Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

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Bacolod Tourist Spots and Things to Do + Negros Occidental Attractions

Indulge in the sweetest experience of a lifetime as you step into the heart of Negros Occidental, aptly known as the “Sugarbowl of the Philippines.” In its vibrant capital, Bacolod, the locals’ ever-present smiles are a testament to the sugar rush that runs through their veins. But look beyond the hyperbole, for Negros Occidental offers a treasure trove of wonders beyond the famous cityscape, sugar plantations, and mouthwatering chicken inasal. This enticing travel guide promises to unveil the diverse attractions sprinkled throughout every corner of the province. From captivating historical landmarks to picturesque nature escapes and a burst of rich culture, prepare to savor every moment of this sweet journey. Let your sweet tooth be your guide and immerse yourself in the allure of Negros Occidental – a taste of paradise awaits.


Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions


Bacolod Public Plaza – In the heart of Bacolod lies a place of enchantment and historical significance – the Bacolod Public Plaza. Renowned as the vibrant stage for the celebrated Masskara Festival, this plaza holds secrets that trace back to a momentous event in the province’s past. On November 6, 1898, the Spanish bravely surrendered to the indomitable revolutionaries, forever lending its name to this hallowed ground. Let the splendid gardens and playful fountains mesmerize your senses as you embark on your adventure. Prepare to be captivated by the echoes of history and immersed in the spirit of jubilation. The Bacolod Public Plaza beckons you to embark on a journey that intertwines the past with the present, promising an unforgettable and original experience.

San Sebastian Cathedral –Welcome to San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod, where history and faith intertwine to create an enduring sanctuary. Early Christian missionaries found comfort in the “Magsungay” natives, leading them to safety from Moro pirates and establishing a small wooden church. Over time, this humble structure evolved into the magnificent stone cathedral we admire today. The spirit of generosity permeates its sacred halls, with mestizos and peninsulares donating golden bells, exquisite chairs, and precious ornaments. As you explore this cherished place of worship, feel the echoes of devotion and become part of the timeless narrative that binds the faithful to their beloved cathedral in Bacolod.

Provincial Capitol and Lagoon – Step into the rich history and opulence of Negros Occidental, a province that thrived as one of the Philippines’ wealthiest from the Spanish Era to the 1980s, all thanks to its prized sugar industry. To pay homage to this prestigious legacy, Governor Jose Locsin commissioned the creation of an extravagant structure near the heart of Bacolod. Adorning its grandeur is a captivating sight – two natives gracefully pulling a carabao on opposite ends of the lagoons, symbolizing the lifeblood of the nation, agriculture. Today, the capitol is a testament to the province’s enduring pride. Its plaza comes alive with vibrant concerts and captivating events, where martial arts demonstrations and calisthenics showcase the spirit of the people. As you visit, don’t miss the chance to feed the fishes in the lagoon, immersing yourself in the ever-evolving tale of Negros Occidental’s treasured past and vibrant present.


Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery and –Imagine strolling through the vibrant streets of Bacolod City, feeling the excitement of your memorable trip. Amidst all the sights and sounds, no tour is truly complete without souvenirs to bring back home. And fear not, for I have two remarkable places to share – Jojo Vito Designs Gallery, hailed by Pia Wurtzbach in her show “Pia’s Postcard” and praised by Jessica Soho in KMJS. This celebrated mask maker showcases a dazzling array of colorful masks in captivating designs and sizes, perfect for your admiration or purchase. Even more thrilling is that they’re ready to craft a custom mask tailored to your unique taste. So, on your next visit, don’t miss the chance to grab a Jojo Vito original creation, a treasure that will forever remind you of your extraordinary journey. Advance notice? Send it their way, and prepare for an enchanting memento from Negros Occidental!FB Page of Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Negros Showroom – Welcome to the treasure trove of Negros Occidental’s arts, crafts, and furniture – the largest emporium of its kind in the entire province. As you step into this enchanting haven, prepare to be amazed by the diverse array of souvenirs on display. From intricate artwork to handcrafted masterpieces, this place has it all. Immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration, where every corner holds a delightful surprise waiting to be discovered. Whether you seek a unique souvenir or a perfect gift for a loved one, rest assured you’ll find it here. So, wander freely and let your heart guide you as you uncover the most extraordinary keepsakes to cherish from your time in Negros Occidental.

Villa Angela is the collective name for the shops and restaurants around the New Government Center. The “villa” mainly caters to NGC employees and those with business there. However, tourists are encouraged to visit and perhaps meet the Philippines’ next top entrepreneur or restaurateur.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

Chicken Inasal – you’ve probably heard of Bacolod Chicken Inasal  or Mang Insal if you’ve been in the Philippines for quite a while. Both famous restaurant chains serve the most popular dish in the whole country. Chicken inasal is roasted chicken marinated in calamansi juice, soy sauce, and pepper (traditional roasted chicken is usually sold as it has no seasonings or added flavor).  

Bacolod New Government Center  – the local government started the transfer of offices here around 2019. Doing so turns the original capital into a heritage site or museum. However, the tourists quickly followed suit. Visitors cannot get enough of its resemblance to the US White House, hence the structure’s popular nickname. Biking and skating are allowed on the grounds. Shops and food stalls have also sprung up before the Bacolod White House.

The Box is a part of Villa Angela so named for the shipping containers repurposed into bars, cafes, and restaurants. Most establishments usually open late in the afternoon until the wee hours of the morning. Patrons are usually professionals or socialites bonding after work over dinner or karaoke. 

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

· Kansi – a Visayan dish considered the hybrid of two local dishes, sinigang na baboy (sour pork soup) and nilagang baka (boiled beef soup). The main ingredient is beef leg or shank seasoned with batwan and jackfruits for a sour but yummy soup (although tamarinds can be substituted for batwan since the latter is only endemic to the Visayas). The beef part only distributes the flavor, but soft parts can be consumed.

·Puto Pao – steamed rice cakes (better known as puto) have been a popular delicacy in the Philippines since pre-colonial days. What sets the puto pao apart is that it looks more like a meat bun than a rice cake. It is made from egg whites and flour (instead of yeast) and is filled with either ground pork or minced salted egg. This puto variant was created to mix Chinese and Filipino tastes.

Pope John Paul II Tower – Pope John Paul II is probably the most popular pope in history. He blessed and inspired the faithful during his visits to different parts of the world. The Bacolodians appreciated the pope’s presence so much that they built a tower in his honor. The structure stands where the pontiff held mass and contains memorabilia from his momentous visit.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

Piyaya – no place can be called a “sugarbowl” if it doesn’t have a signature dessert. In Bacolod, piyaya is to dessert as chicken inasal is the main course. It is crispy flattened bread filled with ube and berries. The “burn marks” result from grilling, but rest assured that it doesn’t affect the taste of the delicacy. It even adds a meaty after-taste to it.

Napoleones – it is another one of Negros Occidental’s signature desserts, a half-foreign “relative,” if you may. French millefeuille pastry inspired this delicacy’s appearance and creation. According to locals, the dessert supposedly got its name from Naples, Italy, or a localized version of Napoleon (the name of a famous French leader coincidentally). Like its French counterpart, Napoleones is made of alternating layers of thin pastry and custard cream.  

Negros Museum – is dedicated to the history and culture of the people of Negros Island. The exhibits come from archaeologists, historians, artists, and other wealthy donors (showcasing the life, clothing, tools, and ornaments of the natives from pre-colonial times to the present day). Local painters sell their works in the souvenir shop alongside the usual trinkets. Performances are regularly held in the museum café for the enjoyment of patrons.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

· Masskara Festival – the most popular attraction in Negros Occidental is not a place but a lively festival. Tourists flock to Bacolod every fourth week of October to witness the locals dancing or parading in the streets while wearing colorful and unique masks and attire. Pageants are even held for the most beautiful mask and costume. Former mayor Jose “Digoy” Montalvo conceptualized the festival to cheer up his constituents after a string of provincial disasters in the 1980s. It represented the fact that Bacolodians (and, in turn, the Negrenses) will keep on smiling and focused on positive thoughts regardless of adversity.

· Panaad sa Negros Festival – although Masskara Festival is the most popular event in Negros Occidental, it is not the largest. During April, representatives of each province gather in Panaad Stadium to showcase their best offerings. Games, pageants, and other forms of friendly competition take place to determine who is the best for that year. Fortunately, no one cries foul, and everyone has a good time. The mini-exhibits of each region are also popular with tourists.

· Bacolaodiat Festival – Chinese New Year is a holiday celebrated in many Southeast Asian countries owing to the Chinese’s undeniable influence in the region. However, dragon dances and fireworks will not suffice for the Bacolodians. They built their very own Imperial Village, where visitors are encouraged to act and dress like the Chinese. Cultural shows and a food fair are also held there.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions  

BAGO CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Balay ni Tan Juan – means “House of Don Juan” in English and used to be the home of a Filipino hero, Don Juan Araneta. After his death, his family donated the estate to the local government. It stood still for many decades until converted into a museum in 1996. It showcases the life of the Filipino elite during the Spanish and American periods. Other exhibits include pre-colonial artifacts and massive illustrations depicting native life from the time of datus to Philippine independence after WWII.

· Buenos Aires Mountain Resort – a historic resort that once served dignitaries and politicians from the Philippine Commonwealth. Former president Manuel L. Quezon and his cabinet stayed in the resort for a week before fleeing to Australia. Afterward, the Japanese renovated the place leading to the quasi-East Asian aesthetic it has today. There is much to do here besides swimming and sample their ice cream bar and grill stations.

Kipot Twin Falls is a natural paradise on the outskirts of Bago City. Despite its proximity to an urban center, the forest surrounding the falls has yet to suffer from vandalism and other adverse effects of urbanization. The main draw of Kipot is that the falls are split into two parallel cascades. Visitors can even climb atop the rock, splitting them for a one-of-a-kind experience. Those not wanting to get soaked can instead climb the viewing platform.

Pataan Falls Mountain Resort – only a few establishments can claim to own their own (natural) waterfall, and Pataan is one of them. The city’s retired police chief founded the resort to provide accommodations and food to guests visiting Kipot and Pataan. It is not as big or luxurious as other resorts in the province but offers a splendid view of Pataan Falls and an excellent waypoint for exploring Negros Occidental’s forests.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do

VALLADOLID MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod)

· Our Lady of Guadalupe Church – it is one of the oldest standing churches in Negros Island. Barely renovations have been made to the original façade, except a fresh coat of paint every few decades. It serves as a testament to the sturdiness of coral rock, the primary material used. However, the altar had to be replaced because the original burned down. The roof and parts of the walls have gaps, so don’t be surprised to see some bats and small birds making the ceiling their home.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do

LA CARLOTA CITY  ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Guintubdan Mountain Resort is surrounded by waterfalls on all sides, providing guests with a magnificent vista. Besides swimming in the pool, you can take a guided trek across the forests or visit the garden containing rare flowers. However, if you’re stressed, feel free to seek inner peace in one of the resort’s so-called “meditation cottages.”

· Our Lady of Peach Parish – La Carlota is considered the oldest settlement in Negros Occidental. Thus, it only fits to consider the Our Lady of Peach Parish as the oldest church in the region. Purpose-made red bricks were used in the church’s construction instead of the natural coral rock.

Pasalamat Festival – One of the most colorful festivals in the province wherein dancers gyrate to the sambita beat from the famed drumbeaters of the city.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do

HINIGARAN MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· St. Mary Magdalene Church – as a predominantly Roman Catholic country, it is no surprise that the Philippines is full of churches. Almost all of them were built during the Spanish Era to spread Catholicism nationwide. St. Mary Magdalene Church is one of those still standing today. It was built to withstand both earthquakes and attackers. The façade remains the same, and the interior is renovated every few years.

· Senator Espiridion Guanco Bridge – named after a Negrense lawmaker, is part of an American effort to develop the municipality during their occupation. It is made of coral rock and Silay bricks, materials indigenous to the region. The bridge is officially off-limits due to its age (although locals still cross it from time to time), instead of serving as cover for an oyster farm underneath. A petition has been filed to proclaim it as a national heritage site.

· Talaba (Oysters) – this mollusk is considered a delicacy in Hinigaran. It can be eaten raw (along with salt and butter for taste) or used as an ingredient in various dishes. In the municipality, oysters are often fried and eaten with rice. Oyster cultivation is so prevalent there that many homes even establish “farms”. 

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do

KABANKALAN CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Mag-Aso Falls – “aso” means smoke in the Hiligaynon (the native dialect of Negros Occidental). True to its name, the falls create a blinding mist that nearly conceals it. The trail to the top is slippery, but the place’s splendid beauty makes the climb worth it. Visitors can swim in the stream or the pool irrigated by the falls. However, locals recommend that only good swimmers go to the stream because of its depth.

· Sinulog sa Kabankalan – the Sinulog is offered as a tribute to Sto. Nino. Like its more popular Cebuano counterpart, the Kabankalan version is colorful and festive. Locals cover themselves in ash and soot, mimicking the Negrense tribes, dance and parade throughout the streets to celebrate blessings and prosperity.

BINALBAGAN MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Bambi Falls – Negros Occidental is blessed with many churches and waterfalls. Bambi Falls is a recently discovered gift from nature, hidden away in the forests of Binalbagan. The area is quiet save for the soothing melody of the birds and the falls. Locals often take a dip in its waters and welcome visitors to do so. The local government has plans to build a small hostel and restaurant nearby to increase traffic to Bambi Falls.

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do

CAUAYAN MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

Danjugan Island – once the hub of criminals and illegal fishermen, the Philippine Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation turned the polluted island into a marine sanctuary. The local government arranges tours and is available only during the summer months (due to the tides and rains rendering the island nearly inaccessible at other times of the year). Once there, visitors can swim and dive in its coastal waters or lagoons, containing a plethora of colorful fishes and corals. They can even take pictures of rare birds and reptiles inhabiting the island. There is no electricity or potable water in Danjugan, so tours usually last only until 6 pm.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

LA CASTELLANA ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Bailes De Luces Festival – each region in Negros Occidental has something to offer visitors. It could be a natural or historical site, owing to the island’s beauty and rich heritage. For some, their bread and butter are festivals. Bailes De Luces showcases how New Year is celebrated Negrense-style. Locals wear vibrant attire and wave around fans in a splendid performance as the clock strikes midnight of the New Year. What makes the routine different is that LEDs are embedded into their costumes. These cause the performers to light up in different colors and patterns as they dance. The same goes for the backdrop, depicting different themes and scenes with each flash of light.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

CANDONI MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Kennington Hill Nature Park – the hills outside Candoni are an explorer’s paradise. Trek through the lush forests or climb the towering trees for the view and some fresh fruits. Afterward, you can go spelunking in the area’s numerous caves. However, caution is advised as many are formed by chalk and soft limestone, leaving them prone to cave-ins and sinkholes. In addition, according to local guides, not every cave and part of the forest has been thoroughly explored. If you’re brave enough, you might discover something new here.

SIPALAY CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

TALISAY CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

Ledesma Lacson Estate (The Ruins) – only the façade remains of this once-majestic estate. Don Mariano Ledesma Lacson, the province’s then-richest sugar magnate, built the mansion in honor of his deceased wife, Maria Braga. The family managed a plantation in the area until abandoning it in WWII. Unfortunately, guerillas burned the building and surrounding farmlands to prevent its use by the Japanese invaders. After the war, the Ledesma Lacson clan returned and restored the plantation (it is still in business today). However, they kept the ruined mansion as a reminder of a dark chapter in Negros Occidental history.

Balay ni Tana Dicang – one of the first sugar plantations in Negros Occidental and among the few still-standing ones. The descendants of Tana Dicang Lizares (the original owner) decided to turn the house into a museum when most of the family moved to Cebu. Walking inside takes visitors on a trip back in time to the 1870s. Every furniture and item within is in such meticulous condition that they seem to have been purchased just a few years ago (the newest piece in the home, a rocking chair, dates back to the 1950s). It’s as if Tana Dicang would bring in wealthy guests at any moment. There are even ledgers and records of transactions from 1903 – 1909. Barely any renovations have been done in the structure, and to add authenticity, the electric wirings and piping were removed.

· Campuestuhan Highland Resort – staying in Campuestuhan is like going to Switzerland due to its altitude and appearance. Not to mention being high up in the mountains means the place is cold. Besides the ambiance, the resort features attractions not commonly found in their lowland counterparts. There is a dino park, zipline, and bungee jumping facilities (in addition to the obligatory resort pools). The most prominent of these attractions is the giant hamster wheel usable by guests. All that’s lacking in this resort is probably folks imitating “Sound of Music.”

Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

SILAY CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

Magik Land – The city’s newest attraction is now operating to serve its guests. This theme park is an excellent place for kids and kids at heart.

· Heritage Tour – going into Silay’s “old quarter” makes visitors wonder if they’ve just made their way to 18th-century Paris. Not surprising since the city is considered “Philippine’s Paris.” Experience the early modern history of Negros Occidental as you visit some of the province’s most splendid structures. Not all can be entered (as some still have residents or offices), but appreciating the architecture is welcome. The “old quarter” is also where the Negrense revolutionaries first fought the Spaniards. A few of the buildings still have cannonball holes in them.

· Patag Silay – a strip of vacant land used as a campsite and venue for events. Stargazing is a popular pastime here as the place offers an unobstructed view of the night sky. Families and large groups often crowd the area during summers and holidays – holding communal feasts, boodle fights, fairs, competitions, camping out, and the aforementioned stargazing.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

VICTORIAS CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

Gawahon Eco Park – A great place of retreat from the busy city life. The place has several waterfalls, accommodation facilities, and a lot more.

· Peñalosa Farm – this place serves as a training ground on economic and modern farming methods under the joint management of the Peñalosa family and the Department of Agriculture. However, visitors are welcome to participate if they wish. Upon arriving, you’ll first see that almost every corner of the farm has fruits, flowers, and vegetables planted on it – either in the soil or in pots. Chickens, pigs, and cows are also raised nearby. Guests are encouraged to sample (or even purchase) what they produce and interact with the numbers. The farm recently opened a hostel and restaurant for trainees and patrons alike.

· St. Joseph the Worker Chapel (The Church of the Angry Christ) – its nickname better knows this church due to its altar mural depicting God in a seemingly angry expression. The other works follow the “expressionist style” of painting and are considered hallmarks of modern Filipino art. As for the structure itself, architect Antonin Raymond copied Japanese building techniques giving it “flexibility” and the capability to withstand earthquakes with minimal to no damage.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

MANAPLA MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod)

· Gaston Mansion – Negros Occidental’s sugar industry started from here. Even though the natives harvested sugarcane as early as pre-colonial times, French entrepreneur Yves Leopold Germain Gaston industrialized and modernized the process. His family managed the first (and consequently oldest active) sugar plantation in the whole province. Due to his nationality, Gaston followed 18th-century French architecture in constructing his home. While the farms and the Gastons have moved elsewhere, the mansion’s beauty remains (it was even used in the classic Filipino film “Oro, Plata, Mata”). It now serves as a museum showcasing the life of foreign elites and the roots of the province’s premier industry. What strikes visitors the most is the paintings and writings depicting WWII guerillas negatively, with the Japanese shown as benevolent but firm taskmasters (Filipino guerillas seized the property from the Gastons and even killed some of their members in the raid).

· Chapel of Cartwheels – it is named for the cartwheels used as ornaments within the chapel. Farmers of the area’s plantations built the church in the 1960s to have a place to showcase their faith and reflect in solitude. Due to their poverty, the farmers used their equipment and tools as decorations and for church service. Only in here will you see wine poured from a pestle and sacramental bread served from a stone lid.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

CADIZ CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod)

· Lakawon Island Resort – if Boracay Island is too crowded, this resort is for you (if you have a credit card). It is a newly-built luxury resort on the white sand Lakawon Island mainly catering to international guests. All transactions are done via credit card (although cash is accepted for Filipino and Asian guests). What sets it apart from contemporaries is its floating accommodations (heavily monitored due to the tides and only allowed for 1 or 2 guests) and floating resto-bar dubbed the “Tawhai” (Hiligaynon for “relaxation” and the place is the size of a small cruise liner).

· Dinagsa sa Cadiz Festival – the festival’s name means “gone to Cadiz.” The celebration is the same as that of the more famous Ati-Atihan and Sinulog. What’s different is that the participants also smear the faces and arms of visitors with ash and soot. The latter is even “invited” to join the performances at times.

· Daing or Tuyo – the cheapest food you can purchase in the Philippines is daing (otherwise known as tuyo). It is dried fish seasoned with salt and soy sauce upon consumption. The taste might offend foreigners, but it’s palatable than the balot. Cadiz City is the country’s largest producer of this “dish”.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

SAGAY CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Carbin Reef is a tongue-shaped sandbar surrounded by the eponymous reef. The waters are shallow enough that you can step on it. If you’re lucky, you may even encounter a sea turtle laying its eggs on the sandbar.

· Suyac Island Eco-Park – once you’ve relaxed on Carbin Reef, why not take a boat to nearby Suyac Island? Since it’s a marine sanctuary, you might have to secure permission from the local government. Once you arrive, the locals will entertain you with songs and serve a hearty seafood meal. Afterward, they’ll take you on a tour of the island’s mangrove forests and the thriving sea life. Swimming and diving are allowed in certain areas.

· Museo Sang Bata – seeing an attraction catering to children is refreshing. Take them to this museum and watch them play around in the mini carnival or read to their heart’s content in the library. Curators will also teach visitors the value of caring for the environment and recycling. Many of the paintings and sculptures are made by the local kids utilizing recycled materials. A digital show also lectures the young ones about different forms of marine life. The touch pool is a beautiful end to the lesson allowing them to interact with creatures commonly found on seashores, such as starfishes, snails, and sea cucumbers. 


· Pandan – it is a plant famous for its fragrant leaves. Some homes even use them as natural air fresheners. Pandan is usually used as a relish or a seasoning (along with coconut milk) for many Asian dishes, such as chicken pandan and coconut cream salad. In Calatrava, artisans use their leaves to weave straw bags, hats, and related items.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

SAN CARLOS CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· La Vista Highland Resort – a resort on top of a hill that offers guests a 360-degree view of the countryside. Other than its pools, La Vista boasts a fully-equipped recreational center. Name a sport; most likely, you’ll be able to play it there. On the other hand, an arcade and cyber café with the latest games and fast Internet caters to the techies and less physically inclined.

· Mayana Peak – one of the area’s newest attractions. Mayana Peak is an easy climb, perfect for casual tourists and amateur mountaineers. What awaits you at the top is a lone tree and a magnificent view of the verdant landscape as far as the eyes can see.

· Sipaway Island – locals often use the island for retreats and camping. While not primitive, its few inhabitants live knowing few modern comforts. Sipaway had only 24-hour electricity and potable running water in the recent decade. The local government has decided to develop the island to promote tourism gradually. What it lacks in amenities, it makes up for in tranquility. Go here if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

· Pintaflores Festival – all festivals in the Philippines involve lots of exciting stuff, performances, and food. Pintaflores Festival, held every November 5, is no exception. It is dedicated to Princess Nabingka, the legendary founder of San Carlos City. According to stories, flowers cured her of deadly sickness. Thus, in her honor, the locals dress in flower-based attire and makeup while performing elaborate dances. The lead performer would always be dressed in a pink gown, representing Princess Nabingka.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

DON SALVADOR BENEDICTO MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod )

·  Pine trees are often associated with Baguio but can also be found in other colder parts of the Philippines. Visayans instead visit Don Salvador Benedicto to experience “cool weather” and see some pine trees. Another draw to the province is the presence of unusual magnetic fields in certain areas. For example, these anomalies play around with the laws of physics – cars and metal objects are pulled upwards in inclines (instead of being pushed down).

· Malatan-Og Falls – here’s hoping you’re not yet tired of all the waterfalls. Falls are to Negros Occidental as resorts are to Samal Island. Besides enjoying the view from the top and swimming, visitors can also see and interact (with assistance from a guide) with monkeys living in the area. Do not forget to donate a small amount of money to the locals as the fund is used to keep this piece of paradise in excellent and clean condition.

· Rapha Valley – if you want to de-stress but cannot afford to leave city comforts, this place is for you. Dr. Albert and Marilou Jo manage this wellness center to encourage people to have a healthy lifestyle. Guests are given some of the best accommodations money can buy. During their stay, they learn about organic foods and lifestyle through formal lectures or conversations with the doctors during meals. Calisthenics and bonfire sessions are occasionally held on the open-air rooftop. The restaurant proves that healthy can be delicious with well-known dishes given an organic twist. There’s even a garden where different medicinal plants are grown (guests can purchase them). Good doctors even personally manage detox and weight-loss programs for aspiring clients. No doubt that your mind and body will be refreshed after your stay.

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

MURCIA MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

· Mambukal Mountain Resort – step into Japan with a visit to this resort. It is the brainchild of Kokichi Paul Ishiwata, who envisioned the resort as a place of tranquility. Mambukal’s unique offering is its proximity to hot springs. Guests can also relax in the sauna or get a massage. Resort management has recently started tours to the nearby forests and Mt. Kanlaon. The souvenir shop sells ornamental flowers and also holds flower arrangement lessons. Other resorts offer a nice swim or breathtaking adventure, and Mambukal prioritizes relaxation and gives patrons a taste of Japan.

· Mudpack Festival – it veers away from the ordinarily colorful festivals of Negros Occidental and focuses on the soil. It symbolizes the creation of man by the gods from the proverbial mud. Locals and visitors participate in clay sculpting and pottery competitions. There is also clay body painting and performances of native dances.

Negros Occidental satisfies not only your sweet tooth (and craving for chicken inasal) but your sense of adventure and wonder as well. Each region of the province has something different to offer. Once your trip to Bacolod and the Masskara Festival is made, there is still a lot more to see and do. Who knows what’s waiting for you at the next corner in the “Sugarbowl of the Philippines.”

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

( Bacolod City Tourist Spots | Things to Do + Other Negros Occidental Popular Attractions and Things to Do )

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  1. John Collin J Jaen BSIT3-A2

    When I became a mayor, I wanted the place to be developed was the place where I grew up, it was the (Silay city) I wanted to develop for the poor people . I wanted to build a resort on the flat and mountains. the mountains for the foundation. to be built for people who can’t work because in poverty and when the resort that I built develops, I want even the workers to be the poor in the village and to poor family in the mountains , let’s have a shop near the resort and complete with fishes and meat so that it will not be difficult for them to buy. And someday my resort grow i wanna build a School place in the area. They will no longer have a hard time in life when there is a big resort and tourist spot like campuestohan in talisay city. In the mountains of silay. and cafe brew and fast food chain by government in highways mountains view by government. For foundation and savings for incase phenomena.

  2. Kevin M. Astrologo BSIT 3-A2

    Kevin M. Astrologo BSIT 3-A2
    The ruins is an old house that many people want to visit in negros occidental. Wherein you can be able to enjoy with your family because there’s a lot of activities where you will be amazed to experience. Especially of those people or worker there are so welcoming when it comes to their visitors. Second is The Campuestuhan Highland resort that are so popular for all negrosanon because of there beautiful view wherein you can took a picture. Also there’s a lot of people who can adventure their place. Specifically , there’s have an big pool and kiddie pool for the safety for everyone especially for the children. Lagoon it is located in Bacolod city. It is popular because of the statue standing in inside of lagoon. And many people go there.
    If i am the leader what i want to do to the three tourist spot that i choose is to be known locally and internationally. Is it because if the other people that who are not based in a specific location of this tourist spot or here in negros occidental if they have a chance to visit so that they have already an idea where tourist spot that they can visit or they can experience. Also is to promote this tourist spot so that the other people should visit this tourist spot wherein they can enjoy with their family or friends.
    The traits of a leader that can do a development is to be an Influence and Communications skills. So that they can influenced or encourage everyone to visit those tourist spot. Also in a communication skills it is needed so that they can communicate other people very well by explaining what activities that it has in a tourist spot or they can welcome each of a visitors by using communication skills.

  3. kelly L. Lavergas BSIT 3A-2

    Silay City
    Victorias City
    Cadiz City
    I Choose this three this three Distination because theres a lot of things to do first in Silay City Patag i like to devolope this distination because theres a lot of mystery and a story behind this one of them the improvement of natural resources because base on my experience to tour this location there is a worst way to go in what you call ” Tinagong Dagat “of Patag i want to develope a good way to go there for good and experincing to engage to in this place . Second is Victorias Gawahon Eco Park is the best because theres a lot endangers species like the falcon, chimpanzee and other and my objective in is to protect animal wild. Thirs is Cadiz City Lakawon is the best beach in negros i have encountered because of the cleenlines of the soroundings i will develope the protection of our natural under water resources .

  4. Tristan Kent Balayo BSIT 3A2

    For me the best place to improve in negros is number 1 Bacolod Number 2 Silay and the last is Talisay number one is Bacolod because Bacolod is the biggest city in negros and there are many building in Bacolod and big mall in the Bacolod city. we need to improve that because the tourist first place their go is Bacolod because Bacolod many hotels and malls. Number 2 is Silay because the airport is in the Silay And only airport in the negros is on the Silay city that s why silay is my number two because all city on the negros only silay there are airport. Number 3 is Talisay because Talisay is in the middle of Silay and Bacolod All people is pass by because Talisay is in the middle of Bacolod and Silay in the.

  5. when I have the power to promote a tourist spot to the negros here are three of the ones I have chosen to get to know and visit in tourism.

    Lantawan view in silay city
    Lantawan view is beautiful place to relax feel the cold temperature. The lantawan view is close to our barangay .when this tourist spot becomes famous we who live nearby will set up a business for tourism to buy the necessary equipment and they will not go to the city to
    buy because the lantawan view is far from the city.most of the people living in this neighborhood are poor and their job is making charcoal. Making charcoal is one of the problems in a mountain because the trees here will be depleted which will prevent floods and landslides when people have a job or business such as when building a restaurant for tourism they will not cut down anymore of wood because they already have a business.

    Mt. Patag
    Patag is many famous resorts . They have ladlad resort, jambaro resort,toboso resort,liway resort and barracuda resort. Go to patag choose the resort what you want you can unwinding to the nice and beautiful view . You can relax and drink coffee to patag while watching the sunset 🌇 . Resort in patag is they have unique details that once in your life time to see and enjoy. It is perfect to go and bonding with family, friends and your partner. You feel the cold weather and nice beautiful views like tree’s , big mountains and the fog . I promote the patag tourist spot because I live silay city . If they have more tourist silay is became famous because of patag

    Ruins in talisay city
    Ruins is a old famous mansion in talisay city . Ruins is the perfect take ah photoshots when you get wedding pre-nap and family bonding . Also you can picnics with your love one’s or friends . I would like to promote like this tourist spot in negros because Ruins is old generation they have many story behinds this structure. Also many celebrity in the Philippines like to take film like coco Martin and Julia Montes. It is a perfect to take the visual image of Ruins and the structure make background of the film or picture. There was a unique detail and structure in the surroundings . If more tourist came to the Ruins the people live outside can put a business and get income to support there needs everyday .

  6. Ronnel Nagalo BSIT3-A2

    Negros museum is a museum which you can gain more understandings about local culture, histroy, artistic practice and ecology by looking to their collections and paintings. However, even though the entrance fee is 100 pesos and affordable but, Honestly it’s not worth it. You can go through all floors in just 10 minutes, it’s because not too much to see in here. If I am the owner of this museum, I will bought and brought more paintings and collections in every floor. And I will not focus in an objectives were this museum is only for kids. I’ll renovate it were kids, teenagers, parents and grandparents can enjoy also. I should also renovate the cafe into a cafe restaurant which they can eat and drink their favorite unique food and seasonal menu.

  7. Klint Libona BSIT 3-A2

    If I am one of the leaders of the province of Negros Occidental, I would pick these three tourists destinations which I believe needs some plans and actions for improvement.
    Negros Occidental is my beloved province and we were blessed to be visited by the Catholic’s most famous leader, Pope John Paul II on February 20, 1981. One of the important landmark and tourist attraction in Bacolod city is the Pope John Paul II Tower, a seven-storey building which was built in commemoration of the late pope. At the main entrance is a huge statue of Pope John Paul II and religious items and souvenirs can be found at the ground floor of the tower. It is located in the city’s reclamation area, the place where the pope has given the crowd the holy mass, attended by a huge number of followers. It was such a momentous and festive event for the people of Bacolod City as they were blessed by the Pope’s visit. The tower serves as a pilgrimage center that embodies and perpetuates the ideas, advocacies, life, commitment and holiness of the pope which is believed to be the promoter of the culture of life and love.
    I choose this as one of the landmark or attraction of Bacolod city that needs an improvement because the tower was somehow been left unattended. It needs cultivation and continuous care. If I am one of the leaders of the city for tourism I would get the help of the government or devout pilgrimage as much as I could to enhance the faded pictures and memorabilia displayed in each floor of the tower. Also I will gather more of the remarkable events on Pope John Paul II’s life and put it on the higher floors which are a bit empty, to encourage the pilgrimage or visitors to climb higher on the tower and see the beautiful view of the sea. And aside from putting the additional things inside the tower, promoting it more online, on Facebook, YouTube and Google will do a great deal on it’s publicity and encourage more visitors.

    Piaya is the famous delicacy of Negros and to be more specific, Bacolod City have the best version of it. Negros is known as major producer of sugar from its vast field of sugar cane and have made various kind of delicacies to promote the sugar industry of the province. They created and innovated what sugar can produce.
    Piaya is a crispy flattened bread filled with mascuvado cooked over a hot flat metal surface. The burn marks, a result from grilling does not affect the taste of the delicacy but even adds a meaty after-taste to it. And the best time to eat it is when it’s hot. Piaya is now exported locally in different places here in the Philippines.
    Supposing I am a tourism leader of Bacolod City, I will not only promote Piaya as a delicious delicacy of Bacolod City but also as a food that can put a smile on every locals and tourist’s faces upon eating eat because of it’s yummy to taste, affordability and accessibility on every area that a tourist must go. It shouldn’t be necessary for them to go farther and find a specific store to find Piaya, but it should be available in every tourist destination and localities. It will help boost not just the sales of the products but also promote it in every aspect possible.

    Gawahon Eco Park is also one of the tourist attraction located in the mountainous area of Victorias city, Negros Occidental. It is found at the northwestern part of Mount Silay, which is in the upper half of the vast North Negros National Park. Within the eco-park are seven waterfalls with beauty and splendor distinct from the other. It is somehow remained unexplored by many tourists who love to enjoy a cool escapade. From the breeding of stingless bees as the best source of honey, the waterfalls, pool, and the scenic view on the eco-park is worth the trip. And with it’s natural trait of having a cool ambiance with a luxury of forest and a lovely scenery, one would surely appreciate the place.
    However there are some parts of Gawahon Eco Park that needs to be develop and improve. If I will be given the chance to make a change on the place, I will suggest reconstruction of old slides and broken pathways over the falls. It will be dangerous for the guests to walk on a broken pathways and play on the broken slides. Also the pool and lagoon needs to be maintained with regards to cleaning. Pathways from one of the cottages are bit slippery during rainy days which are also dangerous. Victorias city government is in charge of the maintenance and beautification of the place therefore informing them and bring them to make a solution to the said concerns will be very helpful to the eco-park.

  8. Emel B. Baldeveso

    Emel Baldeveso Oct 29 EMEL B. BALDEVESO BSIT 3-A2

    Assignment chapter 3


    Bacolod Tourist Spots and Things to Do + Negros Occidental Attractions, TALISAY CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots), SILAY CITY (Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots). I think these three destinations are worth developing and improving because if I am one of these provinces after I have been assigned as a leader to improve the place, I will do my best to make it beautiful and I will feed the tourists, who come here and in abundance they will not forget and they will prefer to come back here.

  9. Loreto J Alipe III
    First, i choose masskara festival aside from it is a most popular attraction in negros occidental, for me, it is also the number one tourist spot in bacolod city wherein filipinos and foreigners from other countries set aside their own personal life and give time to witness and enjoy the said lively festival. It is worth to pursue and to continue improvements it is because tourist flock to bacolod and it is a big help to the economy most especially to the small business owners.

    Second, i choose campuestuhan highland resort, due to its attitude and appearance that you’re like going to switzerland if you stay in campuestuhan, but also tourist really want to stay here because of the ambiance of this place where it is perfect for family bonding. It is also worth developing tourist spot because many people want to stay in this place where it can also help to the economy and can also help to generate many livelihoods among the negrenses.

    Lastly, i choose museo sang bata, it is also worth improving tourist spot it is because i do believe n a saying that “THE YOUTH IS THE HOPE OF OUR COUNTY”. So, it is better to invest to the children by taking them to the attractions like museo sang bata, while they are enjoying they also learning and it is a big help also to spread the knowledge on how to take good care of the environment and do the recycling.

    If i am one of the leaders/officials of the province of negros occidental, i want to continue the development and improvement of the masskara festival, campuestuhan highland resort, and museo sang bata wherein this tourist spots can really abig help for our economy and can also generate many livelihoods among negrenses, as a modern world today it is easy to promote this three tourist spots i chose by posting it in social media to spread and widely known this very beautiful places here in negros occidental.

    In this development , first trait of a good leader, most importantly the self-discipline because you can’t be a good leader if you are not a good follower. Along this developments there is sacrifices, hardwork, late nights and failures to be faced but if a good leader focus to his vision, hustle day and nights, believe that it all worth it and trust the process of god then success will follow.

  10. Manuel Fungo 3A2

    The three destinations i would like to get further development is Sipalay for it’s white sand beaches, Murcia and Don Salvador Benedicto for their mountain views, restaurants and mountain resorts. All three have been my go to places ever since i started living in Negros and so far it hasn’t lost it’s charm. They are easily accessible to tourists and local residents and well known for tourists who are out to explore Negros. These tourist spots can easily attract big investments from businessmen through our local officials to further enhance what we already have.

  11. Arby Gumban #3A2

    Mag-aso falls,Kabankalan – its powder blue waters is one of the major reason why a lot of people have started to take notice of it one of the recomended place to stay to unwind though it has a cheaper price thiers a struggle in tranportation to reach this place. also you need to bring enough food in staying there. thus, it is owned and access by the goverment, much better if they had tier own store for thiee additional conveniency.

    Masskara festival, Bacolod City- One of the biggest and most awaited events in negros is the Masskara festival that will let you see the city at its liveliesr. sure not to miss these for a fun-filled festival exoerience, the streer dance and arena competition, float parade and electric masskara party. it made the wgole city the happiest and liveliest town yet very traffic.

    Pataan falls Montain Resort, Bago city – pataan is not as wide,spacious and equipped with one emenities as other mountain resorts, but it offer such a relaxing place, ideal for a weakend getaway. Resort offers defferent types of accomudation, depwnding on your own budget and preference.

  12. Johnie Dave Cordero #BSIT3A2

    Magicland – more rides, decrease the price rate to have more tourist to come.
    The Ruins – be able to have an own tourist transportation that consist a tourist guide.
    Lakawon Island Resort – decrease price rate to be able all the locals can afford. Adapt the program CLAYGO (Clean as you go) to maintain the cleanliness of the island.

    Traits of a good leader – long-term thinker, confident, people-oriented and effective communicator.


    Three Tourist Destination I think worth of developing
    I think most of the lists are almost perfect but I choose what I want to develop is

    The Ruins ruins are beautiful place a fresh air and you like you came back to the past time but I like to have there a Fish pond koi pond koi pond is attractive to people and some says koi is luck . I also want entertaining like singing and cultural dancing maybe we can also selling a souvenirs like made in woods . Souvenir shop building and selling flowers.

    Patag silay
    Patag is already a beautiful for people who loves nature if I want to develop I think have a tour Bus because there’s many places you can visit. Because walking or biking are tiresome because it’s high heels. We can also make a farm of strawberry or any plants that needed cold weather because in patag are perfect spot if you want to cool down in summer because of it’s cold weather. Like baguio

    Mambukal mountain resort
    Mambukal is good for adventure hiking in 1 to 7 falls . It’s big resort they selling a flower what if we make a farm of fruits so we can sell flowers and fruits resort and farm sounds good.

  14. Ashlley Jaztine Hisu-an, BSIT 3-A2

    These three Distinations and Tourist Spots, Patag in Silay City, The Ruins in Talisay City, and Lagoon in Bacolod City, is Worth developing and Improving. Because there is a Beauty Behind these Tourist Attractions, and it just need to be Introduce in tourist and even in Filipinos.
    This Places, Agricultural Industries, and local Dish is the Pride of Every Nagrense. The Leader must have the love of Country (Maka-Kalikasan), A good Leader thinks of His/Her Town as Their Home. There’s a lot of Tourist Spots that are Unknown or Not yet Discovered, and We have to take care of It.

  15. Zaver B. Divinagracia BSIT3A-2

    I choose bacolod, sipalay, and cadiz. Because they have a tourist attraction that can contest in every places in the philippines, I think the leader of this places is generous and love the nature cause they manage it and clean it for their visitors.


    BAGO CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )
    If I were the leader in this city I would keep the Clean surroundings Nice tourist spots And the order of this city will be maintained There is no coraption and clean governance among the people.

    CADIZ CITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

    If I am the leader or mayor of this city it is I will do everything I can and goodness in this city And I will also keep the coast clean And clean views for the people.

    MURCIA MUNICIPALITY ( Negros Occidental Attractions, outside Bacolod Tourist Spots )

    If I were the leader in this city it would be The blossom resort is open to all and free of charge And people will always clean it And I am also opening a new resort for tourists They seem to have a lot to go to And we will always keep that too The cleanliness of the resorts It also looks good to people and tourists That goes to resorts And the resorts will also remain open to the public For people

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