fiberglass pots with design elements that highlighted both function and structure were created from the prototypes of the designs that had been chosen then the gallery quickly iterated to create prototypes that satisfied the design goals and let stakeholders experience both their visual and functional elements. In testing, in a daring step toward co-creation, the gallery shared these prototypes on social media sites and in relevant online forums. They sought out the opinions of the “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the people for whom their products were made. In iterating, the prototypes were improved in accordance with the expressed preferences of the plant enthusiasts wherein each iteration was carefully calibrated in terms of shape, drainage systems, and finishes to ensure that it deeply resonated with the community’s aesthetic sensibility. Lastly, in implementing and launching, as the final designs came together, the gallery eagerly showcased its product line through inspiring images were incorporated into stories that connected with “plantitos” and “plantitas” by utilizing the power of social media. The iterating process became a big part in gallery’s success because it expanded the ideas for continued enhancements which the gallery is very open to talk about how they engaged and used the fiberglass pots. They embodied the pinnacle of innovative empathy by deeply understanding the emotional and visual demands of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community throughout the pandemic with their fiberglass jars and pots.

  3. Glaiza May Chan

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery undertook the bold task of transforming this newly discovered passion into items carefully designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of plantitos and plantitas. The gallery focused it’s innovation on crafting fiberglass jars and pots, a response that vividly demonstrates the design thinking process in action.

    Empathy makes Jojo Vito Designs recognize that those who love plants want unique planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and appreciate their major purchases. So they create fiberglass jars and pots that will strike a deep chord with the community of plant enthusiasts in response to the emerging trend.

    During the emphatizing phase, the gallery tried to connect with and understand the aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita communities. In defining the design challenge, the information gathered during the empathy phase was transformed into a specific challenge. In ideating creative solutions, the gallery brainstormed with the challenge statement as a starting point and explored shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive qualities to create sturdy plant pots for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. Following that, prototyping was used to transform the selected concepts into actual objects. Emergence of fiberglass pots with structurally and functionally accented design aspects The gallery created prototypes in a short amount of time that satisfied the design goals and gave stakeholders a chance to evaluate their usability and aesthetic appeal. In testing, the gallery embraces co-creation by sharing prototypes on social media, inviting plantitos and plantitas to share preferences for colors, sizes, and design cues. In Iterating, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery revised prototypes based on community feedback, modifying design, drainage setups, and finishes to appeal to aesthetic tastes of the plant loving community. Lastly, the gallery eagerly showcased its product line. Inspiring images were incorporated into stories that connected with plantitos and plantitas by utilizing the power of social media. The iterating process had a significant role in the gallery’s success because it broadened the possibilities for ongoing improvement. The gallery is very open to discussing how they utilized and interacted with the fiberglass pots. With their fiberglass pots and jars, they exhibited the height of inventive empathy by fully appreciating the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantitos and plantitas community during the pandemic.

  4. Freyan Ayco Velasco

    Freyan A. Velasco

    I remembered when I was still an elementary student, we used to pass by the Jojo Vito Gallery along Araneta Avenue. I can still remember how I threw tantrums at my mom just so she would let me paint a mini ceramic art that was offered by their gallery. It felt euphoric the first time I went there because of the colorful designs of Masskara and their potteries. As to now that I have not visited the gallery anymore, I just saw their updates on social media and was surprised on how did the Jojo Vito Gallery surpassed many eras of design and are still on the game of Arts and Designs, even if it means surviving through a pandemic.

    Digital marketing has completely changed how the marketing industry operates today. The growth of digital marketing, as seen in the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, altered the scene of traditional business and marketing by enabling an effortless embrace of social media’s marketing potential. Leveraging the use of social media such as to advertise the gallery can help it reach a wider audience. They created targeted advertisements using Facebook alongside other social media channels that reached potential customers based on their preferences and used captivating posts and tales to showcase their newest collections and designs. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a prime example of the power of creativity and adaptation in the face of this rapid change since it has outlasted the shifting marketing waves.

    When Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s distinctive characteristics and unique gallery shop offered it an edge, there were difficulties and opportunities, and survival sought more. Jojo Vito had difficulties as a result of the pandemic’s travel restrictions and the tourism industry’s downturn. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, they communicate with their clients via social media. They turned a method that appeared to be out-of-date into a powerful marketing tool that connected with a lot of people. Jojo Vito Gallery created distinctive planting containers or pots that enhance the splendor of the plant in an attractive pot or jar since they understood the preferences of contemporary consumers. During the pandemic, plants are in high demand, and the initiative to innovate the jars and pots with an added element of elegance also serve as the exterior and interior ideas at home that build a cozy environment, while the consumer investing enhances its demand. It is eye-catching for companies to innovate their offerings in the age of a pandemic and connect the product to modern tastes or aesthetics of people. This increases sales, revenue, and customer happiness while also driving up product prices and demand.

    Due to their ability to recognize the best practices for running a successful business, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to successfully handle the specific needs of the community during the epidemic, which is still evident today that the pandemic is finished. Instead of depending on quick fixes, the iterative process enabled the gallery to create long-term plans that could be modified as circumstances changed. The method promoted adaptability, inventiveness, and ongoing development, which assisted the gallery in navigating the difficulties of the pandemic environment. With this approach, the gallery was able to successfully address the unique requirements of the pandemic while still overcoming its difficulties. It would make sense to emphasize longevity and product quality as plant enthusiasts were investing a lot of money in their botanical interests. They looked at numerous proportions, compositions, and artistic elements. The gallery quickly produced prototypes that met the design objectives and allowed interested parties a chance to think on both the aesthetically pleasing and practical features. After an interesting conversation, they welcomed the plantitos and plantitas. They produced fiberglass jars and pots to satisfy the needs of the plantito and plantita population.

  5. Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    – JoJo Vito Designs gallery really wants to innovate and create products that are going to be fit to the trend in the time of pandemic and with unique material that it is composed of like the fiberglass. Because of the pandemic people spend more time at home and people started to have more interest in gardening that’s where plantitos and plantitas began. This has created a demand for pots and containers for growing plants indoors and on small outdoor spaces. Pots and jars can serve as decorative elements for indoor spaces. Many people have taken up gardening not only for the plants but also for the aesthetic appeal it adds to their homes. Unique and stylish pots and jars have been in the trend in that time. So Jojo Vito designs gallery offered the innovative products of pots and jars that is vulnerable and also aesthetic at the same time. With the new designs of products they have offered in the market it became a hit. Because of the pandemic businesses can have the online platforms to reach a wider customer base and sell pots and jars directly to consumers. Because of the unique and customizable pots and jars it became a hit on other people’s preferences and gained popularity in the world of the plantitas and plantitos.

    Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathize with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    – Empathizing with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to go beyond just creating pots and jars that are functional. They crafted products that satisfy the needs of their target audience, leading to a more successful and loyal customer base. This approach can result in products that not only meet the demands but also deeply connect with the community’s passion and lifestyle. JoJo Vito designs gallery created the fiberglass pots and jars to complement the plants of the plantitas and plantitos in their gardens or homes that would look way better because of the best designed pots and jars.

    Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    -By following the design thinking process and have the best innovative products Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was well-positioned to create products that not only meet the unique demands of the pandemic but also established a strong connection with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, contributing to their success in this time of pandemic. Because of the pandemic JoJo Vito designs gallery also sell their products online that really attracted a lot of potential customers who’s searching for innovative and creative products especially for their plants and gardens.

  6. Al Francis Dela Peña

    Question 1: JoJo Vito designs gallery takes advantage of the situation of the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas”. They conceived various possibilities, exploring multiple shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. JoJo Vito design gallery recognized that the plant owners wanted to have such a unique pot that goes well with their plant collection. Also, JoJo Vito designs gallery wanted to help the plantitos and plantitas with this kind of product to make their plants look aesthetically pleasing.
    Question 2: JoJo Vito design gallery understands the needs and desires of the plant enthusiast so he decided creating a unique pots or jars that will satisfy the need of the plantitos and plantias. For the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, this could mean products that not only serve a functional purpose but also evoke positive emotions and enhance the overall experience of caring for plants.
    Question 3:
    Empathize- JoJo Vito design gallery actively listening to their community and customers, by understanding their needs and desires for their plants.
    Defining- JoJo Vito design gallery defined the specific challenge such as on how to create pots or jars made from fiber glass that fits to the plant enthusiast tastes.
    Ideate- With a clear understanding of the design challenge, JoJo Vito Designs Gallery brainstormed creative solutions. Generating a wide range of ideas to meet the needs identified during the empathizing phase. The ideas included different designs, sizes, and features for their fiberglass jars and pots.
    Prototype- JoJo Vito Design gallery experimented with various materials, shapes, and colors to ensure the products met the community’s expectations.
    Test- The gallery used social media as medium to showcase their products.
    Iterate- Based on the feedback received, the gallery adjusted and made improvements to the design.
    Implement and Launch: The gallery used their established marketing channels and online presence to promote the new fiberglass jars and pots, making them available for purchase to their community and beyond.
    The iterative process of design thinking allowed JoJo Vito Designs Gallery to adapt quickly to the changing demands of the pandemic landscape.

  7. Aalliah Jann de La Cruz

    Aalliah Jann S. De la Cruz BMKT2- C

    1. Adoration of taking care and collecting of plants abruptly became a general activity during the pandemic.Jojo Vito Design Gallery offered a new opportunity for the plantitos and plantitas to show their passion and eagerness to take care of the various plants in uniquely and innovatively. The Gallery thought of creating products that will not only secure the safety of the plants, but also to showcase it in a creative way . Showcasing their plants in exquisite and elegant-looking pots made of fiberglass materials.They crafted the product succesfully and definitely provides the need of every plantito and plantito. The gallery adjusts to the evolution of trend of modern day plantitos and plantitas.

    2. Having empathy is the primary cause of the design thinking process. As empathy relates to the capacity in communicating and having knowledege to determine the thoughts of consumers or the target market. The gallery associates the structure of their product to the plant lovers necessities in their garden. Given the means to invest significant amount of money for purchasing plants, the gallery produce and launched a sustainable aesthetically looking fiber glass pots.

    3. The Jojo Vito Design Gallery did a thorough study before constructing their product. They make sure to target the right consumers and it made their product successfully concede the needs of their buyers. They communicate and consider the users of their product by knowing about the various experinces and interactions with the fiberglass pots.This engagement enabled a deeper relationship and functioned as an essential line for insights into product effictiveness, and views for consistent development in producing a new product in the future .

  8. Alarcon, Christian James D.

    1.When that pandemic started many entrepreneur has be affected. Home gardening suddenly became a widespread activity in rural and urban areas. The use of the words “plantito” [male] and “plantita” [female] denote someone who enjoys taking care of plants. This qualitative study of Jojo Vito on the other hand aims to explore and describe the rise of home gardening among Filipinos during the pandemic.People who had passion for botanical collections started to emerge on social media platforms. The gallery adapts to the change of trend or the growing trend for the plantitos and plantitas.

    2. As an entrepreneur Jojo Vito decided to think like a Plantito in order to fully understand what his target market really wants.Jojo Vito gallery has a deep understanding of these plant enthusiasts in making these jars and pots. This made the plants of plantitos and plantitos appreciate more of its plant collections, especially the plants with a valuable amount because it will be put in unique jars or pots that the gallery has made. The designs were innovative, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing while also adhering to the community’s core values.

    3.The gallery launched their finished product through social media and to the public. They maintained to have connections with their buyers by asking them on how good their product was.Since coming up with such unique ideas, it will eventually form into a whole new unique idea that could address the rising demands. They invited the plantitos and plantitas to have an interactive exchange. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. The community pays attention to what they can add to the pots to make it more relevant to their needs. Listening and understanding customers/consumers first is always the most important thing in running a business.

  9. John Jason Callejas

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community. It’s worth noting that during this period, plant lovers were investing significantly in their botanical passions.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a phase of iterative refinement. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. Shape, drainage systems, and finishes were meticulously calibrated, ensuring each iteration resonated profoundly with the aesthetic sensibilities of the plant-loving community.

    These procedures help the gallery succeed in meeting the particular requirements of the pandemic environment in a way that allows the gallery to truly explore new ideas even when it is not at all familiar with them. Coming up with such original concepts will eventually lead to the development of an entirely new, original concept that might meet the increasing need. With the use of these procedures, a new narrative, concepts, and prospects for Jojo Vito gallery designers were launched.

    Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery opens the possibility during the pandemic of making the plant more look extravagant yet attractive and elegant at the same time by creating unique kinds of pots that look aesthetic and pleasing but functional and practical at the same time. By adopting the global pandemic amidst the challenges facing Jojo Vito Designs Gallery makes a solution by showcasing his design of pots and innovative durable pots in any form. Through social media, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery extending its resources by outsourcing because Positioning yourself as a plant expert will attract both growing newbies and plant fanatics to be more knowledgeable about making and selling it.

    Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery Empathizing plays a big role in being successful because of the needs and wants of the people who want to make their garden look pleasing and elegant but at the same time functional and practical through Jojo Vito designs of pots and other kinds of craft, this part of approach makes the designs more creative and new merge ideas to make it possible by knowing the communities desires and demand.

    Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    The success of Jojo Vito’s Designs Gallery was really a process before it was known and I believe Jojo really knew first the target market of the people who wanted to buy his product by observing the consumer behavior of being the plantitas and plantitos by this he also knew the rules or regulation amidst of taking care of a plant and how to become it a functional product by producing it and of course, he undergoes by empathizing the communities demands, the challenges of making unique designs, innovating ideas and thinking how to make it possible to be a product to produced and make it functional by knowing how long or how the product looks like if it has already been used and lastly launching your products with great confidence because you know that it is possible and you make it true.

  11. Angela Kenzie Sialvo

    (1) Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded to the call of the emerging plant-enthusiast trend by providing aesthetic yet functional products. Through different design thinking processes, the gallery seized the opportunity to innovate planter pots that suit or complement the prized plants. The Gallery was able to identify specific wants that satisfied the plantitos/plantitas.

    (2) Jojo Vito designs identified specific problems and aimed to create solutions to, as a personal witness myself, I saw how planter pots were kind of plain and boring, the Gallery was able to innovate specific planter pots to a specific types of plants that the clients need. Furthermore, the Gallery saw the opportunity in which clients were willing to invest thousands of pesos to satisfy their garden or plant needs.

    (3) The design thinking processes used by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery emphasized the importance of being systematic and the relevance of research in the business world. Furthermore, it didn’t only take one idea to emerge the product itself. One note that I was able to look at is how specific the products are, it showed the adaptability and flexibility of the Gallery especially in terms of satisfying the client’s wants and needs but also being able to incorporate the signature of having fiberglass jars and pots. It also showed how important it is to market it on an accurate platform. Lastly, having an evaluation and accepting feedbacks exhibited the relevance of satisfying the customer’s wants, needs, and
    taste and the improvement of the product itself.

  12. Welca C. Setera

    The pandemic really influenced the people who have been staying home to appreciate the nature especially the plants and that’s why they want their gardens to look spectacular. The Jojo Vito designs gallery offered the jars, vases, and pots that are innovated and designed uniquely that will attract the plantitos and plantitas. The Jojo Vito designs gallery conducted some research about the trend at the time of the pandemic. They want to innovate and create products that will really hit the target market and the people would love to purchase. Because of the pandemic most of the business faced the downside of the business and most of them would closed their business but the Jojo Vito designs gallery wants their business to be on trend so they would produce not only regular and simple jars and pots, but their designs and the quality of the pots and jars they would produce would be unique and made of fiberglass. The target market loved the new products and most of it was sold just the moment the gallery released it.

    During the pandemic people would really look for products that has good quality and also unique. So Jojo Vito designs gallery wants to research about the trend of what the plantitos and plantitas would really love. So the jars and pots were designed uniquely and were made of fiberglass that would really assure the customers that the pots and jars are durable and their purchase would be worth it. Jojo Vito designs gallery offered the best products and satisfied their customers that really hit the market.

    The Jojo Vito designs gallery researched for the innovation of their products. So because of the trend Jojo Vito designs gallery thought of producing products that would really be perfect for the needs and wants of the plantitas and plantitos. They also thought of selling their products online so that many people would also know about the products they were selling and social media also helped their business to hit the target market they want. Jojo Vito designs gallery empathize, defining, ideate, prototype and tested their products before introducing it to market. Because of that their customers really loved the products they have created and really satisfied the needs and wants not only of the plantitas and plantitos but also the people who loved the products they offer.

  13. People began to consider other hobbies that may keep them entertained even if they were inside their homes as the COVID 19 epidemic continued to spread throughout the world and the total lockdown took place in some countries and cities throughout the Philippines. And it is at this point that Jojo Vitos Arts Gallery sees an opportunity to build something that fits the plantito and plantita trend by creating an attractive product that can aid plantitos and plantitas in showcasing their plants. While many businesses are beginning to go out of business due to the pandemic and some of them even close, Jojo Vito Design Gallery continues to operate through creative design thinking process.

    As the plantito and plantita trend continues to grow, jojo vito design gallery came up with a solution to keep up with the trend by creating fiber glass plant pots with an attractive design. these products catch the attention of their target market and also satisfy their needs.

    Knowing that the plantitos and plantitas are willing to invest in their botanical passions regardless of the amount or price, jojo vito design gallery uses a different stage of the design thinking process to meet the needs of their target market. At that point, they come up with the original idea to create fiberglass jars and pots that are in line with the needs of the plantitos and plantitas. Jojo Vito Design Gallery posts examples of their work on social media and invites others to leave comments on the designs they have created. The jojo vito design gallery achieves success by using the creative design thinking process and determining the demands of the target market.

  14. Zhaira Kate P. Barbasa

    The journey of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is a unique case study that best illustrates this idea. The remarkable rise of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” who were confined to their homes and found solace and creative expression through caring for ornamental plants, transformed their homes into verdant, peaceful havens, was a trend that this business closely observed and addressed during this time. Businesses were forced to innovate and adapt in order to stay relevant and satisfy the constantly changing needs of society in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the global epidemic. The crucial ability to create items that are perfectly suited to the current circumstances grabbed center stage for entrepreneurial visionaries. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took on the exciting task of designing and creating goods that were specifically catered to the preferences and needs of this rapidly growing community while embracing the fundamental principles of design thinking to spur creativity and satisfy customers. As the phenomenon gained traction, virtual spaces, particularly social media platforms, transformed into havens for plantitos and plantitas to share updates about their plant collections, offer gardening advice, and unfold creative ideas for house decoration.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery set out on the bold objective of transforming this newly discovered fervor into products painstakingly crafted to meet the unique yearnings and requirements of plantitos and plantitas. The community’s cherished principles of innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic resonance had to flow naturally into these works. The journey involved moving through a design approach that was infused with empathy, unrestricted creativity, and an unwavering openness to refine and evolve depending on the community’s voice. The gallery made an effort to create fiberglass jars and pots that would strike a chord with the community of plant lovers. It’s important to note that throughout this time, plant enthusiasts heavily invested in their botanical interests.

    The iterative process has contributed to the gallery’s success which plays a role and it helps Jojo to know more about how to think of an idea and design to his unique planters or pots. Their design thinking helped him to solve a problem and find a solution to his plantitos and plantitas during a global pandemic. The phases move back and forth as the process loops turns, and repeats, moving from concrete to abstract thinking. Because abstract thinking makes it more likely that an idea will be original, this balance is crucial. To ensure the answer is sound and practical, it is crucial to ground abstract concepts in real thought.

  15. Arevalo, Crisha joy M.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic by recognizing the opportunity to cater to the growing community of plant enthusiasts. Observing the surge in individuals turning to ornamental plants for solace and creativity, the gallery saw the potential to create products tailored to their unique preferences. Leveraging the principles of design thinking, the gallery embarked on a journey to conceive and craft products that would resonate with the plant-loving community. They aimed to harmonize innovation, sustainability, and aesthetics, aligning their designs with the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita community.

    Empathy played a pivotal role in Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s design thinking process. The gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community by actively engaging with them, understanding their aspirations, challenges, and preferences. This empathetic approach allowed the gallery to create products that truly resonated with the community’s values and interests. By listening to their voices and involving them in the design process, the gallery ensured that the resulting fiberglass jars and pots not only met functional requirements but also touched the emotional and aesthetic dimensions that were essential to the community. This approach contributed to the creation of products that were not only successful but also deeply meaningful to the users.

    The design thinking process followed by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery can be traced through several stages. The first phase, “Empathize,” involved understanding the desires of the plantito and plantita community amidst the pandemic. The gallery recognized that these enthusiasts were investing significantly in their plant collections and desired planters that complemented their valuable investments. This insight led to the “Define” phase, where the challenge was crystallized into creating fiberglass plant pots that merged modern aesthetics with features conducive to robust plant growth.

    The “Ideate” phase saw the creative minds of the gallery brainstorming possibilities, generating concepts such as durable plant pots in various forms, colors, and sizes. These concepts were then transformed into tangible forms through prototyping in the “Prototype” phase. Rapid iterations helped craft prototypes that aligned with both aesthetic aspirations and practical requirements. The “Test” phase involved sharing these prototypes with the community, gathering feedback, and initiating a dialog for refinement. This iterative process, or “Iterate” phase, allowed the gallery to fine-tune the prototypes based on user preferences, optimizing shape, drainage systems, and finishes.

    Finally, the “Implementation| Market and Launch” phase involved unveiling the refined product line, accompanied by captivating narratives that resonated with the plantito and plantita community. Beyond the launch, the gallery sustained engagement in the “Evaluation | Engage and Gather Insights” phase, encouraging users to share experiences and insights. This approach fostered a deeper connection and continuous improvement. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s commitment to the design thinking process enabled them to create products that not only met functional needs but also spoke to the emotional and aesthetic desires of the plant-loving community, making them a beacon of empathetic innovation during the pandemic.

  16. Marcelino tan

    1. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerge trend of plantitos and plantitas during Pandemic by recognizing the creativity of people through arts and plants. Thus gaining the opportunity and leverage of making plant arts in homes of the people.

    2. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s role to emphathy in the design thinking process is recognizing deeply what the people are longing desire of the uniqueness of fiberglass planters, jars and pots for the plantitos and plantitas.

    3. The design thinking process of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery of making and crafting fiberglass jars and pots is by first emphathizing the community’s needs and wants, second is by defining the kind of product needed in the market or for the community, third is by having the ideate of what materials needed to craft such product, forth is making the prototype thay allows people to have the experience of the product, fifth testing the product and iterate, sixth is implementing and launching the product to the market and finally engage and gather insights of the product of what is needed to innovate and the result of making a newer better product.

  17. Kent Jeremiah Uy

    When the pandemic started, every business and entrepreneur was gravely affected. Some started to give up their businesses; Jojo Vito, on the other hand, saw that the pandemic opened an opportunity for him to take. People who had passion for botanical collections started to emerge on social media platforms. Jojo Vito Designs saw this as an opportunity to create a product that could help the Plantitos and Plantitas showcase their plants in aesthetically pleasing pots made of fiberglass materials.

    As an entrepreneur, Jojo Vito brainstormed on how he could satisfy the rising demands of his target market, the Plantitos and Plantitas. He then decided that creating an aesthetic and modern design pot would help boost his product in the business field, as modern minimalistic aesthetics were a huge trend during the pandemic. Jojo Vito decided to think like a Plantito in order to fully understand what his target market really wants.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made a special fiberglass pots for those plantitos and plantitas who are willing to buy from them. As they go through some surveys, they manage to get some positive feedbacks that these pots are some good quality. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery came up with an idea for their modern fiberglass plant pots that are suitable for those plant lovers. As they have come up with the design, they have now the real prototypes of fiberglass plant pots with a unique designs and the balanced functions of it. The gallery now present to the public with their unique product which was the fiberglass plant pots which the people love it. They got positive feedbacks of how incredible their product was made. They managed to have the plant lovers to talk about their products on how beautiful and special it was. The gallery also improved their product step by step. The gallery launched their finished product through social media and to the public. They maintained to have connections with their buyers by asking them on how good their product was. This also helped them to have more knowledge on how people used their product and also gather some ideas for improvements.

  18. Al Johanni Manoso

    1. The traditional business climate of marketing has completely changed as a result of the rise of digital marketing, especially at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The article provides various instances of how jojo vito designs galleries were impacted by internet marketing. For instance, the introduction of social media and digital communication channels has improved contact and consumer engagement, allowing Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to interact directly with their clientele. They can collect comments, responses, and questions in this way. The second is that digital marketing has made it possible for Jojo Vito Design Gallery to expand its reach outside of its physical location or store. The firm may now simply target their customers through numerous digital platforms including social media, websites, and online advertising.

    2. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s first had a physical store to demonstrate its creativity by producing masks and souvenirs. Once the business gained exposure and recognition, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s decided to change the landscape into an online presence in order for the business to extend and reach the specific target audience. This is typical of Bacolod businesses, which previously had physical displays before deciding to have online platforms. The transition from physical displays to online presence is handled by Jojo Vito Designs Galleries because online presence gives you direct access to and convenience with your audience. The potential they have found includes the opportunity to disseminate their goods easily and the advantage of a convenient purchase for the customer.
    3. By expanding its product line, utilizing digital platforms, interacting with influencers, personalizing design services, and conducting continual market research, Jojo Vito Designs has adapted to market expectations. This demonstrates their capacity for strategic thinking and adaptation in order to meet customer needs and maintain competitiveness. Due to the high costs associated with fairs and displays in Manila, the company bravely decided to redirect its efforts. Rather than chasing the bright lights of bigger trade exhibitions, it refocused on strengthening its local roots and promoting its actual showroom.

  19. Nicole Millan

    The pandemic was a time when we saw people try out new hobbies. Along with the rise in trends arose new opportunities. I believe that Jojo Vito’s design gallery seized the opportunity to capture the rising market by creating something that gives character to the plants by allowing plant owners to choose from a variety of personalized goods that are aesthetically appealing. People were at home for the majority of the pandemic and there was a market for products that improved the aesthetic appeal of a space. Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery was able to market and sell a product that appealed to the needs of the people by improving the aesthetic appeal of living spaces thus capturing the emerging market.

    Using empathy to approach the emerging market of Plantitos and Plantitas gives owners the chance to choose from a variety of product designs that best suit their wants and needs. The pandemic was a time when many people turned inward, people had the chance to focus on themselves and improve or change many different aspects of their normal way of living. Through the use of empathy, the products were successful because they were relevant to the time and that saw growth in the plant-care community.

    Jojo Vito’s Design Gallery identified a possibility of growth in the plantito and plantita market. After identifying the possibility of growth ideas stemmed on how to capitalize on the said market of plant lovers. The design process in creating the final product was articulate and took into account several different aspects that would affect the reaction of the market upon release. The products emphasized the use of empathy and cater to the design preferences of the people. After succeeding in the first step there had to be a factor that defined the overall design of the product. After figuring out what kind of product this would be, it branched into a process of generating forms and designs that took into account the several factors that were in play that could define the end product.

  20. Shera Joy Abaño

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery gave a new opportunity for the plantitos and plantitas to invest even more in being a plant enthusiast. This allows plantitos and plantitas to not only by taking care of its plants, but also this allows them to be creative in taking care of its plants by purchasing these jars and pots in Jojo Vito Designs. The gallery adapts to the change of trend or the growing trend for the plantitos and plantitas. The gallery really knows the needs or wants of the people and that creates a new opportunity for the gallery and by focusing on innovating jars and pots that are made up of fiberglass, shows how unique thinking is in designing.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery saw a need for the plantitos and plantitas to make these jars and pots in a unique way. Jojo Vito gallery has a deep understanding of these plant enthusiasts in making these jars and pots. This made the plants of plantitos and plantitos appreciate more of its plant collections, especially the plants with a valuable amount because it will be put in unique jars or pots that the gallery has made. The gallery really puts its shoes to the perspective of the plantitos and plantitas and its behavior of how it is being a plant enthusiast. Therefore, the gallery allowed to see a new creation to be put into reality because they understand the significance of being a plantito and a plantita.

    These processes contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape in a way that the gallery really explores new things even though it’s really not familiar with them. Since coming up with such unique ideas, it will eventually form into a whole new unique idea that could address the rising demands. With these processes, it embarked a new story, ideas and opportunities of being a Jojo Vito gallery designer.

  21. Morris Christian A. Gumsingan

    1. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to respond well and in good fashion to the needs of the people during the pandemic. Because people could not go outside, they put their time and focus towards things they had in their homes, and one of those things were plants. This led to the boom of the indoor and outdoor plant industry during the pandemic. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery was able to target the correct market – the so-called plantitos and plantitas. Since this target market handled this hobby with utmost care, the Gallery was able to recognize the opportunity and utilise it. They did this by offering a wide array of products to cater to the needs of this target market, and by putting out creative designs that the consumers would want.

    2. In line with community restrictions and inability to leave the household, the Gallery was able to empathise with these plantitos and plantitas by listening to what they wanted. The designs were innovative, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing while also adhering to the community’s core values. This required navigating a design approach infused with empathy, unrestrained imagination, and an unwavering commitment to refine and iterate based on the voice of the community. These approaches led to very successful products and hit the right needs of the community.

    3. This process played a crucial role to the success of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in addressing the unique demands of the community during the pandemic because they were able to identify the right things to do to be a successful business, which is reflected even now that the pandemic is over. The iterative process allowed the gallery to develop sustainable strategies that could be adjusted as the situation evolved, rather than relying on short-term, reactive measures. The process encouraged adaptability, creativity, and continual development, which helped the gallery negotiate the challenges of the pandemic landscape. With this strategy, the gallery was able to successfully meet the pandemic’s particular requirements while still surviving its challenges. Since plant enthusiasts were heavily putting money into their interests in botany, it would make sense to also focus on longevity and quality of products. They investigated various sizes, shapes, compositions, and creative features. The gallery created prototypes in a short amount of time that satisfied the design goals and gave stakeholders a chance to consider both the aesthetic and functional aspects. They had an engaging exchange and invited the plantitos and plantitas. The demands of the plantito & plantita community were met by their fibreglass jars and pots.

  22. Jhona Mae Nucido

    Digital marketing has significantly transformed the marketing landscape at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The shift to online platforms allowed the gallery to connect directly with customers, gather feedback, and respond to inquiries through social media and digital channels. The expansion of their reach beyond the physical store was made possible by leveraging digital avenues like social media, websites, and online advertising. Previously a physical store in Bacolod, the gallery transitioned online to better reach its target audience, enabling convenient purchases and global connections. Social media played a vital role in enhancing brand visibility, genuine discussions, and real-time market feedback. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s adaptability is evident in its product diversification, influencer collaborations, personalized services, and market research efforts. The company’s decision to focus on local roots and its physical showroom instead of costly trade shows highlights its commitment to staying competitive and meeting client needs.

  23. I recognize the burgeoning trend of “plantitos and plantitas and the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized that plant enthusiasts desired unique planters or pots that complemented their expensive plant collections.

    The creation will harmonize with the community’s cherished values of innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic resonance. The journey entailed navigating a design process imbued with empathy, unfettered creativity, and an unwavering openness to refine and iterate based on the community’s voice.

    Plant lovers were investing significantly in their botanical passions. The insights harvested during the empathize phase crystallized into a precise challenge. They explore multiple shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. Through rapid iterations, the gallery crafted prototypes that met the designers aspirations and allowed stakeholders to experience their aesthetic and practical aspects. They invited the plantitos and plantitas to have an interactive exchange. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. The produce was being launched, and there is sustainability in the community. Through their fiberglass jars and pots, the needs of the plantito and plantita communities were being addressed.

  24. Jojo Vito Designs responds to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the pandemic by studying the demand of the society. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery noticed that flowers are very trendy in the midst of a pandemic so that they grab the opportunity to make unique products that will catch the attention of “Plantitos” and “Plantitas”. In terms of the preference of the product they innovate the pot as well they engage and gather insights of the potential buyer.

    The role that plays an empathy in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Design Gallery is when they embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. The gallery empathizes with the needs and the desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” by putting themselves in the shoes of the plant lover so that they can think outside the box and know what kind of product they should produce. By putting themselves to the potential buyer they connect their interest and gather some insight to produce products that will catch the buyer’s attention.

    The stages of the design thinking process applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their products has a huge impact on the contribution to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery thinks of an alternative way to establish their business by knowing its weaknesses and potential to the market.

  25. Anjelo Milabo

    1.Jojo Vito respond to plantitas in pandemic as this trend gained momentum, virtual realms, especially social media platforms, metamorphosed into sanctuaries for plantitos and plantitas to share updates about their plant collections, dispense gardening counsel, and unfurl ingenious ideas for home

    2. The role of palntitas did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery is how to manage plants to be a design furniture in your backyard or house and it gain space. It is also eco friendly because it is built in fiberglass and it can never be broken easily. The plantitos is a needs of some people who love plants and also love to design their house with a plants so its perfect for them to bought the plantitos.

    3. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community. It’s worth noting that during this period, plant lovers were investing significantly in their botanical passions. Guided by the well-honed challenge statement, the gallery’s creative minds brainstormed. They conceived various possibilities, exploring multiple shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. The fruits of creativity included concepts like durable plant pots in various forms, colors, and sizes, catering to experienced plant enthusiasts and those novices seeking convenient care solutions.

  26. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people’s life all around the world. These consequences affect a lot in our daily life, including our health, relationships with others, mental health, and more. It caused an unlimited deal of anxiety and unease. The people discovered that looking after plants and taking the time to water them brought them peace and allowed them to temporarily forget their problems. The act of caring for plants and observing them develop can give people a sense of purpose and accomplishment, which can reduce worry and boost mental health. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery successfully recognized the opportunity presented by the trend of increased plant appreciation during the pandemic. They were able to craft products that catered to the unique preferences and requirements of the plant-loving community. The approach they used allowed them to create products that seamlessly blended art, design, and functionality, enhancing the indoor plant experience for their customers.

    Empathy was central to the design thinking process at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. Through understanding the needs, wants, and emotional desires of the plantitas and plantitos in the community, the Jojo Vito Gallery was able to conceptualize products that were not only designed functionally but also made sure to touch meaningfully their target audience. This approach is what led to the successful creation of the products that captured the satisfaction of the consumers and their love and passion for plants.

    By examining the community’s choices for plants, the gallery develops empathy. The design was challenging to envision, but the design team came up with suggestions for fiberglass jars and pots that met the needs of the community at large. In the design of prototypes, aesthetics and functional effectiveness were prioritized. They created a marketing plan emphasizing each product’s unique features, compatibility with the community’s preferences, and capacity to improve indoor plant presentations. In conclusion, the Jojo Vito Designs gallery was able to adapt items to the changing demands of the pandemic landscape because of its iterative application of the design thinking approach. By continuously receiving feedback from the customers, the gallery made sure that the jars and pots resonated so well with the plantitas and plantitos.” It also strikes not just aesthetically but also because of its functionality and the process that allowed the gallery to respond to any uncertain challenges or opportunities along the way. Through community engagement, which involves the entire process, from testing to feedback, the gallery fosters a sense of ownership and involvement among customers, which helps the gallery build customer relationships.

  27. Stephanie Ann Encina

    Stephanie Ann C. Encina

    The world of marketing today has undergone a complete transformation due to digital marketing. In the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, the emergence of digital marketing changed the conventional business and marketing landscape by allowing for the seamless integration of social media’s marketing potential. Using The social media platform that will promote the gallery to extend its reach beyond the limitations. Utilizing Facebook, and other social media platforms they developed targeted ads that reached potential clients based on their interests and used eye-catching posts and stories to present their most recent collections and designs. The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has survived the shifting marketing waves and stands as an example of the strength of innovation and adaptation in the midst of this dynamic change.

    Vito Designs Gallery encountered challenges and opportunities when the gallery’s distinct identity and independent gallery shop gave it an advantage, and survival demanded more. As the pandemic brought travel restrictions and a decline in tourism, Jojo Vito experienced challenges. However, amidst these challenges, they connect with the customers through social media platforms. They transformed a seemingly outdated technique into an effective marketing tool that resonated with many individuals. Jojo Vito Gallery recognized the taste of modern consumers by producing unique planters or pots that complement the beauty of the plant in an aesthetic pot or jar. Plants are in demand during the pandemic, the initiative of innovating the jars and plants with the touch of aesthetics also serve as the outdoor and indoor designs at home that build a comfortable atmosphere whereas the consumer investing increases its demand. Innovating their products in the midst of a pandemic and relating the item into modern taste or aesthetics of people is eye catching and leads to increased market share, revenue, and customer satisfaction which also elevates the price of items and demand.

    In response to the demands of the market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery displayed flexibility and strategic thinking by having innovation to the products.They shifted their attention to fostering its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than going after the flashing lights of bigger trade shows. It stands for a potent mechanism that can strengthen local communities and have a favorable local effect on the economic sector. Planning and detecting a market gap are crucial for successfully reorienting strategies in the face of changing marketing trends.

  28. Dalve Jason Cuadra

    Question 1:
    How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.
    Answer 1:
    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery set out on the bold objective of transforming the newly discovered fervor / trend / idea into products painstakingly crafted to meet the unique expectations and requirements of plantitos and plantitas. By rigorously following the design thinking process, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery went beyond the domain of producing plain goods. They created a symphony of profound encounters that improved the craft of plant maintenance. They embodied the pinnacle of innovative empathy by deeply understanding the emotional and visual demands of the plantito and plantita community throughout the pandemic with their fiberglass jars and pots. Their journey has truly been a wonder as the language was spoken in art and expectations were met through working and communicating through design.
    Question 2:
    In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.
    Answer 2:
    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery understood that people who love plants wanted distinctive planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and honor their significant investments. In the middle of the unusual pandemic landscape, it was a desire to create products and experiences that would elevate the process of caring for plants into an art form that was closely matched with the community of plantitos and plantitas’ emotional and aesthetic demands.The gallery made an effort to create fiberglass jars and pots that would strike a deep chord with the community of plant enthusiasts in response to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas.” Now, the role of empathy here was that it allowed the gallery to understand what the community really wants. The plant keepers’ group’s cherished principles of innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic resonance had to flow naturally into these works.
    Question 3:
    Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?
    Answer 3:
    The application of the design thinking process was mainly the design gallery’s strategy in reaping success through their works. In the first design process, empathizing, they understood that people who love plants wanted distinctive planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and honor their significant investments. Putting themselves in the shoes of their customers made them realize what they really wanted and therefore, upon gathering ideas, set goals and objectives so that they could meet the expecations and standards. Secondly, defining the challenge. In this process, the information gathered during the empathy phase was transformed into a specific challenge. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery must make fiberglass plant pots that smoothly combine contemporary design with elements that promote healthy plant growth and enhance aesthetics. The ensuing stages have a clear compass due to the specifications. This process was simplifying things into a clear, precise and achievable goal. Third, we have ideating creative solutions. The creative minds in the gallery brainstormed under the direction of the clearly stated objective. They explored a variety of shapes, sizes, materials, and creative qualities as they came up with potential solutions. Concepts like sturdy plant pots in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, appealing to seasoned plant enthusiasts and those just getting started who are looking for practical care solutions, were among the rewards of innovation. It was all about formulating and creating possibilities, which in turn would gather all ideas and concepts. The fourth process, prototyping. Prototypes were created using the selected concepts to give them physical form. Emerging were fiberglass pots with structural and functional design accents. The gallery quickly iterated to create prototypes that satisfied the design goals and let stakeholders experience both their visual and functional elements. Fifth process, testing. In order to achieve success in the process of design thinking, testing is very essential. In a daring step toward co-creation, the gallery shared these prototypes on social media sites and in relevant online forums. They sought out the opinions of the plantitos and plantitas, the people for whom their products were made. The sixth process is iteration. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery began an iterative process of refining, fueled by the priceless insights provided by their community. They adjusted the prototypes to reflect the expressed preferences of the plant aficionados. Each iteration was carefully calibrated in terms of shape, drainage systems, and finishes to ensure that it deeply resonated with the community’s aesthetic sensibility. The seventh process is launching, finally bringing the products to the market and make them available for purchase. As the final concepts developed, the gallery excitedly displayed its product lineup. By utilizing the power of social media, compelling images were incorporated into stories that connected with plantitos and plantitas. The design journey’s narrative took center stage, displaying a passionate commitment to quality design and cooperative development. The last process is evaluation and engagement for insights. Proceeding the market launch and introduction, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery maintained a strong connection with its neighborhood. Users were urged to openly discuss their interactions and observations with the fiberglass pots. This interaction sparked a closer bond and served as a crucial channel for perceptions into the usefulness of the product, user problems, and suggestions for future improvements. The design thinking process maybe a long one, but the success is fulfilling. It played an important role for the gallery and the execution of each process in precision, attention to detail, and commitment to quality has established a beautiful connection of a company to the market and consumers.

  29. Shevina Maghari BAMK 2D

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery noticed the rising interest in “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the pandemic. They saw people finding comfort in nurturing plants at home. The gallery used design thinking to create products that matched the community’s desires. They made special fiberglass pots that were both stylish and helped plants grow well. They made sure to listen to what the plant-loving community wanted, and this approach helped them succeed.

    Empathy was crucial for Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s design process. They understood what “plantitos” and “plantitas” needed by paying attention to their feelings and wishes. This made their products meaningful to the community. By caring about the plant lovers’ emotions, the gallery made sure their pots were not only functional but also made people feel connected to their plants. This made the products successful.

    The design thinking process used by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery had several steps. First, they empathized by understanding the plant lovers’ needs and feelings. Then, they defined the challenge: how to make pots that looked great and helped plants grow. Next, they came up with many ideas like different shapes and sizes for the pots. They made prototypes to test their ideas , then shared these with the community for feedback. Based on the feedback, they improved the prototypes. Finally, they launched the pots and shared their story on social media. They continued to stay connected to the community for insights. This step-by-step approach helped them make pots that fit perfectly with the community’s needs and desires.

  30. During the pandemic, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery witnessed the growing demand for plant-related products both in-person and online. Unlike most people who simply hopped into the trend by also starting their own plant collection, Jojo Vito took this newfound cultural shift as an opportunity to develop in-demand products that would surely fit the current trend and demand of the plant-loving market.

    To successfully do so, Jojo Vito ventured through the design thinking process, from scratch, starting from empathizing with the community’s voice. He witnessed that as purchasing plants at elevated prices became the norm, more and more people were also interested in getting their hands on unique planters that could also match the aesthetics of their prized botanical collections.

    This jumpstarted the first step of Jojo Vito’s design thinking process, giving birth to his idea of crafting fiberglass jars and pots that would impress plant enthusiasts in the community.

    Once he sympathized with the plantitos and plantitas’ needs and desires, the “define” step of the Design Thinking Process became clearer. It was none other than “How could Jojo Vito Designs Gallery create fiberglass plant pots that seamlessly merge modern aesthetics with features conducive to robust plant growth?”

    Guided by this challenge, the gallery started ideating creative designs that suited the demands of the plant-loving community. Many individuals poured their creativity into trying out various forms, colors, and sizes of plant pots until products that fulfilled the “aesthetic-yet-functional” preference of plant lovers were reached.

    From ideas, prototypes were created and shared through various platforms online to test whether they fit the preferences of the market. The interactions of the community further encouraged improvements to be made in the “Iterate” process, which was crucial in ensuring that the products were, as much as possible, what the plant-loving community envisioned for their ideal gardening accessories.

  31. Aldrien Manigos

    While the pandemic was full of uncertainty, financial pressures and social isolation. Others found time to find their passion in life which emerged the “plantitos” and “plantitas” Jojo Vito Designs Gallery also found a way to survive in the pandemic by creating a product which befits their botanical passions and helped them achieve peace in their minds in the pandemic times.

    Amidst the pandemic Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, found a way to satiate the wants of “plantitos” and “plantitas” by creating a aesthetic fiberglass jars and pots.

    Putting oneself in to the “plantitos” and the “plantitas” mind, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery found a way to answer to the new trend which “plantitos” and “plantitos” invest so much in their botanical passion and purchases plant at a high price. to pair their highly valued plants Jojo Vito Designs Gallery thought of a design of pots to match the quality of plants they bought.

  32. Eyzhialyn Agnes Mile Maano

    1. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond in a way that they set out on a transforming journey by embracing the rising trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the pandemic since it was in demand since everyone do not have something to do. Since due to in demand for aesthetically pleasing yet useful products that appeal to the community of plant enthusiasts. The gallery concentrated its inventive efforts, as a reaction that effectively shows the design thinking process in action, on creating fiberglass jars and pots

    2. The gallery realized that plant lovers wanted distinctive planters or pots that are very value that can match in their valued plant collections and to appreciate their purchased that are important to them. The gallery made an effort to create fiberglass jars and pots that would strike a a connection with the community of plant enthusiasts , it became customary to buy plants for high fees, with some examples costing about hundreds of thousands and perhaps more than a million pesos.
    3. They explored multiple shapes, designs, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. The process on how they achieved their goal in striking the peoples demand, that make them known in the consumers.

  33. Shabaine Uy

    The Jojo Vito Designs Gallery hopped on a transformative journey amidst the intense backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community.

    Empathy is very important within the field of design thinking because it allows designers to truly uncover and understand the unrealized needs and emotions of the people that they’ll design for. I think the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery designs with the customer or the end-user in mind and follows an empathetic approach that gives a fresh perspective and ensures success.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas”. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized that plant enthusiasts desired unique planters or pots that complement their prized plant collections and do justice to their substantial investments. The insights harvested during the empathize phase crystallized into a precise challenge: How could Jojo Vito Designs Gallery create fiberglass plant pots that seamlessly merge modern aesthetics with features conducive to robust plant growth? Guided by the well-honed challenge statement, the gallery’s creative minds brainstormed. Through rapid iterations, the gallery crafted prototypes that met the design aspirations and allowed stakeholders to experience their aesthetic and practical aspects. The gallery shared these prototypes across social media platforms and relevant online communities in a bold stride toward co-creation. Empowered by the invaluable insights offered by their community, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a phase of iterative refinement. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. The gallery fervently unveiled its product line as the final designs matured. Leveraging the potency of social media, captivating visuals were woven into narratives that resonated with plantitos and plantitas.

    Iterative design allows designers to quickly build and test ideas. Designs that show potential can be instantly iterated until they take enough shape to be developed, those that lack potential can be quickly abandoned.

  34. Answer 1 to Question 1:
    JVDG face the challenge by harnessing the trend of plantitos and plantitas while responding to the aesthetic life of the plant enthusiast community. JVDG focused it’s innovation on crafting fiberglass jar pots, JVDG said it is a response that vividly demonstrates the design thinking process in action.

    Answer 2 to Question 2:
    The role of JVDG is empathizing the want of the plants enthusiast in his community. By recognizing the wants of the plant enthusiast community JVDG crafted a unique pot that was crafted by the Gallery and it was made of fiber glass, so the fiber glass pot empathize the wants of the community

    Answer 3 to Question 3
    JVDG empathizes what the community need and wants, then JVDG defines his works by sharing his insights of the design, then he ideate his ideas based on his insights, then JVDG made his prototype of the fiber glass pot, right after the making of the prototype he shared his finished product on social media platforms and to the community, then he iterate his products and finally he launch his products to the public by showing it to the social media and in the community. After the huge success of his pot JVDG has created a connection with his community and in the social media platform.

  35. daniela same mendez

    The gallery created fiberglass jars and pots for plant enthusiasts, showcasing their passion for plants at high prices, often exceeding million pesos.

    2.Cutting edge design is used by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to provide evocative plant care experiences throughout the pandemic.Jojo Vito Designs Gallery maintained a strong community, encouraging users to share experiences and insights on fiberglass pots, fostering deeper connections and ideas for enhancements

    3.Jojo Vito Designs Gallery aimed to create fiberglass plant pots that would resonate with the plant enthusiast community, addressing the growing trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas.” The gallery’s creative minds brainstormed various shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes to create durable plant pots that cater to both experienced and novice plant enthusiasts. Through rapid prototyping, the gallery crafted prototypes that met design aspirations and allowed stakeholders to experience their aesthetic and practical aspects. The gallery shared these prototypes across social media platforms and online communities, inviting the voices of the plantitos and plantitas to initiate a dialog that fueled refinement. The final designs were refined to align with the aesthetic sensibilities of the plant-loving community, and the gallery unveiled its product line as the final designs matured. The story of the design journey took center stage, showcasing a dedication to user-centric design and collaborative creation.

  36. Justin Diaz

    In the time of the global pandemic, a lot of people were hooked with plants calling themselves a plantito/plantita. Some considered this as a hobby and some used this outlet as a way to cope with the trials given by the pandemic. In response to the emerging trend, Jojo Vito designs gallery collected data across all social media platforms in a variety of plantitos and plantitos. Then, using this compiled knowledge, Jojo Vito developed an idea by making aesthetically pleasing yet useful objects, primarily fibreglass pots and jars.

    The success of JoJo Vito’s products was greatly influenced by the company’s empathic approach. He will have a much easier time creating profitable items if he can relate to his customers and has a thorough understanding of the kinds of products they prefer, from the design to the way they should be used.

    Jojo Vito’s design thinking process began with emphasising or responding to the needs and desires of the community. He will be able to understand his items much more clearly in this way. He moves on to defining the situation in his design thinking approach. He will be able to determine what design and materials to utilise for his product by using the data acquired in the previous stage. Ideate is the third step in his design-thinking approach. The colour, sizes, and forms of his items will be decided upon in this step, so it is still more of an idea and concept than the previous step, but it is much more precise. The prototype is the next step. Here is where he translated his concepts into actual things. Testing is the next. He released his products to the public at this time, and he used their feedback to make them better. Finally, he created a gallery and launched his products.
    Therefore, it can be said that every stage of his design-thinking process is essential to producing his products. His entire approach will fall apart with just one misstep.

  37. 1.     Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    • The Plantito and Plantita Phenomenon During the Pandemic

    A captivating cultural shift unfolded amid global uncertainty and protracted periods of lockdown. Many individuals turned to cultivating ornamental plants as a wellspring of solace, creativity, and a means to imbue their indoor environments with resplendent allure. Within this newfound cohort, affectionately termed “plantitos” and “plantitas,” a burgeoning community took shape, sanctifying the art of plant care as an avenue for self-care. The act of nurturing plants not only conferred a renewed sense of purpose and communion with nature but also emerged as a therapeutic outlet amid the trials of the era.

    As this trend gained momentum, virtual realms, especially social media platforms, metamorphosed into sanctuaries for plantitos and plantitas to share updates about their plant collections, dispense gardening counsel, and unfurl ingenious ideas for home embellishment. Hashtags like #PlantitaLife and #PlantitoJourney surged through digital landscapes, forging bonds of camaraderie among enthusiasts. This movement was more than a mere appreciation for plant care; it materialized as an endeavor to craft living, breathing works of art within one’s personal space, all while discerning a gleaming thread of positivity amid adversities.

    2.     Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    • In this intricate backdrop, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on the audacious mission of channeling this newfound ardor into products meticulously tailored to the distinct yearnings and demands of plantitos and plantitas. These creations needed to effortlessly harmonize with the community’s cherished values: innovation, sustainability, and aesthetic resonance. The journey entailed navigating a design process imbued with empathy, unfettered creativity, and an unwavering openness to refine and iterate based on the community’s voice. It was a pursuit of producing commodities and sculpting experiences that would elevate the act of nurturing plants into an art form intimately aligned with the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita community amidst the unprecedented pandemic landscape.

    3.     Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    • Design Thinking Process: The Real-Life Case Experience by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

    Amid the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic, a real-life exemplar of creative adaptation unfolded within Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. This gallery embarked on a transformative journey by harnessing the growing trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” while responding to the clamor for aesthetic yet functional products that resonate with the plant enthusiast community. In particular, the gallery focused its innovation on crafting fiberglass jars and pots, a response that vividly demonstrates the design thinking process in action.

    • Design Thinking Process:  Empathize

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a transformative journey amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the global pandemic. In response to the burgeoning trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the gallery endeavored to craft fiberglass jars and pots that would resonate deeply with the plant enthusiast community. It’s worth noting that during this period, plant lovers were investing significantly in their botanical passions. Purchasing plants at elevated prices became the norm, with some specimens commanding hundreds of thousands and occasionally exceeding a million pesos. Amid this dynamic landscape, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery recognized that plant enthusiasts desired unique planters or pots that complement their prized plant collections and do justice to their substantial investments.

    • Design Thinking Process:  Define

    The insights harvested during the empathize phase crystallized into a precise challenge: How could Jojo Vito Designs Gallery create fiberglass plant pots that seamlessly merge modern aesthetics with features conducive to robust plant growth? This definition provided a clear compass for the subsequent phases.

    • Design Thinking Process: Ideate

    Guided by the well-honed challenge statement, the gallery’s creative minds brainstormed. They conceived various possibilities, exploring multiple shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive attributes. The fruits of creativity included concepts like durable plant pots in various forms, colors, and sizes, catering to experienced plant enthusiasts and those novices seeking convenient care solutions.

    • Design Thinking Process: Prototype

    The chosen concepts were then translated into tangible forms through prototyping. Fiberglass pots emerged, bearing design elements that accentuated both function and structure. Through rapid iterations, the gallery crafted prototypes that met the design aspirations and allowed stakeholders to experience their aesthetic and practical aspects.

    • Design Thinking Process: Test

    The gallery shared these prototypes across social media platforms and relevant online communities in bold stride toward co-creation. They invited the voices of the individuals their products were designed for – the plantitos and plantitas. This interactive exchange unveiled preferences for specific colors, sizes, and design nuances, initiating a dialog that fueled refinement.

    • Design Thinking Process: Iterate

    Empowered by the invaluable insights offered by their community, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery embarked on a phase of iterative refinement. They fine-tuned the prototypes in alignment with the articulated desires of the plant enthusiasts. Shape, drainage systems, and finishes were meticulously calibrated, ensuring each iteration resonated profoundly with the aesthetic sensibilities of the plant-loving community.

    • Design Thinking Process: Implementation| Market and Launch

    The gallery fervently unveiled its product line as the final designs matured. Leveraging the potency of social media, captivating visuals were woven into narratives that resonated with plantitos and plantitas. The story of the design journey took center stage, showcasing an ardent dedication to user-centric design and collaborative creation.

    • Design Thinking Process: Evaluation | Engage and Gather Insights

    Beyond the launch, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery sustained a dynamic rapport with its community. They actively encouraged users to share their interactions and experiences with the fiberglass pots. This engagement fostered a deeper connection and functioned as a vital conduit for insights into product utility, user challenges, and ideas for continued enhancements.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery transcended the realm of crafting products by steadfastly adhering to the design thinking process. They orchestrated a symphony of meaningful experiences that elevated the art of plant care. Through their fiberglass jars and pots, they resonated profoundly with the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita community during the pandemic, embodying the epitome of empathetic innovation.

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s story encapsulates businesses’ transformative journey in the digital age. From the bustling halls of traditional showrooms to the virtual avenues of social media, adaptation has been the cornerstone of success. The future promises to be equally dynamic, with emerging technologies like augmented reality and AI poised to redefine the landscape again.

    In the grand tapestry of marketing evolution, one thing remains clear: businesses that embrace change, innovation, and the power of human connection will continue to thrive. As Jojo Vito Designs Gallery demonstrates, the transformation journey is about surviving and flourishing in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing.

  38. Zax R. Caticat

    The rapid emergence of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” trend was a big hit when the global pandemic happened. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery quickly responded and gave a different set of utensils to the table. Given that the trend was focused in the plants and lifestyle, people didn’t really look or pay attention on what the pots may look like and how greatly it affects the overall aesthetics and functionality added to the plants. The Gallery recognized this opportunity and presented a unique spin in order to tailor to the different preferences, requests and requirements of our “plantitos” and “plantitas”.

    The Empathize part of the Design Thinking Process of the gallery was a major player in the game. Recognizing the purchasing power of the target market, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took action in crafting fiberglass pots that as said in the article “do justice to their substantial Investments” since these plants are truly cherished by their owners and not to mention, the fiberglass jars pots are not only sturdy and perfect for plants but it also has very creative designs.

    Going in detail about the design thinking process of the gallery, starting with Empathize, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery took a wider view on the perspective of the “plantitos” and “platntitas”. They saw that plant lovers are willing to spend big on their plants and are looking for ways to complement their prized investments. This paved the way for finding out how to create a jar or pot that will complement the plant aesthetically and at the same time function as a robust, conducive product. The gallery’s team then embarked on a creative journey, looking for ways to creatively craft a plant pot using different shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, brainstorming what could be used and what could be done. After formulating the concepts, the gallery didn’t waste any time and created actual fiberglass pots that were functional and met the design aspirations of the stakeholders. In order to further improve the prototype, they went into testing, seeking the valuable feedback of the target market, the “plantitos” and “plantitas”, using online platforms for efficient trade of ideas and information. After the valuable exchange of ideas, preferences, and feedback, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, through meticulous iterations, finetuned their prototypes to align with the desires of the plant-loving community. The prototype finally reached its mature state and has become an actual product with a captivating and user-centric design. The gallery used social media as potent leverage for the release. And of course, after the launch, the gallery did not stop there, establishing rapport, initiating deep interactions, and sharing experiences with the product in order to continuously improve.

    The iterative process of the gallery shows dedication and pursuit of quality. Their success came from the constant search for improvement, catering to the unique demands brought by the global pandemic. creating value for valuable consumers.

  39. George Alee P. Morales

    1. The rise of digital marketing has totally altered the traditional business environment of marketing, particularly in Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s. The article contains numerous examples of how digital marketing impacted jojo vito designs galleries. For example is, enhanced the interaction and customer engagement, with the advent of social media and digital communication channels, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s can directly engage with their audience. This enables them to gather feedbacks, answers and inquires. Second is, Digital marketing has allowed Jojo Vito Design Gallery’s to extend its reach beyond the confines of its physical store/location. Through various digital channels like social media, websites, and online advertising the business can now target their audience easily.

    2. Since most businesses in Bacolod used to have a physical display before deciding to have online platforms, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s first had a physical store to show its creativity by making masks and souvenirs, and once the business gained exposure and recognition, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s decided to change the landscape into an online presence in order for the business to extend and reach the specific target audience. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery’s navigate the move from physical displays to online presence because online presence allows you to directly and easily access your audience. The potential they have discovered include the ability to readily spread their items and the benefit to the consumer of having a convenient purchase. Social media plays an important role in broadening reach and cultivating genuine connections with a worldwide audience. It aids in increasing brand exposure, encouraging direct and authentic discussions, leveraging user-generated content, and gathering real-time feedback and market data. Individuals and organizations can use social media to build strong and meaningful connections with a worldwide audience.

    3. Jojo Vito Designs has responded to market demands by broadening its product offerings, embracing digital platforms, engaging with influencers, customizing design services, and doing ongoing market research. This indicates their capacity to adapt and think strategically in order to meet client needs and remain competitive. The business bravely made the daring decision to refocus its efforts because fairs and exhibits in Manila required significant expenditures. It refocused on cultivating its local roots and promoting its actual showroom rather than running after the glittering lights of larger trade shows.

  40. Kenny S. Mongcal

    The gallery used design thinking ideas to create goods that specifically catered to the interests and needs of this group. In addition to doing research to better understand the requirements of plantitos and plantitas, they also drew on their own knowledge and experience to develop novel solutions. A range of planters made especially for indoor plants is one of the goods the gallery created. These planters contain drainage holes to avoid root rot and are manufactured from pest- and moisture-resistant materials. Various plant accessories, such as watering cans, plant stands, and grow lights, are also available in the collection. The way Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded to the new trend of plantitos and plantitas is an excellent illustration of how companies can utilize design thinking to understand and satisfy client demands. Jojo Vito Designs Gallery used design thinking techniques in this way to create products for plantitos and plantitas. Empathy, collaboration, problem-solving, and iteration

    The design thinking method used by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery relied heavily on empathy. The gallery recognized the necessity to first comprehend the requirements and preferences of this group in order to develop items that would be popular and resonate with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community. The gallery investigated this topic, spoke with plant enthusiasts, and watched them in their houses. This made it easier for people to comprehend the difficulties faced by gardeners, such as choosing the proper amount of light and water for their plants and guarding against pests and illnesses. The gallery also made use of its own knowledge and experience to provide original responses to the problems encountered by plant enthusiasts. For instance, they created a line of planters that are especially made for indoor plants and provide a range of plant accessories to assist those who love plants in taking care of their plants. Because of the gallery’s empathic use of design thinking, they were able to produce goods that were specifically catered to the desires and needs of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” communities. As a consequence, the gallery’s business expanded, and the items it produced were well received.

    1. Empathize with the community’s needs and desires. The gallery first conducted research to understand the needs of plant lovers. They interviewed plant lovers, observed them in their homes, and read online forums and blogs. This helped them to understand the challenges that plant lovers face, such as finding the right light and water for their plants and preventing pests and diseases.
    2. Define the design challenge. The design challenge was established after the gallery had a clear understanding of the requirements of plant enthusiasts. The aim was to develop a range of planters, particularly made for indoor plants that would wick away moisture, be pest-resistant, include drainage holes to avoid root rot, and be pest-resistant.
    3. Ideate creative solutions. The gallery then came up with several imaginative solutions to the design problem. They experimented with various materials and finishes while also coming up with a number of distinct designs for planters.
    4. Prototype. The finest concepts were subsequently turned into prototypes by the gallery. To gain input on the design, usability, and aesthetics of the prototypes, they tried them out on plant enthusiasts.
    5. Test with the community. In order to gain input on the design, usability, and aesthetics of their prototypes, the gallery then tried them out on plant enthusiasts. To obtain more in-depth input, they also conducted questionnaires and interviews. The finest concepts were subsequently turned into prototypes by the gallery. To gain input on the design, usability, and aesthetics of the prototypes, they tried them out on plant enthusiasts.
    6. Based on feedback, iterate. Based on comments from plant enthusiasts, the gallery improved its prototypes. To enhance the planters’ use and aesthetic appeal, adjustments were made to the design, components, and finishes.
    7. Implement the items and launch them. The gallery installed and released the items as soon as they were happy with the planters’ design. They began offering the planters for sale both offline and online.


  41. John Lloyd Casipe

    John Lloyd Casipe BAMK 2-D

    1. The gallery empathized with the needs of plant enthusiasts and crafted fiberglass jars and pots that effectively addressed their aesthetic and functional needs.

    2. Empathy played a crucial role in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery. The gallery was able to empathize with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community by recognizing the therapeutic benefits of nurturing plants and understanding their desire to create living, breathing works of art within their personal spaces. This empathetic approach helped the gallery to understand the values and needs of the plant enthusiast community and craft products that resonated with them.

    3. The design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots involved several phases. The initial phase involved empathizing with the plant enthusiast community and understanding their preferences and requirements. The next phase involved defining the design challenge, which was to create aesthetically pleasing yet functional vessels for indoor plant cultivation. Following this, the gallery ideated creative solutions, exploring diverse design concepts to meet the needs of their target audience. Thereafter, the prototyping phase involved creating physical models of their designs to test their functionality and gather feedback from the community. Upon receiving feedback, the gallery iterated their designs, incorporating suggestions to improve the user experience and enhance the aesthetic appeal. Finally, the implementation and launch phase involved bringing their final designs to market and engaging with their target audience to ensure that their needs and desires are met. The iterative design process helped Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to create successful and resonant products that addressed the unique demands of the pandemic landscape.

  42. Atasha Marie Jardio

    Atasha Marie Jardio BAMK 2-D

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery responded by setting out on a transforming journey by embracing the rising trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” and it responded to the demand for aesthetically pleasing yet useful products that appeal to the community of plant enthusiasts. The gallery concentrated its inventive efforts, as a reaction that effectively illustrates the design thinking process in conduct, on creating fiberglass jars and pots.

    Empathy played to connect with the “plantitos” and “plantitas” in design thinking process through understanding and associating with the community due to the changes in global pandemic. The gallery tried to create fiberglass jars and pots that would strike a deep chord with the community of plant enthusiasts in response to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas.” It’s important to note that during this time, people who were interested in plants invested a lot of money on their hobbies. In this ever-changing environment, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery realized that plant lovers wanted distinctive planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and honor their significant investments.

    The stages mentioned from the design thinking process are Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Iterate, Implementation and Evaluation. In empathizing phase, the gallery tried to understand and connect by creating fiberglass jars and pots that would be highly regarded by the community of plant enthusiasts. In defining the design challenge, it simply gave the following stages an unambiguous compass. In ideating creative solutions, the creative minds at the gallery brainstormed, they developed multiple options, discovering different shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive features that resulted appealing to both seasoned plant aficionados and those seeking simple care options. In prototyping, fiberglass pots with design elements that highlighted both function and structure were created from the prototypes of the designs that had been chosen then the gallery quickly iterated to create prototypes that satisfied the design goals and let stakeholders experience both their visual and functional elements. In testing, in a daring step toward co-creation, the gallery shared these prototypes on social media sites and in relevant online forums. They sought out the opinions of the “plantitos” and “plantitas,” the people for whom their products were made. In iterating, the prototypes were improved in accordance with the expressed preferences of the plant enthusiasts wherein each iteration was carefully calibrated in terms of shape, drainage systems, and finishes to ensure that it deeply resonated with the community’s aesthetic sensibility. Lastly, in implementing and launching, as the final designs came together, the gallery eagerly showcased its product line through inspiring images were incorporated into stories that connected with “plantitos” and “plantitas” by utilizing the power of social media. The iterating process became a big part in gallery’s success because it expanded the ideas for continued enhancements which the gallery is very open to talk about how they engaged and used the fiberglass pots. They embodied the pinnacle of innovative empathy by deeply understanding the emotional and visual demands of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community throughout the pandemic with their fiberglass jars and pots.

  43. Glaiza May N. Chan BAMK2-D

    Glaiza May Chan BAMK2-D

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery undertook the bold task of transforming this newly discovered passion into items carefully designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of plantitos and plantitas. The gallery focused it’s innovation on crafting fiberglass jars and pots, a response that vividly demonstrates the design thinking process in action.

    Empathy makes Jojo Vito Designs recognize that those who love plants want unique planters or pots to go with their valued plant collections and appreciate their major purchases. So they create fiberglass jars and pots that will strike a deep chord with the community of plant enthusiasts in response to the emerging trend.

    During the emphatizing phase, the gallery tried to connect with and understand the aesthetic needs of the plantito and plantita communities. In defining the design challenge, the information gathered during the empathy phase was transformed into a specific challenge. In ideating creative solutions, the gallery brainstormed with the challenge statement as a starting point and explored shapes, sizes, materials, and inventive qualities to create sturdy plant pots for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. Following that, prototyping was used to transform the selected concepts into actual objects. Emergence of fiberglass pots with structurally and functionally accented design aspects The gallery created prototypes in a short amount of time that satisfied the design goals and gave stakeholders a chance to evaluate their usability and aesthetic appeal. In testing, the gallery embraces co-creation by sharing prototypes on social media, inviting plantitos and plantitas to share preferences for colors, sizes, and design cues. In Iterating, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery revised prototypes based on community feedback, modifying design, drainage setups, and finishes to appeal to aesthetic tastes of the plant loving community. Lastly, the gallery eagerly showcased its product line. Inspiring images were incorporated into stories that connected with plantitos and plantitas by utilizing the power of social media. The iterating process had a significant role in the gallery’s success because it broadened the possibilities for ongoing improvement. The gallery is very open to discussing how they utilized and interacted with the fiberglass pots. With their fiberglass pots and jars, they exhibited the height of inventive empathy by fully appreciating the emotional and aesthetic needs of the plantitos and plantitas community during the pandemic.

  44. Gonzaga, Carmela D.

    Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    – As said in the first few sentences of the article, “businesses found themselves compelled to adapt and innovate to retain relevance” brought by the challenges from the global pandemic. What Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did was they firstly researched on what else could they contribute to the ongoing trend that time for “plantitos” and “plantitas. They crafted such harmonious pots or jars that screams innovation, instead of just designing a regular pot for a plant, that could have been just be very bland to some of the consumer’s eyes, they had made various designs, varying in shapes ,sizes, and color, that matched onto their business’ art. Which, caught the eye of a lot of people who would like to elevate their gardens and match an aesthetic that they’re aiming for.

    Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    – Empathy became the heart of the design thinking process. As per definition, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, or thoughts of another human being. The gallery empathized by firstly, resonating what the plant enthusiasts community needs in their gardens. Since it has became a norm to spend a handful amount of money to plants. It is only rightful that they have a beautiful pot to compliment with, and second, since they understand now, that plant enthusiasts need this type of art added into they’re houses they crafted unique pieces that perfectly suits their prized plant collections that add aesthetics and personality to their plants which is what the market wants.

    Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    – Empathize, figuring and understanding what the consumers want or what to add to a product that they simply enjoy spending time with.
    – Defining, how could Jojo Vito Designs Gallery create such intricate pots made from fiberglass that fit the aesthetics suited to the consumer’s taste for there own aesthetics.
    – Ideate, brainstorming possibilities, letting creativeness take flight, exploring various shapes, designs, concepts for the plant pots in various colors and sizes.
    – Prototype, concepts were finalized into a tangible form, allowing stakeholders to get a glimpse of their aesthetics and practical aspects.
    – Test, sharing the prototypes on social media gathering insights and perspectives of consumers to better the product even more, altering to the taste of the plants enthusiasts.
    – Iterate, finalizing and adding a few more alterations to the designs, empowered by the invaluable insights offered by the community.
    – Implematation Market and Launch, releasing the final product into the market, with the help of socia, media, and the use of a collaborative collaboration with consumer and Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, they have crafted pot plants with extraordinary visuals that has captured the taste of the the plantitos and plantitas.
    In a nutshell, the iterative process first understands what consumers want for their garden by adding the owner’s personality to their plants and second, after design/product intended to be tested for prototyping, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery also listened to all of those comments. The community pays attention to what they can add to the pots to make it more relevant to their needs. Listening and understanding customers/consumers first is always the most important thing in running a business. This is why the iterative process has been successful in meeting market demands during the pandemic.

  45. Jewil Anne Perez

    Question 1: How did Jojo Vito Designs Gallery respond to the emerging trend of “plantitos” and “plantitas” during the global pandemic? Describe how the gallery recognized the opportunity presented by this trend and how they leveraged the principles of design thinking to craft products tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of this community.

    The pandemic had caused negative impacts on society but Jojo Vito Designs Gallery takes advantage of this phenomenon. The residents are fond of collecting and growing plants because of the boredom they experienced in their house. Some of the plants they bought are very expensive, that is why this design gallery made special vases and pots for their valuable plants. The designs and the material of the products are very perfect for the plants to place it outside because it shows how the designs of the pots have sentimental values for its customers.

    2. Question 2: In the context of the article, what role did empathy play in the design thinking process adopted by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery? Explain how the gallery empathized with the needs and desires of the “plantitos” and “plantitas” community, and discuss the ways in which this empathetic approach contributed to the creation of successful and resonant products.

    Nowadays, “plantitos” and “plantitas” bought high priced plants to elevate their homes, that is why Jojo Vito Designs Gallery made fiberglass pots and jars to complement the plants. These pots are not just protecting the plants, but it also serves as an aesthetic in their homes. These products are targeted to middle to high class individuals.

    3. Question 3: Trace the stages of the design thinking process as applied by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery in crafting their fiberglass jars and pots. Detail each phase, from empathizing with the community’s needs and desires, defining the design challenge, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, testing with the community, iterating based on feedback, and finally, implementing and launching the products. How did this iterative process contribute to the gallery’s success in addressing the unique demands of the pandemic landscape?

    Jojo Vito Designs Gallery did an amazing job to research their target market. Their designs are made from fiberglass, and it shows the quality end aesthetics of the products. They comply with the needs of their target market, that is why their products are a success. The design of their pots and jars are perfect for the buyer’s preference. After they hear the sentiments of the community, they make a product that can satisfy their needs. After they sell it to the community they ask for feedback about their product. In this case, they gave an honest review to the next potential buyers. They also held a live selling to reach the range of their target market. Because of this innovation, and meaningful experience to the target market, they can easily pull off their business idea.

  46. Josh Labyrinth T. Occeña

    As “plantitos” and “plantitas” became more and more popular, Jojo Vito Designs Gallery innovated and benefited from this trend. The gallery took advantage of the opportunity and catered to the needs and preferences of the rapidly growing community of the plantitos and plantitas to satisfy the needs of these potential customers.

    Empathy played a significant influence in the design thinking process because it makes plant enthusiasts aware that the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery supports their new hobby. By embracing the expanding “plantito” and “plantita” craze and in response to the demand of the plant enthusiasts, the gallery focused on creating fiberglass jars and pots. The eagerness of the gallery to innovate for the plant enthusiasts’ expanding community makes the plantitos and plantitas want to spend more in their newly discovered passion for plants.

    The empathizing part is where the gallery noticed that the plant enthusiasts wanted distinctive pots that complemented their cherished plant collection. In the defining section, the gallery discussed design ideas for fiberglass plant pots that combine modern aesthetics with features that contribute to healthy plant growth. The gallery then explored different features to identify problems that plant enthusiasts may encounter. The gallery at this time allowed the stakeholders to experience both their aesthetic and practical aspects,the gallery shared these prototypes on social media sites in order to get input from the plantitos and plantitas. Provided by the insights, the prototypes were then improved in accordance with the suggested preferences of the plant enthusiasts. After displaying a passionate commitment to user-centric design and collaborative creation, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery has finally displayed its final concept. The involvement of plant enthusiasts in the production of the fiberglass jars and pots prompted them to avail the final product.

  47. Ma. Sofia Valladolid

    With the plant enthusiast highly invested with their prized botanical possessions Jojo Vito Designs Gallery saw an opportunity for fiberglass jars and pots that would complement the market’s plant collections. They gained understanding on what the community needs and wants to design the right product. They also made use of the community’s opinions and insights to further improve their products to align to the market’s preference.

    Empathizing with the preference of the community allows Jojo Vito Designs Gallery to conceptualize what right designs and functions for the products that would be sought after. Noting that among the botanical collection of the enthusiasts would cause them a high splurge of money they could identify that the community will surely look for a home for their plants that is also aesthetically pleasing. Empathizing allows the business to create and introduce products that the market can appreciate and relate to making them to perceive their need for it.

    Empathizing allows the business to understand what the target market actually needs and want by relating it to the community’s perspective. Defining the challenge allows the business to have a clear goal and objective on what problem their product needs to solve. Ideate is the phase where the team comes up with the solution on how to counter the problem from the previous phase. Prototyping now allows the business to physically see the products and see what needs adjustment at a lower cost. Testing allows the business to garner feedback from the community and determine whether the product actually solves the problem or not. Iterating allows the business to further innovate the product based on the feedback gathered in the previous stage. As everything is finalize it now time to implement and launch the product to officially sell it in the market. This process allows the gallery to come up with the product actually suites and fit the target market’s preference.

    Submitted by: Ma. Sofia Valladolid (MRKT 104 BAMK 2-D)

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